Sunday, July 17, 2011

Jane Fonda Gets Another Whiff of Mortality

Jane Fonda Gets Another Whiff of Mortality

As we age, either like fine wines or rancid vinegar, most of us human animals begin to contemplate what we’ve done, where we’ve been, what we’ve said, whom we’ve offended, and how family, friends, and the world at large will regard us after we shuffle off this very mortal coil.

Seventy-three year old Jane Vadim-Hayden-Turner-Fonda, born with the presumptuous given name Lady Jane Seymour Fonda, has done and said many things, has been to many places, has gravely offended millions of people, and is currently in process of setting her remembrance stage. She is evidently experiencing a desparate need to tidy up her legacy as a traitor.

I have some bad news for Lady Jane: You’re going to die eventually. Lies and subterfuge will never cover up your seditionist activities, pictures, and utterances during the Vietnam War all of which have been fully documented so stop all the BS! Why not clear your conscience while you can and before you become a suicide like your mom?

Regardless of the facts that misbegotten war launched by Democrat presidents Kennedy and Johnson should never have happened and that it was ignominiously lost by politicians, Jane Fonda provided shameless aid and comfort to Hanoi and the Vietcong by her July, 1972 visit to North Vietnam.

With a big grin on her face, she not only posed for pictures with an enemy in the midst of killing our soldiers but betrayed POWs to that enemy and, ala Tokyo Rose, recorded broadcasts on behalf of the Communist North Vietnamese “in which she called American military leaders ‘war criminals’ and, following the return home of some POWs who described mistreatment by the North Vietnamese, saying that Americans should ’not hail the POWs as heroes, because they are hypocrites and liars.’ “

See “Revisioning Jane Fonda,”

Fonda seems to have forgotten all that and, typical liberal that she was and is, assumes the American public is so stupid that they don’t remember it either.

Reflecting her senior forgetfulness, . .

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