Monday, February 21, 2011

A Mistress, A Cop and 26 Republicans

A Mistress, a Cop, and 26 Republicans

No, the mistress, the cop, and the 26 Republicans is not a lead-in to a dirty joke and not elements of the same story, although they are related.

One thing the separate stories have in common is that each involves the unexpected: The mistress confesses that being kept isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, the cop is outed as more empathetic toward cop-murderers than to cops, and the Republicans bailed on national security.

The mistress, Cathrine Goldstein, is probably the least reprehensible of the lot. Author of Sleeping with Mortals: The Story of a New York Mistress, Goldstein is now a married Long Island mother but back in her heyday she was what some would call a whore and prostitute and worse, descriptions she understandably rejects.

A young, midwestern beauty, she “went wrong” after hitting New York City, hooked up in every way with older, usually married, always well-heeled men, and eventually came to understand that,”You feel like a goddess, seducing these men. But you quickly realize that you’re no more important than a blow-up doll:”

Goldstein may have serious difficulty explaining her youthful indiscretions to her neighbors, not to mention her kids, but, to her credit, she’s at least honest, sincere, and regretful and says, “You think it’s [a mistress' life] all glamorous, but it’s really not.”

Dante Alighieri, author of the Divine Comedy’s “Inferno,” was a bit of a rake in his own heyday which may explain why he consigned “The Lustful” to the Third Circle of Hell just below the innocents in Limbo and far from the Ninth Circle which was reserved for eternity for the souls of sinners against family, betrayers, and traitors.

I’m not consigning Goldstein anywhere but if the aforementioned cop and those 26 Republicans don’t qualify as betrayers and traitors I’ll chuck my edition of the Divine Comedy.

Former St. Petersburg, Florida police chief Goliath Davis III is neither honest, sincere, or regretful after he demonstrated that his loyalties and disturbing priorities did not lie with the law-abiding citizens of St. Pete but rather with a cop killer.

Two police officers Sgt. Thomas J. Baitinger and canine Officer Jeffrey A. Yaslowitz were murdered by career criminal Hydra Lacy, Jr. last month. Former police chief and current Senior Administrator of Community Enrichment Davis saw fit not to enrich the police community. He attended the funeral for the murderer, whose family was deeply appreciative. However, he skipped the funerals of the officers after indicating he would attend then lied about it.

Davis is black as was the cop-killer. The officers were white. Whether race was a factor in Davis’ choice of funerals is conjectural. His grievous lack of judgment and the insult to the families of the slain Baitinger and Yaslowitz were not.

Adding to the insult, the family of gunman Lacy . . .

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