Monday, July 4, 2011

Beyond July 4th, 2011, Toward November 6th, 2011

Beyond July 4th, 2011, Toward November 6th, 2012

When all the Independence Day parades are over, after the hoopla and ballyhoo, the celebrations, the fireworks, the overeating and overimbibing are done with for another year, Americans have to face the reality that the United States is still in dire straits.

To paraphrase Ronald Reagan’s famous question, Are we better off today than we were 30 months ago? Only the insane and the masochistic would answer Yes.

After 2 1/2 years of Obama, the economy is still mired in the doldrums, his stimulus has cost $278,000 per job created, official unemployment is stuck above 9%, our health care system is in being socialized, post-racialism is teetering on the edge of race warfare, illegal aliens continue to pour over our border, the nation is in decline as an international power, wars and rumors of wars abound, the Islamic threat is unabated, gasoline and heating oil prices have skyrocketed, the president has declared class warfare, and we’re on the verge of economic default.

Meanwhile, our leader parties and plays golf.

Obama critics such as Sean Hannity naïvely say it’s incomprehensible that a president of the United States could have planned or desired the current mess we’re in. I beg to differ.

September 11th, 2001 was also incomprehensible. . .

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