Thursday, November 19, 2009

"I Know We Are at War," and Other DC Fables

“I Know We Are at War,” and Other DC Fables

As more and more cracks appear in the previously-impenetrable Wall of Obamian MSM Idolators, the president must be wondering if he could get away with bailouts for all of his driveby media whether they need it or not.

When “SNL” feels free to take potshots at Obama, the Times prints truthful news about him, and even no longer feels he is sacrosanct and beyond reproach, something may be a-brewing that could approach even-handed treatment of the president.

Some queasiness just might be settling in on the banks of the Potomac and within the White House walls as the administration gets a tad nervous.

In an appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Attorney General Eric Holder attempted to defend his decision to try 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his co-conspirators in a federal civilian court in Manhattan, within virtual spitting distance from Ground Zero.

Committee Chairman Pat Leahy (D. VT) wasn’t able to shield Holder from some hard questions concerning his decision, a decision he has contended he alone made, which is as preposterous as it is damning.

Would the President of the United States have had absolutely no input in the matter of by-passing military tribunals? If so, he is more out of touch with reality than it has seemed and once more he has contradicted himself.

Holder surprisingly admitted something Obama has long avoided by saying: “I know that we are at war. I know that we are at war with a vicious enemy who targets our soldiers on the battlefield in Afghanistan and our civilians in the streets here at home:”

He held fast to the Obama position that the war is not against Islamic terrorism by never mentioning that abhorrent phrase. . . .

(Read the rest at

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