Saturday, July 9, 2011

Defending Casey Anthony's Release

Defending Casey Anthony's Release

Ann Coulter acerbically endorsed the nomination of Casey Anthony as “Mother of the Year” and an unfortunate illustration of her view that single motherhood is “the leading cause of all social pathologies.” The bizarre Bill Maher bizarrely equated the Florida verdict with “Republican thinking.”

Coulter has a valid point. So, too, does Maher–between his skinny shoulders.

Keeping in mind that murderous mother Casey Anthony’s exoneration and imminent release do not constitute her jury’s or society’s conclusion she is innocent, there are some dulled silver linings. She was found, “Not guilty,” not “innocent,” based on the evidence submitted and it’s not all over for Ms. Anthony.

Let’s just face up, buck up, and face the reality that Ms. Anthony was acquitted of any serious charges by a jury of her peers in the death of two year old Caylee Anthony. In the steely, technical eyes of the law, she may be as innocent as a babe in the woods, much like the woods in which Caylee’s decomposed body was finally found, but most rational people know better.

In view of her acquittal, characterizing her as “murderous” is a tad unfair, although only a tad. Some jurors have now come forward and suggested she is being freed only because the prosecutors failed to prove either that a murder was committed or that Casey Anthony was guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the perfidious act of murdering her baby daughter.

I still say she’s murderous and that setting her loose is, if not the right and best recourse in the interests of long-term justice and societal retribution–the ultimate purposes of most criminal trials–and Anthony’s release serves larger purposes.

Predicated on personal observation, I’d guesstimate that ninety percent of those who followed Anthony’s trial believe she is as guilty as atrocious sin. Then, again, most people were absolutely convinced that OJ Simpson murdered Nicole Simpson yet he walked, temporarily. Jury nullification explained that skewed decision, prosecutorial ineptitude–not the complicity of Orlando jurors–explains Anthony’s.

True, it would also have been just had she been convicted of first degree murder, or, at the minimum, convicted on charges of aggravated manslaughter of a child or aggravated child abuse in the matter of the State of Florida against Casey Marie Anthony. Regrettably, those convictions and a finding that she be executed were not to be.

Nevertheless, there are societal compensations in the verdict.

Casey Marie Anthony is to be pitied as much as legally condemned. . .

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