Let's Go For Broke! Default Now!
Debt default seems academic at this point what with the announcement out of Washington Sunday night that a tentative deal had been brokered on the debt ceiling. However, the operative word there is “tentative.”
With reservations, Senate Majority Leader Reid likes it, which could and should be the kiss of death in the House. Speaker Boehner is ambivalent but believes it’s in line with GOP principles although, as a RINO, his view of those principles don’t jibe with conservative principles. House Democrat Minority Leader Pelosi isn’t sure what she thinks and will probably wait until the deal is consummated before reading it. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell greased the skids for the agreement but can easily wash off the grease if it goes badly.
In sum, the vaunted deal will not become a done deal until the overweight lady sings her approbation and shouldn’t be approved since the so-called compromise accomplishes nothing substantive aside from authorizing the president to tack on a few more trillion to the federal debt.
Balanced budget? They’ll work on it. Cuts in spending? Piddling, but they’ll work on that too and appoint another toothless commission to study them. Re-structuring Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, the most crushing crises facing America? Not even on the table.
Barring a temporary debt ceiling hike postponing the inevitable, what if America defaults Monday night at 11:59:59 p.m.?
That scenario is now unlikely since the party in favor of fiscal sanity has once again compromised and the party favoring taxing and spending the United States into financial oblivion seems about to get its way, once again, but, just for the jollies, what if we do default?
Who would be held responsible? What would be the effects of a default? Who would emerge the winner and who the goat? . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5143)
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Breivik vs. Hasan and Abdo, Patriotic vs. Treasonous Terrorism
Breivik vs. Hasan and Abdo, Patriotic vs. Treasonous Terrorism
Anders Behring Breivik, the accused murderer of 76 people in Oslo and on the island of Utoya, will have unique advantages if and when he ever comes to trial. He will not be subject to American law or our penal system but instead to far less punitive Norwegian law and a maximum sentence of 21 years in a prison which more closely resembles a Club Med resort.
As an article in PajamasMedia.com observed, the Norwegian mass murderer faces a “Gentle Justice,” the Nordic belief being, “If you treat people badly, they will behave badly. Anyone can be a citizen if we treat them well, respect them, and give them challenges and demands.” (http://bit.ly/nYi1Vc)
Norway’s is an operable philosophy only if the citizenry and inmate population adhere to civilized principles and only when predicated on extended experience with immigrant influxes, which homogeneous Norway is not. Their system of “gentle justice” presupposes civil criminals and has yet to be tested on a wide scale.
Norway considers itself very progressive when it comes to punishment and in many other ways, including not permitting most of its police force to carry lethal weapons since Nordic countries don’t want people to get hurt.
In a very real sense, Breivik deserves better treatment than America’s homegrown lowlives.
As reprehensible as his murderous spree was, Breivik committed his atrocities out of a love for his country, albeit a distorted love but love nevertheless. He detested his exceedingly benevolent, socialistic Labor government for its immigration policies and, more specifically, for undermining Norway’s national integrity and culture by welcoming and indulging hordes of Muslim immigrants.
In America, we have a similar approach. We welcome and indulge large scale multiculturalism and diversity–and we’re reaping the whirlwind as a result.
In custody are Nidal Malik Hasan, the Army major who allegedly slaughtered 13 people at Fort Hood in 2009, and Naser Jason Abdo, who apparently was plotting to become a Hasan wannabe. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5131)
Anders Behring Breivik, the accused murderer of 76 people in Oslo and on the island of Utoya, will have unique advantages if and when he ever comes to trial. He will not be subject to American law or our penal system but instead to far less punitive Norwegian law and a maximum sentence of 21 years in a prison which more closely resembles a Club Med resort.
As an article in PajamasMedia.com observed, the Norwegian mass murderer faces a “Gentle Justice,” the Nordic belief being, “If you treat people badly, they will behave badly. Anyone can be a citizen if we treat them well, respect them, and give them challenges and demands.” (http://bit.ly/nYi1Vc)
Norway’s is an operable philosophy only if the citizenry and inmate population adhere to civilized principles and only when predicated on extended experience with immigrant influxes, which homogeneous Norway is not. Their system of “gentle justice” presupposes civil criminals and has yet to be tested on a wide scale.
Norway considers itself very progressive when it comes to punishment and in many other ways, including not permitting most of its police force to carry lethal weapons since Nordic countries don’t want people to get hurt.
In a very real sense, Breivik deserves better treatment than America’s homegrown lowlives.
As reprehensible as his murderous spree was, Breivik committed his atrocities out of a love for his country, albeit a distorted love but love nevertheless. He detested his exceedingly benevolent, socialistic Labor government for its immigration policies and, more specifically, for undermining Norway’s national integrity and culture by welcoming and indulging hordes of Muslim immigrants.
In America, we have a similar approach. We welcome and indulge large scale multiculturalism and diversity–and we’re reaping the whirlwind as a result.
In custody are Nidal Malik Hasan, the Army major who allegedly slaughtered 13 people at Fort Hood in 2009, and Naser Jason Abdo, who apparently was plotting to become a Hasan wannabe. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5131)
Friday, July 29, 2011
Hyperbole and Insanity in D.C.
Hyperbole and Insanity in D.C.
It’s sometimes challenging to attempt to separate the wheat from the chaff, the real from the unreal, the merely mistaken from the blatantly hyperbolic, the dumb from the patently maniacal ideas and blatherings emanating from Washington, D.C. nowadays.
Okay, it’s always a challenge and not just lately. Of late, however, some of the chaffish, unreal, hyperbolic rantings from Democrat politicians lead objective observers to wonder whether some of their ilk have gone, literally, insane.
If not for the state of the art air conditioning in the Capitol, I could attribute it all to the effects of D.C. heat.
A leader of the Dem pack, former and wannabe-future Speaker of the House, multi-millionaire Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi, (CA), has always been an enigma to those who were mystified as to how a DNC hack could rise to the position of third in succession to the presidency of the United States.
In her role as Speaker, Pelosi further mystified with ineptitude supplemented by outrageous ignorance, more graciously termed inexperienced naiveté, as when she freely admitted she hadn’t the bloodiest idea of what was contained in the most significant social legislation her House had passed in generations, Obamacare.
Saying we would all have to wait until the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was rammed through on Christmas Eve, 2009 before we–and she and her fellow Democrats who had done the ramming–would know what the PPACA contained should have led to her summary impeachment. Instead, it led to accolades for Pelosi’s leadership.
Go figure.
What is beyond figuring are the most recent statements of this current Democrat Leader of the House and her congressional cohorts.
On Thursday, Leader Pelosi delivered what may best be described as a head-shaker regarding the debt limit debate, which the Senate Majority Leader on Friday all but guaranteed would go down to the Tuesday wire.
Rep. Pelosi clarified the essential issue in that debate for us nincompoops who just can’t grasp essentials when she said, “What we [that would be Democrats] are trying to do is save the world from the Republican budget. We’re trying to save life on this planet as we know it today.” (http://bit.ly/ql288h)
Got it now, fellow nincompoops? And you thought that Obama spending scarce taxpayer money like a drunken Dem and adding trilions to the national debt in just 28 months, his refusal to accept the Republican proposal for a balanced budget, and his demonstrable financial ineptitude were the problems! You probably also believe legislation should be read before it’s approved!
We should trust Aunt Nancy to preserve the planet, all life thereon, and the American way, forever and ever. Amen.
Harry Reid (NV) is another Dem who has either gone over the rhetorical top–or has simply gone bonkers. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5115)
It’s sometimes challenging to attempt to separate the wheat from the chaff, the real from the unreal, the merely mistaken from the blatantly hyperbolic, the dumb from the patently maniacal ideas and blatherings emanating from Washington, D.C. nowadays.
Okay, it’s always a challenge and not just lately. Of late, however, some of the chaffish, unreal, hyperbolic rantings from Democrat politicians lead objective observers to wonder whether some of their ilk have gone, literally, insane.
If not for the state of the art air conditioning in the Capitol, I could attribute it all to the effects of D.C. heat.
A leader of the Dem pack, former and wannabe-future Speaker of the House, multi-millionaire Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi, (CA), has always been an enigma to those who were mystified as to how a DNC hack could rise to the position of third in succession to the presidency of the United States.
In her role as Speaker, Pelosi further mystified with ineptitude supplemented by outrageous ignorance, more graciously termed inexperienced naiveté, as when she freely admitted she hadn’t the bloodiest idea of what was contained in the most significant social legislation her House had passed in generations, Obamacare.
Saying we would all have to wait until the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was rammed through on Christmas Eve, 2009 before we–and she and her fellow Democrats who had done the ramming–would know what the PPACA contained should have led to her summary impeachment. Instead, it led to accolades for Pelosi’s leadership.
Go figure.
What is beyond figuring are the most recent statements of this current Democrat Leader of the House and her congressional cohorts.
On Thursday, Leader Pelosi delivered what may best be described as a head-shaker regarding the debt limit debate, which the Senate Majority Leader on Friday all but guaranteed would go down to the Tuesday wire.
Rep. Pelosi clarified the essential issue in that debate for us nincompoops who just can’t grasp essentials when she said, “What we [that would be Democrats] are trying to do is save the world from the Republican budget. We’re trying to save life on this planet as we know it today.” (http://bit.ly/ql288h)
Got it now, fellow nincompoops? And you thought that Obama spending scarce taxpayer money like a drunken Dem and adding trilions to the national debt in just 28 months, his refusal to accept the Republican proposal for a balanced budget, and his demonstrable financial ineptitude were the problems! You probably also believe legislation should be read before it’s approved!
We should trust Aunt Nancy to preserve the planet, all life thereon, and the American way, forever and ever. Amen.
Harry Reid (NV) is another Dem who has either gone over the rhetorical top–or has simply gone bonkers. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5115)
Dirty Dave Meets Killer Kirstie
Dirty Dave Meets Killer Kirstie
David Letterman is a funny guy–when his writers are funny. It doesn’t much matter, though. When he and they are not, Dave’s braindead audience laughs anyway since they’re supposed to.
He was hilarious when he suggested Sarah Palin was a slut, that then-14 year old Willow Palin had sexual intercourse with A-Rod out in Yankee Stadium right field, not so funny when he was forced to admit an extended, extra-marital affair with young “Late Show” intern Stephanie Birkitt or after his cracks about the Palins hit the fan and he was compelled to render a pro-forma, on-air apology to them.
Whether he apologized to his long-term live-in mistress, Regina Lasko, whom he finally married a few years following the birth of his son, is not known.
One of his prime targets in the last few years has been Kirstie Alley and her weight struggle, telling joke after joke about her with impunity and a frequency almost as great as his riffs on Republicans and the Republican Party.
Long a butt of Dave’s ridicule, safely delivered from afar, Alley is no tolerant, long-suffering mistress. She surprisingly finished as runner-up on “Dancing With the Stars,” appearances which furnished unlimited fodder for Letterman’s writers to make fat jokes but those yuks didn’t dissuade her from focusing both barrels on Letterman Thursday night.
As he claimed last night, she had once said, “It was okay . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5119)
David Letterman is a funny guy–when his writers are funny. It doesn’t much matter, though. When he and they are not, Dave’s braindead audience laughs anyway since they’re supposed to.
He was hilarious when he suggested Sarah Palin was a slut, that then-14 year old Willow Palin had sexual intercourse with A-Rod out in Yankee Stadium right field, not so funny when he was forced to admit an extended, extra-marital affair with young “Late Show” intern Stephanie Birkitt or after his cracks about the Palins hit the fan and he was compelled to render a pro-forma, on-air apology to them.
Whether he apologized to his long-term live-in mistress, Regina Lasko, whom he finally married a few years following the birth of his son, is not known.
One of his prime targets in the last few years has been Kirstie Alley and her weight struggle, telling joke after joke about her with impunity and a frequency almost as great as his riffs on Republicans and the Republican Party.
Long a butt of Dave’s ridicule, safely delivered from afar, Alley is no tolerant, long-suffering mistress. She surprisingly finished as runner-up on “Dancing With the Stars,” appearances which furnished unlimited fodder for Letterman’s writers to make fat jokes but those yuks didn’t dissuade her from focusing both barrels on Letterman Thursday night.
As he claimed last night, she had once said, “It was okay . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5119)
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Al Franken Finds His Sick Niche
Al Franken Finds His Sick Niche
You can dress a clown up as a senator but he would still be a clown, and not necessarily a very funny clown. Alan Stuart Franken, aka the dopey, simpering, effeminate Stuart Smalley, was canned because he wasn’t funny on “Saturday Night Live,” failed with talk radio’s leftist Air America, and had little else to do but stage a run for the United States Senate.
Inexplicably, Minnesotans elected him–by 312 votes and with more than a little help from ineligible Twin Cities convicted felons, creative re-counting of ballots, and empathetic Minnesota courts. Coincidentally, Minnesota’s state bird is the common loon.
And so Mr. Franken went to Washington in 2009 toting all his baggage and a tainted plurality.
He was thrilled according to CNN and is finally on a comic roll in D.C., such as it is.
Freshmen senators don’t usually accomplish much early on in their senatorial tenures but Franken recently hit his stride by taking positions on two controversial issues now being debated in congress: the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, DOMA, and the debt ceiling.
He was wrong on both.
Defying the odds and never letting facts cloud his judgment, Franken ripped into the Bill Clinton initiative, DOMA, passed by an overwhelming 84% of congress fifteen years ago and subsequently reinforced by 31 of 31 states which concurred that a marriage consists of one man, one woman, no variations allowed.
A number of prominant Democrats including Sens. Harry Reid and Pat Leahy supported DOMA in 1996 but, with the rise of gay social and political power, have switched sides and abandoned whatever principles they once had.
Sen. Franken is equally-unprincipled even if he is hardly prominent but he blows in the political winds with the best of them.
In pushing for support of the Respect for [Homosexual] Marriage Act to replace DOMA, Franken attacked an anti-gay marriage advocate, Tom Minnery, for citing a 2007 HHS study. That study unequivocably showed that children fare better in a “nuclear family” consisting of biological or adoptive parents.
Franken contended that same-sex parents do just as well rearing their kids, ignoring the reality that there were approximately 59 million normal married households in America versus 0.0002% of gay families among the “nuclear households” at the time of the HHS conclusions.
In addition and despite gay claims . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5111)
You can dress a clown up as a senator but he would still be a clown, and not necessarily a very funny clown. Alan Stuart Franken, aka the dopey, simpering, effeminate Stuart Smalley, was canned because he wasn’t funny on “Saturday Night Live,” failed with talk radio’s leftist Air America, and had little else to do but stage a run for the United States Senate.
Inexplicably, Minnesotans elected him–by 312 votes and with more than a little help from ineligible Twin Cities convicted felons, creative re-counting of ballots, and empathetic Minnesota courts. Coincidentally, Minnesota’s state bird is the common loon.
And so Mr. Franken went to Washington in 2009 toting all his baggage and a tainted plurality.
He was thrilled according to CNN and is finally on a comic roll in D.C., such as it is.
Freshmen senators don’t usually accomplish much early on in their senatorial tenures but Franken recently hit his stride by taking positions on two controversial issues now being debated in congress: the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, DOMA, and the debt ceiling.
He was wrong on both.
Defying the odds and never letting facts cloud his judgment, Franken ripped into the Bill Clinton initiative, DOMA, passed by an overwhelming 84% of congress fifteen years ago and subsequently reinforced by 31 of 31 states which concurred that a marriage consists of one man, one woman, no variations allowed.
A number of prominant Democrats including Sens. Harry Reid and Pat Leahy supported DOMA in 1996 but, with the rise of gay social and political power, have switched sides and abandoned whatever principles they once had.
Sen. Franken is equally-unprincipled even if he is hardly prominent but he blows in the political winds with the best of them.
In pushing for support of the Respect for [Homosexual] Marriage Act to replace DOMA, Franken attacked an anti-gay marriage advocate, Tom Minnery, for citing a 2007 HHS study. That study unequivocably showed that children fare better in a “nuclear family” consisting of biological or adoptive parents.
Franken contended that same-sex parents do just as well rearing their kids, ignoring the reality that there were approximately 59 million normal married households in America versus 0.0002% of gay families among the “nuclear households” at the time of the HHS conclusions.
In addition and despite gay claims . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5111)
Opinions on Obama Supporters and Atheists
Opinions on Obama Supporters and Atheists
. . . That vicious, bigoted rant speaks for itself but I’ll add a few more: No, Mr. Silverman, that cross is no Christian icon in the context of the WTC memorial, the 3,000 innocents were not killed in God’s name but in Allah’s name, and the only ridiculous feature of your lawsuit is that you missed the entire point of the memorial and that cross–to remember, to mourn, and to resolve that what happened on September 11th, 2011 will never happen again.
Silverman’s American Atheists and Obamians have a great deal in common: ignorance, stupidity, and self-debasement.
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5106)
. . . That vicious, bigoted rant speaks for itself but I’ll add a few more: No, Mr. Silverman, that cross is no Christian icon in the context of the WTC memorial, the 3,000 innocents were not killed in God’s name but in Allah’s name, and the only ridiculous feature of your lawsuit is that you missed the entire point of the memorial and that cross–to remember, to mourn, and to resolve that what happened on September 11th, 2011 will never happen again.
Silverman’s American Atheists and Obamians have a great deal in common: ignorance, stupidity, and self-debasement.
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5106)
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
The Home/Homo Depot
The Home/Homo Depot
The Home Depot retails its wares, ranging from building supplies to appliances to tools and almost everything in between, in all 50 states and various foreign nations via its 2,248 big box stores. It also peddles the homosexual agenda while rejecting out of hand a petition signed by half a million valued shoppers who objected to that stance.
Ever since its surprising corporate choice of Frank Blake as chairman and CEO in 2007, the Atlanta-based company under Blake’s direction has waged an unrelenting advocacy campaign not for new customers but for the homosexual lifestyle. Blake had virtually no retail experience before his selection, which leads one to believe he has a good, influential buddy on Home Depot’s Board of Directors.
Two years ago, Blake survived an ouster move arising from an employee-abuse scandal involving unethical conduct related to the company’s stringent Code of Conduct when he essentially maintained he was oblivious of the abuses despite his “full and documented knowledge.” (http://bit.ly/r0QY2T)
Good buddies and bottom lines go a long way at The Home Depot.
Apparently, ethics aren’t Frank Blake’s strong suit although he does seem to feel a deep sense of ethical responsibility toward the gay community.
According to the authoritative American Family Association (AFA), instead of opting for a course of neutrality on controversial issues, a course most publicly-traded corporations in the United States wisely and rightly elect, Frank Blake’s Home Depot engages in promoting homosexuality. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5099)
The Home Depot retails its wares, ranging from building supplies to appliances to tools and almost everything in between, in all 50 states and various foreign nations via its 2,248 big box stores. It also peddles the homosexual agenda while rejecting out of hand a petition signed by half a million valued shoppers who objected to that stance.
Ever since its surprising corporate choice of Frank Blake as chairman and CEO in 2007, the Atlanta-based company under Blake’s direction has waged an unrelenting advocacy campaign not for new customers but for the homosexual lifestyle. Blake had virtually no retail experience before his selection, which leads one to believe he has a good, influential buddy on Home Depot’s Board of Directors.
Two years ago, Blake survived an ouster move arising from an employee-abuse scandal involving unethical conduct related to the company’s stringent Code of Conduct when he essentially maintained he was oblivious of the abuses despite his “full and documented knowledge.” (http://bit.ly/r0QY2T)
Good buddies and bottom lines go a long way at The Home Depot.
Apparently, ethics aren’t Frank Blake’s strong suit although he does seem to feel a deep sense of ethical responsibility toward the gay community.
According to the authoritative American Family Association (AFA), instead of opting for a course of neutrality on controversial issues, a course most publicly-traded corporations in the United States wisely and rightly elect, Frank Blake’s Home Depot engages in promoting homosexuality. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5099)
HR4646: The Damned Democrat 1% Solution for What Ails Us
HR4646: The Damned Democrat 1% Solution for What Ails Us
. . . Well, those Dems are at it again with HR4646. Compounding their deceit and since they were unable to pass it in 2009, it will be shelved until after the 2012 election, assuming they win.
When first proposed, then-Speaker Pelosi said of HR4646, “I believe that the transaction tax still has a great deal of merit” and would have a “really minimal impact on the transaction, but a tremendous impact on helping us meet our needs.”
From the perspective of the multimillionaire Pelosi family, the 1% tax/fee might be really minimal. From the perspective of real Americans, the impact would be really significant.
Even liberal-leaning Snopes.com expressed outrage in its article, “The One Percent Solution,” subtitled, “The Transaction Tax WHAT THE HELL IS THIS??” (Snopes’ emphasis) . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5094)
. . . Well, those Dems are at it again with HR4646. Compounding their deceit and since they were unable to pass it in 2009, it will be shelved until after the 2012 election, assuming they win.
When first proposed, then-Speaker Pelosi said of HR4646, “I believe that the transaction tax still has a great deal of merit” and would have a “really minimal impact on the transaction, but a tremendous impact on helping us meet our needs.”
From the perspective of the multimillionaire Pelosi family, the 1% tax/fee might be really minimal. From the perspective of real Americans, the impact would be really significant.
Even liberal-leaning Snopes.com expressed outrage in its article, “The One Percent Solution,” subtitled, “The Transaction Tax WHAT THE HELL IS THIS??” (Snopes’ emphasis) . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5094)
Monday, July 25, 2011
Frankenstein Lives!
Frankenstein Lives!
Victor Frankenstein never said, “It’s alive! Alive” in Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin Shelley’s 1818 gothic novel, Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus. That line was a fabrication of Mel Brooks in the movie, “Young Frankenstein.” And the monster created by the creepy Mary Shelley wasn’t Frankenstein but rather the abominable wretch he cooked up in his lab.
Regardless of its origins, the name “Frankenstein” is today generally descriptive not of a titan, a prometheus, but of any grotesque, inhuman, artificial, scientific invention, such as the 155 human-animal hybrids secretly hatched in British laboratories.
Allegedly created by scientists in search of cures for various human diseases–a purpose that has been dispured– the results give rise to speculation as to whether the cures are worse than the diseases.
As a British newspaper reports, ”Figures seen by the Daily Mail show that 155 ‘admixed’ embryos, containing both human and animal genetic material, have been created since the introduction of the 2008 Human Fertilisation Embryology Act. This legalised the creation of . . . ‘cybrids’, in which a human nucleus is implanted into an animal cell; and ‘chimeras’, in which human cells are mixed with animal embryos.”
Victor Frankenstein would be proud. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5090)
Victor Frankenstein never said, “It’s alive! Alive” in Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin Shelley’s 1818 gothic novel, Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus. That line was a fabrication of Mel Brooks in the movie, “Young Frankenstein.” And the monster created by the creepy Mary Shelley wasn’t Frankenstein but rather the abominable wretch he cooked up in his lab.
Regardless of its origins, the name “Frankenstein” is today generally descriptive not of a titan, a prometheus, but of any grotesque, inhuman, artificial, scientific invention, such as the 155 human-animal hybrids secretly hatched in British laboratories.
Allegedly created by scientists in search of cures for various human diseases–a purpose that has been dispured– the results give rise to speculation as to whether the cures are worse than the diseases.
As a British newspaper reports, ”Figures seen by the Daily Mail show that 155 ‘admixed’ embryos, containing both human and animal genetic material, have been created since the introduction of the 2008 Human Fertilisation Embryology Act. This legalised the creation of . . . ‘cybrids’, in which a human nucleus is implanted into an animal cell; and ‘chimeras’, in which human cells are mixed with animal embryos.”
Victor Frankenstein would be proud. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5090)
Obama, the Great Prevaricator
Obama, the Great Prevaricator
With all due deference to the Declaration of Independence and with apologies to Thomas Jefferson: When in the course of national events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with a confirmed liar, a decent respect to the opinions of a nation requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
With President Obama, the causes are multitudinous. Chief among them is his unfamiliarity and contempt for truth. With Ronald Reagan, America reveled in the Great Communicator. With Barack Obama we suffer through the Great Prevaricator.
Our president has shown no regard for truth. He has amply demonstrated a calculated disrespect for the opinions of our nation and for its people and merits separation from both, in 2012 by denying him re-election or, preferably, sooner by impeachment.
This time around, it is not King George III or the British Parliament who have deceived, oppressed, and violated the rights of the governed but the leader of the former colonies, the current president of the United States of America. By incessantly lying to the public as to who he was, who he is, whom and what he represents and wants, and by manipulating public perceptions through deceptions and baldfaced lies, Obama has abdicated his right to leadership.
Politicians aren’t exactly noted for their veracity, usually opting instead for subterfuge and half-truths rather than outright and provable prevarication, but no president in modern times–including the masters of falsehoods, Lyndon Baines Johnson and Richard Milhous Nixon–has achieved anything near Barack Hussein Obama’s depth of deception.
Johnson and Nixon never betrayed their country to the degree Obama has.
HumanEvents.com has compiled a list of the “Top 10 Obama Lies” which, as thorough as it is, may do Obama a disservice. In the interests of equity and fairness to our president, I would qualify and explain some, not all, of those lies. It should also be remembered that any number of his reputed lies were committed sans his trusty teleprompters which relieves him of full responsibility.
Human Events cited such presidential untruths as Obama’s recent mendacity regarding 80% public support for his tax scams and earlier assurances that shovels and jobs were poised and ready for his $787 billion stimulus. Generously, the latter could be attributable to extraordinary naiveté although the former was an indisputable, blatant lie.
Human Events also cites Obama’s campaign pledges and promises as lies. However, again being generous, they could almost be forgiven as excessive exaggerated campaign fluorishes. In that category would fall his various pledges not to raise taxes on those earning less than $250,000, to conduct his office and government with full transparency, and to limit the influence of lobbyists, all of which fell by the wayside out of economic and political expediency.
A distinct and personal Obama misrepresentation involved claims his own mother . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5080)
With all due deference to the Declaration of Independence and with apologies to Thomas Jefferson: When in the course of national events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with a confirmed liar, a decent respect to the opinions of a nation requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
With President Obama, the causes are multitudinous. Chief among them is his unfamiliarity and contempt for truth. With Ronald Reagan, America reveled in the Great Communicator. With Barack Obama we suffer through the Great Prevaricator.
Our president has shown no regard for truth. He has amply demonstrated a calculated disrespect for the opinions of our nation and for its people and merits separation from both, in 2012 by denying him re-election or, preferably, sooner by impeachment.
This time around, it is not King George III or the British Parliament who have deceived, oppressed, and violated the rights of the governed but the leader of the former colonies, the current president of the United States of America. By incessantly lying to the public as to who he was, who he is, whom and what he represents and wants, and by manipulating public perceptions through deceptions and baldfaced lies, Obama has abdicated his right to leadership.
Politicians aren’t exactly noted for their veracity, usually opting instead for subterfuge and half-truths rather than outright and provable prevarication, but no president in modern times–including the masters of falsehoods, Lyndon Baines Johnson and Richard Milhous Nixon–has achieved anything near Barack Hussein Obama’s depth of deception.
Johnson and Nixon never betrayed their country to the degree Obama has.
HumanEvents.com has compiled a list of the “Top 10 Obama Lies” which, as thorough as it is, may do Obama a disservice. In the interests of equity and fairness to our president, I would qualify and explain some, not all, of those lies. It should also be remembered that any number of his reputed lies were committed sans his trusty teleprompters which relieves him of full responsibility.
Human Events cited such presidential untruths as Obama’s recent mendacity regarding 80% public support for his tax scams and earlier assurances that shovels and jobs were poised and ready for his $787 billion stimulus. Generously, the latter could be attributable to extraordinary naiveté although the former was an indisputable, blatant lie.
Human Events also cites Obama’s campaign pledges and promises as lies. However, again being generous, they could almost be forgiven as excessive exaggerated campaign fluorishes. In that category would fall his various pledges not to raise taxes on those earning less than $250,000, to conduct his office and government with full transparency, and to limit the influence of lobbyists, all of which fell by the wayside out of economic and political expediency.
A distinct and personal Obama misrepresentation involved claims his own mother . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5080)
Saturday, July 23, 2011
The End of the Shuttle, the End of Exceptionalism
The End of the Shuttle, the End of Exceptionalism
The final flight of America’s space shuttle does not simply represent the end of an era. The successful landing of the Atlantis signaled an undeniable indicator of the beginning of the end of American exceptionalism.
The belief in the United States of America as an exceptional nation long pre-dated the Atlantis. Indeed, it long preceded President John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s 1961 Special Address to Congress in which he pledged to send a man to the moon and return him safely within the decade was just the capstone of our exceptionalism.
In that speech, JFK called for a national commitment from “every scientist, every engineer, every serviceman, every technician, contractor, and civil servant . . . that this nation will move forward, with the full speed of freedom, in the exciting adventure of space.”
We accomplished that goal a year early in 1969. America’s incomparable feat not only put the U.S.S.R. on notice that we were in the space race but that we were far in the lead and planned to stay there.
As momentous as the Apollo 11 lunar landing was, it merely represented a footnote to our exceptionalism.
Apollo 11 and our subsequent achievements accented what Americans had known for almost two centuries, that this nation had accomplished more in 200 years than any other country in the history of the planet, that we had become the richest, most powerful, most influential, the most free, most innovative, and most productive country ever to grace the Earth.
Long before 1969, most Americans were well aware that the United States was “different” in the best sense from the rest of the world. We had and have our flaws but among boundless other benefits, our nation offered every citizen opportunities and potentialities denied to even the most free of European countries. We had achieved more in a scant few centuries than Europeans had accomplished in hundreds.
We had gone to the moon and back, our horizons were unlimited, we were exceptional.
American exceptionalism ended on Thursday, July 21st, 2011, as per the design of President Barack Hussein Obama . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5060)
The final flight of America’s space shuttle does not simply represent the end of an era. The successful landing of the Atlantis signaled an undeniable indicator of the beginning of the end of American exceptionalism.
The belief in the United States of America as an exceptional nation long pre-dated the Atlantis. Indeed, it long preceded President John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s 1961 Special Address to Congress in which he pledged to send a man to the moon and return him safely within the decade was just the capstone of our exceptionalism.
In that speech, JFK called for a national commitment from “every scientist, every engineer, every serviceman, every technician, contractor, and civil servant . . . that this nation will move forward, with the full speed of freedom, in the exciting adventure of space.”
We accomplished that goal a year early in 1969. America’s incomparable feat not only put the U.S.S.R. on notice that we were in the space race but that we were far in the lead and planned to stay there.
As momentous as the Apollo 11 lunar landing was, it merely represented a footnote to our exceptionalism.
Apollo 11 and our subsequent achievements accented what Americans had known for almost two centuries, that this nation had accomplished more in 200 years than any other country in the history of the planet, that we had become the richest, most powerful, most influential, the most free, most innovative, and most productive country ever to grace the Earth.
Long before 1969, most Americans were well aware that the United States was “different” in the best sense from the rest of the world. We had and have our flaws but among boundless other benefits, our nation offered every citizen opportunities and potentialities denied to even the most free of European countries. We had achieved more in a scant few centuries than Europeans had accomplished in hundreds.
We had gone to the moon and back, our horizons were unlimited, we were exceptional.
American exceptionalism ended on Thursday, July 21st, 2011, as per the design of President Barack Hussein Obama . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5060)
Friday, July 22, 2011
Welcome to the Real World, Oslo!
Welcome to the Real World, Oslo!
With the still-developing news of a horrific car bombing in Oslo and the mindless slaughter of teenagers at Utoya, Jeremiah Wright might say that Norwegian chickens have come home to roost, except that the Norwegian chickens haven’t launched what Wright would call unprovoked wars and the Norden nations have been damned generous beyond comprehension with their influx of Islamic immigrants.
Preliminary reports indicate at least 9-10 people were killed, 15 injured in the explosion at the Norwegian prime minister’s Oslo office but many victims are still trapped in the rubble. An additional eighty, some trying to swim away for their lives, were murdered by a gunman masquerading as a police officer at the Labor Party youth camp in apparently coordinated attacks.
The coordinators seem to have been Islamic jihadists: “A terror group, Ansar al-Jihad al-Alami, or the Helpers of the Global Jihad, issued a statement claiming responsibility for the attack, . . . The message said the attack was a response to Norwegian forces’ presence in Afghanistan and to unspecified insults to the Prophet Muhammad.” (http://nyti.ms/o6sfMI)
Peace-loving Norway maintains a very minimal presence in the War on Terror and in the Afghanistan war so the chief causes of the attacks must are clearly those “unspecified insults to the Prophet,” or a reflection of the insanity of Islamic militants. They did it because they could and they needed no further excuse than their jihad. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5064)
With the still-developing news of a horrific car bombing in Oslo and the mindless slaughter of teenagers at Utoya, Jeremiah Wright might say that Norwegian chickens have come home to roost, except that the Norwegian chickens haven’t launched what Wright would call unprovoked wars and the Norden nations have been damned generous beyond comprehension with their influx of Islamic immigrants.
Preliminary reports indicate at least 9-10 people were killed, 15 injured in the explosion at the Norwegian prime minister’s Oslo office but many victims are still trapped in the rubble. An additional eighty, some trying to swim away for their lives, were murdered by a gunman masquerading as a police officer at the Labor Party youth camp in apparently coordinated attacks.
The coordinators seem to have been Islamic jihadists: “A terror group, Ansar al-Jihad al-Alami, or the Helpers of the Global Jihad, issued a statement claiming responsibility for the attack, . . . The message said the attack was a response to Norwegian forces’ presence in Afghanistan and to unspecified insults to the Prophet Muhammad.” (http://nyti.ms/o6sfMI)
Peace-loving Norway maintains a very minimal presence in the War on Terror and in the Afghanistan war so the chief causes of the attacks must are clearly those “unspecified insults to the Prophet,” or a reflection of the insanity of Islamic militants. They did it because they could and they needed no further excuse than their jihad. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5064)
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Someone Is Killing Blacks!
Someone Is killing Blacks!
The Reverend Al Sharpton went on a tear last winter over a giant New York City billboard featuring an innocent, young black girl and the caption, “The Most Dangerous Place for an African-American Is in the Womb.” When he sees a new video on the same subject, he’s liable to go into uncontrollable paroxysms that could shock him into getting a real job!
In March, he succeeded in having the billboard removed.
It had been strategically situated in NYC’s posh Soho District near a Planned Parenthood facility that boasts of aborting 19,000 pre-born babies in 2010 and offended the Reverend Al not only because of its location and message but due to the harm it could potentially cause to his supporters. He contended it was ”an offensive and condescending effort to stigmatize and shame African-American women while attempting to discredit the work of Planned Parenthood.”
Even worse, it sent ”a message of racial profiling and discourages a woman’s right to choose.”
A lone billboard of a pretty, little African-American apparently can evidently have an amazing number of deleterious effects on Al, Planned Parenthood, and black women.
See “Race, Abortion, and Al Sharpton,” http://bit.ly/qBwFhY, and “Billboards and Al Sharpton’s Black Genocide,” http://bit.ly/h01UGV, for more details on that genocide and Planned Parenthood’s facilitation of it.
Wishful thinking would suggest the new video, titled “The Number One Killer,” would shut Sharpton up at least for while . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5057)
The Reverend Al Sharpton went on a tear last winter over a giant New York City billboard featuring an innocent, young black girl and the caption, “The Most Dangerous Place for an African-American Is in the Womb.” When he sees a new video on the same subject, he’s liable to go into uncontrollable paroxysms that could shock him into getting a real job!
In March, he succeeded in having the billboard removed.
It had been strategically situated in NYC’s posh Soho District near a Planned Parenthood facility that boasts of aborting 19,000 pre-born babies in 2010 and offended the Reverend Al not only because of its location and message but due to the harm it could potentially cause to his supporters. He contended it was ”an offensive and condescending effort to stigmatize and shame African-American women while attempting to discredit the work of Planned Parenthood.”
Even worse, it sent ”a message of racial profiling and discourages a woman’s right to choose.”
A lone billboard of a pretty, little African-American apparently can evidently have an amazing number of deleterious effects on Al, Planned Parenthood, and black women.
See “Race, Abortion, and Al Sharpton,” http://bit.ly/qBwFhY, and “Billboards and Al Sharpton’s Black Genocide,” http://bit.ly/h01UGV, for more details on that genocide and Planned Parenthood’s facilitation of it.
Wishful thinking would suggest the new video, titled “The Number One Killer,” would shut Sharpton up at least for while . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5057)
DADT Is Dead, DOMA Is Next
DADT Is Dead, DOMA Is Next
The eminently-transparent President Barack Hussein Obama has never attempted to conceal his eminently-obvious predilection toward the homosexual community, one of his staunchest constituencies–except during election cycles.
In 2008, he devoutly–ok, not devoutly but straightforwardly–professed his belief in the sanctity–ok, not the sanctity but the tradition–of marriage as an institution involving the union of one man and one woman, pretty much what most voters and most rational people on the planet believed.
Admittedly and to his credit, candidate Obama did publicly pledge to his gay friends that he would push for repeal of a related tradition, the Bill Clinton policy of the military not asking homosexuals if they were homosexual and homosexuals not saying they were homosexuals, better known as Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell or DADT.
President Obama and his lame duck Democrat congress succeeded in pushing through a repeal of DADT amid congressional chaos last December and gays were happy and gay, but not satisfied. That other gay-repugnant Clinton law, the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, aka DOMA, remained on the books and homosexuals demanded it be removed.
Now, relatively few gays are militaristic and I’m guessing even fewer personally give much of damn whether homosexuals in the Army, Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard can’t be asked and can’t say what their sexual proclivities are but they insisted DADT be repealed on principle, the principle being they wanted their way.
They got it, even if the military–as fully anticipated–still has no clue on how to implement gay integration into the armed forces. Military and has petitioned for and has been accorded more time to effect implementation of the new policy.
Next on the gay agenda is dumping DOMA, . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5054)
The eminently-transparent President Barack Hussein Obama has never attempted to conceal his eminently-obvious predilection toward the homosexual community, one of his staunchest constituencies–except during election cycles.
In 2008, he devoutly–ok, not devoutly but straightforwardly–professed his belief in the sanctity–ok, not the sanctity but the tradition–of marriage as an institution involving the union of one man and one woman, pretty much what most voters and most rational people on the planet believed.
Admittedly and to his credit, candidate Obama did publicly pledge to his gay friends that he would push for repeal of a related tradition, the Bill Clinton policy of the military not asking homosexuals if they were homosexual and homosexuals not saying they were homosexuals, better known as Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell or DADT.
President Obama and his lame duck Democrat congress succeeded in pushing through a repeal of DADT amid congressional chaos last December and gays were happy and gay, but not satisfied. That other gay-repugnant Clinton law, the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, aka DOMA, remained on the books and homosexuals demanded it be removed.
Now, relatively few gays are militaristic and I’m guessing even fewer personally give much of damn whether homosexuals in the Army, Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard can’t be asked and can’t say what their sexual proclivities are but they insisted DADT be repealed on principle, the principle being they wanted their way.
They got it, even if the military–as fully anticipated–still has no clue on how to implement gay integration into the armed forces. Military and has petitioned for and has been accorded more time to effect implementation of the new policy.
Next on the gay agenda is dumping DOMA, . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5054)
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Casey Anthony's Missed Opportunity
Casey Anthony's Missed Opportunity
Despite millions of opinions, only one person on the planet knows for certain whether Casey Marie Anthony murdered her 3 year old daughter, Caylee.
As Casey remains in hiding following her Sunday release she might be ruminating on what really happened three years ago but is certainly mulling over both her future options and her past mistakes.
Her future is cloudy at best.
Rumors are circulating she may study law or become a porn star, neither of which is probable. She has allegedly been offered a million dollars for a “tell all” story, her veracity to be confirmed via a polygraph. She can never again be tried for Caylee’s death due to strictures against double jeopardy and would have nothing to lose, except for what’s left of her reputation.
Innocent or not, she has already entered the annals of American criminal folklore, taking her place alongside Lizzie Borden, who was also acquitted. Illustrative of her new status, a Kentucky carnival featured a dunking booth and a Casey Anthony impersonator. For a buck a throw, attendees could register their own verdicts.
The “tasteless and tacky” attraction was shut down after a day, which is a gross understatement. (http://on.today.com/o4PPS5)
Impervious to understatement is the view that, in retrospect, the 25year old former party animal has made any number of critical mistakes in her short life.
Getting pregnant by a still undisclosed sperm donor has to be high on her error-list as are her gross misjudgments following Caylee’s mysterious disappearance. Entirely from the perspective of the grief she caused herself and a host of others, Casey Anthony must now and during her darkest hours contemplate how she could have avoided all that grief by aborting Caylee in the womb. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5049)
Despite millions of opinions, only one person on the planet knows for certain whether Casey Marie Anthony murdered her 3 year old daughter, Caylee.
As Casey remains in hiding following her Sunday release she might be ruminating on what really happened three years ago but is certainly mulling over both her future options and her past mistakes.
Her future is cloudy at best.
Rumors are circulating she may study law or become a porn star, neither of which is probable. She has allegedly been offered a million dollars for a “tell all” story, her veracity to be confirmed via a polygraph. She can never again be tried for Caylee’s death due to strictures against double jeopardy and would have nothing to lose, except for what’s left of her reputation.
Innocent or not, she has already entered the annals of American criminal folklore, taking her place alongside Lizzie Borden, who was also acquitted. Illustrative of her new status, a Kentucky carnival featured a dunking booth and a Casey Anthony impersonator. For a buck a throw, attendees could register their own verdicts.
The “tasteless and tacky” attraction was shut down after a day, which is a gross understatement. (http://on.today.com/o4PPS5)
Impervious to understatement is the view that, in retrospect, the 25year old former party animal has made any number of critical mistakes in her short life.
Getting pregnant by a still undisclosed sperm donor has to be high on her error-list as are her gross misjudgments following Caylee’s mysterious disappearance. Entirely from the perspective of the grief she caused herself and a host of others, Casey Anthony must now and during her darkest hours contemplate how she could have avoided all that grief by aborting Caylee in the womb. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5049)
Bill Maher on Retardation, Sexism, and Bill Maher
Bill Maher on Retardation, Sexism, and Bill Maher
. . . That depraved indifference escaped the castigation or attention of other libs, just as Maher’s attack on Christianity as the cause of all sexism either escaped Nolte, or met with his full concurrence.
Were Bill Maher were the only member of the liberal-leftist-progressive-Democrat community to demonstrate a marked absence of the most fundamental civility, he could almost be forgiven. Unfortunately, he is not, as shown by equally uncivil and vitriolic viciousness of such people as MSNBC’s Ed Schultz, Rachel Maddow, et al.
Maher will probably be quietly feted and lionized by his lib cohorts despite his sexism and for his soul-less abuse of a defenseless, retarded child since Trig Palin was born to Sarah Palin, a conservative, “bimbo” ”t*at.”
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5046)
. . . That depraved indifference escaped the castigation or attention of other libs, just as Maher’s attack on Christianity as the cause of all sexism either escaped Nolte, or met with his full concurrence.
Were Bill Maher were the only member of the liberal-leftist-progressive-Democrat community to demonstrate a marked absence of the most fundamental civility, he could almost be forgiven. Unfortunately, he is not, as shown by equally uncivil and vitriolic viciousness of such people as MSNBC’s Ed Schultz, Rachel Maddow, et al.
Maher will probably be quietly feted and lionized by his lib cohorts despite his sexism and for his soul-less abuse of a defenseless, retarded child since Trig Palin was born to Sarah Palin, a conservative, “bimbo” ”t*at.”
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5046)
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
The NYPD and Black Racism, the MSM and Steve Wynn
The NYPD and Black Racism, the MSM and Steve Wynn
When is a vicious, unprovoked attack on a white man on a New York City subway by 5 black men mouthing anti-white epithets not a hate crime?
When does a noted Las Vegas entrepreneur rip the president of the United States for his business-killing policies and virtually no one in the MSM reports it?
Why, of course when cops deem black racism something other than what it is for PC reasons and when Obama’s mainstream media treat negative commentary on this president to be too insignificant to report in any depth, if at all.
Bronxite Jason Fordell, 29, a self-described little guy, was travelling home at 5 a.m. from a Manhattan gig where he had been peddling his hand-made leather goods when he was harrassed and set upon by four black men for no apparent reason other than the color of his skin.
Hurling epithets such as, “cracker this, white boy this, f—-t this,” the four blacks, encouraged by the rest of the crowded train, assaulted and pummeled him. Since it seemed like so much fun, a fifth African-American jumped in saying, ”Oh, I get a few shots, too” and kicked Fordell in the head. After leaving the train, Fordell was grabbed in a headlock, beaten while he lay on the ground, and robbed of $2900 of his wares.
The victim emerged from the attack with extensive bleeding, a swollen eye, a footprint on his back and neck, and later reported blood in his urine.
Police were only able to arrest the fifth assailant, Barminthe Ramoutar, 54, charging him with felony gang assault and robbery. They refused to characterize the incident as a hate crime since they weren’t certain of the motives behind it or whether racial bias was involved. (http://nydn.us/pGV1H9)
In the Big Apple, a gang of five blacks beating and robbing a lone white while cursing and calling him a cracker white boy doesn’t constitute a hate crime. It’s not bias, it’s simply exercise.
Steve Wynn, CEO of Vegas’ Wynn Resorts, engaged in his own bit of exercise, of the verbal variety, and let loose a barrage of Obama criticism in a conference call, a critique which capsulized this president’s anti-business bias. . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5040)
When is a vicious, unprovoked attack on a white man on a New York City subway by 5 black men mouthing anti-white epithets not a hate crime?
When does a noted Las Vegas entrepreneur rip the president of the United States for his business-killing policies and virtually no one in the MSM reports it?
Why, of course when cops deem black racism something other than what it is for PC reasons and when Obama’s mainstream media treat negative commentary on this president to be too insignificant to report in any depth, if at all.
Bronxite Jason Fordell, 29, a self-described little guy, was travelling home at 5 a.m. from a Manhattan gig where he had been peddling his hand-made leather goods when he was harrassed and set upon by four black men for no apparent reason other than the color of his skin.
Hurling epithets such as, “cracker this, white boy this, f—-t this,” the four blacks, encouraged by the rest of the crowded train, assaulted and pummeled him. Since it seemed like so much fun, a fifth African-American jumped in saying, ”Oh, I get a few shots, too” and kicked Fordell in the head. After leaving the train, Fordell was grabbed in a headlock, beaten while he lay on the ground, and robbed of $2900 of his wares.
The victim emerged from the attack with extensive bleeding, a swollen eye, a footprint on his back and neck, and later reported blood in his urine.
Police were only able to arrest the fifth assailant, Barminthe Ramoutar, 54, charging him with felony gang assault and robbery. They refused to characterize the incident as a hate crime since they weren’t certain of the motives behind it or whether racial bias was involved. (http://nydn.us/pGV1H9)
In the Big Apple, a gang of five blacks beating and robbing a lone white while cursing and calling him a cracker white boy doesn’t constitute a hate crime. It’s not bias, it’s simply exercise.
Steve Wynn, CEO of Vegas’ Wynn Resorts, engaged in his own bit of exercise, of the verbal variety, and let loose a barrage of Obama criticism in a conference call, a critique which capsulized this president’s anti-business bias. . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5040)
Monday, July 18, 2011
The Impending Debt Star
The Impending Debt Star
Thomas Carlyle characterized economics as “the dismal science” in the eighteenth century. It hasn’t changed much in the twentieth, particularly as it relates to our federal government’s handling of the economy and most particularly as it concerns the current debt crisis.
That “handling” has, in fact, gone beyond dismal and has breached the realm of the hopelessly bleak as a result the ongoing, contentious debate over the so-called “debt ceiling,” that is, to raise it for the umpteenth time and burden our children and grandchildren with even more debt or to stop the fiscal insanity of borrowing even more money from people like the Chinese to pay our bills.
Running our households like government runs our government would eventually bankrupt individuals just as the feds and local politicians are bankrupting the country and any number of states.
Washington, of course, has a unique advantage over places such as New Jersey and Wisconsin in that in D.C. they have an alternative to all that borrowing: They can simply print more dollars when they exhaust the national treasury or when China indicates it holds too much of our insecure notes.
If Joe Blow or Joe the Plumber had access to dollar printing presses, both Joes would be accused of counterfeiting yet politicians get away with it.
The issues most Americans understandably refuse to confront are unpalatable and painful.
After all, this is America, exceptional, invincible, wealthy, and wise. We can’t, we refuse to believe we can go bankrupt! We can’t undergo anything akin to post-World War I Germany when it took a wheelbarrow full of virtually worthless papiermarks to buy a loaf of bread! We refuse to accept that our paper bucks, the value of which is based not on anything with intrinsic value such as gold but on the full faith and credit of the United States of America, will succumb to hyper-inflation!
It simply can’t happen here!
To paraphrase the chief architect of our fiscal plight: Yes, it can.
Daniel J. Flynn in “Five Falsehoods of the Debt Debate” lists only the most recent “falsehoods,” a euphemism for lies, perpetrated by that architect.
They include . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5037)
Thomas Carlyle characterized economics as “the dismal science” in the eighteenth century. It hasn’t changed much in the twentieth, particularly as it relates to our federal government’s handling of the economy and most particularly as it concerns the current debt crisis.
That “handling” has, in fact, gone beyond dismal and has breached the realm of the hopelessly bleak as a result the ongoing, contentious debate over the so-called “debt ceiling,” that is, to raise it for the umpteenth time and burden our children and grandchildren with even more debt or to stop the fiscal insanity of borrowing even more money from people like the Chinese to pay our bills.
Running our households like government runs our government would eventually bankrupt individuals just as the feds and local politicians are bankrupting the country and any number of states.
Washington, of course, has a unique advantage over places such as New Jersey and Wisconsin in that in D.C. they have an alternative to all that borrowing: They can simply print more dollars when they exhaust the national treasury or when China indicates it holds too much of our insecure notes.
If Joe Blow or Joe the Plumber had access to dollar printing presses, both Joes would be accused of counterfeiting yet politicians get away with it.
The issues most Americans understandably refuse to confront are unpalatable and painful.
After all, this is America, exceptional, invincible, wealthy, and wise. We can’t, we refuse to believe we can go bankrupt! We can’t undergo anything akin to post-World War I Germany when it took a wheelbarrow full of virtually worthless papiermarks to buy a loaf of bread! We refuse to accept that our paper bucks, the value of which is based not on anything with intrinsic value such as gold but on the full faith and credit of the United States of America, will succumb to hyper-inflation!
It simply can’t happen here!
To paraphrase the chief architect of our fiscal plight: Yes, it can.
Daniel J. Flynn in “Five Falsehoods of the Debt Debate” lists only the most recent “falsehoods,” a euphemism for lies, perpetrated by that architect.
They include . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5037)
The Hacking of Rupert Murdoch
The Hacking of Rupert Murdoch
News media mogul Rupert Murdoch’s hacking tribulations are related as much to his fundamental conservatism as they are to the stupidity of his underlings.
In Murdoch’s case, the term “conservatism” must be qualified in that he may have gut conservative values but he also possesses the innate instincts of a businessman-politician. He fund-raised for Hillary Clinton and quasi-endorsed Barack Obama yet he sits on the Board of Directors of the Cato Institute and his beleagured News Corporation fully owns the bane of all liberals, the Fox News Network, as well as the World Street Journal.
Murdoch is essentially a realistic, closet conservative who knows where his bread is buttered.
No one has been buttering his bread lately since the revelations that employees at one of his British newspapers, the News of the World, committed horrendous acts of phone-hacking, violating the privacy and memories of innocent people dead and alive. News Corp closed the 168 year old tabloid in the wake of that scandal.
As unforgivable as those acts were, the real question relates to why and how a CEO should be held responsible for the stupid insensitivities and ignorance of a relative few of News Corp’s tens of thousands of employees.
The Brits, as usual, are all in a dither, . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5032)
News media mogul Rupert Murdoch’s hacking tribulations are related as much to his fundamental conservatism as they are to the stupidity of his underlings.
In Murdoch’s case, the term “conservatism” must be qualified in that he may have gut conservative values but he also possesses the innate instincts of a businessman-politician. He fund-raised for Hillary Clinton and quasi-endorsed Barack Obama yet he sits on the Board of Directors of the Cato Institute and his beleagured News Corporation fully owns the bane of all liberals, the Fox News Network, as well as the World Street Journal.
Murdoch is essentially a realistic, closet conservative who knows where his bread is buttered.
No one has been buttering his bread lately since the revelations that employees at one of his British newspapers, the News of the World, committed horrendous acts of phone-hacking, violating the privacy and memories of innocent people dead and alive. News Corp closed the 168 year old tabloid in the wake of that scandal.
As unforgivable as those acts were, the real question relates to why and how a CEO should be held responsible for the stupid insensitivities and ignorance of a relative few of News Corp’s tens of thousands of employees.
The Brits, as usual, are all in a dither, . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5032)
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Jane Fonda Gets Another Whiff of Mortality
Jane Fonda Gets Another Whiff of Mortality
As we age, either like fine wines or rancid vinegar, most of us human animals begin to contemplate what we’ve done, where we’ve been, what we’ve said, whom we’ve offended, and how family, friends, and the world at large will regard us after we shuffle off this very mortal coil.
Seventy-three year old Jane Vadim-Hayden-Turner-Fonda, born with the presumptuous given name Lady Jane Seymour Fonda, has done and said many things, has been to many places, has gravely offended millions of people, and is currently in process of setting her remembrance stage. She is evidently experiencing a desparate need to tidy up her legacy as a traitor.
I have some bad news for Lady Jane: You’re going to die eventually. Lies and subterfuge will never cover up your seditionist activities, pictures, and utterances during the Vietnam War all of which have been fully documented so stop all the BS! Why not clear your conscience while you can and before you become a suicide like your mom?
Regardless of the facts that misbegotten war launched by Democrat presidents Kennedy and Johnson should never have happened and that it was ignominiously lost by politicians, Jane Fonda provided shameless aid and comfort to Hanoi and the Vietcong by her July, 1972 visit to North Vietnam.
With a big grin on her face, she not only posed for pictures with an enemy in the midst of killing our soldiers but betrayed POWs to that enemy and, ala Tokyo Rose, recorded broadcasts on behalf of the Communist North Vietnamese “in which she called American military leaders ‘war criminals’ and, following the return home of some POWs who described mistreatment by the North Vietnamese, saying that Americans should ’not hail the POWs as heroes, because they are hypocrites and liars.’ “
See “Revisioning Jane Fonda,” http://bit.ly/pvuT2h
Fonda seems to have forgotten all that and, typical liberal that she was and is, assumes the American public is so stupid that they don’t remember it either.
Reflecting her senior forgetfulness, . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5022)
As we age, either like fine wines or rancid vinegar, most of us human animals begin to contemplate what we’ve done, where we’ve been, what we’ve said, whom we’ve offended, and how family, friends, and the world at large will regard us after we shuffle off this very mortal coil.
Seventy-three year old Jane Vadim-Hayden-Turner-Fonda, born with the presumptuous given name Lady Jane Seymour Fonda, has done and said many things, has been to many places, has gravely offended millions of people, and is currently in process of setting her remembrance stage. She is evidently experiencing a desparate need to tidy up her legacy as a traitor.
I have some bad news for Lady Jane: You’re going to die eventually. Lies and subterfuge will never cover up your seditionist activities, pictures, and utterances during the Vietnam War all of which have been fully documented so stop all the BS! Why not clear your conscience while you can and before you become a suicide like your mom?
Regardless of the facts that misbegotten war launched by Democrat presidents Kennedy and Johnson should never have happened and that it was ignominiously lost by politicians, Jane Fonda provided shameless aid and comfort to Hanoi and the Vietcong by her July, 1972 visit to North Vietnam.
With a big grin on her face, she not only posed for pictures with an enemy in the midst of killing our soldiers but betrayed POWs to that enemy and, ala Tokyo Rose, recorded broadcasts on behalf of the Communist North Vietnamese “in which she called American military leaders ‘war criminals’ and, following the return home of some POWs who described mistreatment by the North Vietnamese, saying that Americans should ’not hail the POWs as heroes, because they are hypocrites and liars.’ “
See “Revisioning Jane Fonda,” http://bit.ly/pvuT2h
Fonda seems to have forgotten all that and, typical liberal that she was and is, assumes the American public is so stupid that they don’t remember it either.
Reflecting her senior forgetfulness, . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5022)
jane fonda,
vietnam war,
war crimes
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Atlanta Schools Killed Thousands of Egos
Atlanta Schools Killed Thousands of Egos
The Georgia Bureau of Investigation recently uncovered a systemic, systematic conspiracy by Atlanta teachers and administrators to misrepresent and falsely enhance the achievement of their students and usurp student rights to do their own cheating by changing answers on statewide tests and creating the illusion that both teachers and students were doing well.
The effort gained Atlanta’s Superintendent of Schools Beverly Hall wide national acclaim and accolades as an outstanding educational leader. After the cheating was revealed, she resigned in disgrace while still maintaining her innocence and ignorance of any wrongdoing.
Hall may have been ignorant but she is hardly innocent. Not unexpectedly, Hall pledged her “full cooperation” in the GBI investigation and provided none. (http://bit.ly/p6MPo5)
New details on the massive scandal involving 178 teachers and principals in 44 Atlanta public schools have now emerged.
Teachers not only altered student answers but deviously located slow students near better students during tests in order to facilitate cheating, thereby giving the teachers somewhat of a break from erasing all those incorrect answers. Cheating for their students also saved teachers from the onus of providing extra help for those struggling.
One of the accused teachers–82 have confessed–told investigators that Supt. Hall’s district was “run like the mob.” Another claimed, “Everybody was in fear. It is not that the teachers are bad people and want to do it. It is that they are scared.” Others ”complained to investigators that some students arrived at middle school reading at a first-grade level. But, they said, principals insisted those students had to pass their standardized tests. Teachers were either ordered to cheat or pressured by administrators until they felt they had no choice.” (http://huff.to/oTIjhh)
Not bad, my foot! . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4997)
The Georgia Bureau of Investigation recently uncovered a systemic, systematic conspiracy by Atlanta teachers and administrators to misrepresent and falsely enhance the achievement of their students and usurp student rights to do their own cheating by changing answers on statewide tests and creating the illusion that both teachers and students were doing well.
The effort gained Atlanta’s Superintendent of Schools Beverly Hall wide national acclaim and accolades as an outstanding educational leader. After the cheating was revealed, she resigned in disgrace while still maintaining her innocence and ignorance of any wrongdoing.
Hall may have been ignorant but she is hardly innocent. Not unexpectedly, Hall pledged her “full cooperation” in the GBI investigation and provided none. (http://bit.ly/p6MPo5)
New details on the massive scandal involving 178 teachers and principals in 44 Atlanta public schools have now emerged.
Teachers not only altered student answers but deviously located slow students near better students during tests in order to facilitate cheating, thereby giving the teachers somewhat of a break from erasing all those incorrect answers. Cheating for their students also saved teachers from the onus of providing extra help for those struggling.
One of the accused teachers–82 have confessed–told investigators that Supt. Hall’s district was “run like the mob.” Another claimed, “Everybody was in fear. It is not that the teachers are bad people and want to do it. It is that they are scared.” Others ”complained to investigators that some students arrived at middle school reading at a first-grade level. But, they said, principals insisted those students had to pass their standardized tests. Teachers were either ordered to cheat or pressured by administrators until they felt they had no choice.” (http://huff.to/oTIjhh)
Not bad, my foot! . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4997)
Lies, Race, and the Debt Ceiling
Lies, Race, and the Debt Ceiling
President Barack Hussein Obama’s alternate universe is catching up with him. Being an inveterate and practiced liar can do that to a person. Such people eventually tend to an inability to distinguish truth and facts from fiction and fantasy.
Obama demonstrated reality slippage when he misstated his daughter’s age and even seems confused as to his own age. Those examples are relatively harmless, except to his daughter and birthday planners. However, his flight into fantasy on public support for higher taxes in lieu of massive spending cuts is positively dangerous, disturbing, and symptomatic of his allegedly massive brain in disarray, or his continued baldfaced lying.
Fortunately–for Barack–his back is well-covered with the race card supplied by black racist Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas). And, here I thought America was beyond all that race crap thanks to our first semi-African-American president!
Having already scared the bejesus out of elders by threatening to cut off their Social Security checks, just one day following the publication of a highly reputable Rasmussen Report showing that barely a third of Americans favor raising taxes to pay for more Democrat profligacy and that 55% oppose that insanity, Obama announced at a press conference that 80% of the public is “sold” on the necessity of tax hikes.
As I said, baldfaced lying or alternate universe. I’m not sure which is worse.
Neither Rasmussen nor the president made crystal clear the source of their percentages. The Rasmussen survey was based on a telephone sampling of a thousand likely voters taken July 12-13. See all the Rasmussen Report numbers here: http://bit.ly/o9Kaxl
Obama didn’t poll anyone. His 80% “sold” was predicated on wishful thinking.
Neither officially factored in the 45% of Americans who pay no federal income taxes or the one-seventh of the public that collects food stamps, groups which overlap and which couldn’t give a damn about the national debt or taxes since they don’t pay any taxes and are living on the public dole.
Further illustrating his reality disconnect, or blatant lying, or both, the ideologically-driven leftist Obama also pointed out the essential cause of the D.C. stalemate on the debt limit: ”The problem is [Republican] members of Congress are dug in ideologically” and virtual slaves to lobbyists and “special interests.”
He made no mention of his own locked-in special interest constituencies, the tax-free 45% and the food-stampers. (http://bit.ly/rq8lt2)
Our leader has no worries, though. Astronomical national debt, record deficits, the potential bankruptcy of the United States of America are of little consequence. All of this partisan brouhaha has nothing to do with the issues at hand, according to Rep. Jackson Lee. It all has to do with race. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5015)
President Barack Hussein Obama’s alternate universe is catching up with him. Being an inveterate and practiced liar can do that to a person. Such people eventually tend to an inability to distinguish truth and facts from fiction and fantasy.
Obama demonstrated reality slippage when he misstated his daughter’s age and even seems confused as to his own age. Those examples are relatively harmless, except to his daughter and birthday planners. However, his flight into fantasy on public support for higher taxes in lieu of massive spending cuts is positively dangerous, disturbing, and symptomatic of his allegedly massive brain in disarray, or his continued baldfaced lying.
Fortunately–for Barack–his back is well-covered with the race card supplied by black racist Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas). And, here I thought America was beyond all that race crap thanks to our first semi-African-American president!
Having already scared the bejesus out of elders by threatening to cut off their Social Security checks, just one day following the publication of a highly reputable Rasmussen Report showing that barely a third of Americans favor raising taxes to pay for more Democrat profligacy and that 55% oppose that insanity, Obama announced at a press conference that 80% of the public is “sold” on the necessity of tax hikes.
As I said, baldfaced lying or alternate universe. I’m not sure which is worse.
Neither Rasmussen nor the president made crystal clear the source of their percentages. The Rasmussen survey was based on a telephone sampling of a thousand likely voters taken July 12-13. See all the Rasmussen Report numbers here: http://bit.ly/o9Kaxl
Obama didn’t poll anyone. His 80% “sold” was predicated on wishful thinking.
Neither officially factored in the 45% of Americans who pay no federal income taxes or the one-seventh of the public that collects food stamps, groups which overlap and which couldn’t give a damn about the national debt or taxes since they don’t pay any taxes and are living on the public dole.
Further illustrating his reality disconnect, or blatant lying, or both, the ideologically-driven leftist Obama also pointed out the essential cause of the D.C. stalemate on the debt limit: ”The problem is [Republican] members of Congress are dug in ideologically” and virtual slaves to lobbyists and “special interests.”
He made no mention of his own locked-in special interest constituencies, the tax-free 45% and the food-stampers. (http://bit.ly/rq8lt2)
Our leader has no worries, though. Astronomical national debt, record deficits, the potential bankruptcy of the United States of America are of little consequence. All of this partisan brouhaha has nothing to do with the issues at hand, according to Rep. Jackson Lee. It all has to do with race. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5015)
Friday, July 15, 2011
Fox in the White House!
Fox in the White House!
Practical chicken and egg farmers have long known that foxes aren’t welcome visitors to hen houses since they tend to eat the chickens and gobble up eggs as well. Likewise, Fox News Channel isn’t very welcome in the Obama White House, not because FNC likes chickens and eggs but because it tends to eat its denizens alive by exposing this White House to something it isn’t accustomed to, the truth.
Fox isn’t predatory like foxes unless you’re an Obamian, in which case exposure is deemed predation. For years, Democrats have battled that illusory predation by overtly and covertly trying to undermine Fox and the Obama White House has now taken that effort to a whole new level of snarkiness.
The latest truth about White House antipathy–and gut fear–of FNC has been outed thanks to Judicial Watch and the most despised law in the Obama book, the Freedom of Information Act, FOIA.
Judicial Watch succeeded in securing copies of 81 pages of White House email correspondence sent in a single month, October 2009, less than 270 days into the Obama reign. God only knows what they have been thinking, writing, and saying over the course of the subsequent 20 months but the October 2009 record reveals them to be a paranoid, hateful slew of Obamacrats.
The Huffington Post provides a bare outline . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5009)
Practical chicken and egg farmers have long known that foxes aren’t welcome visitors to hen houses since they tend to eat the chickens and gobble up eggs as well. Likewise, Fox News Channel isn’t very welcome in the Obama White House, not because FNC likes chickens and eggs but because it tends to eat its denizens alive by exposing this White House to something it isn’t accustomed to, the truth.
Fox isn’t predatory like foxes unless you’re an Obamian, in which case exposure is deemed predation. For years, Democrats have battled that illusory predation by overtly and covertly trying to undermine Fox and the Obama White House has now taken that effort to a whole new level of snarkiness.
The latest truth about White House antipathy–and gut fear–of FNC has been outed thanks to Judicial Watch and the most despised law in the Obama book, the Freedom of Information Act, FOIA.
Judicial Watch succeeded in securing copies of 81 pages of White House email correspondence sent in a single month, October 2009, less than 270 days into the Obama reign. God only knows what they have been thinking, writing, and saying over the course of the subsequent 20 months but the October 2009 record reveals them to be a paranoid, hateful slew of Obamacrats.
The Huffington Post provides a bare outline . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5009)
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Mr. Smith, Please Go Back to Washington!
Mr. Smith, Please Go Back to Washington!
. . . In the jaded twenty-first century, there’s little chance of another Mr. Smith going to Washington and exposing the inherent evil in America’s capital by exposing himself or herself to character assassination. Any thinking individual would consider what has been done and is in process of being done to Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, et al. and do a re-think.
Even worse, the motivations of the current assassins aren’t financial gain which can be remedied by pay-offs. Their motivations are more akin to sedition for which there is no easy remedy.
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5004)
. . . In the jaded twenty-first century, there’s little chance of another Mr. Smith going to Washington and exposing the inherent evil in America’s capital by exposing himself or herself to character assassination. Any thinking individual would consider what has been done and is in process of being done to Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, et al. and do a re-think.
Even worse, the motivations of the current assassins aren’t financial gain which can be remedied by pay-offs. Their motivations are more akin to sedition for which there is no easy remedy.
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5004)
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Defending Casey Anthony's Release
Defending Casey Anthony's Release
Ann Coulter acerbically endorsed the nomination of Casey Anthony as “Mother of the Year” and an unfortunate illustration of her view that single motherhood is “the leading cause of all social pathologies.” The bizarre Bill Maher bizarrely equated the Florida verdict with “Republican thinking.”
Coulter has a valid point. So, too, does Maher–between his skinny shoulders.
Keeping in mind that murderous mother Casey Anthony’s exoneration and imminent release do not constitute her jury’s or society’s conclusion she is innocent, there are some dulled silver linings. She was found, “Not guilty,” not “innocent,” based on the evidence submitted and it’s not all over for Ms. Anthony.
Let’s just face up, buck up, and face the reality that Ms. Anthony was acquitted of any serious charges by a jury of her peers in the death of two year old Caylee Anthony. In the steely, technical eyes of the law, she may be as innocent as a babe in the woods, much like the woods in which Caylee’s decomposed body was finally found, but most rational people know better.
In view of her acquittal, characterizing her as “murderous” is a tad unfair, although only a tad. Some jurors have now come forward and suggested she is being freed only because the prosecutors failed to prove either that a murder was committed or that Casey Anthony was guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the perfidious act of murdering her baby daughter.
I still say she’s murderous and that setting her loose is, if not the right and best recourse in the interests of long-term justice and societal retribution–the ultimate purposes of most criminal trials–and Anthony’s release serves larger purposes.
Predicated on personal observation, I’d guesstimate that ninety percent of those who followed Anthony’s trial believe she is as guilty as atrocious sin. Then, again, most people were absolutely convinced that OJ Simpson murdered Nicole Simpson yet he walked, temporarily. Jury nullification explained that skewed decision, prosecutorial ineptitude–not the complicity of Orlando jurors–explains Anthony’s.
True, it would also have been just had she been convicted of first degree murder, or, at the minimum, convicted on charges of aggravated manslaughter of a child or aggravated child abuse in the matter of the State of Florida against Casey Marie Anthony. Regrettably, those convictions and a finding that she be executed were not to be.
Nevertheless, there are societal compensations in the verdict.
Casey Marie Anthony is to be pitied as much as legally condemned. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4985)
Ann Coulter acerbically endorsed the nomination of Casey Anthony as “Mother of the Year” and an unfortunate illustration of her view that single motherhood is “the leading cause of all social pathologies.” The bizarre Bill Maher bizarrely equated the Florida verdict with “Republican thinking.”
Coulter has a valid point. So, too, does Maher–between his skinny shoulders.
Keeping in mind that murderous mother Casey Anthony’s exoneration and imminent release do not constitute her jury’s or society’s conclusion she is innocent, there are some dulled silver linings. She was found, “Not guilty,” not “innocent,” based on the evidence submitted and it’s not all over for Ms. Anthony.
Let’s just face up, buck up, and face the reality that Ms. Anthony was acquitted of any serious charges by a jury of her peers in the death of two year old Caylee Anthony. In the steely, technical eyes of the law, she may be as innocent as a babe in the woods, much like the woods in which Caylee’s decomposed body was finally found, but most rational people know better.
In view of her acquittal, characterizing her as “murderous” is a tad unfair, although only a tad. Some jurors have now come forward and suggested she is being freed only because the prosecutors failed to prove either that a murder was committed or that Casey Anthony was guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the perfidious act of murdering her baby daughter.
I still say she’s murderous and that setting her loose is, if not the right and best recourse in the interests of long-term justice and societal retribution–the ultimate purposes of most criminal trials–and Anthony’s release serves larger purposes.
Predicated on personal observation, I’d guesstimate that ninety percent of those who followed Anthony’s trial believe she is as guilty as atrocious sin. Then, again, most people were absolutely convinced that OJ Simpson murdered Nicole Simpson yet he walked, temporarily. Jury nullification explained that skewed decision, prosecutorial ineptitude–not the complicity of Orlando jurors–explains Anthony’s.
True, it would also have been just had she been convicted of first degree murder, or, at the minimum, convicted on charges of aggravated manslaughter of a child or aggravated child abuse in the matter of the State of Florida against Casey Marie Anthony. Regrettably, those convictions and a finding that she be executed were not to be.
Nevertheless, there are societal compensations in the verdict.
Casey Marie Anthony is to be pitied as much as legally condemned. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4985)
Friday, July 8, 2011
Barack's Nightmares from His Lying Father
Barack's Nightmares from His Lying Father
Barack Hussein Obama could easily have been Rasheem Mohammad Jones.
As if news that the unemployment rate has risen to 9.2% and the federal deficit has hit a record 33 months–27 straight Obama months–weren’t enough of a burden, a report that his father may have planned to put the pre-born Barack up for adoption is being circulated by the Boston Globe and the Huffington Post and other staunch allies and card-carrying members of Obama’s MSM Club.
The “Rasheem” is a personal speculation. He could have been called Abdul, Rahman, or some other Islamic name like Hussein. His daddy, a real piece of work to put it mildly, would have wanted a nice, Muslim family to adopt and raise in accord with Islamic law his ill-conceived conception with Stanley Ann Dunham.
Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. was born a Muslim although his only son has said he subsequently became an atheist and Junior has long denied he himself was a Muslim. None of that amounts to a hill of halal beans, however. Under Islamic law, if your father is a Muslim, you’re a Muslim in perpetuity. Pre his conversion to atheism, Senior would have wanted and expected his progeny to be reared in the same tradition as he was regardless of his atheist mother’s wishes.
All this puts poor Barack in a fine pickle with respect to his multi-married father from whom he received many of his dreams. Not only has he failed to revive the nation’s economy but his father Barack Senior didn’t even want him. Fortunately for the president if not for the country, abortions were hard to get back in 1961.
Still, what does such a personal realization do to a kid’s dreams even if the kid is now president of the United States? And, what’s worse, having a father, and mother, who wanted to get rid of him or a father who is a proven, deceitful liar totally devoid of character and integrity?
Needless to say, the White House and both sides of Obama’s family are denying there is any truth to the verified documented adoption story. The Globe clarified everything by saying it was predicated on a lie, not the adoption feature of the revelation but Barack Senior’s lying. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4989)
Barack Hussein Obama could easily have been Rasheem Mohammad Jones.
As if news that the unemployment rate has risen to 9.2% and the federal deficit has hit a record 33 months–27 straight Obama months–weren’t enough of a burden, a report that his father may have planned to put the pre-born Barack up for adoption is being circulated by the Boston Globe and the Huffington Post and other staunch allies and card-carrying members of Obama’s MSM Club.
The “Rasheem” is a personal speculation. He could have been called Abdul, Rahman, or some other Islamic name like Hussein. His daddy, a real piece of work to put it mildly, would have wanted a nice, Muslim family to adopt and raise in accord with Islamic law his ill-conceived conception with Stanley Ann Dunham.
Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. was born a Muslim although his only son has said he subsequently became an atheist and Junior has long denied he himself was a Muslim. None of that amounts to a hill of halal beans, however. Under Islamic law, if your father is a Muslim, you’re a Muslim in perpetuity. Pre his conversion to atheism, Senior would have wanted and expected his progeny to be reared in the same tradition as he was regardless of his atheist mother’s wishes.
All this puts poor Barack in a fine pickle with respect to his multi-married father from whom he received many of his dreams. Not only has he failed to revive the nation’s economy but his father Barack Senior didn’t even want him. Fortunately for the president if not for the country, abortions were hard to get back in 1961.
Still, what does such a personal realization do to a kid’s dreams even if the kid is now president of the United States? And, what’s worse, having a father, and mother, who wanted to get rid of him or a father who is a proven, deceitful liar totally devoid of character and integrity?
Needless to say, the White House and both sides of Obama’s family are denying there is any truth to the verified documented adoption story. The Globe clarified everything by saying it was predicated on a lie, not the adoption feature of the revelation but Barack Senior’s lying. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4989)
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Gov. Rick Perry, Next Leftist Target
Gov. Rick Perry, Next Leftist Target
Jay Leno and Dave Letterman either haven’t received the DNC memo with their instructions on their Rick Perry ridiculing/talking points or the Democrats haven’t yet decided how and when to draw their long knives to begin the deconstruction of the Texas governor.
Leno and Letterman barely hit the stage every night before they go on the attack against one or more of the announced and un-announced Republican candidates for president. Letterman is vacationing this week but his arch-enemy Leno is taking up the slack. On Wednesday, The Chin managed to get in no less than five “jokes” about the Republicans, two of them on Michelle Bachmann.
All the yuks are intended in good fun. of course. They joke about Obama, as well–pointing out the imbecilities of Joe Biden, who probably won’t even be on the Obama ticket next year, as if those funnies offer a cloak of even-handedness.
What a joke!
Governor Perry is so far relatively immune from the hilarity, which is surprising.
Other Obama media are taking potshots at the conservative Perry, the Huffington Post among them. For example, HuffPo calls him “Bush Two,” tipping the leftist hand’s anticipated approach to a Perry candidacy, linking him with the much-reviled former president in an obvious intent of tarring and feathering Perry with GWB’s tar and feathers.
That tactic may backfire since many polls indicate Bush 43 is now more popular than Obama One.
In an article on HumanEvents.com titled, “Gov. Rick Perry: The Candidate Obama Would Fear the Most,” Dr. Merrill Matthews, resident scholar with the Institute for Policy Innovation, speculates that, “Perry is the only one who can devastate virtually any Obama claim . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4981)
Jay Leno and Dave Letterman either haven’t received the DNC memo with their instructions on their Rick Perry ridiculing/talking points or the Democrats haven’t yet decided how and when to draw their long knives to begin the deconstruction of the Texas governor.
Leno and Letterman barely hit the stage every night before they go on the attack against one or more of the announced and un-announced Republican candidates for president. Letterman is vacationing this week but his arch-enemy Leno is taking up the slack. On Wednesday, The Chin managed to get in no less than five “jokes” about the Republicans, two of them on Michelle Bachmann.
All the yuks are intended in good fun. of course. They joke about Obama, as well–pointing out the imbecilities of Joe Biden, who probably won’t even be on the Obama ticket next year, as if those funnies offer a cloak of even-handedness.
What a joke!
Governor Perry is so far relatively immune from the hilarity, which is surprising.
Other Obama media are taking potshots at the conservative Perry, the Huffington Post among them. For example, HuffPo calls him “Bush Two,” tipping the leftist hand’s anticipated approach to a Perry candidacy, linking him with the much-reviled former president in an obvious intent of tarring and feathering Perry with GWB’s tar and feathers.
That tactic may backfire since many polls indicate Bush 43 is now more popular than Obama One.
In an article on HumanEvents.com titled, “Gov. Rick Perry: The Candidate Obama Would Fear the Most,” Dr. Merrill Matthews, resident scholar with the Institute for Policy Innovation, speculates that, “Perry is the only one who can devastate virtually any Obama claim . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4981)
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Deflating the Higher Education Bubble by Bill Lalor
Deflating the Higher Education Bubble by Bill Lalor
It’s been refreshing to see higher education given some real scrutiny and focus lately. For my wife and me, something like “focus” happened when we met with a financial advisor before we had our first child, Evan. Or was it blind panic? I don’t remember. The conversation was something along the lines that college will cost us about $500,000 per kid, we’d be working till we die, and we should increase our savings by approximately 673% (assuming an annual ROR of about 8.5%). Or just jump into the housing market, and then cash out those stupendous, easy money gains as needed, which was part of Plan A.
Since then we’ve adjusted a bit, and now the plan is, more or less, to hope really hard that the projections are all wrong, or that my kids’ impossibly cute mugs get noticed by Gerber, or they pick up a bassoon scholarship, invent The Face Book, or whatever.
I’m just kidding, kids. Your mother and I have a real plan, but for posterity’s sake, here are a few meandering thoughts about why I don’t think we really need to have $500,000 in the bank (per kid and net of a few retirement nickels) by the year 2024 (although a few prayers to Saint Jude for good measure may be worthwhile).
First, now that everyone thinks everyone has a God-given right to a college degree, and many folks not fit for higher education are nonetheless taking home college degrees, a lot of these degrees are worthless. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4969)
It’s been refreshing to see higher education given some real scrutiny and focus lately. For my wife and me, something like “focus” happened when we met with a financial advisor before we had our first child, Evan. Or was it blind panic? I don’t remember. The conversation was something along the lines that college will cost us about $500,000 per kid, we’d be working till we die, and we should increase our savings by approximately 673% (assuming an annual ROR of about 8.5%). Or just jump into the housing market, and then cash out those stupendous, easy money gains as needed, which was part of Plan A.
Since then we’ve adjusted a bit, and now the plan is, more or less, to hope really hard that the projections are all wrong, or that my kids’ impossibly cute mugs get noticed by Gerber, or they pick up a bassoon scholarship, invent The Face Book, or whatever.
I’m just kidding, kids. Your mother and I have a real plan, but for posterity’s sake, here are a few meandering thoughts about why I don’t think we really need to have $500,000 in the bank (per kid and net of a few retirement nickels) by the year 2024 (although a few prayers to Saint Jude for good measure may be worthwhile).
First, now that everyone thinks everyone has a God-given right to a college degree, and many folks not fit for higher education are nonetheless taking home college degrees, a lot of these degrees are worthless. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4969)
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Dem-Libs Behaving Badly: Sweeney, Susman, Et al
Dem-Libs Behaving Badly: Sweeney, Susman, Et al
In Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America, Ann Coulter draws direct parallels between the French revolutionists of the eighteenth century and twenty-first century American liberals. Our libs engage in comparable destruction, mindlessness, and disrespect for order and civility as did French mobs over 200 years ago.
We witnessed a prime example of such liberal behavior in Madison, Wisconsin when unionistas like the SEIU caused massive damage to the Capitol building to pressure Republican Governor Scott Walker into backtracking on his commitment to restore sanity to the Badger State’s finances. We saw it in the strong-arm tactics used to suppress legal town hall protests against Obamacare. It regularly occurs in vicious commentaries by the likes of MSNBC’s Ed Schultz.
(See previous posts on those behavioral gems.)
Those instances, however, pale in comparison to “official” Democrat liberal exhibitions of grossly disrespectful incivility and vile partisan insults. Dem-libs in positions of authority don’t usually tear up buildings or beat up lawful protestors or openly wish conservatives would kill themselves. They let their flunkies handle that end of the abuse spectrum but are very adept at a variety of other abuses.
American “progressives” from state houses to the State Department recently showed their true colors. Cases in point on the state level are New Jersey’s Democrat Senate President Stephen Sweeney and on an international level Ambassador to Great Britain Louis B. Susman.
Sen. Sweeney is disenchanted and upset with Jersey’s conservative Republican Governor Chris Christie over Christie’s perceived slights and state budget cuts, additions, and line item vetoes. Sweeney expressed his disenchantment and upsetment in no uncertain terms, including calling the governor a “bully and a punk,” adding, ”I wanted to punch him in his head.”
Not content with that nastiness and threat of violence, Sweeney drew upon his enviable grasp of popular culture and filmdom by comparing Christie to a well-known villain: “You know who he reminds me of? Mr. Potter from ‘It’s a Wonderful Life,’ the mean old bastard who screws everybody.” He later reiterated his vulgarity by calling the governor “a rotten bastard” and “a prick.”
Classy, Stephen, classy!
See videos and the slanted report on NJ.com which fails to mention the New Jersey fiscal abyss caused by Sweeney and his Democrats and with something less than objectivity observes, “The Republican Bobbleheads will side with the governor again, and the vetoes will stand,” here: http://bit.ly/md8qVu
The good news is that neither Sweeney nor NJ.com have yet proposed murdering Gov. Christie in his bathtub ala Jean-Paul Marat or trotting out the guillotine.
They never employed the guillotine in Great Britain although Brits did favor the oubliette but some people there might like to see one or both used, figuratively, of course, in the case of Ambassador Louis B. Susman. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4964)
In Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America, Ann Coulter draws direct parallels between the French revolutionists of the eighteenth century and twenty-first century American liberals. Our libs engage in comparable destruction, mindlessness, and disrespect for order and civility as did French mobs over 200 years ago.
We witnessed a prime example of such liberal behavior in Madison, Wisconsin when unionistas like the SEIU caused massive damage to the Capitol building to pressure Republican Governor Scott Walker into backtracking on his commitment to restore sanity to the Badger State’s finances. We saw it in the strong-arm tactics used to suppress legal town hall protests against Obamacare. It regularly occurs in vicious commentaries by the likes of MSNBC’s Ed Schultz.
(See previous posts on those behavioral gems.)
Those instances, however, pale in comparison to “official” Democrat liberal exhibitions of grossly disrespectful incivility and vile partisan insults. Dem-libs in positions of authority don’t usually tear up buildings or beat up lawful protestors or openly wish conservatives would kill themselves. They let their flunkies handle that end of the abuse spectrum but are very adept at a variety of other abuses.
American “progressives” from state houses to the State Department recently showed their true colors. Cases in point on the state level are New Jersey’s Democrat Senate President Stephen Sweeney and on an international level Ambassador to Great Britain Louis B. Susman.
Sen. Sweeney is disenchanted and upset with Jersey’s conservative Republican Governor Chris Christie over Christie’s perceived slights and state budget cuts, additions, and line item vetoes. Sweeney expressed his disenchantment and upsetment in no uncertain terms, including calling the governor a “bully and a punk,” adding, ”I wanted to punch him in his head.”
Not content with that nastiness and threat of violence, Sweeney drew upon his enviable grasp of popular culture and filmdom by comparing Christie to a well-known villain: “You know who he reminds me of? Mr. Potter from ‘It’s a Wonderful Life,’ the mean old bastard who screws everybody.” He later reiterated his vulgarity by calling the governor “a rotten bastard” and “a prick.”
Classy, Stephen, classy!
See videos and the slanted report on NJ.com which fails to mention the New Jersey fiscal abyss caused by Sweeney and his Democrats and with something less than objectivity observes, “The Republican Bobbleheads will side with the governor again, and the vetoes will stand,” here: http://bit.ly/md8qVu
The good news is that neither Sweeney nor NJ.com have yet proposed murdering Gov. Christie in his bathtub ala Jean-Paul Marat or trotting out the guillotine.
They never employed the guillotine in Great Britain although Brits did favor the oubliette but some people there might like to see one or both used, figuratively, of course, in the case of Ambassador Louis B. Susman. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4964)
Jeremiah Wright and Elana Kagan--"Progressives"
Jeremiah Wright and Elena Kagan--"Progressives"
. . . Rev. Wright is anything except slow. He knows well how to stir up his mostly-black audiences: Castigate the white man, not for purposes of instigating hatred of whites, mind you. He simply tries to educate African-Americans in the finer points of history, which he ably accomplished last week in a speech to the First African Baptist Church in Savannah.
Addressing a “Youth Explosion” conference, the reverend repeatedly called whites liars to the delighted assemblage who hooted and howled in approbation as he recounted the history of white lies, not little white lies either. See and hear Rev. Wright trace the history of white liars lying about everyone from Columbus to Osama bin Laden . . .
The House members contend that Kagan in her previous role as Obama’s Solicitor General Kagan “actively participated with her Obama Administration colleagues in formulating a defense of PPACA” and offer documents just obtained from the Justice Department as proof.
Said documents had to be pried loose from the DoJ via a Freedom of Information Act, FOIA, request by CNSNews.com. Not unexpectedly, a very uncooperative DoJ is now seeking to block release of any additional information.
After all, freedom and dissemination of information . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4960)
. . . Rev. Wright is anything except slow. He knows well how to stir up his mostly-black audiences: Castigate the white man, not for purposes of instigating hatred of whites, mind you. He simply tries to educate African-Americans in the finer points of history, which he ably accomplished last week in a speech to the First African Baptist Church in Savannah.
Addressing a “Youth Explosion” conference, the reverend repeatedly called whites liars to the delighted assemblage who hooted and howled in approbation as he recounted the history of white lies, not little white lies either. See and hear Rev. Wright trace the history of white liars lying about everyone from Columbus to Osama bin Laden . . .
The House members contend that Kagan in her previous role as Obama’s Solicitor General Kagan “actively participated with her Obama Administration colleagues in formulating a defense of PPACA” and offer documents just obtained from the Justice Department as proof.
Said documents had to be pried loose from the DoJ via a Freedom of Information Act, FOIA, request by CNSNews.com. Not unexpectedly, a very uncooperative DoJ is now seeking to block release of any additional information.
After all, freedom and dissemination of information . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4960)
Monday, July 4, 2011
Beyond July 4th, 2011, Toward November 6th, 2011
Beyond July 4th, 2011, Toward November 6th, 2012
When all the Independence Day parades are over, after the hoopla and ballyhoo, the celebrations, the fireworks, the overeating and overimbibing are done with for another year, Americans have to face the reality that the United States is still in dire straits.
To paraphrase Ronald Reagan’s famous question, Are we better off today than we were 30 months ago? Only the insane and the masochistic would answer Yes.
After 2 1/2 years of Obama, the economy is still mired in the doldrums, his stimulus has cost $278,000 per job created, official unemployment is stuck above 9%, our health care system is in being socialized, post-racialism is teetering on the edge of race warfare, illegal aliens continue to pour over our border, the nation is in decline as an international power, wars and rumors of wars abound, the Islamic threat is unabated, gasoline and heating oil prices have skyrocketed, the president has declared class warfare, and we’re on the verge of economic default.
Meanwhile, our leader parties and plays golf.
Obama critics such as Sean Hannity naïvely say it’s incomprehensible that a president of the United States could have planned or desired the current mess we’re in. I beg to differ.
September 11th, 2001 was also incomprehensible. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4953)
When all the Independence Day parades are over, after the hoopla and ballyhoo, the celebrations, the fireworks, the overeating and overimbibing are done with for another year, Americans have to face the reality that the United States is still in dire straits.
To paraphrase Ronald Reagan’s famous question, Are we better off today than we were 30 months ago? Only the insane and the masochistic would answer Yes.
After 2 1/2 years of Obama, the economy is still mired in the doldrums, his stimulus has cost $278,000 per job created, official unemployment is stuck above 9%, our health care system is in being socialized, post-racialism is teetering on the edge of race warfare, illegal aliens continue to pour over our border, the nation is in decline as an international power, wars and rumors of wars abound, the Islamic threat is unabated, gasoline and heating oil prices have skyrocketed, the president has declared class warfare, and we’re on the verge of economic default.
Meanwhile, our leader parties and plays golf.
Obama critics such as Sean Hannity naïvely say it’s incomprehensible that a president of the United States could have planned or desired the current mess we’re in. I beg to differ.
September 11th, 2001 was also incomprehensible. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4953)
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Happy Birthday, USA!
Happy Birthday, USA!
. . . Live it up on Independence Day, the 4th of July, 2011, and celebrate America’s 235th birthday by reading and thinking about the words and listening here to the strains of “The Star Spangled Banner."
Also well worth a look is a 5 minute video composed by a 15 year old girl, Lizzie Palmer, which brilliantly reminds us of the men and women in our armed forces who are risking their lives every day to serve our country and preserve our liberties.
Above all. remember that our nation may be stressed and under attack on many fronts, both domestic and foreign, but our flag is “still there” and so, too, are the American people and the American spirit.
(Read more and see the videos at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4940)
. . . Live it up on Independence Day, the 4th of July, 2011, and celebrate America’s 235th birthday by reading and thinking about the words and listening here to the strains of “The Star Spangled Banner."
Also well worth a look is a 5 minute video composed by a 15 year old girl, Lizzie Palmer, which brilliantly reminds us of the men and women in our armed forces who are risking their lives every day to serve our country and preserve our liberties.
Above all. remember that our nation may be stressed and under attack on many fronts, both domestic and foreign, but our flag is “still there” and so, too, are the American people and the American spirit.
(Read more and see the videos at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4940)
Weiner, Hillary, and György Schwartz
Weiner, Hillary, and György Schwartz
The Chronicle of Anthony Weiner as Told in a Limerick, Posted by Dave Blount on Moonbattery.com, http://bit.ly/itc4XO:
“There once was a pervert named Weiner,/ Who had the weirdest demeanor./ He was thrown from the Hill,/ For behaving like Bill./ Now Congress is one Weiner leaner.”
(Hey! It’s a limerick! I never said it was great poetry.)
Speaking of Bill Clinton, his bride weighed in on a subject near and dear to Bubba’s heart, sex–near and dear, that is, prior to his quadruple bypass.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Mrs. Huma Abedin-Weiner’s boss, announced a diplomatic breakthrough, not with Iran’s resident fruitcake, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, nor with the object of Obama’s assassination attempts, aka the Libyan “kinetic action,” Muammar Qaddafi. The former FLOTUS broke through with “sex workers” in foreign lands.
CNSNews.com reported that Sec. Clinton said that on Monday that “meeting with ‘sex workers’ in the cause of protecting LGBT rights is an example of ‘people-to-people diplomacy at its best.’ ” She applauded “all of our diplomats and our development experts who continue to reach out to those advocating around the world in Uganda, Malawi, Russia, Turkey, China, and so many other places.” (http://bit.ly/lMlKzg)
Presumably, those Ugandans, et al. were “advocating” for the rights of homosexual ”sex workers,” (prostitutes), to peddle their wares unimpeded by discriminatory laws and national biases.
It’s good to know that the person charged with executing the foreign policy of the United States of America was so unimpeded by a chaotic world in flames that she could find time to extend support to all the gay hookers throughout the world.
Offering less solace was the recent report that the Obama administration has instituted plans to establish ties with Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, another initiative announced by Sec. Clinton, a busy, busy lady. The Obamians want to insure, as they do with Libya, that Mubarak’s Muslim replacement is more anti-American and radical than Mubarak.
Reputedly affiliated with both Hamas, the fun-loving Palestinian “Islamic Resistance Movement” that gets off on rocket attacks against Israel and employing children as human shields and as soldiers and Hezbollah, the jihadist “Party of God,” which favors suicide bombings and kidnapping to achieve its ends, the Muslim Brotherhood would be a dubious ally in the nonexistent War on Islamic Terrorism.
See “Fun and the Muslim Brotherhood,” (http://bit.ly/kAzEXt)
An undeniable ally, not of the United States but of Barack Hussein Obama . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4945)
The Chronicle of Anthony Weiner as Told in a Limerick, Posted by Dave Blount on Moonbattery.com, http://bit.ly/itc4XO:
“There once was a pervert named Weiner,/ Who had the weirdest demeanor./ He was thrown from the Hill,/ For behaving like Bill./ Now Congress is one Weiner leaner.”
(Hey! It’s a limerick! I never said it was great poetry.)
Speaking of Bill Clinton, his bride weighed in on a subject near and dear to Bubba’s heart, sex–near and dear, that is, prior to his quadruple bypass.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Mrs. Huma Abedin-Weiner’s boss, announced a diplomatic breakthrough, not with Iran’s resident fruitcake, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, nor with the object of Obama’s assassination attempts, aka the Libyan “kinetic action,” Muammar Qaddafi. The former FLOTUS broke through with “sex workers” in foreign lands.
CNSNews.com reported that Sec. Clinton said that on Monday that “meeting with ‘sex workers’ in the cause of protecting LGBT rights is an example of ‘people-to-people diplomacy at its best.’ ” She applauded “all of our diplomats and our development experts who continue to reach out to those advocating around the world in Uganda, Malawi, Russia, Turkey, China, and so many other places.” (http://bit.ly/lMlKzg)
Presumably, those Ugandans, et al. were “advocating” for the rights of homosexual ”sex workers,” (prostitutes), to peddle their wares unimpeded by discriminatory laws and national biases.
It’s good to know that the person charged with executing the foreign policy of the United States of America was so unimpeded by a chaotic world in flames that she could find time to extend support to all the gay hookers throughout the world.
Offering less solace was the recent report that the Obama administration has instituted plans to establish ties with Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, another initiative announced by Sec. Clinton, a busy, busy lady. The Obamians want to insure, as they do with Libya, that Mubarak’s Muslim replacement is more anti-American and radical than Mubarak.
Reputedly affiliated with both Hamas, the fun-loving Palestinian “Islamic Resistance Movement” that gets off on rocket attacks against Israel and employing children as human shields and as soldiers and Hezbollah, the jihadist “Party of God,” which favors suicide bombings and kidnapping to achieve its ends, the Muslim Brotherhood would be a dubious ally in the nonexistent War on Islamic Terrorism.
See “Fun and the Muslim Brotherhood,” (http://bit.ly/kAzEXt)
An undeniable ally, not of the United States but of Barack Hussein Obama . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4945)
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Independence Day Beseiged
Independence Day Beseiged
. . . The Harvard study goes on to say,”The political right has been more successful in appropriating American patriotism and its symbols during the 20th century. Survey evidence also confirms that Republicans consider themselves more patriotic than Democrats. . . there is a political congruence between the patriotism promoted on Fourth of July and the values associated with the Republican Party.”
Worst of all, ”Fourth of July celebrations in Republican dominated counties may thus be more politically biased events that socialize children into Republicans.”
Briefly analyzing the conclusions of the Harvard study: Fourth of July parades are purely “politically biased events,” essentially products of massive Republican conspiracies designed to inculcate a sense of patriotism in children and make them all Republicans.
Had Harvard and its study attempted to prove the school and the authors of that study were sick proponents of anti-Americanism and partisanship, they couldn’t have done a better job.
Rest assured, however, that true Americans will still attend Independence Day parades and other celebrations, wave American flags, stoke up the bbq, scarf down burgers and hot dogs and steaks, and deep in their hearts realize the significance of the holiday. Only the Left as epitomized by Harvard will regard Fourth of July parades as partisan events. Like everything else that’s good in our nation, only the Left can reduce America’s birthday to an occasion for narrowminded, un-American sentiments.
May God bless, protect, and preserve the United States of America!
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4932)
. . . The Harvard study goes on to say,”The political right has been more successful in appropriating American patriotism and its symbols during the 20th century. Survey evidence also confirms that Republicans consider themselves more patriotic than Democrats. . . there is a political congruence between the patriotism promoted on Fourth of July and the values associated with the Republican Party.”
Worst of all, ”Fourth of July celebrations in Republican dominated counties may thus be more politically biased events that socialize children into Republicans.”
Briefly analyzing the conclusions of the Harvard study: Fourth of July parades are purely “politically biased events,” essentially products of massive Republican conspiracies designed to inculcate a sense of patriotism in children and make them all Republicans.
Had Harvard and its study attempted to prove the school and the authors of that study were sick proponents of anti-Americanism and partisanship, they couldn’t have done a better job.
Rest assured, however, that true Americans will still attend Independence Day parades and other celebrations, wave American flags, stoke up the bbq, scarf down burgers and hot dogs and steaks, and deep in their hearts realize the significance of the holiday. Only the Left as epitomized by Harvard will regard Fourth of July parades as partisan events. Like everything else that’s good in our nation, only the Left can reduce America’s birthday to an occasion for narrowminded, un-American sentiments.
May God bless, protect, and preserve the United States of America!
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4932)
Friday, July 1, 2011
Ted Turner, Mouth of the Leftist South
Ted Turner, Mouth of the Leftist South
. . . It’s good to know Turner was being fair. Less good was his typically-liberal debasement and condescion toward the intelligence of Americans when he added, “It is really easy to understand how some people don’t get it, because it’s so complex and complicated.”
Ted Turner and Al Gore and Ted Danson and the rest of the PCS crew completely “get it,” can grasp “complex and complicated” matters because, well, because they’re liberal members of the Pompous Celeb Syndrome crew. We non-members, the great unwashed mass of Americans, are simply too doltish to understand. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4930)
. . . It’s good to know Turner was being fair. Less good was his typically-liberal debasement and condescion toward the intelligence of Americans when he added, “It is really easy to understand how some people don’t get it, because it’s so complex and complicated.”
Ted Turner and Al Gore and Ted Danson and the rest of the PCS crew completely “get it,” can grasp “complex and complicated” matters because, well, because they’re liberal members of the Pompous Celeb Syndrome crew. We non-members, the great unwashed mass of Americans, are simply too doltish to understand. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4930)
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