Monday, June 8, 2009

Know Thy Liberal Source II

Part One of this very mini series dealt primarily with the necessity of verifying sources before one believes anything read on the internet. Another focus was Ms. Bonnie Erbe’s background and studied indifference as to the recent Playboy filth promoting the “hate-f***ing” of a number of prominent conservative women:

Erbe’ is relatively prominent herself and I was attempting to determine what makes her tick in light of the view expressed in her article, published by, that “Abortion Is Not a Tragedy.”

Her non-reaction to the Playboy piece went a long way in clarifying her ticking.

She argued in “Abortion Is Not a Tragedy” that America’s current hard economic times are driving women to abortionists as they try to make do with less money. As with “hate-f***ing” (conservative) women, Erbe’ adopts a blase’ attitude of, “So what!” or, as she writes, “The media have also been rife with stories portraying this trend as something of a tragedy. Let me propose a counter view: it is not.”

She supports her counter-proposal by offering the example of an unwed mother of three whose live-in significant other had lost his job. The mother had weighed all her options and decided to abort her fourth child: ”It’s actually a fact-based, rational decision that in the end benefits the three children they already have and society as well. . . It’s no tragedy: it’s a good decision.”

Erbe’ is a perfect representative of a liberal moral relativist, an obtuse, ignorant relativist, suggesting as she does that since times are tough and babies are expensive, why not just kill Number Four and all will be good for that mom, her boyfriend, and their progeny? After all, then the loving couple will be better able to tend to their brood and will be less likely to have “to rely on scarce public resources to raise their children.”

What an awesome perspective!

She goes on to say, based on something or other, that, “Abortion was not viewed as a tragic event in the early days after the Supreme Court handed down its Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion on a national scale.” The tragic essence of murdering a pre-born human being only gained tragic status after “the poster child” for pro-life, and the “Roe” in Roe v. Wade, became an advocate for life.

To make things even worse, ”the media [has] become a trumpet for the pro-life message that abortion is always a tragedy.”

I understand Bonnie Erbe’ was born in New York City but on which planet she now resides is something of a mystery. I have a slew of questions for her which, depending on her responses, will help establish whether she is or ever has been a bonafide Earthling:...
(Read the rest at

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