Sunday, November 1, 2009

"Queering American Education"

“Queering American Education,” and Other Edifying Thoughts

“Nowhere is this failure [of education] more evident than when it comes to antigay prejudice, and nowhere is that particular failure more manifest than it is in our elementary schools.”

“Acknowledging children as sexual beings or allowing males (particularly homosexuals) to teach in elementary grades dislodges the classroom from the ‘safe haven’ of heteronormativity.”

“Boys don’t have to stand to urinate (nor do girls have to sit–they could squat), that’s just how they got conditioned.”

“Assumptions about children’s ‘innocence’ regarding sexuality are outdated.”

All of the above quotations are taken from Queering Elementary Education: Advancing the Dialogue about Sexualities and Schooling, a 1999 book for which Obama’s “safe schools czar,” Kevin Jennings, assistant deputy secretary for education who heads the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools, wrote a foreword.

Jennings “called for elementary school children to explore their sexual identities, for teachers to incorporate homosexual themes in grades K-5, for discarding a ‘hetero-normative’ approach to education and for ‘acknowledging children as sexual beings:’ ”

Jennings is the founder and president of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network.

The lead quotation above is also taken from his foreword, the other three from contributors to Queering . . .

If I may be so presumptuous as to summarize the contents of a book I’ve never read, it’s a work intended to subvert the innocence of children in the interests of furthering the agenda of the homosexual lobby.

I base that presumption on a passing acquaintance with Jennings in the sense of knowing his history. See previous articles about this gem of an Obamaczar, and

Not on his resume’ is his advising a 15 year old boy to wear a condom during his assignations with an adult, male pervert while Jennings was a teacher in Barney Frank’s Massachusetts. . .

(Read the rest at

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