Sunday, February 27, 2011

Our United Nations, Our World, Our Folly

Our United Nations, Our World, Our Folly

We should all treasure the United Nations. As its website proclaims, “It’s your world!” According to that website, “The U.N. has 4 main purposes

To keep peace throughout the world;
To develop friendly relations among nations;
To help nations work together to improve the lives of poor people, to conquer hunger, disease and illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each other’s rights and freedoms;
To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goals.”

What rational being, what American, what Zambizean or Moldavian or Kazakhstanian could take issue with that lofty dedication to peace, friendliness, respect, and harmony among nations, none of which the U.N. has come even close to realizing?

Forget the origins of the U.N., the sleazey ngotiations that led to its founding, the able assistance in that endeavor of convicted Soviet spy and perjurer, Alger Hiss. Forget its repetitive, abject failures in the 66 years of its existence, the presence of China, Cuba, and Libya on its “Human Rights Council,” its consistently anti-Americanism over the years. The U.N. is “our world.”

The United Nations began with 51 nations after World War II and has now blossomed into a bloated membership of 192 countries, most of which have, if not outright contempt for its chief benefactor, the United States, a studied, diplomatic disregard for our interests.

Despite all the negatives, the U.N. has evolved into the international organization par excellence, the organization that has been impotent in ending the unending wars since WWII, the last best hope for mankind. Oh, it also dispatches kids on Halloween to beg for UNICEF money.

The U.N. Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon of the Republic of South Korea, just announced an exciting new initiative.

For some historical perspective, Mr. Ban succeeded Ghanian Kofi Annan. Annan had followed Egypt’s D.r. Boutros Boutros-Ghali and personally presided over the genocide in Rwanda. He was rewarded for that disservice with the office of Secretary General. Wearing his new hat, he oversaw a U.N. sex harrassment scandal, the Oil-for-Food Scandal, and his son, Kojo Annan raking off millions in that mess.

Kofi was again rewarded, with a Nobel Peace Prize.

Anyway, in recognition of the United Nations’ “World Day of Social Justice,” . . .

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