Sunday, November 29, 2009

Rally Against NYC Terror Trials!

Rally Against NYC Terror Trials!

. . . Those opposed to this farcical show are planning a massive demonstration at noon next Saturday, December 5th in Foley Square, Manhattan.

The 9/11 Never Forget Coalition,, consisting “of 9/11 survivors, family members, first-responders, veterans, and active-duty and reserve military” in conjunction with its “partners, (a site maintained by New York firefighters remembering the fellows they lost on September 11, 2001), 9/11 Families for a Safe and Strong America, and Keep America Safe“ will stage the rally: .

Foley Square, in the heart of N.Y.C., is accessible by various bus and subway lines.

The rally will be the first, and maybe the last, chance for Americans to be heard in opposition to Holder’s asinine and dangerous call to give Khalid and al-Qaeda what they’ve wanted all along. Within weeks, this crew will be regurgitated on the doorstep of what once was the World Trade Center. . .

(Read the rest at

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