Friday, June 26, 2009

Obama Screws Heterosexuals!

Government Discriminatory Screwing of Normal Shacker-uppers

(Fifth in a series in recognition of New York City’s “Gay Pride Week”)

I’ve never been a member of any minority that I know of but I can now better empathize with the discrimination some minorities claim to suffer. Any discriminatory action must be painful to endure but when its source is the government of the United States it is not only painful but infuriating.

A recent article on The American Spectator, “Friends with Benefits,” by George Neumayr reveals the essence of that discrimination in a quotation from the Washington Post, “Barack Obama’s presidential memorandum that decrees in these dark days of recession new ‘benefits to partners of federal workers. . . . [the memo] does not cover domestic heterosexual partners.’ “

If you happen to be a heterosexual worker, you get didleysquat, nothing, nada, zilch in new benefits. They are reserved for homosexuals in the employ of our government.

The tipoff should have been the word “partners,” the preferred term for gay lovers who are, usually, shacking up. As Neumayr writes, “Heterosexual sinners need to hire better lobbyists, or hope that Obama soon finds in his impressively massive heart a new and richer understanding of their attempts at semi-committed love:”

A GAO employee, a lesbian and ordained “minister” Candy Holmes, told the Post she wants “to believe this is the beginning of equality.”

I must be missing something here. . . .

(Read the rest at

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