Sunday, November 29, 2009

Adam Lambert and the Culture of Gay

Adam Lambert and the Culture of Gay

I previously posted an article titled, “Give Gays an Inch . . . ” primarily dealing with the gay exhibition by Adam Lambert on the telecast of the “American Music Awards.”

Since then, I have been accused of everything from being a bigot, a homophobe, and, the most unkindest cut of all, a closet homosexual.

I would like to enter a guilty plea to two of the above accusations, as long as we get our definitions correct.

If I am a bigot because I felt Lambert’s performance on the “AMA” went far beyond the pale of normal, public, human behavior–even for “entertainers”–and for that violation of common decency and propriety Adam Lambert should be denounced, then I am guilty of bigotry.

If I am a homophobe, a popular gay mistranslated euphemism for one who fears and/or despises those of the the gay persuasion, because I believe homosexuals have been running amok in America, then I am guilty of homophobia. And proud of it.

If I am in the closet, I just hope . . .

(Read the rest at

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