Monday, November 23, 2009

The Democrat War on the Christian God, Part III

. . . To many on the Left, Barack Obama “is sort of God.” I didn’t manufacture that quote. They are the precise words articulated by noted Leftist, Evan Thomas, in an interview on Thrill-Up-His-Leg Matthews’ MSNBC.

To emphasize his skewed perspective, Thomas also dismisses Ronald Reagan as being “all about America,” as if that were a bad thing, at the same time he deifies Obama who shows “we are above all that now:”

Thomas added that Obama “is gonna bring us all together.” That view was not evidenced by the Tea Parties, the raucous town hall meetings in August, the massive conservative March on Washington on September 12th, and the national divisiveness not seen since the Viet Nam War.

Thomas failed to mention all those demonstrations of godly togetherness achieved by our “national healer,” as the AP described Obama on November 10th.

One has to wonder “upon what meat doth this our media feed,” as Shakespeare might say, that they are leading the charge against country and God?

The New York Times’ Nicholas D. Kristof, subbing for the insufferable Paul Krugman, provided a clue in his 2003 article, “God, Satan and the Media.”

He begins with the preposterous assertion that, “Claims that the news media form a vast liberal conspiracy strike me as utterly unconvincing.” He then concedes that ”nearly all of us in the news business are completely out of touch with a group that includes 46 percent of Americans. . . evangelical or born-again Christians.”

Kristof thereby reinforced . . .

(Read the rest at

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