Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Truth Will Out, and Other Lies

The Truth Will Out, and Other Lies

“The truth will out,” along with what seems a million other terms and phrases, is credited to Will Shakespeare and, as with so many other wise Bard aphorisms, is generally true. Except when it isn’t.

We’re bombarded daily with news reports, announcements, statements many of which, based on their sheer repetition, become chiseled in our brains as absolutes when they are absolutely false.

Fortunately, usually, the truth will out, will work its way through piles of faleshoods and be exposed for what it is.

Two examples follow:

The Global Warming Farce, aka The Big Lie: A prime instance of truth outed is the long-running charade that is anthropomorphic/anthropogenic climate change.

Those big words, simply a high fallutin’ multisyllabic way of saying mankind did it, is a baldfaced lie which is finally getting exposed.

We have been warned and lectured that man is responsible for global warming/cooling/climate changing for years now and that we had better stop being poor stewards of the planet before said planet eats us up and spits us out.

Environmental radicals . . .

(Read the rest at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=1343)

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