Sunday, June 7, 2009

Various Perversions

Various Perversions (PG Rated)

The poor will always be with us, spoke Jesus Christ. Literally, He said, “You always have the poor with you,” (Matthew 26:11), though the meaning is the same. If Christ lived in 2009 A.D., He might add, “And perverts will always be with you, too!” The meaning and truth of that pronouncement would be evident to anyone who reads newspapers.

Perversion is defined as any sexual act considered abnormal but nowadays precisely what constitutes “abnormal” is sometimes disputed. Likewise, that definition could be stretched to incorporate any forms of depravity. Four examples of perversions follow:

Procreative Perversion: A guy who perhaps does not technically-qualify for the appellation of pervert but who has to be damned close is Desmond Hatchett. Mr. Hatchett is not shy about admitting that he has fathered some 20 or 21 kids which in itself may not be that exceptional, even if he is a gross exemplar of population pollution and more representative of Arab sheiks than his fellow lotharios in Knoxville, TN.

What distinguishes him more is his relatively brief lifespan of 29 years and the fact he boasts of impregnating at least 11 different females and of begetting 4 kids within the same year–twice:

Hatchett brings to mind the admonition of either Groucho Marx or W.C. Fields, (the ascription is debated), that, “I love my cigar too but I take it out once in a while.” It also brings to mind the thought that since Mr. Hatchett works a minimum-wage job and currently resides in jail for failure to pay child support the state of Tennessee should consider a hatchet to deal with Hatchett’s insatiable proclivities. The Volunteer State will be paying to raise his brood.

It should also be noted that none of the mothers objected to his multiple feats of propagation but some did object that they will be receiving $1.98 a month from Mr. Hatchett’s largesse.

Parading Perversion: Less ambiguously perverted is state-sponsored corruption of children. Desmond Hatchett apparently indulged his appetites with willing accomplices. The State of Massachusetts was accomplice to the corruption of kids during its annual May “Youth Pride Parade,” a euphemism for “Encouraging Children to Become Queers Parade.”

Anyone who knows teenagers and, especially those who have reared them, knows that teens are by nature a confused group. Confusion and indecision come with the teen territory. So where else can homosexuals, the GLBT bunch, find greener pastures and green recruits than among . . .

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