Saturday, July 2, 2011

Independence Day Beseiged

Independence Day Beseiged

. . . The Harvard study goes on to say,”The political right has been more successful in appropriating American patriotism and its symbols during the 20th century. Survey evidence also confirms that Republicans consider themselves more patriotic than Democrats. . . there is a political congruence between the patriotism promoted on Fourth of July and the values associated with the Republican Party.”

Worst of all, ”Fourth of July celebrations in Republican dominated counties may thus be more politically biased events that socialize children into Republicans.”

Briefly analyzing the conclusions of the Harvard study: Fourth of July parades are purely “politically biased events,” essentially products of massive Republican conspiracies designed to inculcate a sense of patriotism in children and make them all Republicans.

Had Harvard and its study attempted to prove the school and the authors of that study were sick proponents of anti-Americanism and partisanship, they couldn’t have done a better job.

Rest assured, however, that true Americans will still attend Independence Day parades and other celebrations, wave American flags, stoke up the bbq, scarf down burgers and hot dogs and steaks, and deep in their hearts realize the significance of the holiday. Only the Left as epitomized by Harvard will regard Fourth of July parades as partisan events. Like everything else that’s good in our nation, only the Left can reduce America’s birthday to an occasion for narrowminded, un-American sentiments.

May God bless, protect, and preserve the United States of America!

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