Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sarah Palin, the Dirty Old Man, and Ugly Feminists

I’ll confess. I think Sarah Louise Heath Palin, who happens to be the first female governor of the great state of Alaska, is the foxiest politician I’ve seen in my lifetime. My wife of 41 years doesn’t even blink anymore when I mention that fact.

Would I vote for her as president of the United States because she’s attractive? Not bloody likely, even if she were a replication of Britney Spears or Carrie Prejean. If she resembled Judge Sonia Sotomayor, it would be even more bloody unlikely.

Palin’s looks are not the issue, or shouldn’t be. What is an issue in 2009–and which will be an issue in 2012– is not the reincarnation of J.D. Salinger’s dirty old man, in the person of dirty old Dave Letterman, or Palin’s looks but whether Dyke-World can overcome its revulsion over attractive women who aren’t lesbians.

It will be a challenge; most who flock to Dyke World more closely resemble Betty Friedan than Mrs. Palin. Brains and success, and Palin has both in spades, appeal to the lez set, but attractiveness seems to be a contraindicator for acceptance for most feminazis.

Make no mistake, the libs, the gays, the lesbians, and the Democrats, which is a redundancy, are terrified of Governor Sarah Palin and Letterman is nothing but a water carrier for that whole crew. Letterman’s crudities are almost irrelevant. What is worth emphasis is the atmosphere in which Dirty Dave and his writers feel free to dump on Palin.

It’s the same prevailing atmosphere which allows attacks on a beauty queen for being honest about gay marriage, which mandates the persecution of a radio shock jock for letting slip a dumb racial slur, and which hounded a sports commentator twenty or so years ago who was fired by CBS for praising Black athletes’ slave-derived athleticism.

To liberals today there are various levels of discriminatory language, acceptable, marginal, and totally objectionable, and they determine the parameters of each category. The Left, for example, has twisted words and language to such an extent that the term “reproductive rights” now has no relation to reproduction but rather to aborting life.

Letterman’s inane “jokes,” referring to the governor of Alaska as a slut and to her daughter being knocked-up way out in right field at Yankee Stadium are in a class with Wanda Sykes’ “humorous” wish that Rush Limbaugh die of kidney failure. That brand of ”humor” so tickled Obama’s funny bone that he all but peed his pants when he heard it. The rest of the lib establishment either condoned or ignored it.

Incredibly, Letterman’s entire defense of his knocked-up crack was that he was referring to Bristol Palin who, since she was 18 and, to feminist dismay, had chosen to bear her child out of wedlock instead of aborting the baby. She thereby violated the First Commandment of liberal theology, Thou shalt abort inconvenient babies. Their Second Commandment is, Thou shalt abort any baby if you don’t want it, inconvenient or no.

Never would Dirty Dave refer to 14 year old Willow Palin in such a way. Not Dave! That would be statutory rape! It was just hunky dorey, however, to make light of Bristol being raped by Alex Rodriquez. I assume, Dirty Dave considered her a fallen woman already and so, who knows, maybe it was consensual.

It was Willow Palin and not Bristol Palin who accompanied her mother and Rudy Giuliani to the Yankee game but, hey, ya seen one Palin girl, ya seen ‘em all. They all look alike, right, Mr. Letterman?

As for his “slutty flight attendant” witticism about Governor Palin, he did sort of apologize for that and will probably not joke about Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton being sluts, unless one of their daughters gets knocked-up out in left field in the Stadium.

No doubt Dirty Dave, who didn’t marry his son Harry’s mother until the boy was five, . . .
(Read the rest at

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