Friday, July 29, 2011

Hyperbole and Insanity in D.C.

Hyperbole and Insanity in D.C.

It’s sometimes challenging to attempt to separate the wheat from the chaff, the real from the unreal, the merely mistaken from the blatantly hyperbolic, the dumb from the patently maniacal ideas and blatherings emanating from Washington, D.C. nowadays.

Okay, it’s always a challenge and not just lately. Of late, however, some of the chaffish, unreal, hyperbolic rantings from Democrat politicians lead objective observers to wonder whether some of their ilk have gone, literally, insane.

If not for the state of the art air conditioning in the Capitol, I could attribute it all to the effects of D.C. heat.

A leader of the Dem pack, former and wannabe-future Speaker of the House, multi-millionaire Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi, (CA), has always been an enigma to those who were mystified as to how a DNC hack could rise to the position of third in succession to the presidency of the United States.

In her role as Speaker, Pelosi further mystified with ineptitude supplemented by outrageous ignorance, more graciously termed inexperienced naiveté, as when she freely admitted she hadn’t the bloodiest idea of what was contained in the most significant social legislation her House had passed in generations, Obamacare.

Saying we would all have to wait until the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was rammed through on Christmas Eve, 2009 before we–and she and her fellow Democrats who had done the ramming–would know what the PPACA contained should have led to her summary impeachment. Instead, it led to accolades for Pelosi’s leadership.

Go figure.

What is beyond figuring are the most recent statements of this current Democrat Leader of the House and her congressional cohorts.

On Thursday, Leader Pelosi delivered what may best be described as a head-shaker regarding the debt limit debate, which the Senate Majority Leader on Friday all but guaranteed would go down to the Tuesday wire.

Rep. Pelosi clarified the essential issue in that debate for us nincompoops who just can’t grasp essentials when she said, “What we [that would be Democrats] are trying to do is save the world from the Republican budget. We’re trying to save life on this planet as we know it today.” (

Got it now, fellow nincompoops? And you thought that Obama spending scarce taxpayer money like a drunken Dem and adding trilions to the national debt in just 28 months, his refusal to accept the Republican proposal for a balanced budget, and his demonstrable financial ineptitude were the problems! You probably also believe legislation should be read before it’s approved!

We should trust Aunt Nancy to preserve the planet, all life thereon, and the American way, forever and ever. Amen.

Harry Reid (NV) is another Dem who has either gone over the rhetorical top–or has simply gone bonkers. . .

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