Thursday, July 28, 2011

Al Franken Finds His Sick Niche

Al Franken Finds His Sick Niche

You can dress a clown up as a senator but he would still be a clown, and not necessarily a very funny clown. Alan Stuart Franken, aka the dopey, simpering, effeminate Stuart Smalley, was canned because he wasn’t funny on “Saturday Night Live,” failed with talk radio’s leftist Air America, and had little else to do but stage a run for the United States Senate.

Inexplicably, Minnesotans elected him–by 312 votes and with more than a little help from ineligible Twin Cities convicted felons, creative re-counting of ballots, and empathetic Minnesota courts. Coincidentally, Minnesota’s state bird is the common loon.

And so Mr. Franken went to Washington in 2009 toting all his baggage and a tainted plurality.

He was thrilled according to CNN and is finally on a comic roll in D.C., such as it is.

Freshmen senators don’t usually accomplish much early on in their senatorial tenures but Franken recently hit his stride by taking positions on two controversial issues now being debated in congress: the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, DOMA, and the debt ceiling.

He was wrong on both.

Defying the odds and never letting facts cloud his judgment, Franken ripped into the Bill Clinton initiative, DOMA, passed by an overwhelming 84% of congress fifteen years ago and subsequently reinforced by 31 of 31 states which concurred that a marriage consists of one man, one woman, no variations allowed.

A number of prominant Democrats including Sens. Harry Reid and Pat Leahy supported DOMA in 1996 but, with the rise of gay social and political power, have switched sides and abandoned whatever principles they once had.

Sen. Franken is equally-unprincipled even if he is hardly prominent but he blows in the political winds with the best of them.

In pushing for support of the Respect for [Homosexual] Marriage Act to replace DOMA, Franken attacked an anti-gay marriage advocate, Tom Minnery, for citing a 2007 HHS study. That study unequivocably showed that children fare better in a “nuclear family” consisting of biological or adoptive parents.

Franken contended that same-sex parents do just as well rearing their kids, ignoring the reality that there were approximately 59 million normal married households in America versus 0.0002% of gay families among the “nuclear households” at the time of the HHS conclusions.

In addition and despite gay claims . . .

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