Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bush Tales from the Vacuous Side: Candy Crowley and the Professor

Bush Tales from the Vacuous Side: Candy Crowley and the Professor

What does it take for Obama’s MSM to wake up and smell reality? So consumed as they are by lingering hatred of George W. Bush, the poor things can’t see or think straight.

Take CNN’s Candy Crowley. Please. Not that she noticed but Ms. Candy had a reality check during an interview of Bush 43′s Secretary of Defense Don Rumsfeld who was plugging his new best-seller, Known and Unknown. Apparently she was thinking she was dealing with an Obama lackey when she tried to put words in Rumsfeld’s mouth by alleging “that in two years [Obama] has been able to return this country to a status of being liked across the world in a way that America was not liked during the Bush administration. That he has once again made America a beacon.”

That “beacon” brings to mind Ronald Reagan’s memorable, “America is a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere.” If Crowley was making an attempt to compare Obama with Reagan, she should be committed.

She may have meant one of the two related definitions of “beacon” as “a source of guidance or inspiration” or “a signal fire, especially one used to warn of an enemy’s approach” but that’s unclear, although the latter has some credence. As “a source of guidance or inspiration,” her hero has been a resounding dud unless, that is, Crowley believes guiding a nation toward bankruptcy and dividing a nation along racial, economic, and cultural lines is inspiring.

Like the liberal pit bull she is, Crowley went on, ”Do you agree with that? Do you think that the U.S. is now looked at much differently than it was and much more positively than it was during your tenure?” which was tantamount in stupidity to asking if Moammar Khadafy thought he was near and dear to the hearts of Libyans.

With a studied nonchalance and more patience than most people could muster, Rumsfeld responded, “No. And I don’t think there’s data that supports that,” then added a stinging zinger, “I think he has made a practice of trying to apologize for America. I personally am proud of America.”

Aghast at his response, as any Obamian would be, Crowley soldiered on: ”Well, he seems to be quite popular overseas in a way that President Bush was not. The streets aren’t full of people burning him in effigy. There does seem to be a new–a chance to look at America in a different way than it did during the Bush administration. You don’t think that’s true:”

Ever the gentleman, Rummy politely disagreed and didn’t suggest the obvious, that Candy and her coterie try reading the newspapers rather than just DNC talking points.

A breathless exhibition of venom on, a website that makes one wonder whether leftists get nosebleeds high up in their unreal ivory towers, “Who’s the Worst President of Them All,” far surpasses Candy Crowley in both political myopia and pure vitriol in assigning Bush 43 the bottom slot in a virtual tie with James Buchanan.

Glenn W. LaFantasie, which I hope to God is a pseudonym . . .

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