Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Katie Couric, the Nasty Cougar

Cougar Couric: Nasty Is As Nasty Does

Pretty, perky Katie Couric, a tag coined by Rush Limbaugh, can also be a nasty, nattering nabobette.

Shown in her prime here, she not only must be having issues with aging, she also seems to be having issues with honesty caused by her collapsing ratings at CBS. No worries, though. She’s compensating by prowling and hypocritically lecturing on needless, “collegial nastiness.”

I know, I know! How can anyone criticize pretty, perky Katie? Well, I can because she’s eminently deserving.

Rescued from imminent oblivion by her hatchet job on Governor Sarah Palin last summer, Katie is slip, slip, slipping away in her incongruous role as anchorwoman of the “CBS Evening News,” a position demanding gravitas rather than perkiness but accorded her because, well, she’s pretty, perky Katie Couric.

Overachieving, being a walking, talking example of The Peter Principle, must weigh on a girl.

Whoopi Goldberg would have been a better scoop for CBS. Whoopi is scary but she would have souped up CBS’ Black demographic, would have delighted our president, and was as qualified as Katie, but what do I know.

Couric did gain some traction with her blindsiding interview of Palin when the governor was anticipating getting-to-know-you type questions or at least something less than a grilling. However, popular traction is ephemeral and she and the “CBS Evening News” are now wallowing in record low viewership, the lowest in Nielsen-recorded history: http://www.mediabistro.com/tvnewser/evening_news_ratings/evening_news_ratings_week_of_june_1_118500.asp.

Helen Thomas, the D.C. dinosaur curmudgeon, felt Couric’s interview, “saved the country” but it didn’t save Katie for long. It also didn’t save the country from VP Joe-The-Mouth Biden. I’ve often wondered whether Senator John Edwards in 2004 could have answered probing questions on anything aside from his coiffure and marital fidelity or how Joe Lieberman would have responded to the query, ”Pick just one, Israel or the United States?”

Of course, Democrats never have to deal with probing questions and when they flub an answer they are granted do-overs by the mainstream media.

Invited to Princeton to address seniors at Class Day, Couric briefly, very briefly, joked about her new cougar role to the next generation of bankers, lawyers, pols, and tax cheats. She instructed the graduates to, “Rise above the collegial nastiness and instead . . . celebrate excellence,” and she trotted out the Obama mantra to give back since the Princetonians have been given so much.

I hate to hit Katie with stark reality, but her suggestion that the elite Ivy Leaguers give back in such forms of service as ”tutoring a child, working at a soup kitchen, driving an elderly neighbor to the grocery store” probably fell on ears almost as deaf as those which heard her berate acquisitiveness.

This is Obama-Nirvana time, the dawning of a new Age of Aquarius when people like Joe the Plumber will be expected to employ the unemployable and love being taxed for the privilege and stars such as Katie Couric are expected to share her reported $15 million salary with the hoi polloi.

As she said, ”Gordon Gecko from the movie ‘Wall Street’ was wrong . . . greed is not good. We can finally burn the bumper sticker that says: ‘he who dies with the most toys wins.’ “ That would depend on what kind of toys, no?

She also managed to inject her speechwriter’s snarky little nasties. She referenced Rush Limbaugh’s “prescription plan,” a dig at his oxycontin addiction, and took a shot at Miss California Carrie Prejean, to placate the ever-present gays on hand: “No one has done more to motivate gay rights activists since Anita Bryant.”

Just ask Perez Hilton who was motivated to the point of apoplexy: http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=975.

Special attention was devoted to Princeton grad and former Defense Secretary Don Rumsfeld who “has been charged with guarding the Big Cannon. I don’t want to say he’s taking his job too far, but he’s reportedly been telling President Obama there are Weapons of Mass Destruction hidden at Rutgers.” If one of those missing WMD’s ends up near her New York City office, she may re-evaluate her dissing of Rumsfeld. And, maybe not.

Though Couric exulted in the accomplishments of women lately, her only allusion to Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, the first woman on a Republican national ticket and the woman who temporarily saved Katie’s butt with her lack of preparedness last September, wasn’t at all appreciative.

Instead, Lil Miss Perky resorted to derision: . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)

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