Monday, July 25, 2011

Obama, the Great Prevaricator

Obama, the Great Prevaricator

With all due deference to the Declaration of Independence and with apologies to Thomas Jefferson: When in the course of national events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with a confirmed liar, a decent respect to the opinions of a nation requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

With President Obama, the causes are multitudinous. Chief among them is his unfamiliarity and contempt for truth. With Ronald Reagan, America reveled in the Great Communicator. With Barack Obama we suffer through the Great Prevaricator.

Our president has shown no regard for truth. He has amply demonstrated a calculated disrespect for the opinions of our nation and for its people and merits separation from both, in 2012 by denying him re-election or, preferably, sooner by impeachment.

This time around, it is not King George III or the British Parliament who have deceived, oppressed, and violated the rights of the governed but the leader of the former colonies, the current president of the United States of America. By incessantly lying to the public as to who he was, who he is, whom and what he represents and wants, and by manipulating public perceptions through deceptions and baldfaced lies, Obama has abdicated his right to leadership.

Politicians aren’t exactly noted for their veracity, usually opting instead for subterfuge and half-truths rather than outright and provable prevarication, but no president in modern times–including the masters of falsehoods, Lyndon Baines Johnson and Richard Milhous Nixon–has achieved anything near Barack Hussein Obama’s depth of deception.

Johnson and Nixon never betrayed their country to the degree Obama has. has compiled a list of the “Top 10 Obama Lies” which, as thorough as it is, may do Obama a disservice. In the interests of equity and fairness to our president, I would qualify and explain some, not all, of those lies. It should also be remembered that any number of his reputed lies were committed sans his trusty teleprompters which relieves him of full responsibility.

Human Events cited such presidential untruths as Obama’s recent mendacity regarding 80% public support for his tax scams and earlier assurances that shovels and jobs were poised and ready for his $787 billion stimulus. Generously, the latter could be attributable to extraordinary naiveté although the former was an indisputable, blatant lie.

Human Events also cites Obama’s campaign pledges and promises as lies. However, again being generous, they could almost be forgiven as excessive exaggerated campaign fluorishes. In that category would fall his various pledges not to raise taxes on those earning less than $250,000, to conduct his office and government with full transparency, and to limit the influence of lobbyists, all of which fell by the wayside out of economic and political expediency.

A distinct and personal Obama misrepresentation involved claims his own mother . . .

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