Saturday, July 16, 2011

Lies, Race, and the Debt Ceiling

Lies, Race, and the Debt Ceiling

President Barack Hussein Obama’s alternate universe is catching up with him. Being an inveterate and practiced liar can do that to a person. Such people eventually tend to an inability to distinguish truth and facts from fiction and fantasy.

Obama demonstrated reality slippage when he misstated his daughter’s age and even seems confused as to his own age. Those examples are relatively harmless, except to his daughter and birthday planners. However, his flight into fantasy on public support for higher taxes in lieu of massive spending cuts is positively dangerous, disturbing, and symptomatic of his allegedly massive brain in disarray, or his continued baldfaced lying.

Fortunately–for Barack–his back is well-covered with the race card supplied by black racist Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas). And, here I thought America was beyond all that race crap thanks to our first semi-African-American president!

Having already scared the bejesus out of elders by threatening to cut off their Social Security checks, just one day following the publication of a highly reputable Rasmussen Report showing that barely a third of Americans favor raising taxes to pay for more Democrat profligacy and that 55% oppose that insanity, Obama announced at a press conference that 80% of the public is “sold” on the necessity of tax hikes.

As I said, baldfaced lying or alternate universe. I’m not sure which is worse.

Neither Rasmussen nor the president made crystal clear the source of their percentages. The Rasmussen survey was based on a telephone sampling of a thousand likely voters taken July 12-13. See all the Rasmussen Report numbers here:

Obama didn’t poll anyone. His 80% “sold” was predicated on wishful thinking.

Neither officially factored in the 45% of Americans who pay no federal income taxes or the one-seventh of the public that collects food stamps, groups which overlap and which couldn’t give a damn about the national debt or taxes since they don’t pay any taxes and are living on the public dole.

Further illustrating his reality disconnect, or blatant lying, or both, the ideologically-driven leftist Obama also pointed out the essential cause of the D.C. stalemate on the debt limit: ”The problem is [Republican] members of Congress are dug in ideologically” and virtual slaves to lobbyists and “special interests.”

He made no mention of his own locked-in special interest constituencies, the tax-free 45% and the food-stampers. (

Our leader has no worries, though. Astronomical national debt, record deficits, the potential bankruptcy of the United States of America are of little consequence. All of this partisan brouhaha has nothing to do with the issues at hand, according to Rep. Jackson Lee. It all has to do with race. . .

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