Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sarah Palin in the Crosshairs

Sarah Palin in the Crosshairs

Ok, we’ve known since she was nominated as McCain’s pick for VP that the Left was salivating to get at Sarah Palin, in more ways than one.

They had a presumed Republican novice in their sights and they collectively zoned in on the governor of Alaska.

Even they felt uncomfortable trashing an American hero, John McCain, aside from saying he was an old fart who didn’t know the internet from a hairnet, much like Joe Biden who thought websites have phone numbers.

However, Palin was more than fair game and they proceeded with vicious ad hominem, family, and political attacks since, closet-sexists as Lefties are, they felt they could freely pummel her and she would roll over and play dead or roll over and let them have their figurative will with her.

They failed in both ambitions.

Sarah Palin proved to be the best choice McCain could have made, drawing far bigger and far more enthusiastic crowds of true Republicans, true conservatives than the wishy-washy war hero.

The so-called “women’s movement” became more a bowel movement when it came to supporting a conservative woman candidate.

Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses but don’t even think of giving us a woman who revels in her husband and her womanhood, despises abortion, and who professes conservative values.

Sarah Palin scared the Democratic Left to its rotten core in 2008. In 2009, with the publication of Going Rogue: An American Life, she has petrified them.

With the able assistance of fellow McCain RINOS who are still seeking a scapegoat for their ignominious loss and disastrous screw-ups, the campaign to destroy Sarah Palin, begun 15 months ago, has intensified.

McCain strategist Steve Schmidt joined the Left in lambasting Going Rogue.

With a history of masterfully strategizing defeat on state and national levels, (cf. Tim Leslie, Matt Fong, and Lamar Alexander), Schmidt should have slunk off to the Home for Loser Strategists last November 5th.

Instead, he chose to lie in wait and to snipe at Palin in an attempt to save his sorry rep.

“Total fiction” and disappointing, bleated Schmidt about Going Rogue. This from the same man who undermined Palin’s candidacy from the start by alleging she suffered from post-partum depression.

He went on to almost single-handedly guide the McCain-Palin ticket into a humiliating electoral nosedive last year. Sore loser extraordinaire Schmidt is now whining because Palin had the fortitude to out him and his failures.

Is it any wonder he would be p*ssed?

Schmidt’s getting his nose out of joint over Going Rogue is paled by the Left’s anticipated antipathy toward Palin and her book. It is as if it were a revised edition of Mein Kampf.

Epitomized by the rush to publication of Going Rouge: An American Nightmare, the lividity of the Left over Palin is as transparent as their hero, Obama, is opaque.

Palin may not snag . . .

(Read the rest at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=1340)

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