Friday, June 26, 2009

Liar, Liar, Obama Pants on Fire!

Liar, Liar, Obama Pants on Fire

Google “Bush lies” and you get less than 3 million links. Google “Obama lies” and you get some 30 million links. What does that tell us? Nothing, and everything, about the nature and veracity of President Barack Hussein Obama.

Thirty million sources for information on the inaccuracies, distortions, misstatements, and outright, bald-faced prevarications could simply reflect the level of prevailing antipathy toward our forty-fourth president. Three million for Bush could just mean people are bored with George W.

Or it could mean Barack Obama in his brief public career has lied ten times more than George W. Bush. I imagine the lying truth about Obama is somewhere in between.

That would still suggest he has been caught in lies to the American people in the course of twelve years and five months as Illinois state senator, U.S. Senator, and President at least five times more often than Bush over his sixteen years as Texas governor and president.

That, of course, is a gross over-simplification and, obviously, not a scientific conclusion due to a number of variables, not the least of which is that boredom, the existing level of Obamian dislike and distrust, and the fact the current chief executive has published two books to Bush’s none.

It’s far easier to pinpoint lies on the printed page than it is to cull un-truths from speeches and statements over the course of years. Then, again, it was easy enough for bloggers and others to blabber their inanities about “Bush lies,” without ever backing up that slander.

Nevertheless, 30 million or 15 million are prodigious numbers and a fair indicator that where there are smoke, and mirrors, there very well could be substance.

Various websites have catalogued and enumerated what could easily be gathered into another lengthy book. Maybe title it, The Audacity of Lies or Lying Dreams from My Father, My Prevaricating Mentor.

Included among those sites is one which numbers 158 whoppers but, in fairness to Obama, . . .

(Read the rest at

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