Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Lies, Lying Lies, and Letterman

Who to believe?

Dirty Dave Letterman, the teflon-coated comedian/late night talk show host is being beseiged once again.

Not that any of it mattered to CBS or its president Les Moonves.

However, since he wed long-time live in, Regina Lasko, mother of his now 6 year old Harry, in March, poor Dave has repeatedly been run through a mill of his own making and always comes out well, smelling like Dave.

CBS’ meal ticket can apparently do no harm.

His reference to Sarah Palin as a slut and to her daughter, Bristol, as not much better didn’t even stir the ire of the NOLW, the National Organization of Leftist Women and other defenders of the fair sex because he is philosophically one of them.

Rather than offer a true apology for those nasty slurs, he gave a feigned contrite pro forma on-air speech and to demonstrate his heart-felt sincerity compensated by relentless ridicule of Palin and, lately, of her best-selling book, Going Rogue.

For those who’ve forgotten that contretemps, including either Bristol’s or 14 year old sister, Willow’s bumping the uglies with A-Rod out in right field of Yankee Stadium, do see http://bit.ly/3jvH2h.

Then came yet another tear-jerker, his disclosure in September, also in front of his adoring, applauding audience, that he had been the object of an extortion plot by Joe-Bob Halderman, a CBS producer.

Not wanting to cough up a two million dollar ransom for his reputation, Letterman instead called in the cops and Halderman was arrested.

And the crowd applauded more.

That mess related to Dave’s promoting his former, young and perky intern, Stephanie Birkitt, . . .
(Read the rest at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=1316)

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