Sunday, June 28, 2009

Moving on Down in the USA

Now that Nancy “Bug-eyed” Pelosi has succeeded in getting passed the greatest piece of legislation in the whole history of legislation, where do we go from here?

In a word, downhill. In two words, downhill fast.

Pelosi pulled out all the stops to cajole, intimidate, bribe, and threaten her minions to achieve narrow passage, 219-212, of the “historic” bill that will mean much higher bills for Americans across the board, if not catastrophic and crippling costs in the future.

But, don’t call the 1200 page “Cap and Trade” legislation a tax. And, please don’t ask if any of our representatives read the thing. They’re far too busy for such trivia. Also, please don’t ask why 8 Republicans helped pass the atrocity.

Only governments can impose taxes so we won’t even be able to write off additional charges from energy suppliers, auto makers, (if we have any left), milk producers, and kazoo manufacturers since those charges will be built in to everything we consume.

Yet, Speaker Bug-eyes has the temerity to say, “We passed transformational legislation which takes us into the future,” omitting the fact that it won’t do a damned bit of good in curbing “global warming,” which currently is called, “climate change,” which used to be called, “global cooling.”

Why not? Because . . .

(Read the rest at

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