The Art of Stupid
Based on decades of observation, it’s long been my view that the dumbest people tend to call others stupid and when they really don’t grasp something the ungraspable is deemed even more stupid.
Two examples of those who have developed stupidity into an art form are Frank Rich and James Lovelock.
Frank Rich, irascible New York Times columnist and commentator on American politics and society, has over the years demonstrated a remarkably obvious disconnect with both.
Rich’s mindset is leftist, markedly so to the extent that he perceives all events which reflect the conservative viewpoint as being marks of the devil or of Adolph Hitler or both. His latest failure concerns the lividity, not the death pallor but the blanching fury of the majority of Americans toward the abomination of obamacare.
Rich, being smarter than the rest of us peons and much smarter than us Neanderthals who call ourselves conservatives, knows exactly why we opposed and still oppose the nation’s excursion into socialized medicine and the reason is not what normal people might think. . .
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Smothered Teen Souls
Smothered Teen Souls
. . . “The Leaden-Eyed” was written in an entirely different context but fully applies to two young American girls whose lives were literally “smothered out” before they had a chance to reap the joys of life. Their souls were starved by their insensitive worlds, their dreams and gods did not save them.
They didn’t die like sheep, either. They died agonizing deaths by hanging themselves by the neck in their homes, the only places they could find succor and safety from the mean world and vicious people in their schools but places that couldn’t give them relief from their pain.
It’s simplistic to say that 15 year old Phoebe Prince and 17 year old Alexis Pilkington committed suicide. Both girls were the murdered victims of modern life, both suffered far more slings and arrows than they could withstand, both succumbed to sadness beyond redemption or salvation. . .
. . . “The Leaden-Eyed” was written in an entirely different context but fully applies to two young American girls whose lives were literally “smothered out” before they had a chance to reap the joys of life. Their souls were starved by their insensitive worlds, their dreams and gods did not save them.
They didn’t die like sheep, either. They died agonizing deaths by hanging themselves by the neck in their homes, the only places they could find succor and safety from the mean world and vicious people in their schools but places that couldn’t give them relief from their pain.
It’s simplistic to say that 15 year old Phoebe Prince and 17 year old Alexis Pilkington committed suicide. Both girls were the murdered victims of modern life, both suffered far more slings and arrows than they could withstand, both succumbed to sadness beyond redemption or salvation. . .
Sunday, March 28, 2010
The Coming War with China
The Coming War with China
If it looks like a fish, swims like a fish, and smells like a fish, chances are that thing in front of you isn’t a giraffe or an orangutan.
Likewise, when a nation looks like it’s preparing for war, acts like it’s preparing for war, and speaks like it’s preparing for war, it’s very likely that nation is anticipating a war in the very foreseeable future.
The People’s Republic of China, the PRC, that ancient land of 1.3 billion inscrutable people, hasn’t quite been speaking in warlike terms but every other indication is that it is readying itself for a cataclysmic conflict from which it alone will emerge still standing.
Realistically, the only opponent capable of taking China on is the only superpower left on the planet, the United States of America.
Am I predicting a coming thermonuclear war between the PRC and the USA? Yes. And I further believe our country is well aware of that future and is doing nothing substantive to prevent it from happening despite its probability.
Will China initiate that conflict, as in a Japanese-style sneak attack? I highly doubt that mainly because there’s no need.
China is now in a position to wait until we collapse economically and then gradually infiltrate itself into our affairs even more so than it already has.
If and when push comes to shove and the conflict evolves into a military face-off, the Chinese know they have two strategic advantages, their population which is quadruple ours and their land mass of 3.7 million square miles, a 700,000 greater square mile area than our lower 48 states.
Aside from what’s been in the news for the last few years,. . .
If it looks like a fish, swims like a fish, and smells like a fish, chances are that thing in front of you isn’t a giraffe or an orangutan.
Likewise, when a nation looks like it’s preparing for war, acts like it’s preparing for war, and speaks like it’s preparing for war, it’s very likely that nation is anticipating a war in the very foreseeable future.
The People’s Republic of China, the PRC, that ancient land of 1.3 billion inscrutable people, hasn’t quite been speaking in warlike terms but every other indication is that it is readying itself for a cataclysmic conflict from which it alone will emerge still standing.
Realistically, the only opponent capable of taking China on is the only superpower left on the planet, the United States of America.
Am I predicting a coming thermonuclear war between the PRC and the USA? Yes. And I further believe our country is well aware of that future and is doing nothing substantive to prevent it from happening despite its probability.
Will China initiate that conflict, as in a Japanese-style sneak attack? I highly doubt that mainly because there’s no need.
China is now in a position to wait until we collapse economically and then gradually infiltrate itself into our affairs even more so than it already has.
If and when push comes to shove and the conflict evolves into a military face-off, the Chinese know they have two strategic advantages, their population which is quadruple ours and their land mass of 3.7 million square miles, a 700,000 greater square mile area than our lower 48 states.
Aside from what’s been in the news for the last few years,. . .
The Thankless and the Sexless
The Thankless and the Sexless
Two stories of markedly divergent import:
“How sharper than a serpent’s tooth . . . :” The U.K., the United Kingdom, aka Britain, aka England, aka the British Isles, that multi-named little island across the Pond, is getting uppity now that the threat from the former U.S.S.R. has dissipated and it no longer feels it could be annihilated overnight.
Rescued by the United States from almost certain defeat in World War I and World War II and from the threat of the Russian Bear a generation ago, the Brits since then have grown more and more forgetful of their incalculable debt to America.
Now, when America is in the throes of social upheaval, a House of Commons committee has called for an end to the “special relationship” that has existed between the U.K. and the U.S.A. for seven decades.
No longer fearful of the Huns or the Russians, the Brits can have the temerity to thumb their noses in a westerly direction.
The House of Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee issued a report saying the UK should feel free to just say no to the United States and that ”there is a need to be less deferential” to their crass American cousins.
The ostensibly primary reason for this sudden attack of independence? The Iraq War.
As the committee expressed it, “The perception that the British government was a subservient ‘poodle’ to the US administration leading up to the period of the invasion of Iraq and its aftermath is widespread both among the British public and overseas:”
And there you have it: The House of Commons feels humiliated and subservient because America led the charge into Iraq with its Brit poodle trailing behind and now they want to cut the leash. . .
Two stories of markedly divergent import:
“How sharper than a serpent’s tooth . . . :” The U.K., the United Kingdom, aka Britain, aka England, aka the British Isles, that multi-named little island across the Pond, is getting uppity now that the threat from the former U.S.S.R. has dissipated and it no longer feels it could be annihilated overnight.
Rescued by the United States from almost certain defeat in World War I and World War II and from the threat of the Russian Bear a generation ago, the Brits since then have grown more and more forgetful of their incalculable debt to America.
Now, when America is in the throes of social upheaval, a House of Commons committee has called for an end to the “special relationship” that has existed between the U.K. and the U.S.A. for seven decades.
No longer fearful of the Huns or the Russians, the Brits can have the temerity to thumb their noses in a westerly direction.
The House of Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee issued a report saying the UK should feel free to just say no to the United States and that ”there is a need to be less deferential” to their crass American cousins.
The ostensibly primary reason for this sudden attack of independence? The Iraq War.
As the committee expressed it, “The perception that the British government was a subservient ‘poodle’ to the US administration leading up to the period of the invasion of Iraq and its aftermath is widespread both among the British public and overseas:”
And there you have it: The House of Commons feels humiliated and subservient because America led the charge into Iraq with its Brit poodle trailing behind and now they want to cut the leash. . .
house of commons,
ticked off,
Shedding Light on Searchlight's Favorite Son
Shedding Light on Searchlight's Favorite Son
. . . Twenty years later Reid was elevated to be the Senate Majority Leader and he now stands as one of the most powerful individuals in the nation, along with fellow septuagenarian, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
In January, 2011, he will be unemployed, unless he joins the previous ousted Democrat Leader and tax cheat, D.C. gadabout lawyer, Tom Daschle as a lobbyist or whatever it is Daschle does for a living lately.
A nominal Mormon with tainted and ambivalent conservative credentials, Reid has finally been discovered by Nevadans for what he is.
Harry has become a typical Washingtonian and closet liberal who has been in office far too long . . .
. . . Twenty years later Reid was elevated to be the Senate Majority Leader and he now stands as one of the most powerful individuals in the nation, along with fellow septuagenarian, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
In January, 2011, he will be unemployed, unless he joins the previous ousted Democrat Leader and tax cheat, D.C. gadabout lawyer, Tom Daschle as a lobbyist or whatever it is Daschle does for a living lately.
A nominal Mormon with tainted and ambivalent conservative credentials, Reid has finally been discovered by Nevadans for what he is.
Harry has become a typical Washingtonian and closet liberal who has been in office far too long . . .
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Wondering about America's Future
Wondering about America's Future
An article title such as ”Wondering about America’s Future” spontaneously evokes suppositions that the writer of said article is fatally pessimistic on whether this nation under God is capable of surviving for the near future and for an extended period thereafter.
I could deny that assumption but I won’t.
Personally, I don’t think we can survive for much longer which is not to say the U.S.A. will disappear from the face of the Earth by next Tuesday. Rather, for our children, what the country has been and what it has meant for centuries will become a dim memory.
Our grandchildren may well come to ask, “What’s a democratic republic, Gramps?” or “Will Great Leader Obama always be the president, Mom?”
That’s a pretty gloomy forecast but one which is unavoidable given the state of the nation as it stands today.
However, another major factor often intrudes on pessimistic outlooks, also given the nature of man, and that is a ray or two of hope always trying to pierce the dismal clouds. It’s the American way and character to be positive and optimistic but even the most positive and optimistic American should take pause at recent events and developments:
An article title such as ”Wondering about America’s Future” spontaneously evokes suppositions that the writer of said article is fatally pessimistic on whether this nation under God is capable of surviving for the near future and for an extended period thereafter.
I could deny that assumption but I won’t.
Personally, I don’t think we can survive for much longer which is not to say the U.S.A. will disappear from the face of the Earth by next Tuesday. Rather, for our children, what the country has been and what it has meant for centuries will become a dim memory.
Our grandchildren may well come to ask, “What’s a democratic republic, Gramps?” or “Will Great Leader Obama always be the president, Mom?”
That’s a pretty gloomy forecast but one which is unavoidable given the state of the nation as it stands today.
However, another major factor often intrudes on pessimistic outlooks, also given the nature of man, and that is a ray or two of hope always trying to pierce the dismal clouds. It’s the American way and character to be positive and optimistic but even the most positive and optimistic American should take pause at recent events and developments:
Friday, March 26, 2010
The Gay Passion of Christ
The Gay Passion of Christ
If anyone doubts that the Gay Lobby with all its acronymic sub- organizations such as NAMBLA, GLSEN, GLBT, GLAAD, LAMBDA, PFLAG, et al., are not intent on simply gaining acceptance and equal rights but dominance in the normal world, think again.
With dominance, they would have their pick of new, young recruits.
Time and again gays have demonstrated a public and utter contempt for the belief systems and traditions of heterosexuals in an attempt to destroy those beliefs and tear down those traditions, tactics that put the lie to any notions that heterosexual parity is their goal.
The latest shameful travesty is about to occur in Stephenville, Texas, home to Tarleton State University where students are preparing to present a special Easter treat centering on “The King of Queers,” Jesus Christ. . .
If anyone doubts that the Gay Lobby with all its acronymic sub- organizations such as NAMBLA, GLSEN, GLBT, GLAAD, LAMBDA, PFLAG, et al., are not intent on simply gaining acceptance and equal rights but dominance in the normal world, think again.
With dominance, they would have their pick of new, young recruits.
Time and again gays have demonstrated a public and utter contempt for the belief systems and traditions of heterosexuals in an attempt to destroy those beliefs and tear down those traditions, tactics that put the lie to any notions that heterosexual parity is their goal.
The latest shameful travesty is about to occur in Stephenville, Texas, home to Tarleton State University where students are preparing to present a special Easter treat centering on “The King of Queers,” Jesus Christ. . .
Obama's Signature
Obama's Signature
Google "Obama's signature" if you'd like some insight into this president.
Of course, there are different strokes for different folks and my own script has long been described as an insult to chicken scratch but I’m not the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama.
What’s initially interesting about his official signature is that he rarely if ever signs using his middle name even though he insisted on using it for his swearing in on Inauguration Day, 2009.
What’s also interesting is that Obama’s scrawled signature seems to show all the maturity of a 12 year old, but that’s just the opinion of a non-handwriting expert. Handwriting analysis always seemed one step above tea-leaf reading, anyway.
This non-expert opinion is that Obama’s signature reveals . . .
Google "Obama's signature" if you'd like some insight into this president.
Of course, there are different strokes for different folks and my own script has long been described as an insult to chicken scratch but I’m not the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama.
What’s initially interesting about his official signature is that he rarely if ever signs using his middle name even though he insisted on using it for his swearing in on Inauguration Day, 2009.
What’s also interesting is that Obama’s scrawled signature seems to show all the maturity of a 12 year old, but that’s just the opinion of a non-handwriting expert. Handwriting analysis always seemed one step above tea-leaf reading, anyway.
This non-expert opinion is that Obama’s signature reveals . . .
Thursday, March 25, 2010
The Death of White Guilt
The Death of White Guilt
. . . American white guilt, if it exists at all, for the most part would be a deep, psychological element, a limited collective subconscious belief that because of centuries of slavery followed by a century of discrimination and segregation whites should do something, anything to compensate blacks.
And what better way to accomplish that compensation than by voting for a black to be the leader of all Americans, whites and blacks alike?
All of that is prelude to a new book, The History of White People by Nell Irvin Painter, which should alleviate some of the angst associated with any remnants of white guilt.
Painter, a black woman who is also the author of Creating Black Americans: African-American History and its Meanings 1619 to the Present, believes race in America is a dead issue. Therefore, there’s no longer any necessity to obsess over black vs. white or to feel any guilt about any collective past.
Why a black historian better known as an artist would undertake . . .
. . . American white guilt, if it exists at all, for the most part would be a deep, psychological element, a limited collective subconscious belief that because of centuries of slavery followed by a century of discrimination and segregation whites should do something, anything to compensate blacks.
And what better way to accomplish that compensation than by voting for a black to be the leader of all Americans, whites and blacks alike?
All of that is prelude to a new book, The History of White People by Nell Irvin Painter, which should alleviate some of the angst associated with any remnants of white guilt.
Painter, a black woman who is also the author of Creating Black Americans: African-American History and its Meanings 1619 to the Present, believes race in America is a dead issue. Therefore, there’s no longer any necessity to obsess over black vs. white or to feel any guilt about any collective past.
Why a black historian better known as an artist would undertake . . .
More School Daze
More School Daze
Bye, honey. You sure you have your lunch money?
Bye, mom, yup, I do.
Ok and be sure to bundle up if it gets colder later, ok?
I will, mom. Sheesh, I’m not a kid, mom!
I know, pumpkin, I know, I know, and don’t forget to call if you’re gonna be late.
Don’t I always?
Yes, you do, mostly, and one last thing, if they send you for an abortion, call me at work, ok?
Oh, God! Yes, MOM! Bye!
Most of that parting conversation would be pretty typical of households with teen girls today–except for the mom’s last request.
Maybe it should be part of the morning routine.
It’s doubtful a mother, or a father, asked their teen to give a call if she went for an abortion that day but a mom in Seattle may now wish she had.
“Jill’s” 15 year old daughter went off to school one recent morning without that request, went to her high school’s onsite clinic, took a pregnancy test, found out she was carrying a baby, was dispatched via a cab to a nearby abortion facility, and aborted her baby, all during school hours when kids are expected to be learning something other than how to murder the pre-born.
Understandably, “Jill” was furious that all this had happened while she believed her daughter was attending Ballard High School in Seattle, maybe doing a little readin’, writin’, and ‘rithmetic, probably gossiping with her girl friends about boys, eating some lunch, and maybe going to band practice.
Instead, the public employees at the Ballard school clinic sent her daughter, an avid pro-life supporter, to be aborted without even the common courtesy of a call to Jill:
This is the world we live in today, folks, and we all deserve what we get if we, even tacitly, supported the culture of abortion death by voting for the most pro-abortion president in America’s history.
In related news, . . .
Bye, honey. You sure you have your lunch money?
Bye, mom, yup, I do.
Ok and be sure to bundle up if it gets colder later, ok?
I will, mom. Sheesh, I’m not a kid, mom!
I know, pumpkin, I know, I know, and don’t forget to call if you’re gonna be late.
Don’t I always?
Yes, you do, mostly, and one last thing, if they send you for an abortion, call me at work, ok?
Oh, God! Yes, MOM! Bye!
Most of that parting conversation would be pretty typical of households with teen girls today–except for the mom’s last request.
Maybe it should be part of the morning routine.
It’s doubtful a mother, or a father, asked their teen to give a call if she went for an abortion that day but a mom in Seattle may now wish she had.
“Jill’s” 15 year old daughter went off to school one recent morning without that request, went to her high school’s onsite clinic, took a pregnancy test, found out she was carrying a baby, was dispatched via a cab to a nearby abortion facility, and aborted her baby, all during school hours when kids are expected to be learning something other than how to murder the pre-born.
Understandably, “Jill” was furious that all this had happened while she believed her daughter was attending Ballard High School in Seattle, maybe doing a little readin’, writin’, and ‘rithmetic, probably gossiping with her girl friends about boys, eating some lunch, and maybe going to band practice.
Instead, the public employees at the Ballard school clinic sent her daughter, an avid pro-life supporter, to be aborted without even the common courtesy of a call to Jill:
This is the world we live in today, folks, and we all deserve what we get if we, even tacitly, supported the culture of abortion death by voting for the most pro-abortion president in America’s history.
In related news, . . .
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Shouting and Hooting Updates
Shouting and Hooting Updates
In these fast-moving times, situations change rapidly necessitating updates to keep matters current. Thus these on “Shouting, Hooting, and Howling,”
Re: the “SHOUTING” section, a semi-apology to Texas congressman Randy Neugebauer.
Rep. Neugebauer fessed up as the guy who bellowed out during Rep. Bart Stupak’s foolish attempt to appear a pro-life Democrat in his pro-life Michigan neck-of-the-woods and try to defend his cowardly retreat from that position on Sunday night.
See “Bart Stupak: Ignoramus, Hypocrite, or Both,”
Stupak didn’t fool anyone and nor did Neugebauer when he actually shouted, ”Baby killer!” at Stupak.
Neugebauer subsequently conceded that he was the shouter but then resorted to classic congressional CYA by insisting he had really bellowed, “It’s a baby killer” in reference to the Obamacare bill the House had just passed in a squeaker, 219-212.
In deference to colleague Stupak, to whom Neugebauer apologized, the Texan had to lie that he was not vilifying Stupak but rather ripping the pro-abortion Obamacare bill. . .
In these fast-moving times, situations change rapidly necessitating updates to keep matters current. Thus these on “Shouting, Hooting, and Howling,”
Re: the “SHOUTING” section, a semi-apology to Texas congressman Randy Neugebauer.
Rep. Neugebauer fessed up as the guy who bellowed out during Rep. Bart Stupak’s foolish attempt to appear a pro-life Democrat in his pro-life Michigan neck-of-the-woods and try to defend his cowardly retreat from that position on Sunday night.
See “Bart Stupak: Ignoramus, Hypocrite, or Both,”
Stupak didn’t fool anyone and nor did Neugebauer when he actually shouted, ”Baby killer!” at Stupak.
Neugebauer subsequently conceded that he was the shouter but then resorted to classic congressional CYA by insisting he had really bellowed, “It’s a baby killer” in reference to the Obamacare bill the House had just passed in a squeaker, 219-212.
In deference to colleague Stupak, to whom Neugebauer apologized, the Texan had to lie that he was not vilifying Stupak but rather ripping the pro-abortion Obamacare bill. . .
bart stupak,
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The Dawning of the Age of Obamius!
The Dawning of the Age of Obamius!
. . . All that because President Barack Hussein Obama signed the historic, monumental, long overdue health care package on Tuesday, 36 hours after it made it to his desk. That’s the same desk that he said would signal 5 full days for the public to peruse any bill.
Wait ’til the Obamacare chickens and taxes come home to roost!
Our classy Vice President Joseph Beauregard Biden was so excited that he couldn’t contain himself after the signing and told Obama, as if Obama didn’t know, “This is a big f***ing deal!”
Hear Biden drop the “F bomb,” expletive undeleted, in the White House and see him chuckle at his own witticism here: . . .
. . . All that because President Barack Hussein Obama signed the historic, monumental, long overdue health care package on Tuesday, 36 hours after it made it to his desk. That’s the same desk that he said would signal 5 full days for the public to peruse any bill.
Wait ’til the Obamacare chickens and taxes come home to roost!
Our classy Vice President Joseph Beauregard Biden was so excited that he couldn’t contain himself after the signing and told Obama, as if Obama didn’t know, “This is a big f***ing deal!”
Hear Biden drop the “F bomb,” expletive undeleted, in the White House and see him chuckle at his own witticism here: . . .
Shouting, Hooting, and Howling
Shouting, Hooting, and Howling
. . . Now he says he was misquoted out of context and “In the heat and emotion of the debate, I exclaimed the phrase ‘it’s a baby killer’ in reference to the agreement reached by the Democratic leadership:”
Either the two word or the four word term serves as a fitting expletive for both Stupak and the Obamacare bill even if the president has pledged to issue a toothless executive order prohibiting the use of federal funds for aborting babies. . .
Few would call Ann Coulter a studied practitioner of the decorous arts or of wimpiness but to say she peddles venomous hatred and violence is way over the top.
Nevertheless, that’s precisely what some are saying in Canada where Coulter was invited to speak at the University of Western Ontario. Two conservative student members of the Campus Coalition for Democracy extended the invitation which was immediately met with loud protests. . .
When one dumb scheme fails, why not institute a dumber initiative? What’s next? An ordinance prohibiting babies from crying, birds from singing, car engines from making noise?
The Piscatawayan town fathers and mothers must be liberals. How else to explain such stupid ordinances? . . .
. . . Now he says he was misquoted out of context and “In the heat and emotion of the debate, I exclaimed the phrase ‘it’s a baby killer’ in reference to the agreement reached by the Democratic leadership:”
Either the two word or the four word term serves as a fitting expletive for both Stupak and the Obamacare bill even if the president has pledged to issue a toothless executive order prohibiting the use of federal funds for aborting babies. . .
Few would call Ann Coulter a studied practitioner of the decorous arts or of wimpiness but to say she peddles venomous hatred and violence is way over the top.
Nevertheless, that’s precisely what some are saying in Canada where Coulter was invited to speak at the University of Western Ontario. Two conservative student members of the Campus Coalition for Democracy extended the invitation which was immediately met with loud protests. . .
When one dumb scheme fails, why not institute a dumber initiative? What’s next? An ordinance prohibiting babies from crying, birds from singing, car engines from making noise?
The Piscatawayan town fathers and mothers must be liberals. How else to explain such stupid ordinances? . . .
Cold, Hard Truths from Rush Limbaugh
Cold, Hard Truths from Rush Limbaugh
Rush Limbaugh is an angry man today. He’s an unhappy man as well. He’s also a fearful man.
What happened in the peoples’ house Sunday night, in the House of Representatives of the United States of Ameerica, wasn’t the mere passage of a bill, an appropriations bill or a civil rights or defense bill. What passed with a narrow Democrat victory margin of 219-212 won’t just hit you in the wallet, won’t be one of those hundreds of measures that have little or no effect on the average Joe or Jane.
It won’t become a law anyone will soon forget.
No matter one’s opinion of Limbaugh, (mine is that he’s a bombastic blowhard, but OUR bombastic blowhard), his views on the passage of Obamacare are well worth consideration no matter where you stood on the issue, or stand on the issue since the president’s scheme will not be a done deal even after he signs it into law.
Limbaugh’s points on what transpired Sunday night in Washington are cogent as well as angry, unhappy, and fearful:
1) He believes “America Hangs by a Thread” after the Obamacare bill squeaked through and that our country is in this position because of the election of Barack Obama and a Democrat congress.
2) He believes Bart Stupak “needs to be hounded out of office” . . .
Rush Limbaugh is an angry man today. He’s an unhappy man as well. He’s also a fearful man.
What happened in the peoples’ house Sunday night, in the House of Representatives of the United States of Ameerica, wasn’t the mere passage of a bill, an appropriations bill or a civil rights or defense bill. What passed with a narrow Democrat victory margin of 219-212 won’t just hit you in the wallet, won’t be one of those hundreds of measures that have little or no effect on the average Joe or Jane.
It won’t become a law anyone will soon forget.
No matter one’s opinion of Limbaugh, (mine is that he’s a bombastic blowhard, but OUR bombastic blowhard), his views on the passage of Obamacare are well worth consideration no matter where you stood on the issue, or stand on the issue since the president’s scheme will not be a done deal even after he signs it into law.
Limbaugh’s points on what transpired Sunday night in Washington are cogent as well as angry, unhappy, and fearful:
1) He believes “America Hangs by a Thread” after the Obamacare bill squeaked through and that our country is in this position because of the election of Barack Obama and a Democrat congress.
2) He believes Bart Stupak “needs to be hounded out of office” . . .
Monday, March 22, 2010
Online Virtual Tax Revolt!
Online Virtual Tax Revolt!
. . . Sign up here to join the almost 200,000 Americans already on board the Tax Revolt Special:
All you do is register, choose an avatar to represent you, and join a group if you wish. Registration is simple, there are a few dozen avatars to pick from, and dozens of optional teams to “march” with including seniors, young people, veterans groups, et al.
The movement, led by Mike Huckabee, Neal Boortz, Grover Norquist, Michael Reagan, Joe “the Plumber” Wurzelbacher, and others, is designed to shake up D.C. and repair our broken tax system which was made even worse by yesterday’s passage of the abomination of Obamacare. . .
. . . Sign up here to join the almost 200,000 Americans already on board the Tax Revolt Special:
All you do is register, choose an avatar to represent you, and join a group if you wish. Registration is simple, there are a few dozen avatars to pick from, and dozens of optional teams to “march” with including seniors, young people, veterans groups, et al.
The movement, led by Mike Huckabee, Neal Boortz, Grover Norquist, Michael Reagan, Joe “the Plumber” Wurzelbacher, and others, is designed to shake up D.C. and repair our broken tax system which was made even worse by yesterday’s passage of the abomination of Obamacare. . .
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Bart Stupak: Ignoramus, Hypocrite, or Both?
Bart Stupak: Ignoramus, Hypocrite, or Both?
As is correct and proper, Bart Stupak, 9-term Democrat congressman from Michigan’s 1st CD, ended his congressional career on March 21st, 2010. It was a lackluster career, anyway, but he sealed it as finished when he revealed himself to be either the biggest hypocrite, the dumbest representative from the Wolverine State, or both.
Not incidentally, it should be noted that wolverines are vicious animals, members of the weasel family.
Stupak shall go down in history as the one individual in the U.S. House of Representatives most responsible for Sunday night’s passage of the Obamacare bill, a feat Stupak accomplished through outright and shameful deceit and ignorance.
For years, Stupak has passed himself off as a pro-life Democrat despite, as Rush Limbaugh pointed out last week, voting to fund the organization responsible for most of the abortions committed in America, Planned Parenthood.
As Phyllis Schlafly, founder and president of the Eagle Forum, said, “Mr. Stupak and his Democrat followers have now clarified that you cannot be pro-life and be a Democrat. If abortion was truly their biggest issue, they wouldn’t willfully align themselves with the Party of Death:” . . .
As is correct and proper, Bart Stupak, 9-term Democrat congressman from Michigan’s 1st CD, ended his congressional career on March 21st, 2010. It was a lackluster career, anyway, but he sealed it as finished when he revealed himself to be either the biggest hypocrite, the dumbest representative from the Wolverine State, or both.
Not incidentally, it should be noted that wolverines are vicious animals, members of the weasel family.
Stupak shall go down in history as the one individual in the U.S. House of Representatives most responsible for Sunday night’s passage of the Obamacare bill, a feat Stupak accomplished through outright and shameful deceit and ignorance.
For years, Stupak has passed himself off as a pro-life Democrat despite, as Rush Limbaugh pointed out last week, voting to fund the organization responsible for most of the abortions committed in America, Planned Parenthood.
As Phyllis Schlafly, founder and president of the Eagle Forum, said, “Mr. Stupak and his Democrat followers have now clarified that you cannot be pro-life and be a Democrat. If abortion was truly their biggest issue, they wouldn’t willfully align themselves with the Party of Death:” . . .
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Gays, the Boy Scouts, and the Catholic Church
Gays, the Boy Scouts, and the Catholic Church
On March 17th, a civil trial began in Portland, Oregon in which a former Boy Scout is alleging that ”the Boy Scouts of America knew it had child molesters in its leadership for decades but kept the problem quiet.”
I’m not privy to the details of the action except as reported in The Oregonian but the reporter contends that there are hundreds of confidential Boy Scout files accumulated over the course of the organization’s century-old history that indicate the Scout’s hierarchy knew of and tolerated sexual predators for decades.
The report also contends that “dozens” of sex abuse claims have been filed against the Scouts over the years, which claims were all settled out of court so that the organization’s confidential files never became public.
Without impugning the motives or veracity of The Oregonian’s reporter, Aimee Green, it’s curious that none of those dozens of charges were ever investigated by authorities and no sexual predator was ever indicted.
Assistant Scoutmaster Timur Dykes . . .
On March 17th, a civil trial began in Portland, Oregon in which a former Boy Scout is alleging that ”the Boy Scouts of America knew it had child molesters in its leadership for decades but kept the problem quiet.”
I’m not privy to the details of the action except as reported in The Oregonian but the reporter contends that there are hundreds of confidential Boy Scout files accumulated over the course of the organization’s century-old history that indicate the Scout’s hierarchy knew of and tolerated sexual predators for decades.
The report also contends that “dozens” of sex abuse claims have been filed against the Scouts over the years, which claims were all settled out of court so that the organization’s confidential files never became public.
Without impugning the motives or veracity of The Oregonian’s reporter, Aimee Green, it’s curious that none of those dozens of charges were ever investigated by authorities and no sexual predator was ever indicted.
Assistant Scoutmaster Timur Dykes . . .
Last Chance to STOP Obamacare!
Last Chance to STOP Obamacare!
. . . Speaker Pelosi needs 216 votes on Sunday; 215 will mean defeat and will mean that congress will have to face more town halls where the people can express their opinions to their representatives.
Every vote counts. This may be your last chance to stop Obamacare by calling the House of Representatives at (877) 762-8762 (toll-free) or at (202) 224-3121 or (202) 225-3121.
Start with recently-undecideds, make yourself heard, and don’t take a busy signal for an answer. Their phone numbers may be found here:
. . . Speaker Pelosi needs 216 votes on Sunday; 215 will mean defeat and will mean that congress will have to face more town halls where the people can express their opinions to their representatives.
Every vote counts. This may be your last chance to stop Obamacare by calling the House of Representatives at (877) 762-8762 (toll-free) or at (202) 224-3121 or (202) 225-3121.
Start with recently-undecideds, make yourself heard, and don’t take a busy signal for an answer. Their phone numbers may be found here:
Two Stories, Too Little Press
Two Stories, Too Little Press
. . . Besides, I would add, isn’t this supposed to be a health care bill and not a civil rights bill?
Joe Hicks, a California advisor to that civil rights commission, concludes his observations by writing, “Some say that life is a game of winners and losers. This might be true, but we shouldn’t allow Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid to pick the people who win or lose just because of skin color or their last name:”
Good point, Joe. Another good point is, Why won’t anyone hear anything about it or about Dutch gays allowing a massacre to happen?
. . . Besides, I would add, isn’t this supposed to be a health care bill and not a civil rights bill?
Joe Hicks, a California advisor to that civil rights commission, concludes his observations by writing, “Some say that life is a game of winners and losers. This might be true, but we shouldn’t allow Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid to pick the people who win or lose just because of skin color or their last name:”
Good point, Joe. Another good point is, Why won’t anyone hear anything about it or about Dutch gays allowing a massacre to happen?
Friday, March 19, 2010
Of Saints and Sinners
Of Saints and Sinners
I don’t know how often Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi prays but her prayer to St. Joseph to get him to intervene on the side of Obamacare seems very misdirected. In the Catholic tradition, St. Joseph is the patron saint of workers, not of lost causes. Desperate and lost causes are the province of St. Jude Thaddeus.
Perhaps Speaker Pelosi was thinking of Rep. Joseph (Joe) Wilson (R, SC) when she prayed for an intercession by St. Joseph since on the same day she was praying President Obama was proving Joe Wilson right.
The reader may remember Joe from last September when he committed a gross breach of congressional decorum and etiquette by loudly contradicting the president during a speech on Obamacare to a Joint Session of Congress.
Obama had just finished saying, “There are also those who claim that our reform effort will insure illegal immigrants. This, too, is false. The reforms I’m proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally,” when Wilson yelled from his seat, “You lie!”
Anyone who would care to reminisce on that sweet moment in history can . . .
I don’t know how often Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi prays but her prayer to St. Joseph to get him to intervene on the side of Obamacare seems very misdirected. In the Catholic tradition, St. Joseph is the patron saint of workers, not of lost causes. Desperate and lost causes are the province of St. Jude Thaddeus.
Perhaps Speaker Pelosi was thinking of Rep. Joseph (Joe) Wilson (R, SC) when she prayed for an intercession by St. Joseph since on the same day she was praying President Obama was proving Joe Wilson right.
The reader may remember Joe from last September when he committed a gross breach of congressional decorum and etiquette by loudly contradicting the president during a speech on Obamacare to a Joint Session of Congress.
Obama had just finished saying, “There are also those who claim that our reform effort will insure illegal immigrants. This, too, is false. The reforms I’m proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally,” when Wilson yelled from his seat, “You lie!”
Anyone who would care to reminisce on that sweet moment in history can . . .
The Great States of Taxes
The Great States of Taxes
Let’s have a nice round of applause for Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming. Those are the only 9 states without a personal income tax and where citizens don’t have to wait for their state governments to send them their annual refunds for overpaid taxes.
And, let’s have a rousing Bronx cheer for those taxpaying dolts expecting a hefty refund from their respective state governments for giving those governments, as well as the feds, an interest free loan for a year or more.
You usually only get a big refund if you have your employer over-withhold taxes from your wages so you’re effectively giving the federal treasury as well as your state and local governments that tax free loan.
I must say that’s very generous of all you hefty refunders out there. It’s also very stupid.
Even dumber are taxpayers who agree to over-withholding in states having the greatest troubles balancing their budgets. Those are the states–including California and New York–which have announced that they will be glomming even more money from their hapless denizens by not issuing refunds on time.
Try taking one of Governor Arnold’s IOU’s to the bank or grocery store or to that travel agency that was booking your trip to the Bahamas with that refund “windfall.” You may have to settle for a trip to the backyard until your governor gets around to returning your money.
You should receive interest on that extended, forced loan but don’t bet on it.
As Tax Freedom Day, the day on which working Americans will have paid up all their federal, state and local tax levies, approacheth, . . .
Let’s have a nice round of applause for Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming. Those are the only 9 states without a personal income tax and where citizens don’t have to wait for their state governments to send them their annual refunds for overpaid taxes.
And, let’s have a rousing Bronx cheer for those taxpaying dolts expecting a hefty refund from their respective state governments for giving those governments, as well as the feds, an interest free loan for a year or more.
You usually only get a big refund if you have your employer over-withhold taxes from your wages so you’re effectively giving the federal treasury as well as your state and local governments that tax free loan.
I must say that’s very generous of all you hefty refunders out there. It’s also very stupid.
Even dumber are taxpayers who agree to over-withholding in states having the greatest troubles balancing their budgets. Those are the states–including California and New York–which have announced that they will be glomming even more money from their hapless denizens by not issuing refunds on time.
Try taking one of Governor Arnold’s IOU’s to the bank or grocery store or to that travel agency that was booking your trip to the Bahamas with that refund “windfall.” You may have to settle for a trip to the backyard until your governor gets around to returning your money.
You should receive interest on that extended, forced loan but don’t bet on it.
As Tax Freedom Day, the day on which working Americans will have paid up all their federal, state and local tax levies, approacheth, . . .
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Foot in Mouf Disease
Foot in Mouf Disease
Most conscious people know that the mainstream media has been giving Barack Hussein Obama a free pass ever since he declared for the presidency.
Thus, his claims to have campaigned in all 57 states and other “Bush-isms” have somehow escaped the radar of the MSM whereas G.W. Bush’s malapropisms and innocent mistakes are still prime fodder for ridicule.
Nevertheless, Obama and his henchmen, principally VP Joe Biden as primary henchman, continue to outshine any Bush faux pas even if few people ever hear about them.
Joe the Mouth’s latest was his heartfelt wish that Irish P.M.’s Brian Cowen’s sainted mother rest in peace or, as Biden said after realizing Cowen’s mom was very much alive and kicking, “God bless her soul.”
Actually it was Cowen’s da who was deceased but why quibble when it comes to a meaningless regret from the vice-president of the United States:
Obama himself, no piker when it comes to looking and sounding inept and stupid, . . .
Most conscious people know that the mainstream media has been giving Barack Hussein Obama a free pass ever since he declared for the presidency.
Thus, his claims to have campaigned in all 57 states and other “Bush-isms” have somehow escaped the radar of the MSM whereas G.W. Bush’s malapropisms and innocent mistakes are still prime fodder for ridicule.
Nevertheless, Obama and his henchmen, principally VP Joe Biden as primary henchman, continue to outshine any Bush faux pas even if few people ever hear about them.
Joe the Mouth’s latest was his heartfelt wish that Irish P.M.’s Brian Cowen’s sainted mother rest in peace or, as Biden said after realizing Cowen’s mom was very much alive and kicking, “God bless her soul.”
Actually it was Cowen’s da who was deceased but why quibble when it comes to a meaningless regret from the vice-president of the United States:
Obama himself, no piker when it comes to looking and sounding inept and stupid, . . .
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Detroit, Detroit, It's a Helluva Town!
Detroit, Detroit, It's a Helluva Town!
It’s not many school districts that require an emergency financial manager. Detroit does. It’s not many school districts that boast of an illiterate school board president. Detroit does.
The mostly black city, a status only dreamed of by its long-time mayor Coleman Young, has lost 50% of its school population in a decade, the same percentage loss suffered by the city over those ten years. Detroit is filled with vast areas resembling Berlin in 1945 but without the German will to overcome severe adversity.
Instead, Detroit’s city fathers are considering bulldozing vast tracts of dead tenement and broken factory land and converting them into farm land. That, at least, could make it more productive than its current decimated tax base.
Certainly Detroit’s plight is not fully the responsibility of municipal mismanagement. The United Auto Workers, the UAW, is also responsible for demanding, and getting, higher and higher wages and perks with no quality improvement in their product, demands which drove America’s auto industry into the ground and the Motor City into a concrete wall.
Most UAW members live and lived outside the innercity walls and thus have little voice or interest in determining the fate of Detroit and the fate and future of that one institution that could turn around Detroit’s sad destiny, its school system.
No such turnaround is expected soon even with the intervention of Mr. Robert Bobb, that governor-appointed emergency financial manager whose chief function so far has been centered on stemming the tide of computers stolen from schools, some 500 valued at $600,000.
In a cash-strapped district and city, twelve hundred dollar computers seem an extravagance anyway but . .
It’s not many school districts that require an emergency financial manager. Detroit does. It’s not many school districts that boast of an illiterate school board president. Detroit does.
The mostly black city, a status only dreamed of by its long-time mayor Coleman Young, has lost 50% of its school population in a decade, the same percentage loss suffered by the city over those ten years. Detroit is filled with vast areas resembling Berlin in 1945 but without the German will to overcome severe adversity.
Instead, Detroit’s city fathers are considering bulldozing vast tracts of dead tenement and broken factory land and converting them into farm land. That, at least, could make it more productive than its current decimated tax base.
Certainly Detroit’s plight is not fully the responsibility of municipal mismanagement. The United Auto Workers, the UAW, is also responsible for demanding, and getting, higher and higher wages and perks with no quality improvement in their product, demands which drove America’s auto industry into the ground and the Motor City into a concrete wall.
Most UAW members live and lived outside the innercity walls and thus have little voice or interest in determining the fate of Detroit and the fate and future of that one institution that could turn around Detroit’s sad destiny, its school system.
No such turnaround is expected soon even with the intervention of Mr. Robert Bobb, that governor-appointed emergency financial manager whose chief function so far has been centered on stemming the tide of computers stolen from schools, some 500 valued at $600,000.
In a cash-strapped district and city, twelve hundred dollar computers seem an extravagance anyway but . .
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
A Mishmash of Quotable Quickies
A Mishmash of Quotable Quickies
Eight Stories to Mull Over on a Dreary Day:
Innercity School Sends 100% of Its Graduates on to College. Chicago’s Urban Prep Academy for Young Men not only graduated every young man in their school but every one of them is going to college next semester. All 107 seniors in Urban Prep will be attending one of 72 American colleges. Kudos to the grads and to their excellent school! (
People Who Tempt Mother Nature Should Pay the Piper: Hamptonites who built homes on the Atlantic are all in a tizzy after being flooded out by last weekend’s nor’easter which brought 17 foot waves and 70 mph winds to their front doors: Taxpayer-subsidized flood insurance will help them rebuild but won’t do much for their eroded private beaches.
A Kiss Is But a Kiss, Except in Dubai: An amorous British couple in Dubai faces a month in jail . . .
Eight Stories to Mull Over on a Dreary Day:
Innercity School Sends 100% of Its Graduates on to College. Chicago’s Urban Prep Academy for Young Men not only graduated every young man in their school but every one of them is going to college next semester. All 107 seniors in Urban Prep will be attending one of 72 American colleges. Kudos to the grads and to their excellent school! (
People Who Tempt Mother Nature Should Pay the Piper: Hamptonites who built homes on the Atlantic are all in a tizzy after being flooded out by last weekend’s nor’easter which brought 17 foot waves and 70 mph winds to their front doors: Taxpayer-subsidized flood insurance will help them rebuild but won’t do much for their eroded private beaches.
A Kiss Is But a Kiss, Except in Dubai: An amorous British couple in Dubai faces a month in jail . . .
dubai kiss,
urban prep
UPDATES: Rielle, Gays, Roeder
UPDATES: Rielle, Gays, Roeder
The following are updates on recently-published stories on this website:
1) Rielle Is Not a Lonely Hunter: Rielle Hunter, paramour of the erstwhile senator and pretentious presidential hopeful, John Edwards, has finally come clean. Well, as clean as she could.
In an interview for GQ, Hunter, mother of Edwards’ love child, 2 year old Quinn Frances, fesses up on her relationship with Edwards which she believes hasn’t ended. Rather, it’s entered a new phase.
Somehow, she also believes she was not the “other woman” in the long-term affair and concludes that “I’m not a predator, I’m not a gold digger, I’m not the stalker. I didn’t have any power in that way in our relationship. He held all the power.” He may have had “the power” but this non-gold digger collected a ton of money from Edwards’ surrogates.
Hunter, who also posed for scantily-clad pictures for GQ, manages to rip Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards as a controlling and domineering harridan at the same time she professes a deep empathy for the woman because of her terminal cancer.
Another reason she feels she didn’t steal John from Elizabeth . . .
The following are updates on recently-published stories on this website:
1) Rielle Is Not a Lonely Hunter: Rielle Hunter, paramour of the erstwhile senator and pretentious presidential hopeful, John Edwards, has finally come clean. Well, as clean as she could.
In an interview for GQ, Hunter, mother of Edwards’ love child, 2 year old Quinn Frances, fesses up on her relationship with Edwards which she believes hasn’t ended. Rather, it’s entered a new phase.
Somehow, she also believes she was not the “other woman” in the long-term affair and concludes that “I’m not a predator, I’m not a gold digger, I’m not the stalker. I didn’t have any power in that way in our relationship. He held all the power.” He may have had “the power” but this non-gold digger collected a ton of money from Edwards’ surrogates.
Hunter, who also posed for scantily-clad pictures for GQ, manages to rip Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards as a controlling and domineering harridan at the same time she professes a deep empathy for the woman because of her terminal cancer.
Another reason she feels she didn’t steal John from Elizabeth . . .
Monday, March 15, 2010
The Prophetic John Birch Society
The Prophetic John Birch Society
Probably no other conservative organization or individual has been more maligned and misrepresented over the past 50 years than the John Birch Society and its irrepressible founder, Robert Welch. They were before their time in many ways. featured a piece on the JBS and Welch which highlighted how prophetic and insightful they were as far back as 1958 when the JBS was founded.
Among those insightful warnings to America were Welch’s remonstrances on government waste, wild spending, higher and higher taxes, runaway inflation, imbalanced budgets, socialistic wage, price, and materials controls, centralization of power, control of education, an emphasis on peace at any price, and surrender at any cost.
After a mere 14 months in office, Obama hasn’t accomplished all those goals but he’s well on his way.
For a video of Robert Welch’s 1958 speeches outlining what he believed was in America’s future, see
I was privileged to be an early member of the John Birch Society, . .
Probably no other conservative organization or individual has been more maligned and misrepresented over the past 50 years than the John Birch Society and its irrepressible founder, Robert Welch. They were before their time in many ways. featured a piece on the JBS and Welch which highlighted how prophetic and insightful they were as far back as 1958 when the JBS was founded.
Among those insightful warnings to America were Welch’s remonstrances on government waste, wild spending, higher and higher taxes, runaway inflation, imbalanced budgets, socialistic wage, price, and materials controls, centralization of power, control of education, an emphasis on peace at any price, and surrender at any cost.
After a mere 14 months in office, Obama hasn’t accomplished all those goals but he’s well on his way.
For a video of Robert Welch’s 1958 speeches outlining what he believed was in America’s future, see
I was privileged to be an early member of the John Birch Society, . .
Glenn Beck and "Social Justice"
Glenn Beck and "Social Justice"
Poor Glenn Beck is in hot water again and it is really Beck and not that frog he didn’t really boil a few weeks ago.
This time the Fox News commentator who, as great a conservative/libertarian/anti-progressive as he is, once again ran his mouth before fully engaging his brain on the issue of social justice and churches.
Beck touched on the problem of social justice which is not an issue involving justice for everyone in society. Beck viewed the term as a buzzword for priests, ministers, rabbis who want to effect a Communist or Nazi version of social justice.
That’s way over the top but, in Beck’s defense, it really involves misinterpreted definitions.
Take the words separately.
“Social” refers to society and everyone in that society. That would include the rich, poor, and everyone in between. “Justice” refers to fairmindedness, equity.
Combined, however, the term “social justice” takes on a whole new meaning in contemporary jargon, a meaning many on the Left interpret as sharing the wealth, as Obama said during the campaign, or wholesale re-distribution of America’s wealth, taking from the rich to share with the poor.
Obama’s favorite community activist organization, the almost-defunct ACORN, . . .
Poor Glenn Beck is in hot water again and it is really Beck and not that frog he didn’t really boil a few weeks ago.
This time the Fox News commentator who, as great a conservative/libertarian/anti-progressive as he is, once again ran his mouth before fully engaging his brain on the issue of social justice and churches.
Beck touched on the problem of social justice which is not an issue involving justice for everyone in society. Beck viewed the term as a buzzword for priests, ministers, rabbis who want to effect a Communist or Nazi version of social justice.
That’s way over the top but, in Beck’s defense, it really involves misinterpreted definitions.
Take the words separately.
“Social” refers to society and everyone in that society. That would include the rich, poor, and everyone in between. “Justice” refers to fairmindedness, equity.
Combined, however, the term “social justice” takes on a whole new meaning in contemporary jargon, a meaning many on the Left interpret as sharing the wealth, as Obama said during the campaign, or wholesale re-distribution of America’s wealth, taking from the rich to share with the poor.
Obama’s favorite community activist organization, the almost-defunct ACORN, . . .
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Bush Did It! Part Seven
Bush Did It! Part Seven
George W. Bush has really done it now! After all the horrors he’s caused since he left office 14 months ago, he’s managed to become like Barack Obama, or Barack Obama has become like Bush, or . . . whatever.
The point is that Obama has similarities to Bush! Gasp!
. . . In a typically, pointedly-snide piece on, Walter Shapiro draws parallels between his hero, Obama, and the Great Clown of the Western World, George W. Bush.
Titled, “How Obama and Bush (Shocking: As It Seems) Are Similar,” the article dredges up all the lies and innuendos surrounding the chad-infested 2000 election as Shapiro grudgingly arrives at the chief similarity between the two presidents: They are both examples of a “conviction politician:” . . .
George W. Bush has really done it now! After all the horrors he’s caused since he left office 14 months ago, he’s managed to become like Barack Obama, or Barack Obama has become like Bush, or . . . whatever.
The point is that Obama has similarities to Bush! Gasp!
. . . In a typically, pointedly-snide piece on, Walter Shapiro draws parallels between his hero, Obama, and the Great Clown of the Western World, George W. Bush.
Titled, “How Obama and Bush (Shocking: As It Seems) Are Similar,” the article dredges up all the lies and innuendos surrounding the chad-infested 2000 election as Shapiro grudgingly arrives at the chief similarity between the two presidents: They are both examples of a “conviction politician:” . . .
What Do YOU Know?
What do YOU Know?
Care to know how much you know about what’s going on in the country? Then take a 12 question, 30 second quiz sponsored by the Pew Research Organization to see how well you stack up against the rest of the American population.
Questions cover politics, economics, government, etc. Your results, of course, are totally confidential. Results for the nation are downright scary!
Take the quiz here:
Care to know how much you know about what’s going on in the country? Then take a 12 question, 30 second quiz sponsored by the Pew Research Organization to see how well you stack up against the rest of the American population.
Questions cover politics, economics, government, etc. Your results, of course, are totally confidential. Results for the nation are downright scary!
Take the quiz here:
Friday, March 12, 2010
Ireland, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Parts 3 and 4
Ireland Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Parts 3 and 4
. . . The Bad News
Meanwhile, despite all the good news, there was a distinctly dark side to life in Ireland in 2006, news that has grown much darker over four years with the economic contraction and the bursting of the real estate bubble.
The once-vaunted health system (acclaimed when the now-defunct Irish Sweepstakes financed Irish hospitals) was in serious trouble then and the situation has worsened as the euros have dried up.
On my visits, a number of people shared anecdotes about how friends and relatives had gone to emergency rooms and were kept on gurneys for more than twenty four hours before they even saw a doctor. Even then it was rarely an M.D. but what we would call a physician’s assistant.
In 2005, only five of fifty four hospitals were rated by the government as hygienically “good,” a figure that most were able to improve in 2006, but the hospitals were still woefully behind most international standards, a condition that has been exacerbated in the last few years.
New hospitals were still being built by the cash-flush government through 2007 but some were opening without beds! . . .
. . . The Bad News
Meanwhile, despite all the good news, there was a distinctly dark side to life in Ireland in 2006, news that has grown much darker over four years with the economic contraction and the bursting of the real estate bubble.
The once-vaunted health system (acclaimed when the now-defunct Irish Sweepstakes financed Irish hospitals) was in serious trouble then and the situation has worsened as the euros have dried up.
On my visits, a number of people shared anecdotes about how friends and relatives had gone to emergency rooms and were kept on gurneys for more than twenty four hours before they even saw a doctor. Even then it was rarely an M.D. but what we would call a physician’s assistant.
In 2005, only five of fifty four hospitals were rated by the government as hygienically “good,” a figure that most were able to improve in 2006, but the hospitals were still woefully behind most international standards, a condition that has been exacerbated in the last few years.
New hospitals were still being built by the cash-flush government through 2007 but some were opening without beds! . . .
Free Speech, R.I.P.
Free Speech, R.I.P.
There have always been accepted limitations on the First Amendment guaranty of freedom of speech.
Americans are reasonably restricted from blaring, “Fire!” in any crowded building when there is no fire. We are understandably refused permission to exercise free speech when that speech is designed to incite insurrection and sedition, although various courts have unfortunately loosened that prohibition.
The right to free speech and the untrammeled exercise thereof are the cornerstones of our Republic, cornerstones we ignore at great peril to the Constitution and to what we are as Americans.
However, we’re now witnessing not a whittling away of that most fundamental right but a wholesale dismantling being conducted in the interests not of society as a whole but at the insistence of what has become an extremely powerful, minority interest group: the homosexual lobby.
Nowhere is the power of that group more evident than in the state with one of the richest heritages of patriotism which has become a cesspool of liberalism and, now, denial of First Amendment privileges, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
The former land of Patrick Henry, John Hancock, the Boston Tea Party, and “the shot heard ’round the world” . . .
There have always been accepted limitations on the First Amendment guaranty of freedom of speech.
Americans are reasonably restricted from blaring, “Fire!” in any crowded building when there is no fire. We are understandably refused permission to exercise free speech when that speech is designed to incite insurrection and sedition, although various courts have unfortunately loosened that prohibition.
The right to free speech and the untrammeled exercise thereof are the cornerstones of our Republic, cornerstones we ignore at great peril to the Constitution and to what we are as Americans.
However, we’re now witnessing not a whittling away of that most fundamental right but a wholesale dismantling being conducted in the interests not of society as a whole but at the insistence of what has become an extremely powerful, minority interest group: the homosexual lobby.
Nowhere is the power of that group more evident than in the state with one of the richest heritages of patriotism which has become a cesspool of liberalism and, now, denial of First Amendment privileges, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
The former land of Patrick Henry, John Hancock, the Boston Tea Party, and “the shot heard ’round the world” . . .
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Hope and Failure in America's Schools, Part Two
Hope and Failure in America's Schools, Part Two
. . .Today, the bad news for schools, news unfortunately that far outweighs the good.
1) Kevin Jennings, Obama’s “safe schools czar,” is still on the job. Despite all the controversy surrounding Jennings’ past and current actions and philosophy of homosexual activism and plans to use America’s schools to promote homosexuality, he remains in his position of promoting a bizarre idea of safety in those schools.
See previous articles on Assistant Secretary for Safe Schools Jennings.
A founder of GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network and author of a foreward to Queering Elementary Education, Jennings continues to ply his wares and efforts to spread and normalize homosexual behavior in our schools. Most recently he was evasive on whether schools should teach that gay sex is a moral lifestyle:
2) Education Secretary Blames Schools for Black Underperformance: Ignoring the realities of black home life, motivation, and crime statistics, Arne Duncan accuses schools of discrimination for their failure to perform miracles with black students. . .
. . .Today, the bad news for schools, news unfortunately that far outweighs the good.
1) Kevin Jennings, Obama’s “safe schools czar,” is still on the job. Despite all the controversy surrounding Jennings’ past and current actions and philosophy of homosexual activism and plans to use America’s schools to promote homosexuality, he remains in his position of promoting a bizarre idea of safety in those schools.
See previous articles on Assistant Secretary for Safe Schools Jennings.
A founder of GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network and author of a foreward to Queering Elementary Education, Jennings continues to ply his wares and efforts to spread and normalize homosexual behavior in our schools. Most recently he was evasive on whether schools should teach that gay sex is a moral lifestyle:
2) Education Secretary Blames Schools for Black Underperformance: Ignoring the realities of black home life, motivation, and crime statistics, Arne Duncan accuses schools of discrimination for their failure to perform miracles with black students. . .
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Hope and Failure in America's Schools, Part One
Hope and Failure in America's Schools, Part One
. . . Three-quarters of the way through the 2009-2010 school year, schools are very much in the news, both in the good news category and the not so good.
Today, from the Good News Department offering hope for the future:
Virginia Senate Votes to Expand Charter Schools: Much to the chagrin of the National Education Association, President Obama recently endorsed the idea of charter schools as a way of improving and reforming education. The new Republican governor of Virginia, Bob McDonnell, favors charters as well and now Virginia’s Democratic-controlled Senate is on record as supporting their expansion following approval by the Republican-controlled House of Delegates. . .
. . . Three-quarters of the way through the 2009-2010 school year, schools are very much in the news, both in the good news category and the not so good.
Today, from the Good News Department offering hope for the future:
Virginia Senate Votes to Expand Charter Schools: Much to the chagrin of the National Education Association, President Obama recently endorsed the idea of charter schools as a way of improving and reforming education. The new Republican governor of Virginia, Bob McDonnell, favors charters as well and now Virginia’s Democratic-controlled Senate is on record as supporting their expansion following approval by the Republican-controlled House of Delegates. . .
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Got Milk? Breast Milk in the News
Got Milk? Breast Milk in the News
. . . Chef’s Cheesey Recipe for Breast Milk: Chef Angerer is offering a special taste treat for the clientele at Klee Brasserie: cheese made from his wife’s breast milk.
He was surprised that the phone ran off the hook after he blogged about his ticky-tacky gastronomic experiment. He must have forgotten that Klee Brasserie was situated in the Chelsea section of Manhattan.
That’s in New York City, for the folks from Oshkosh.
Chef Daniel cites drawbacks for human breast milk, not the tackiness of it all but that it doesn’t curdle well enough to make cheese; he has to add cow milk to his recipe for canape’s of breast-milk cheese with figs and Hungarian pepper.
It must be the fruit and that exotic pepper that gives it that special pizzazz.
Angerer’s wife, Lori Mason, obviously a willing participant in the enterprise, pointed out for those who were unaware that, ”I think a lot of the criticism has to do with the combination of sex and cheese, but . . . the breast is there to make food.” . . .
. . . Chef’s Cheesey Recipe for Breast Milk: Chef Angerer is offering a special taste treat for the clientele at Klee Brasserie: cheese made from his wife’s breast milk.
He was surprised that the phone ran off the hook after he blogged about his ticky-tacky gastronomic experiment. He must have forgotten that Klee Brasserie was situated in the Chelsea section of Manhattan.
That’s in New York City, for the folks from Oshkosh.
Chef Daniel cites drawbacks for human breast milk, not the tackiness of it all but that it doesn’t curdle well enough to make cheese; he has to add cow milk to his recipe for canape’s of breast-milk cheese with figs and Hungarian pepper.
It must be the fruit and that exotic pepper that gives it that special pizzazz.
Angerer’s wife, Lori Mason, obviously a willing participant in the enterprise, pointed out for those who were unaware that, ”I think a lot of the criticism has to do with the combination of sex and cheese, but . . . the breast is there to make food.” . . .
5 Pertinent and Impertinent Queries
5 Pertinent and Impertinent Queries
. . . 4) Is Dan Rather a Racist Or Does He Just Talk That Way? The racist stereotype is that blacks just love watermelon but is it racist if former CBS anchor Dan Rather makes a watermelon joke at Obama’s expense? He did just that on the Chris Matthews’ Show when he refuted the conventional wisdom that the president is articulate: “He couldn’t sell watermelons if it, you gave him the state troopers to flag down the traffic.” Read and hear Rather’s comments here: It’s a good thing for Rather than no one listens to Matthews. . .
. . . 4) Is Dan Rather a Racist Or Does He Just Talk That Way? The racist stereotype is that blacks just love watermelon but is it racist if former CBS anchor Dan Rather makes a watermelon joke at Obama’s expense? He did just that on the Chris Matthews’ Show when he refuted the conventional wisdom that the president is articulate: “He couldn’t sell watermelons if it, you gave him the state troopers to flag down the traffic.” Read and hear Rather’s comments here: It’s a good thing for Rather than no one listens to Matthews. . .
Monday, March 8, 2010
Ireland Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Part Two
Ireland Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Part Two
. . . And it was not just Brits who were flocking to the Old Sod.
Under the auspices and requisites of the European Union, by 2007, Iranians, Nigerians, Iraqis, Cambodians, VietNamese, Chinese, as well as Poles, Czechs, and other east Europeans, people of virtually every nationality were re-locating to Ireland seeking jobs and a better life–and citizenship.
A puckish cousin had asked me on one of my visits, “Now, could you tell me what an American looks like?” I answered that we look like what an Irishman will look like in a few generations: diverse in color, national origin, and cultural values.
In July, 2006, Ireland was pronounced the second richest country in the world, after Japan, in terms of real estate values, and the Irish puffed out their chests with pride in the knowledge that Ireland had finally arrived on the international scene.
Properties which were valued at thousands of Irish pounds ten years earlier were newly valued in the hundreds of thousands . . .
. . . And it was not just Brits who were flocking to the Old Sod.
Under the auspices and requisites of the European Union, by 2007, Iranians, Nigerians, Iraqis, Cambodians, VietNamese, Chinese, as well as Poles, Czechs, and other east Europeans, people of virtually every nationality were re-locating to Ireland seeking jobs and a better life–and citizenship.
A puckish cousin had asked me on one of my visits, “Now, could you tell me what an American looks like?” I answered that we look like what an Irishman will look like in a few generations: diverse in color, national origin, and cultural values.
In July, 2006, Ireland was pronounced the second richest country in the world, after Japan, in terms of real estate values, and the Irish puffed out their chests with pride in the knowledge that Ireland had finally arrived on the international scene.
Properties which were valued at thousands of Irish pounds ten years earlier were newly valued in the hundreds of thousands . . .
Sunday, March 7, 2010
The Next Time . . .
The Next Time . . .
The next time you’re tempted to throw in the towel and support the president’s socialistic power grab consider once again a primary model for Obamacare, the U.K.’s National Health Service or NHS.
Horror stories about the NHS regularly ooze out of Britain, tales such as the one about a woman giving birth on the street because the socialized NHS decreed she were too close to a hospital to dispatch an ambulance. And the one about a guy who has an appendicitis attack and a ruptured appendix weeks after it was supposedly removed.
(For a first hand account of one man’s personal experience with the NHS, see “Considering Obamacare? Consider the NHS Horror Stories,”
thereby deprive some poor old bloke of his care?
Chances are that the old bloke will have his tubes pulled and be unplugged under the NHS anyway.
One young bloke met his Maker . . .
The next time you’re tempted to throw in the towel and support the president’s socialistic power grab consider once again a primary model for Obamacare, the U.K.’s National Health Service or NHS.
Horror stories about the NHS regularly ooze out of Britain, tales such as the one about a woman giving birth on the street because the socialized NHS decreed she were too close to a hospital to dispatch an ambulance. And the one about a guy who has an appendicitis attack and a ruptured appendix weeks after it was supposedly removed.
(For a first hand account of one man’s personal experience with the NHS, see “Considering Obamacare? Consider the NHS Horror Stories,”
thereby deprive some poor old bloke of his care?
Chances are that the old bloke will have his tubes pulled and be unplugged under the NHS anyway.
One young bloke met his Maker . . .
Ireland Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Part One
Ireland Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Part One
. . . It was then still a sleepy, little country, filled with picturesque, quaint villages and counties, and awash in history.
With its thousand shades of green due to its many fine, soft rains, its countless pristine lakes, streams and rivers, its tumble-down ancient castles, peat bogs, tiny roads where people drive on the wrong side, its Blarney Stone, Ring of Kerry, Galway Bay, Cliffs of Moher, Aran Islands, Ireland was a beautiful, simple place then.
And, Mr. Joyce, Dublin was bustling—and far from dirty. But the Ireland of 1978 could not hide the reality that it was a benighted land.
The Battle of the Boyne in 1690 had been a watershed and since that British victory on that July day, the fate of Ireland was sealed for centuries. . .
. . . It was then still a sleepy, little country, filled with picturesque, quaint villages and counties, and awash in history.
With its thousand shades of green due to its many fine, soft rains, its countless pristine lakes, streams and rivers, its tumble-down ancient castles, peat bogs, tiny roads where people drive on the wrong side, its Blarney Stone, Ring of Kerry, Galway Bay, Cliffs of Moher, Aran Islands, Ireland was a beautiful, simple place then.
And, Mr. Joyce, Dublin was bustling—and far from dirty. But the Ireland of 1978 could not hide the reality that it was a benighted land.
The Battle of the Boyne in 1690 had been a watershed and since that British victory on that July day, the fate of Ireland was sealed for centuries. . .
Are There Love Crimes, Too?
Are There Love Crimes, Too?
For every yin there’s a yang, no? For every plus there’s a minus, no? For every good there’s an evil, no? So, why shouldn’t there be love crimes for every hate crime?
Well, no. Love crimes are only punishable by a face slap or a firm adieu.
The whole concept of “hate crimes” is an absurdity cooked up by minorities who pretend to believe that every insult, every malocchio, every slight infraction constitutes a crime of hate and must be punished by more severe retributive justice than your run of the mill, average crime.
Thus, if one gets knocked to the ground by a mugger who punches one’s face, kicks one’s ribs, steals one’s wallet but who never says a word in process, that’s just a crime. If someone is tripped and falls and the tripper says, “Take that, you filthy honkie!” then the tripper has committed a hate crime.
Hate crimes, though, only seem to happen to black and homosexual victims.
Go figure.
It’s all silliness, politically correct silliness that has the potential of condemning people to much longer prison terms than they deserve and, when they reach prison, woe unto him when other inmates learn they committed a crime of hate!
That’s almost as horrendous as being a child molestor and they will be manhandled accordingly.
Where is the ACLU when you need them?
Chances are that someday hate crime laws will be declared unconstitutional since they are targeted laws written and passed to mollify certain segments of the population spelled out in Wikipedia as “racial group, religion, sexual orientation, disability, class, ethnicity, nationality, age, gender, gender identity, or political affiliation.”
With all those categories, hate crime rates occurred at the rate of 47 per every 100,000 people through 2006, hardly epidemic proportions even though hate crime laws were on the books in at least 45 states. . .
For every yin there’s a yang, no? For every plus there’s a minus, no? For every good there’s an evil, no? So, why shouldn’t there be love crimes for every hate crime?
Well, no. Love crimes are only punishable by a face slap or a firm adieu.
The whole concept of “hate crimes” is an absurdity cooked up by minorities who pretend to believe that every insult, every malocchio, every slight infraction constitutes a crime of hate and must be punished by more severe retributive justice than your run of the mill, average crime.
Thus, if one gets knocked to the ground by a mugger who punches one’s face, kicks one’s ribs, steals one’s wallet but who never says a word in process, that’s just a crime. If someone is tripped and falls and the tripper says, “Take that, you filthy honkie!” then the tripper has committed a hate crime.
Hate crimes, though, only seem to happen to black and homosexual victims.
Go figure.
It’s all silliness, politically correct silliness that has the potential of condemning people to much longer prison terms than they deserve and, when they reach prison, woe unto him when other inmates learn they committed a crime of hate!
That’s almost as horrendous as being a child molestor and they will be manhandled accordingly.
Where is the ACLU when you need them?
Chances are that someday hate crime laws will be declared unconstitutional since they are targeted laws written and passed to mollify certain segments of the population spelled out in Wikipedia as “racial group, religion, sexual orientation, disability, class, ethnicity, nationality, age, gender, gender identity, or political affiliation.”
With all those categories, hate crime rates occurred at the rate of 47 per every 100,000 people through 2006, hardly epidemic proportions even though hate crime laws were on the books in at least 45 states. . .
Saturday, March 6, 2010
The Terror that Was September 11th, 2001
The Terror that Was September 11th, 2001
Memories can be strange things which we understandably repress or reduce to selective memory when the conscious thought is too disturbing to dwell on.
For many, thoughts of the events of September 11th, 2001 are, 8 1/2 years later, still too emotional and horrifying to be allowed regular admission to our consciousness.
Yet, they must not be relegated to distant memory lest by doing so we again let down our guard, either individually or collectively, and invite a repetition of that day.
We were 600 miles away from Ground Zero on 9/11, a very safe distance except for the facts our grown kids were in the New York City area and our son was working on 58th Street, less than 4 short miles away and close enough to witness the surrealistic collapse of the World Trade Center towers.
Some wounds never heal, surreal or not.
No American has forgotten the horrific, . . .
Memories can be strange things which we understandably repress or reduce to selective memory when the conscious thought is too disturbing to dwell on.
For many, thoughts of the events of September 11th, 2001 are, 8 1/2 years later, still too emotional and horrifying to be allowed regular admission to our consciousness.
Yet, they must not be relegated to distant memory lest by doing so we again let down our guard, either individually or collectively, and invite a repetition of that day.
We were 600 miles away from Ground Zero on 9/11, a very safe distance except for the facts our grown kids were in the New York City area and our son was working on 58th Street, less than 4 short miles away and close enough to witness the surrealistic collapse of the World Trade Center towers.
Some wounds never heal, surreal or not.
No American has forgotten the horrific, . . .
The Final Prejudice: Catholicism
The Final Prejudice: Catholicism
L. Brent Bozell concludes his brief essay, “A Year of Anti-Religious Bigotry” with this passage: “Catholicism is the single largest religious denomination in America. In our news and entertainment media today, anti-Catholicism remains ‘the last acceptable prejudice.’ It is not that the cultural left is out of touch. It is out to destroy.”
Sound exaggerated? As a Roman Catholic, I would suggest Bozell’s remarks seem exaggerated only to non-Catholics and to the leftists to whom he refers.
In his book, The Enemy at Home, conservative writer Dinesh D’Souza defines the cultural left as referring mainly to “the left wing of the Democratic Party . . . [including] the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Organization for Women, People for the American Way, Planned Parenthood, Human Rights Watch, and”
According to D’Souza, among the stars of that group are Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Michael Moore, George Soros, Barbara Boxer, Bill Moyers, Noam Chomsky, and the late Ted Kennedy and its influential allies in Congress, Hollywood, the media, the non-profit sector, and the universities:
That’s some powerful army!
D’Souza’s controversial book focuses on the relationship between the cultural left and September 11th, 2001 as opposed to Bozell’s immediate interest in its effect on religion, specifically on Catholicism, which leads to the obvious question of, Why? . . .
L. Brent Bozell concludes his brief essay, “A Year of Anti-Religious Bigotry” with this passage: “Catholicism is the single largest religious denomination in America. In our news and entertainment media today, anti-Catholicism remains ‘the last acceptable prejudice.’ It is not that the cultural left is out of touch. It is out to destroy.”
Sound exaggerated? As a Roman Catholic, I would suggest Bozell’s remarks seem exaggerated only to non-Catholics and to the leftists to whom he refers.
In his book, The Enemy at Home, conservative writer Dinesh D’Souza defines the cultural left as referring mainly to “the left wing of the Democratic Party . . . [including] the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Organization for Women, People for the American Way, Planned Parenthood, Human Rights Watch, and”
According to D’Souza, among the stars of that group are Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Michael Moore, George Soros, Barbara Boxer, Bill Moyers, Noam Chomsky, and the late Ted Kennedy and its influential allies in Congress, Hollywood, the media, the non-profit sector, and the universities:
That’s some powerful army!
D’Souza’s controversial book focuses on the relationship between the cultural left and September 11th, 2001 as opposed to Bozell’s immediate interest in its effect on religion, specifically on Catholicism, which leads to the obvious question of, Why? . . .
Thursday, March 4, 2010
The Black Agenda
The Black Agenda
When Father Merrin spake the words, “I do compel you” unto the Demon in “The Exorcist,” said Demon became uncomfortable to say the least.
So too did PBS host Tavis Smiley feel a discomforting compulsion to react when he heard that some black leaders weren’t insisting that President Obama specifically focus on helping African-Americans.
“I was compelled to [call for ‘a black agenda’] because of this debate,” he said.
Now, compulsion is a pretty powerful impulse, an irresistible impetus to act, almost synonymous with an obsession and all because Smiley felt that black leaders were not seeking preferential treatment for one race over another.
To accomplish that “black agenda,” Smiley is organizing a public panel discussion and inviting his own version of America’s black leadership to debate its features and nuances.
Among the invitees are such black luminaries as the racial agitator Reverend Jesse Jackson, the racist Nation of Islam leader, Louis Farrakhan, and radical black professor, Cornel West. Lesser known but equally venomous activists include Michael Eric Dyson and Julianne Malveaux:
Smiley failed to spell out the precise nature and details of his black agenda and presumably we will all be enlightened when the televised Great Discusssion takes place on March 20th.
Meanwhile, out on the Left Coast, 3 white Los Angeles teachers made their own statement about that black agenda. . .
When Father Merrin spake the words, “I do compel you” unto the Demon in “The Exorcist,” said Demon became uncomfortable to say the least.
So too did PBS host Tavis Smiley feel a discomforting compulsion to react when he heard that some black leaders weren’t insisting that President Obama specifically focus on helping African-Americans.
“I was compelled to [call for ‘a black agenda’] because of this debate,” he said.
Now, compulsion is a pretty powerful impulse, an irresistible impetus to act, almost synonymous with an obsession and all because Smiley felt that black leaders were not seeking preferential treatment for one race over another.
To accomplish that “black agenda,” Smiley is organizing a public panel discussion and inviting his own version of America’s black leadership to debate its features and nuances.
Among the invitees are such black luminaries as the racial agitator Reverend Jesse Jackson, the racist Nation of Islam leader, Louis Farrakhan, and radical black professor, Cornel West. Lesser known but equally venomous activists include Michael Eric Dyson and Julianne Malveaux:
Smiley failed to spell out the precise nature and details of his black agenda and presumably we will all be enlightened when the televised Great Discusssion takes place on March 20th.
Meanwhile, out on the Left Coast, 3 white Los Angeles teachers made their own statement about that black agenda. . .
School Daze
. . . President Obama knows exactly what to do when Juan and Juanita and enough of their fellow students were flunking: Fire every teacher, principal, assistant principal, social worker, secretary, security guard, custodian, anyone who has caused the failure of your bright, hard working, and cooperative child.
They did just that up at Central Falls High School in Rhode Island:
Literally enforcing provisions of George W. Bush’s No Child Left Behind, NCLB, program for failing schools, the powers that be fired the entire staff, administration, and ancillary personnel of CFHS because that action would presumably alleviate the problem of grossly-underperforming students.
The unstated premises of those firings are that the school board knows what it’s doing, that a change of atmosphere, teachers, and administration will inspire the student population to excel or at least pass their courses.
It also presupposes that pigs can dance and turtles can sing. . .
They did just that up at Central Falls High School in Rhode Island:
Literally enforcing provisions of George W. Bush’s No Child Left Behind, NCLB, program for failing schools, the powers that be fired the entire staff, administration, and ancillary personnel of CFHS because that action would presumably alleviate the problem of grossly-underperforming students.
The unstated premises of those firings are that the school board knows what it’s doing, that a change of atmosphere, teachers, and administration will inspire the student population to excel or at least pass their courses.
It also presupposes that pigs can dance and turtles can sing. . .
Ethics? Schmethics! Part One
Ethics? Schmethics! Part One
Ethics: the rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions or a particular group, culture, etc. (
There’s something about celebrity whether achieved in the entertainment arena or in that other entertainment arena, politics, that imbues stars with a sense of entitlement to greater power, to greater greed, to a greater number of the opposite sex.
They tend to forget those “rules of conduct.”
It must be the adulation from enthralled audiences that convinces many entertainment and political celebs that they’re exceptional, above it all, the cat’s meow as was said in olden times, and not subject to the same moral and ethical constraints applicable to the hoi polloi.
In politics, ethical lapses are certainly not confined to Democrats. Remember Florida Congressman Mark Foley and South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford. (Maybe it’s the name, Mark?)
However, Democrats are just so damned good at perverting power that they can’t be denied the title of Consummate Ethical Thrashers.
If Ya Can’t Beat ‘Em, Buy ‘Em! President Obama learned that trick of the political trade from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: Stifle recalcitrance with remunerations. Or maybe he learned it in Chicago, but there they usually just smash kneecaps.
Harry bought the Obamacare vote of Senator Mary Landrieu . . .
Ethics: the rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions or a particular group, culture, etc. (
There’s something about celebrity whether achieved in the entertainment arena or in that other entertainment arena, politics, that imbues stars with a sense of entitlement to greater power, to greater greed, to a greater number of the opposite sex.
They tend to forget those “rules of conduct.”
It must be the adulation from enthralled audiences that convinces many entertainment and political celebs that they’re exceptional, above it all, the cat’s meow as was said in olden times, and not subject to the same moral and ethical constraints applicable to the hoi polloi.
In politics, ethical lapses are certainly not confined to Democrats. Remember Florida Congressman Mark Foley and South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford. (Maybe it’s the name, Mark?)
However, Democrats are just so damned good at perverting power that they can’t be denied the title of Consummate Ethical Thrashers.
If Ya Can’t Beat ‘Em, Buy ‘Em! President Obama learned that trick of the political trade from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: Stifle recalcitrance with remunerations. Or maybe he learned it in Chicago, but there they usually just smash kneecaps.
Harry bought the Obamacare vote of Senator Mary Landrieu . . .
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
School Daze
Scenario: Your public school child is gloriously flunking every subject he has, including phys ed.
What to do?
. Do you call his school and ask for a parent-teacher conference with all his or her teachers? Nah, you can’t do that, work schedule and all, and besides it won’t do any good, what could they tell you that you didn’t already know?
. Do you sit down with Johnny or Janey–or Juan or Juanita, or Shaquille or Shaniqua–and read him or her the riot act and threaten to seize his or her cell phone, iPod, TV, pick one or more? Nah, Johnny or Shaniqua would rebel and pout and not talk to you for a week.
. Do you pull your child out of that school and place him in another school? Nah, are you kidding? Kids are locked into whatever school they’re told to attend, or not attend if they’re not in an attending mood.
. Do you find a private or parochial school and enroll the flunker there? Nah, that would cost an arm and a leg and maybe a kidney and you can’t afford it.
President Obama knows exactly what to do when Juan and Juanita and enough of their fellow students were flunking: Fire every teacher, principal, assistant principal, social worker, secretary, security guard, custodian, anyone who has caused the failure of your bright, hard working, and cooperative child.
They did just that up at Central Falls High School in Rhode Island:
Literally enforcing provisions of George W. Bush’s No Child Left Behind, NCLB, program for failing schools, the powers that be fired the entire staff, administration, and ancillary personnel of CFHS because that action would presumably alleviate the problem of grossly-underperforming students.
The unstated premises of those firings are that the school board knows what it’s doing, that a change of atmosphere, teachers, and administration will inspire the student population to excel or at least pass their courses.
It also presupposes that pigs can dance and turtles can sing. . .
What to do?
. Do you call his school and ask for a parent-teacher conference with all his or her teachers? Nah, you can’t do that, work schedule and all, and besides it won’t do any good, what could they tell you that you didn’t already know?
. Do you sit down with Johnny or Janey–or Juan or Juanita, or Shaquille or Shaniqua–and read him or her the riot act and threaten to seize his or her cell phone, iPod, TV, pick one or more? Nah, Johnny or Shaniqua would rebel and pout and not talk to you for a week.
. Do you pull your child out of that school and place him in another school? Nah, are you kidding? Kids are locked into whatever school they’re told to attend, or not attend if they’re not in an attending mood.
. Do you find a private or parochial school and enroll the flunker there? Nah, that would cost an arm and a leg and maybe a kidney and you can’t afford it.
President Obama knows exactly what to do when Juan and Juanita and enough of their fellow students were flunking: Fire every teacher, principal, assistant principal, social worker, secretary, security guard, custodian, anyone who has caused the failure of your bright, hard working, and cooperative child.
They did just that up at Central Falls High School in Rhode Island:
Literally enforcing provisions of George W. Bush’s No Child Left Behind, NCLB, program for failing schools, the powers that be fired the entire staff, administration, and ancillary personnel of CFHS because that action would presumably alleviate the problem of grossly-underperforming students.
The unstated premises of those firings are that the school board knows what it’s doing, that a change of atmosphere, teachers, and administration will inspire the student population to excel or at least pass their courses.
It also presupposes that pigs can dance and turtles can sing. . .
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Justifiable Murder? Who Was George Tiller?
Justifiable Murder? Who Was George Tiller?
Ah, Bartleby! Ah, humanity! (”Bartleby the Scrivener,” Herman Melville)
That fatalistic sense of imminent doom, of forlorn despair and depression over one’s life and over the state of the human animal for different reasons must have afflicted both George Tiller and the man who killed him last May, Scott Roeder.
Roeder, according to his ex-wife, was upset over his inability to pay bills; he went from job to job seeking something, anything, that would fulfill his failed life and give it purpose.
He finally settled on what he saw as the greatest evil in America that he felt was in his power to somehow rectify: abortion. A particular purpose he embraced was fellow Kansan Tiller and Tiller’s chosen occupation of snuffing out the lives of infants in partial birth abortions.
Dr. George Tiller was living a life that was the virtual antithesis of Roeder’s, but was he any less disturbed?
A physician son of an abortionist with an inherited and successful abortion practice, he was married and active in his new church, the Reformation Lutheran Church in Wichita.
Indeed, almost every account of his murder includes within the first few paragraphs the fact he was killed while serving as an usher, handing out church bulletins in the lobby after Sunday services when Roeder accosted him, put one bullet into his eye and fled.
What’s rarely included in obituaries or articles on the slain Dr. Tiller is that he was handing out those bulletins at Reformation Lutheran because he had been excommunicated from his previous church, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod:
That latter church had expelled him because of the nature of his medical practice at Women’s Health Care Services. . .
Ah, Bartleby! Ah, humanity! (”Bartleby the Scrivener,” Herman Melville)
That fatalistic sense of imminent doom, of forlorn despair and depression over one’s life and over the state of the human animal for different reasons must have afflicted both George Tiller and the man who killed him last May, Scott Roeder.
Roeder, according to his ex-wife, was upset over his inability to pay bills; he went from job to job seeking something, anything, that would fulfill his failed life and give it purpose.
He finally settled on what he saw as the greatest evil in America that he felt was in his power to somehow rectify: abortion. A particular purpose he embraced was fellow Kansan Tiller and Tiller’s chosen occupation of snuffing out the lives of infants in partial birth abortions.
Dr. George Tiller was living a life that was the virtual antithesis of Roeder’s, but was he any less disturbed?
A physician son of an abortionist with an inherited and successful abortion practice, he was married and active in his new church, the Reformation Lutheran Church in Wichita.
Indeed, almost every account of his murder includes within the first few paragraphs the fact he was killed while serving as an usher, handing out church bulletins in the lobby after Sunday services when Roeder accosted him, put one bullet into his eye and fled.
What’s rarely included in obituaries or articles on the slain Dr. Tiller is that he was handing out those bulletins at Reformation Lutheran because he had been excommunicated from his previous church, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod:
That latter church had expelled him because of the nature of his medical practice at Women’s Health Care Services. . .
Teabagging Cooper to Replace Perky Katie?
Teabagging Cooper to Replace Perky Katie?
I can understand CBS’ desire to dump pretty, perky Katie Couric as its top news anchor since Katie’s only claim to fame is hatcheting Sarah Palin during the last presidential campaign.
Well, that and having an on-air colonoscopy that made Ms. Katie’s rep. Well, that and being one of the cuter cougars on the prowl for young, male stuff.
The wonderment is why CBS is looking at, (in police jargon), CNN’s Anderson Cooper to fill Couric’s tiny shoes:
Is the swisher Cooper the next step in CBS’ death wish, a temporary gay stopgap in the network’s race to the Nielsen basement? If so, CBS has made an awesome pick.
Not exactly the folksy model of Everyman, the son of Gloria Vanderbilt Anderson Cooper lacks the common touch preferred by networks for their anchors. A regular on “60 Minutes,” he does have the anchor gravitas and 7 years experience on “Anderson Cooper 360.”
He also has to be the nation’s most renouned known, closeted homosexual. See “Teabagging Anderson Cooper Outed?”
Aside from his transparently gay demeanor, Andy presents a stiff and unlikable presence on-air. The unmarried, grey-haired 42 year old tipped his grey, gay hand last summer when he let slip a comment on the Tea Party rallies and demonstrations.
In fact, Andy may have coined the absurd link between Tea Party anti-tax rallies and ”teabagging,” an esoteric term formerly known mostly to active homosexuals and referring to the gay practice . . .
I can understand CBS’ desire to dump pretty, perky Katie Couric as its top news anchor since Katie’s only claim to fame is hatcheting Sarah Palin during the last presidential campaign.
Well, that and having an on-air colonoscopy that made Ms. Katie’s rep. Well, that and being one of the cuter cougars on the prowl for young, male stuff.
The wonderment is why CBS is looking at, (in police jargon), CNN’s Anderson Cooper to fill Couric’s tiny shoes:
Is the swisher Cooper the next step in CBS’ death wish, a temporary gay stopgap in the network’s race to the Nielsen basement? If so, CBS has made an awesome pick.
Not exactly the folksy model of Everyman, the son of Gloria Vanderbilt Anderson Cooper lacks the common touch preferred by networks for their anchors. A regular on “60 Minutes,” he does have the anchor gravitas and 7 years experience on “Anderson Cooper 360.”
He also has to be the nation’s most renouned known, closeted homosexual. See “Teabagging Anderson Cooper Outed?”
Aside from his transparently gay demeanor, Andy presents a stiff and unlikable presence on-air. The unmarried, grey-haired 42 year old tipped his grey, gay hand last summer when he let slip a comment on the Tea Party rallies and demonstrations.
In fact, Andy may have coined the absurd link between Tea Party anti-tax rallies and ”teabagging,” an esoteric term formerly known mostly to active homosexuals and referring to the gay practice . . .
Monday, March 1, 2010
Predictable News
Predictable News
Some news items fall into the category of fully-anticipated reports passed off as if they’re real news instead of events and statements that a well-educated high school student–if there are any–could have predicted.
A Brooklyn, N.Y. Office of ACORN Has Been Given a Pass: New York, New York, it’s a wonderful town, especially for pimps employed by Barack Obama’s favorite community organizer, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, acronym ACORN.
The videotaped sting operation conducted by conservative activists Hannah Giles and James O’Keefe last summer helped effect the decline and fall of ACORN which is now on the ropes with little government funding coming its way.
It was all unfair, I tell you, screamed ACORNers, just because they offered instructions on establishing a child prostitution ring and tax avoidance.
The Brooklyn D.A.’s office seems to agree since it has just decided to forego prosecution of those involved since Giles and O’Keefe “edited the tape to meet their agenda,” according to a D.A. source:
That means that the Congress of the United States somehow missed that editing and was wrong in cutting the funding and causing the virtual dissolution of the entire ACORN organization.
Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes on the Upcoming Jobless Figures: They will be released on Friday and to cushion the bad news White House economic advisor Larry Summers has already pinned the blame on Mother Nature. . .
Some news items fall into the category of fully-anticipated reports passed off as if they’re real news instead of events and statements that a well-educated high school student–if there are any–could have predicted.
A Brooklyn, N.Y. Office of ACORN Has Been Given a Pass: New York, New York, it’s a wonderful town, especially for pimps employed by Barack Obama’s favorite community organizer, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, acronym ACORN.
The videotaped sting operation conducted by conservative activists Hannah Giles and James O’Keefe last summer helped effect the decline and fall of ACORN which is now on the ropes with little government funding coming its way.
It was all unfair, I tell you, screamed ACORNers, just because they offered instructions on establishing a child prostitution ring and tax avoidance.
The Brooklyn D.A.’s office seems to agree since it has just decided to forego prosecution of those involved since Giles and O’Keefe “edited the tape to meet their agenda,” according to a D.A. source:
That means that the Congress of the United States somehow missed that editing and was wrong in cutting the funding and causing the virtual dissolution of the entire ACORN organization.
Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes on the Upcoming Jobless Figures: They will be released on Friday and to cushion the bad news White House economic advisor Larry Summers has already pinned the blame on Mother Nature. . .
Justifiable Murder? Who Is Scott Roeder?
Justifiable Homicide? Who Is Scott Roeder?
Murder: the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought: Merriam-Webster
Justifiable Homicide: That which is committed with the intention to kill or to do a grievous bodily injury, under circumstances which the law holds sufficient to exculpate the person who commits it:
After a one-week trial, jurors in Kansas deliberated all of 37 minutes before convicting a man charged with murder. Petty larceny trials take longer than that in some venues. This was a kangaroo court with a foreordained conclusion.
Testifying in his own defense, Scott Roeder freely admitted he had premeditated the murder, the execution, of his victim who was serving as an usher at his church on the morning of May 31, 2009 when Roeder entered and shot him in the head.
Within eight months, Roeder had been arrested, arraigned, indicted, tried, and convicted of one count of first-degree murder and two counts of aggravated assault, an excellent example either of swift justice or of a swift railroading.
Neither the State of Kansas nor the defendant wanted the case to drag on longer than necessary, the state because it just wanted it over, the defendant because he claimed he committed the crime not to end a life but to save lives and was unashamed and unrepentant for what he did.
The victim, George Tiller, was a physician who took the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm in his practice but who did daily harm for 36 years by performing abortions and specializing in late term abortions of pre-born infants.
Those procedures, the killing of viable babies in the womb, have been termed infanticide. . .
Murder: the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought: Merriam-Webster
Justifiable Homicide: That which is committed with the intention to kill or to do a grievous bodily injury, under circumstances which the law holds sufficient to exculpate the person who commits it:
After a one-week trial, jurors in Kansas deliberated all of 37 minutes before convicting a man charged with murder. Petty larceny trials take longer than that in some venues. This was a kangaroo court with a foreordained conclusion.
Testifying in his own defense, Scott Roeder freely admitted he had premeditated the murder, the execution, of his victim who was serving as an usher at his church on the morning of May 31, 2009 when Roeder entered and shot him in the head.
Within eight months, Roeder had been arrested, arraigned, indicted, tried, and convicted of one count of first-degree murder and two counts of aggravated assault, an excellent example either of swift justice or of a swift railroading.
Neither the State of Kansas nor the defendant wanted the case to drag on longer than necessary, the state because it just wanted it over, the defendant because he claimed he committed the crime not to end a life but to save lives and was unashamed and unrepentant for what he did.
The victim, George Tiller, was a physician who took the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm in his practice but who did daily harm for 36 years by performing abortions and specializing in late term abortions of pre-born infants.
Those procedures, the killing of viable babies in the womb, have been termed infanticide. . .
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