Saturday, February 12, 2011

Smelling Rats

Smelling Rats

I don’t think I’ve ever smelled a rat. Dead mice, yeah, but never a rat. I can only assume that dead rats are as olfactorily offensive as dead mice. I’ve never actually seen rats deserting a sinking ship, either, but I’m guessing they do since diving into the briny sure must beat drowning in a stinking hold.

A particularly offensive and noisome living rat is 55 year old Bill Maher. Best known for his uber-politically correct, thankfully defunct tv show on Comedy Central, “Politically Incorrect” and acting credits in such classic films as ”Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death,” Maher took up political commentary after a failed career as a stand-up comic and has finally said something worth hearing.

Considering the law of averages, it was bound to happen.

In a televised panel discussion with other nonentities, Maher first said of President Obama that, “He’s pretending to be a centrist” and suggested Obama was a hypocrite on gay marriage. He then dropped a blockbuster by saying the president was “not a Christian” as he has claimed but “a secular humanist just like his mother.”

Just incidentally, the atheistic philosophy of secular humanism rejects all faith and dogma in favor of a reliance on reason as a path toward morality, a subjective approach to life which could explain both Obama’s life and his manner of governing.

Of course, Maher found time to slam Iowa Republican caucus members as well, calling them “the children of the corn” and adding that ten of twenty five of them called Obama a Muslim. Do they know what a Muslim is?” See the 3 minute video of all the hilarity here:

Let’s just see, now. Mr. Tingles, “Hardball’s” Chris Matthews, who gets thrills up his leg in the presence of Barack Hussein Obama, recently gave support to contentions of the so-called “Birthers” that Obama wasn’t born in America by insisting the president produce his birth certificate. He was just joined by Maher in suggesting the president is a liar. . .

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