Sunday, November 29, 2009

Amusing Paranoia, Goofy Silliness

Amusing Paranoia, Goofy Silliness

“Man doth not live by bread alone.” He also needs some laughs amidst all the dire warnings and true dangers in our world to make that bread more palatable.

Fortunately, mankind being what it is, someone is always out there who will temper the serious with some chuckles, intentionally or not.

Amusing Paranoia: Fidel’s Cuba has long thrived on keeping its slaves paralyzed with fear.

Ever since the Bay of Pigs fiasco when JFK made the mistake of listening to the dovish Adlai Stevenson and refused to furnish promised air support for the Cuban espatriates’ foiled invasion to take back their homeland, Castro’s Communist regime has employed the “fear weapon” to keep his subjects in line.

Why Cuba’s 11 million sheeple would be so terrified of becoming free people again is only explicable by 41 years of Communist brainwashing which has made them virtual automatons.

Che Guevara-less, they labor in state-owned sugar cane fields, sweat on state-owned Cuban tobacco leaves, and toil in state-owned factories, ever mindful that those damned Yanquis will somehow mess with their Utopia on Earth.

Things haven’t changed much since Fidel fell down, nearly broke his crown, developed diverticulitis, and passed the family dictator baton to baby bro, Raul.

Which Castro is responsible for the latest invocation of paranoia is debatable but it’s evident that old time Castroism is still alive and well: According to Reuters, Cuba has launched “war games” in anticipation of “a possible invasion by the United States.”

Designated “Bastion 2009,” the preparation is necessary because there “exists a real possibility of a military aggression against Cuba:”

Either Fidel and Raul should get a reality check, or at least buy a vowel.

With Obama residing in the White House and their residing in presidential palaces, the likelihood of an American-sponsored invasion of Castroland is on a par with Obama’s determination to bring about American solvency and to adequately protect the United States.

The Castro tag team should rest easy in their opulent surroundings content in the knowledge that they’re perfectly safe. Under their system of government, all Cubans are created equal although some are more equal than others. And they’re in the catbird seat.

Goofy Silliness: The grand ol’ dame of Democrat politics, Helen Thomas, has been a White House fixture since, I think, shortly after Grover Cleveland ran for his second term. . . .

(Read the rest at

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