Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The Real News Behind the News
The Real News Behind the News
We all know that the mass media and government today, especially today with government’s new role as nanny to the nation, spoon feed to the public what they think we can handle, what they want us to know, and hide what they want hidden.
However, thanks to a long-awaited technological breakthrough by Professor Klem Kadiddlehopper at the University of Hard Knocks, Burbank, we now have heretofore un-explained explanations of all the crap news we’ve been fed lately.
Incredibly, Burbank’s Professor Emeritus has succeeded in delving into the minds and mental processes of newsmakers and can reveal their true, unexpurgated thoughts. It’s a tad scary but very revelatory breakthrough.
The prof’s methodology and formularies are being kept secret for now but Kadiddlehopper has agreed to release some of his findings on what’s behind recent news, which we will call the “K-view:“
News Story: Pelosi Won’t Give Public a Week to Review Text of Health-Care Bill Before House Votes on It: http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/article.aspx?RsrcID=50229.
K-View: Damn, we don’t read major, or minor, legislation before we vote on it! Why should the public have a chance to read it? Those dimwits put us, ME, in power so why question what we do? Let them just eat cake, shut up, and act like the sheep we know they are: (thought by Nancy Pelosi)
News Story: Congressmen Say They Didn’t Have Chance to Read Full 1,200-Page Climate Change Bill Before Vote: http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/article.aspx?RsrcID=50234.
K-View: What the hell is wrong with these people? They’re actually voting to make our country a second or third-rate power! And they didn’t “have a chance to read” this pile of sh*t? (thought by Rep. John Boehner)
Boehner is such a scaredy cat. . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Monday, June 29, 2009
Teen Sexting Back in the News
Teen Sexting Is Back in the News
The debate goes on: Do 20% of kids sext, or 25%? As if it matters whether one in five or one in four children engage in the activity which has become a buzzword in the teenage culture.
In fact, it may be one in three or an even greater phenomenon. Why adults would think teenagers would be upfront and totally honest about what they do with and on their cellphones is an even greater mystery.
Since my kids have long been out in the world as successful grown-ups, I can’t personally relate to the whole issue of adolescent sexting, which continues to be re-defined and refined by adults. Whether we elders even grasp the scope and import of this latest teen craze is questionable.
Back in the day, the worst my generation had to deal with were sex and drugs and rock and roll.
Sexting, however, has now become so ingrained in American life that one website, urbandictionary.com, has seen fit to officially lay out multiple definitions, as well as teen reactions to the adult world’s impertinence in seeking to define what is theirs, territory into which anyone over 20 or 25 should never venture nor critique.
That urban, and suburban and rural, dictionary posits this offering on sexting: “v: the act of text messaging someone in the hopes of having a sexual encounter with them later; initially casual, transitioning into highly suggestive and even sexually explicit.”
Congenitally defensive teens offered various rebuttals and clarifications. They included: ”The term [sexting] is used by adults who are out of the loop, and not by the individuals actually sending the messages.” And, “like phone sex except throught texting.” And, “When a guy and a girl send dirty text messages back and forth to each other. Pictures may also be included, but only if you’re lucky:” http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=sexting.
That’s all very enlightening but it sheds little light on sexting.
Not so lucky but quite enlightened was assistant principal at Virginia’s South Riding High School, Ting-Yi Oei. He was delegated by the principal to investigate “rumors that some students at the school were exchanging sexually explicit [sexted] photos of a teenage girl.”
He duly investigated, identified the culprit, and as instructed, captured the picture on his cell phone and laptop as evidence.
He was subsequently charged “with felony possession of child porn as well as with two misdemeanor counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor for instructing the male student to send him the photo.”
Assistant Principal Oei beat that rap, and the county, eventually, reimbursed him for the $167,000 in legal fees he incurred for doing his job as per his directions: http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2009/06/sexting/
Whether he got any jollies from the picture in question, which showed only the torso of a female student “clad in underwear . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Moving on Down in the USA
Now that Nancy “Bug-eyed” Pelosi has succeeded in getting passed the greatest piece of legislation in the whole history of legislation, where do we go from here?
In a word, downhill. In two words, downhill fast.
Pelosi pulled out all the stops to cajole, intimidate, bribe, and threaten her minions to achieve narrow passage, 219-212, of the “historic” bill that will mean much higher bills for Americans across the board, if not catastrophic and crippling costs in the future.
But, don’t call the 1200 page “Cap and Trade” legislation a tax. And, please don’t ask if any of our representatives read the thing. They’re far too busy for such trivia. Also, please don’t ask why 8 Republicans helped pass the atrocity.
Only governments can impose taxes so we won’t even be able to write off additional charges from energy suppliers, auto makers, (if we have any left), milk producers, and kazoo manufacturers since those charges will be built in to everything we consume.
Yet, Speaker Bug-eyes has the temerity to say, “We passed transformational legislation which takes us into the future,” omitting the fact that it won’t do a damned bit of good in curbing “global warming,” which currently is called, “climate change,” which used to be called, “global cooling.”
Why not? Because . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Phil Spector: Justice, American Style
Phil Spector, Justice Served, Justice Denied
What do you do with a girl named Maria? Compared to the question of what do you do with a prisoner named Phil Spector, the answer is challenging. In Spector’s case, you give him whatever he wants!
Spector was finally convicted of second degree murder of a defenseless woman, six years after the fact and almost two years after his first trial ended in a hung jury. All the while the accused killer was free on a one-million-dollar bail.
Sentenced to 19 years, the 69 year old Spector is serving his time in a private cell at the medium security California State Prison at Corcoran, in the “sensitive-needs” section.
However, it seems that in addition to being sensitive, he’s an unhappy camper/inmate. He wants some bennies, some amenities to make prison life more comfy and tolerable.
Word is he will get them: http://bit.ly/7s87R.
Anyway, it’s not as if he committed treason or a crime against society or anything like that. He merely snuffed out the life of a woman by putting one of his various pistols in her mouth and pulling the trigger, only once though.
Granted, too, his victim, model and actress Lana Clarkson, wasn’t the brightest crayola in the box . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
What do you do with a girl named Maria? Compared to the question of what do you do with a prisoner named Phil Spector, the answer is challenging. In Spector’s case, you give him whatever he wants!
Spector was finally convicted of second degree murder of a defenseless woman, six years after the fact and almost two years after his first trial ended in a hung jury. All the while the accused killer was free on a one-million-dollar bail.
Sentenced to 19 years, the 69 year old Spector is serving his time in a private cell at the medium security California State Prison at Corcoran, in the “sensitive-needs” section.
However, it seems that in addition to being sensitive, he’s an unhappy camper/inmate. He wants some bennies, some amenities to make prison life more comfy and tolerable.
Word is he will get them: http://bit.ly/7s87R.
Anyway, it’s not as if he committed treason or a crime against society or anything like that. He merely snuffed out the life of a woman by putting one of his various pistols in her mouth and pulling the trigger, only once though.
Granted, too, his victim, model and actress Lana Clarkson, wasn’t the brightest crayola in the box . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Friday, June 26, 2009
Liar, Liar, Obama Pants on Fire!
Liar, Liar, Obama Pants on Fire
Google “Bush lies” and you get less than 3 million links. Google “Obama lies” and you get some 30 million links. What does that tell us? Nothing, and everything, about the nature and veracity of President Barack Hussein Obama.
Thirty million sources for information on the inaccuracies, distortions, misstatements, and outright, bald-faced prevarications could simply reflect the level of prevailing antipathy toward our forty-fourth president. Three million for Bush could just mean people are bored with George W.
Or it could mean Barack Obama in his brief public career has lied ten times more than George W. Bush. I imagine the lying truth about Obama is somewhere in between.
That would still suggest he has been caught in lies to the American people in the course of twelve years and five months as Illinois state senator, U.S. Senator, and President at least five times more often than Bush over his sixteen years as Texas governor and president.
That, of course, is a gross over-simplification and, obviously, not a scientific conclusion due to a number of variables, not the least of which is that boredom, the existing level of Obamian dislike and distrust, and the fact the current chief executive has published two books to Bush’s none.
It’s far easier to pinpoint lies on the printed page than it is to cull un-truths from speeches and statements over the course of years. Then, again, it was easy enough for bloggers and others to blabber their inanities about “Bush lies,” without ever backing up that slander.
Nevertheless, 30 million or 15 million are prodigious numbers and a fair indicator that where there are smoke, and mirrors, there very well could be substance.
Various websites have catalogued and enumerated what could easily be gathered into another lengthy book. Maybe title it, The Audacity of Lies or Lying Dreams from My Father, My Prevaricating Mentor.
Included among those sites is one which numbers 158 whoppers but, in fairness to Obama, . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Obama Screws Heterosexuals!
Government Discriminatory Screwing of Normal Shacker-uppers
(Fifth in a series in recognition of New York City’s “Gay Pride Week”)
I’ve never been a member of any minority that I know of but I can now better empathize with the discrimination some minorities claim to suffer. Any discriminatory action must be painful to endure but when its source is the government of the United States it is not only painful but infuriating.
A recent article on The American Spectator, “Friends with Benefits,” by George Neumayr reveals the essence of that discrimination in a quotation from the Washington Post, “Barack Obama’s presidential memorandum that decrees in these dark days of recession new ‘benefits to partners of federal workers. . . . [the memo] does not cover domestic heterosexual partners.’ “
If you happen to be a heterosexual worker, you get didleysquat, nothing, nada, zilch in new benefits. They are reserved for homosexuals in the employ of our government.
The tipoff should have been the word “partners,” the preferred term for gay lovers who are, usually, shacking up. As Neumayr writes, “Heterosexual sinners need to hire better lobbyists, or hope that Obama soon finds in his impressively massive heart a new and richer understanding of their attempts at semi-committed love:” http://spectator.org/archives/2009/06/19/fiends-with-benefits.
A GAO employee, a lesbian and ordained “minister” Candy Holmes, told the Post she wants “to believe this is the beginning of equality.”
I must be missing something here. . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
R.I.P. Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson
R.I.P. Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson
They say that both good and bad things happen in threes and within 3days Johnny Carson’s sidekick, Ed McMahon,Charley’s Angel, Sarah Fawcett, and a severely disturbed child molestor and moon-walker have shuffled off this mortal globe.
I know little about McMahon or Fawcett, aside from the fact Ed served his country as a Marine and served Carson as second banana for 30 years and that Farrah bravely battled cancer for years. To mourning friends and family of both, I extend my sincere consolation.
To the family, friends, and fans of Michael Jackson, I extend a wish that they had extended moral support, a helping hand, or an intervention to the androgynous Michael long before he succumbed to a life as a pedophile. He beat that rap with his wallet but money will never salve the wounds of his young victims.
He was a very sick individual but, as happened with Elvis, his sycophantic family, friends, and fans chose to deny and ignore his sickness.
May all three, Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and Michael Jackson, rest in peace, and may Michael have repented his child molestations prior to his shuffling off.
Michael Jackson now resides in a Neverland the likes of which he could never have conceived in his Earthly life.
I hope he enjoys heat.
They say that both good and bad things happen in threes and within 3days Johnny Carson’s sidekick, Ed McMahon,Charley’s Angel, Sarah Fawcett, and a severely disturbed child molestor and moon-walker have shuffled off this mortal globe.
I know little about McMahon or Fawcett, aside from the fact Ed served his country as a Marine and served Carson as second banana for 30 years and that Farrah bravely battled cancer for years. To mourning friends and family of both, I extend my sincere consolation.
To the family, friends, and fans of Michael Jackson, I extend a wish that they had extended moral support, a helping hand, or an intervention to the androgynous Michael long before he succumbed to a life as a pedophile. He beat that rap with his wallet but money will never salve the wounds of his young victims.
He was a very sick individual but, as happened with Elvis, his sycophantic family, friends, and fans chose to deny and ignore his sickness.
May all three, Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and Michael Jackson, rest in peace, and may Michael have repented his child molestations prior to his shuffling off.
Michael Jackson now resides in a Neverland the likes of which he could never have conceived in his Earthly life.
I hope he enjoys heat.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Black Prejudice, Black Racism, and Truth
Black Prejudice, Black Racism, and Truth
What I would most desire would be the separation of the white and black races.
Furthermore, I am not nor ever have ever been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the black and white races—that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with White people.
I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the White and black races which will ever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. . . . there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the White race.
Those are not my words nor the words of David Duke nor of George Wallace. They are the words of the Great Emancipator, our 16th president, Abraham Lincoln as quoted on a distinctly anti-Lincoln website posing as a Civil War site: http://www.civilwarhistory.com/_/lincoln/Abraham%20Lincoln%20on%20Race.htm.
For the purposes of this article, I have no reason but to accept the veracity of those quotations since, one, they jibe with other Lincoln pronouncements and, two, why would they lie?
More relevant is the question of how well Honest Abe was able to foresee the future of the United States a century and a half down the line when all of his fears were fulfilled, and then some.
Was a separation of the two races a sensible and realistic aim?
Was effecting the “social and political equality of the black and white races” in America either a practicable or a reasonable goal? Was granting rights to African Americans to sit on juries, hold public office, and intermarry wise and intelligent? Was ceding to them “social and political equality” a surrender of White “superior position?”
More to the point, have any of our altered social views, constitutional amendments, bias and hate crime laws, concessions, and affirmative actions made an appreciable difference in the essential quality of Black-White relations in our country?
I think not but to even suggest that failure is to invite pummeling, figurative and literal assaults by the forces of racial political correctness who seek to accomplish racial harmony by sheer force of will. To even contest that harmony today is to invite charges of a vicious racism.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. Wishing and hoping rarely change reality. We are still a racist society, a Black racist society now, which allegation will surely evoke the most vociferous attacks. It’s yet a fact of American life though few dare state it.
I’m not suggesting that race relations in America have not improved over the last few decades but I am suggesting that the improvement has been more pro forma than substantive. It has also been a one-way street with Whites conceding to Black demands and Blacks simply demanding, and getting, more concessions.
As but one example of those concessions and after much debate, Whites caved to Black insistence and agitation and threats by establishing Martin Luther King Day, the only national holiday honoring an individual American.
Furthermore, almost eight months after the election of The Great Black Hope, there is little concrete evidence that attitudes of African-Americans have changed in any notable way. I do not suggest, either, that those attitudes are held by a majority of Blacks, although Barack Obama’s win does reflect a majority.
I further assert that those attitudes must undergo significant change before there can be any true racial conciliation. The fact that 96% of Blacks voted for Obama indicates that what we had on November 4th was in truth an election won mainly due to Black bias.
Voting for a candidate because of his race is no less an exercise in racism than voting against a candidate due to his skin color and runs counter to Rev. Martin Luther King’s injunction against racism and in favor of judging people by the content of their character.
(Worth the consideration of the reader is the article by a Black American, “Back on America’s Plantatation” on the very questionable value of liberal government programs to “help” poor Blacks: http://townhall.com/columnists/StarParker/2009/02/09/back_on_uncle_sams_plantation)
And, please don’t say people voted for Obama over McCain based on the character of a candidate no one really knew as opposed to a guy who had proven his character and guts!
Outside the South, almost 50% of Whites cast their ballots for a Black man, (86% in D.C.), and he won 30.2% of White southern votes, (including 42% of Floridians and 39% of Virginians): http://allotherpersons.wordpress.com/tables-outside-the-south-obama-gets-almost-half-of-the-white-vote/.
The matter is indisputable: Blacks are the racists in the United States of America. . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
ABC, Exemplar of the Media that Once Was
ABC, Exemplar of the Media that Once Was
The Constitutional guaranty of freedom of speech is contained in the First Amendment and is but one of six guarantees spelled out in that amendment. The section relating to free speech is actually limited to 10 words, “Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech.”
As with most rights, free speech has limitations and those limits go far beyond the old example of yelling “Fire!” in a crowded theater when there is no fire, a very reasonable restriction.
However, it’s worth remembering that the First Amendment and, indeed, the Constitution itself relates to the government “abridging” free speech, also called censorship. The non-governmental private sector suffers from no comparable inhibitions when it comes to such abridgement although voluntary censorship is common. That becomes bias, for example, with the media.
If and when government censorship becomes so intertwined with media bias that they are indistinguishable, with a supposedly independent media acting as government surrogates, we then have a state-run media for all intents and purposes.
In large part, that is what America has deteriorated into today, and it’s far from a healthy situation in our former free democratic republic.
That is the precise situation on June 24th, 2009 with the extended inf0mercial being staged by ABC, an allegedly independent media outlet telecasting “news” from within the United States’ executive mansion, the White House, promoting a government plan for “health care reform” while denying any dissent or opposition.
What was that comment Obama made about “transparency?”
Adolph Hitler, Joe Stalin, or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad couldn’t be . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Obama Suffering from HUHA Syndrome!
Sitting presidents in the last century have suffered from various lingering maladies and from sudden onsets of near-catastrophic health events. Wilson’s strokes, FDR’s polio, Ike’s heart attack, JFK’s Addison’s Disease, LBJ’s gall bladder issue all had some negative impacts on their administrations.
Our current chief executive’s continuing battle with HUHA Syndrome may be one of the best kept health secrets of our president, even if its symptoms are apparent daily to the most casual observer.
Tuesday’s scheduled Rose Garden news conference was held inside the White House instead, in deference to the humidity of Washington D.C., and a reminder that the capital was built adjacent to a swamp. Unfortunately, Obama’s HUHA Syndrome showed its ugly head early and often during the president’s 55 minute Q&A.
In deference to its Republican viewership, Fox News Channel declined to air the event, perhaps also fearing that a HUHA episode was in the offing and refusing to be party to televising a president’s physical flaws to the nation especially since it was a daytime affair and kids could be watching.
HUHA, as most people know, can be a-symptomatic in the perception of those afflicted but to witnesses it usually is quite obvious. The president’s feigned lack of awareness that his staged first and principal questioner was a set-up was a clear indicator of a HUHA attack.
The question came from a HufPo columnist, someone customarily relegated to the nosebleed section of the Washington Press Corps. The “exchange” went as follows:
“In what appeared to be a coordinated exchange, President Obama called on the Huffington Post’s Nico Pitney near the start of his press conference and requested a question directly about Iran.
‘Nico, [addressed as if Pitney were an old smoking buddy] I know you and all across the Internet, [sic] we’ve been seeing a lot of reports coming out of Iran, . . . I know there may actually be questions from people in Iran who are communicating through the Internet. Do you have a question?’
Pitney, as if ignoring what Obama had just said, said: ‘I wanted to use this opportunity to ask you a question directly from an Iranian.’ ” (http://www.politico.com/blogs/michaelcalderone/0609/Obama_calls_on_HuffPost_for_Iran_question.html)
Duh, Nico, back to the cheap seats for you! Evidently, Nico had not been briefed that his query was supposed to look spontaneous so that Obama could respond with equivalent spontaneity, but that was not to be.
HUHA symptoms were transparent thoughout as Obama went on as if the obviousness of the set up question, for which the president had rehearsed his extended reply, was not also transparent. It must be conceded that, despite his pledges, transparency is as integral to his first 5 months in office as protecting the pre-born from abortions.
At least he was consistent.. . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Our current chief executive’s continuing battle with HUHA Syndrome may be one of the best kept health secrets of our president, even if its symptoms are apparent daily to the most casual observer.
Tuesday’s scheduled Rose Garden news conference was held inside the White House instead, in deference to the humidity of Washington D.C., and a reminder that the capital was built adjacent to a swamp. Unfortunately, Obama’s HUHA Syndrome showed its ugly head early and often during the president’s 55 minute Q&A.
In deference to its Republican viewership, Fox News Channel declined to air the event, perhaps also fearing that a HUHA episode was in the offing and refusing to be party to televising a president’s physical flaws to the nation especially since it was a daytime affair and kids could be watching.
HUHA, as most people know, can be a-symptomatic in the perception of those afflicted but to witnesses it usually is quite obvious. The president’s feigned lack of awareness that his staged first and principal questioner was a set-up was a clear indicator of a HUHA attack.
The question came from a HufPo columnist, someone customarily relegated to the nosebleed section of the Washington Press Corps. The “exchange” went as follows:
“In what appeared to be a coordinated exchange, President Obama called on the Huffington Post’s Nico Pitney near the start of his press conference and requested a question directly about Iran.
‘Nico, [addressed as if Pitney were an old smoking buddy] I know you and all across the Internet, [sic] we’ve been seeing a lot of reports coming out of Iran, . . . I know there may actually be questions from people in Iran who are communicating through the Internet. Do you have a question?’
Pitney, as if ignoring what Obama had just said, said: ‘I wanted to use this opportunity to ask you a question directly from an Iranian.’ ” (http://www.politico.com/blogs/michaelcalderone/0609/Obama_calls_on_HuffPost_for_Iran_question.html)
Duh, Nico, back to the cheap seats for you! Evidently, Nico had not been briefed that his query was supposed to look spontaneous so that Obama could respond with equivalent spontaneity, but that was not to be.
HUHA symptoms were transparent thoughout as Obama went on as if the obviousness of the set up question, for which the president had rehearsed his extended reply, was not also transparent. It must be conceded that, despite his pledges, transparency is as integral to his first 5 months in office as protecting the pre-born from abortions.
At least he was consistent.. . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Nature or Nurture? Who Cares?
Nature or Nurture? Who cares?
(Fourth in a series in recognition of New York City’s “Gay Pride Week”)
I don’t think I have to take a backseat to anyone in my opposition to and condemnation of the gay revolution and agenda now sweeping our country. But, fair is fair and distortions of truths are still unacceptable.
One like-thinker in the quest to expose homosexuals for what they are and for what their aims and intentions are seems to needlessly shade the truth about them in this article: http://greggjackson.com/blog/?p=311.
The facts, the absolute, unvarnished, un-PC truth about gays is much more than sufficient to out them for what they are sans shadings of any sort.
In point of fact, although Gregg Jackson is clearly on the frontlines in seeking to preserve and protect American moral values, the American Psychological Association did not, as Gregg writes, definitively report what he reports as to the question of whether gays are born that way or not.
Gregg quoted the APA: “There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay, or lesbian orientation. . . no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors,” which is totally correct.
However, it was the American Psychological, not Psychiatric, Association which made that clarification on its website, http://www.apa.org/topics/sorientation.html.
They are both “APA’s” and sister organizations which generally march in lockstep with one another but the Psychological association went on to say, “Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles; most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation.”
However, both APA’s lack credibility. They were previously intimidated into changing their diagnoses on homosexuality. Not coincidentally, the flipflop occurred just a few years after the gay Stonewall riot of 1969.
After decades of describing homosexuality as “an abnormal mental disorder” and those afflicted with that disorder as “sexual deviants,” under severe pressure and threats from gays, they amazingly flipflopped beginning in 1973 and ultimately concluded that, Nah, it’s all very normal. See http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=635.
Since being gay had miraculously been transformed from deviancy to normality, any debate as to its “causes” were moot, to which I would agree but for vastly different reasons.
The point is, Who cares? Nature or nurture, genetics or environment, Who cares?
Few people object to what consenting adults do to and with one another behind closed, preferably locked doors in rooms without windows, . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Monday, June 22, 2009
Fairly Funny News
Fairly Funny News
Most rational people are aware that times are bad right now, not nearly as bad as our Captain Crisis, aka the president, constantly says they are, but we’ve certainly seen better times.
Therefore, since levity, as well as brevity, is the soul of wit, we take a break today to look at the lighter side of news since we all need a laugh, right? Since humor is in the perception of the humored, some of what follows may not meet with universal agreement that they’re “funny” stories but they are to me, for one reason or another.
First is bloody funny, not the Brit understanding of “bloody” as in cursed or damned but as in featuring blood.
Perez Hilton, that freak of nature who had less than complimentary remarks about Carrie Prejean when she stated the obvious about gay marriage, had his comeuppance the other night.
Shown above reflecting his surly best despite being a surly gay, poor Perez got socked in the eye outside a Toronto nightclub after he called a guy “a faggot.” Again, that’s not Brit for a cig but referring to a real faggot, a queer, a gay blade, a homosexual.
Now, Perez doesn’t take a back seat, pun intended, to anyone when it comes to being a flamer so I think that qualifies as funny, sort of the pot calling the kettle black and all. And when pusillanimous Perez got socked, he apparently didn’t sock back but instead Twitted, which I also think was funny.
Here’s a “guy” who was just assaulted and how does he retaliate but by Twittering on that social networking site, in 145 characters or less, of course, “I am bleeding. Please, I need to file a police report. No joke:” http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D98VS5RG1&show_article=1.
Oh, he was at the club with Lady Gaga. I think that’s funny, too, or maybe I should just get out more?
Passing gas isn’t usually funny after we pass the age of 15. Well, for males it’s funny up through college years, at least. However, it’s no laughing matter, I’ll have you know, when it comes to bovine, atmosphere-polluting, methane emissions which accounts for some 2% of America’s greenhouse gasses.
Coming to the planet’s rescue, a couple of organic milk producers in Vermont thinks they’ve made one giant leap for mankind by changing their cow-diet. . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Most rational people are aware that times are bad right now, not nearly as bad as our Captain Crisis, aka the president, constantly says they are, but we’ve certainly seen better times.
Therefore, since levity, as well as brevity, is the soul of wit, we take a break today to look at the lighter side of news since we all need a laugh, right? Since humor is in the perception of the humored, some of what follows may not meet with universal agreement that they’re “funny” stories but they are to me, for one reason or another.
First is bloody funny, not the Brit understanding of “bloody” as in cursed or damned but as in featuring blood.
Perez Hilton, that freak of nature who had less than complimentary remarks about Carrie Prejean when she stated the obvious about gay marriage, had his comeuppance the other night.
Shown above reflecting his surly best despite being a surly gay, poor Perez got socked in the eye outside a Toronto nightclub after he called a guy “a faggot.” Again, that’s not Brit for a cig but referring to a real faggot, a queer, a gay blade, a homosexual.
Now, Perez doesn’t take a back seat, pun intended, to anyone when it comes to being a flamer so I think that qualifies as funny, sort of the pot calling the kettle black and all. And when pusillanimous Perez got socked, he apparently didn’t sock back but instead Twitted, which I also think was funny.
Here’s a “guy” who was just assaulted and how does he retaliate but by Twittering on that social networking site, in 145 characters or less, of course, “I am bleeding. Please, I need to file a police report. No joke:” http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D98VS5RG1&show_article=1.
Oh, he was at the club with Lady Gaga. I think that’s funny, too, or maybe I should just get out more?
Passing gas isn’t usually funny after we pass the age of 15. Well, for males it’s funny up through college years, at least. However, it’s no laughing matter, I’ll have you know, when it comes to bovine, atmosphere-polluting, methane emissions which accounts for some 2% of America’s greenhouse gasses.
Coming to the planet’s rescue, a couple of organic milk producers in Vermont thinks they’ve made one giant leap for mankind by changing their cow-diet. . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Sunday, June 21, 2009
A Gramp's Letter to His Obamian Granddaughter
A Letter from a Grandpa to His Obamian Granddaughter
The original of this article was received as an email.
Letter from a Granddad
John is 63 years old and owns his own business. He is a life-long Republican and sees his dream of retiring next year is now all but gone. With the stock market crashing and all the new taxes coming his way, John knows he will be working for a good number more years.
John has a Granddaughter. Ashley is a recent college grad. She drives a late model car, wears all the latest fashions, and also likes going out and eating out a lot. Ashley campaigned hard for Obama, and after he won the
election she made sure her Grandfather (and all other Republican family members) received more than an earful on how the world is going to be a much better place now that Obama won the election.
Ashley recently found herself short of cash and cannot pay her bills, again. As she has done many other times in the past, she e-mailed her Grandfather asking for some financial help. Here is his reply:
Sweetheart, I am replying to your request for more money. Ashley, you know I love you dearly and am sympathetic to your financial plight. Unfortunately, times have changed. With the election of President Obama, your Grandmother and I have had to set forth a bold new economic plan of our own….the ‘Ashley Economic Plan’.
Let me explain.
Your grandmother and I are highly productive, wage-earning tax payers. As you know, we have lived a comfortable life and in return have forgone many things like fancy vacations, luxury cars, etc. We have worked hard and were looking forward to retiring soon. But this plan has changed. Your president is significantly raising our personal and business taxes. He says it is so he can give our hard earned money to other people.
Do you know what this means, Ashley? It means less income for us. Less income means we must cut back on many business and personal expenditures.
One example is, we were forced to let go our receptionist today. You know her. She always gave you candy when you visited my office. Did you know she worked for us for the past 18 years? I can’t afford her anymore.That is a taste of the business side. Some personal economic effects of Obama’s new taxation policies include none other than you.. . . (Read the rest of Gramp's taxation wisdom at http://genelalor.com)
The original of this article was received as an email.
Letter from a Granddad
John is 63 years old and owns his own business. He is a life-long Republican and sees his dream of retiring next year is now all but gone. With the stock market crashing and all the new taxes coming his way, John knows he will be working for a good number more years.
John has a Granddaughter. Ashley is a recent college grad. She drives a late model car, wears all the latest fashions, and also likes going out and eating out a lot. Ashley campaigned hard for Obama, and after he won the
election she made sure her Grandfather (and all other Republican family members) received more than an earful on how the world is going to be a much better place now that Obama won the election.
Ashley recently found herself short of cash and cannot pay her bills, again. As she has done many other times in the past, she e-mailed her Grandfather asking for some financial help. Here is his reply:
Sweetheart, I am replying to your request for more money. Ashley, you know I love you dearly and am sympathetic to your financial plight. Unfortunately, times have changed. With the election of President Obama, your Grandmother and I have had to set forth a bold new economic plan of our own….the ‘Ashley Economic Plan’.
Let me explain.
Your grandmother and I are highly productive, wage-earning tax payers. As you know, we have lived a comfortable life and in return have forgone many things like fancy vacations, luxury cars, etc. We have worked hard and were looking forward to retiring soon. But this plan has changed. Your president is significantly raising our personal and business taxes. He says it is so he can give our hard earned money to other people.
Do you know what this means, Ashley? It means less income for us. Less income means we must cut back on many business and personal expenditures.
One example is, we were forced to let go our receptionist today. You know her. She always gave you candy when you visited my office. Did you know she worked for us for the past 18 years? I can’t afford her anymore.That is a taste of the business side. Some personal economic effects of Obama’s new taxation policies include none other than you.. . . (Read the rest of Gramp's taxation wisdom at http://genelalor.com)
A Letter from a Gramps to His Obamian Daughter
A Letter from a Grandpa to His Obamian Grandchild (received as an email)
"John is 63 years old and owns his own business. He is a life-long Republican and sees his dream of retiring next year is now all but gone. With the stock market crashing and all the new taxes coming his way, John knows he will be working for a good number more years.
John has a Granddaughter. Ashley is a recent college grad. She drives a late model car, wears all the latest fashions, and also likes going out and eating out a lot.
Ashley campaigned hard for Obama, and after he won the election she made sure her Grandfather (and all other Republican family members) received more than an earful on how the world is going to be a much better place now that Obama won the election.
Ashley recently found herself short of cash and cannot pay her bills, again. As she has done many other times in the past, she e-mailed her Grandfather asking for some financial help. Here is his reply:
"Sweetheart, I am replying to your request for more money. Ashley, you know I love you dearly and am sympathetic to your financial plight. Unfortunately, times have changed. With the election of President Obama, your Grandmother and I have had to set forth a bold new economic plan of our own….the ‘Ashley Economic Plan’.
Let me explain.
Your grandmother and I are highly productive, wage-earning tax payers. As you know, we have lived a comfortable life and in return have forgone many things like fancy vacations, luxury cars, etc. We have worked hard and were looking forward to retiring soon. But this plan has changed. Your president is significantly raising our personal and business taxes. He says it is so he can give our hard earned money to other people.
Do you know what this means, Ashley? It means less income for us. Less income means we must cut back on many business and personal expenditures.
One example is, we were forced to let go our receptionist today. You know her. She always gave you candy when you visited my office. Did you know she worked for us for the past 18 years? I can’t afford her anymore.
That is a taste of the business side. Some personal economic effects of Obama’s new taxation policies include none other than you.. ."
(Read the rest of that gramp's words of wisdom at http://genelalor.com)
"John is 63 years old and owns his own business. He is a life-long Republican and sees his dream of retiring next year is now all but gone. With the stock market crashing and all the new taxes coming his way, John knows he will be working for a good number more years.
John has a Granddaughter. Ashley is a recent college grad. She drives a late model car, wears all the latest fashions, and also likes going out and eating out a lot.
Ashley campaigned hard for Obama, and after he won the election she made sure her Grandfather (and all other Republican family members) received more than an earful on how the world is going to be a much better place now that Obama won the election.
Ashley recently found herself short of cash and cannot pay her bills, again. As she has done many other times in the past, she e-mailed her Grandfather asking for some financial help. Here is his reply:
"Sweetheart, I am replying to your request for more money. Ashley, you know I love you dearly and am sympathetic to your financial plight. Unfortunately, times have changed. With the election of President Obama, your Grandmother and I have had to set forth a bold new economic plan of our own….the ‘Ashley Economic Plan’.
Let me explain.
Your grandmother and I are highly productive, wage-earning tax payers. As you know, we have lived a comfortable life and in return have forgone many things like fancy vacations, luxury cars, etc. We have worked hard and were looking forward to retiring soon. But this plan has changed. Your president is significantly raising our personal and business taxes. He says it is so he can give our hard earned money to other people.
Do you know what this means, Ashley? It means less income for us. Less income means we must cut back on many business and personal expenditures.
One example is, we were forced to let go our receptionist today. You know her. She always gave you candy when you visited my office. Did you know she worked for us for the past 18 years? I can’t afford her anymore.
That is a taste of the business side. Some personal economic effects of Obama’s new taxation policies include none other than you.. ."
(Read the rest of that gramp's words of wisdom at http://genelalor.com)
All Conservatives Will Be Hate Criminals
All Conservatives Will Be “Hate Criminals” under H.R.1913.RFS
(Third in a series in recognition of New York City’s “Gay Pride Week”)
I think most of us believe in the axiom of live and let live, in the plaintive cry of Rodney King’s, “Why can’t we all just get along?”
I’m all for that, as long as we’re not expected to gather for a group hug and sing “Kumbayah,” and with another notable exception. When others trample on our rights, on our liberties, on our values, on our free expression of our beliefs then, no, we can’t all just get along until they cease and desist.
The Congress of the United States is in the process of such a trampling, a veritable stomping, by virtue of a new “Hate Crimes Law” which, when passed and signed into the law of the land will become yet another nail in the coffin of America’s freedoms.
Just as most of us want to simply live and let live, most of us decry senseless hatred which is not what this bill is all about. What it’s all about, under the guise of making hatred a thought crime, which is absurd and bad enough, is an effort to control and prosecute free speech, which is unconstitional and also bad enough.
Sponsored by Rep. John Conyers, the “2009 Hate Crimes Bill,” HR 1913, takes thought crime and free speech prohibitions to a level inconceivable as little as six months ago. As one distinguished scholar interprets it, HR 1913 will unprecedentedly establish a preferred category of both victims and law breakers, based on sexual proclivities.
For the most part, homosexuals will be the trod-upon victims, heterosexuals the criminals. However, the good news is that only those heteros who dare to express an opinion, verbally or in writing, such as in this blog, could be prosecuted.
“Liberty University law professor Shawn Akers writes that if H.R. 1913, the federal ‘Hate Crimes’ bill, becomes law, ‘local and state law enforcement would have the incentive of federal funds to prosecute cases involving . . . preferred victims to the exclusion and neglect of less valuable victims.’ Membership in the ‘preferred’ category is ‘based not on immutable characteristics but on the class member’s choice of sexual conduct . . . and subjective gender self-identity:” http://americansfortruth.com/news/analysis-of-2009-hate-crimes-bill-hr-1913.html#more-2733.
See that website for the full text of “Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009.″
Anyone interested in reading the entire document will be accomplishing much more than our lawmakers do. They are inclined to vote into law bills they don’t bother to read, even multibillion dollar stimulus packages. That law covered a staggering 1588 pages and not a single legislator deigned to read it.
This proposed “hate bill” that will alter our lives, and our Constitution, is a piddling few pages but most of our leaders still won’t read it. It was passed by the House on April 29th and now officially identified as H.R.1913.RFS rests in the hands of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
That panel is chaired by Patrick Leahy and includes such Democrat notables as Arlen Specter, Dick Durbin and Chuck Schumer. Feel free to guess how they will vote.
(If the website link for the bill’s text is outdated, it can be found here in all its ignominious glory: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/D? )c111:9:./temp/~c1118bgECl:: )
Prof. Akers’ extensive analysis of the content and probable impact of the original HR 1913 is a chilling account. . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
gay pride,
hate crimes,
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Happy Father's Day, Alec and Johnny!
Happy Father’s Day, Alec and Johnny!
Sunday, June 21st is Father’s Day, a day devoted to America’s fathers, young and old, living or passed to their reward.
On this auspicious occasion, I thought it apt to mention two of the nation’s most unusual daddies, actor, comedian, political activist, arch-leftist, Alec Rae Baldwin III, 2007’s Dad of the Year, and 2008’s Pop of the Year, none other than former North Carolina Senator John Reid Edwards who, sing hallelujah! is mulling a comeback!
It’s two years old now and Alec Baldwin’s daughter, Ireland, is now 13 or 14 but the recording of his vicious, threatening diatribe delivered to a child lives on forever in the annals of fatherhood: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J0-ZatDHug.
The nasty harangue is nothing shy of verbal child abuse and the only reason she is identified above as “now 13 or 14″ is because her less-than-doting dad didn’t even seem to know her age when he called Ireland to rip into her for not making herself available for his loving calls.
Baldwin has since repented unleashing that string of epithets against his own daughter, suggesting he was pushed to the breaking point by estranged wife, Kim Bassinger, although he was fully aware he was leaving his message on his daughter’s voice mail.
He has fully recovered; no word on Ireland’s recovery, if any.
Not quite so baby-faced anymore, Johnny Edwards, was the unanimous pick in 2007 not because of his siring four children within the bounds of marriage to wife, Elizabeth, but to knocking up, to use Dirty Dave Letterman’s expression, former campaign worker, Rielle Hunter.
Putting the ultimate kibosh on his already-moribund presidential effort, poor Senator Edwards, he of the “two America’s” shtick, was caught almost literally with his johnny-pants down . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Borat Vs. Baron, Crossing the Long Gay Line
Borat Versus Baron or, Crossing the Long Gay Line
(Second in a series in recognition of New York City’s “Gay Pride Week”)
You really shouldn’t upset homosexuals. They tend to cry and try to hit their upsetters with their beaded purses stuffed with their sex toys or strangle them with their feather boas or slash them with their bangles, and that can sting!
Sacha Baron Cohen has their panties all in a twist with his new flick, Bruno, which incidentally is the name of my daughter’s dog.
Borat, Cohen’s previous entry into the world of grossly offensive movie comedy, was just fine and dandy with the gay community and met with their approval with its overt anti-American depictions of blue- and white-collar people, as well as virtually every other entity on the planet.
The outrageousness of the sexist, racist, anti-Semitic, anti-American, anti-Islamic Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan lay in its all-encompassing satirical abuse. Although almost all Arab countries banned it, no single group carried on and protested with anywhere near the vehemence of homosexuals protesting Baron.
But, dare to satirize gay boys and their nails come out, their hypocrisy is exposed, and they begin wielding their chains and those deadly purses. Not that they would ever succeed in utilizing them as weapons. A simple, “BOO!” would send them scattering back into their closets or back to the arms of their boyfriends who would console them with sweet nothings.
However, like MacArthur, they would soon return with blazing purses, chains, and boas after their initial perturbations and soothing and after gathering the protection of their pink armies. We are the future, they believe, and Bruno’s audacity in ridiculing them and their “lifestyle” will not be tolerated. Everyone else may be abused but not us!
There was Something About Mary and there is something about Bruno and they’re way different somethings, especially to swishers. (With apologies to Nick Swisher of the New York Yankees who seems anything but a gay swisher.)
The essential problem with the yet-to-be released Bruno is that it’s “a mockery” of homosexuals and that it’s “problematic” to gays, according to a Fox News Report.
That report goes on to say, “The only ‘ethnic’ group safe to poke fun at seeming to be straight, white, 30-something males. . . [White males] are the target where no one will ever cry foul if you laugh at them. It’s only when we get into other minority groups that there’s a line there.”
“I can call my sister a tramp — but you can’t,” says one gay,. . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
(Second in a series in recognition of New York City’s “Gay Pride Week”)
You really shouldn’t upset homosexuals. They tend to cry and try to hit their upsetters with their beaded purses stuffed with their sex toys or strangle them with their feather boas or slash them with their bangles, and that can sting!
Sacha Baron Cohen has their panties all in a twist with his new flick, Bruno, which incidentally is the name of my daughter’s dog.
Borat, Cohen’s previous entry into the world of grossly offensive movie comedy, was just fine and dandy with the gay community and met with their approval with its overt anti-American depictions of blue- and white-collar people, as well as virtually every other entity on the planet.
The outrageousness of the sexist, racist, anti-Semitic, anti-American, anti-Islamic Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan lay in its all-encompassing satirical abuse. Although almost all Arab countries banned it, no single group carried on and protested with anywhere near the vehemence of homosexuals protesting Baron.
But, dare to satirize gay boys and their nails come out, their hypocrisy is exposed, and they begin wielding their chains and those deadly purses. Not that they would ever succeed in utilizing them as weapons. A simple, “BOO!” would send them scattering back into their closets or back to the arms of their boyfriends who would console them with sweet nothings.
However, like MacArthur, they would soon return with blazing purses, chains, and boas after their initial perturbations and soothing and after gathering the protection of their pink armies. We are the future, they believe, and Bruno’s audacity in ridiculing them and their “lifestyle” will not be tolerated. Everyone else may be abused but not us!
There was Something About Mary and there is something about Bruno and they’re way different somethings, especially to swishers. (With apologies to Nick Swisher of the New York Yankees who seems anything but a gay swisher.)
The essential problem with the yet-to-be released Bruno is that it’s “a mockery” of homosexuals and that it’s “problematic” to gays, according to a Fox News Report.
That report goes on to say, “The only ‘ethnic’ group safe to poke fun at seeming to be straight, white, 30-something males. . . [White males] are the target where no one will ever cry foul if you laugh at them. It’s only when we get into other minority groups that there’s a line there.”
“I can call my sister a tramp — but you can’t,” says one gay,. . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Friday, June 19, 2009
Gay Pride Week and a Dearth of Pride
Gay Pride Rights Week and a Dearth of Pride
As Gay Rights Week approaches in N.Y.C., it only seems respectful and supremely PC to devote regular articles to homosexuals, gays, lesbians, bi-sexuals, trans-sexuals, tri-sexuals, gerbil afficionados, cross dressers, and NAMBLA predators.
And what more ironically appropriate day to begin this week-long annual festival of all things gay than Father’s Day weekend?
This promises to be a Big Apple biggie for the gaysters. The year 2009 is the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots in N.Y.C.’s Greenwich Village, those iconic riots during which homosexuals exited that gay bar in droves when cops raided the place.
Joined by hundreds of non-bar hopping gays and many who no doubt exited their closets that night, they pelted police with beer bottles, rocks, and whatever else was handy and launched the Gay Revolution.
They seem to be winning that revolution four decades later so this is no time to be slackers and sluff off and rest on their multicolored laurels or fail to display the multicolored gay pride flag:
It will be tough for the New York contingent to out-do their Boston counterparts who pre-empted them last month, although I’m certain they’ll give it their best shot. Planned are such awesome doings in the city and environs as “PRIDEfest,” a “Pride Rally,” “Rapture: A Womens Dance,” “The March,” and the grand finale, “The Dance on the Pier:” http://gaytravel.about.com/od/partiesevents/qt/NYC_Pride.htm.
A jolly good, prideful, gay ol’ time should be had by all but, as ambitious as all those pride events are, it’s hard to imagine their besting Boston. The Boston debacle has been the subject of various pieces on this site.
(See “Various Perversions,” http://gaytravel.about.com/od/partiesevents/qt/NYC_Pride.htm, and “Gay News,” http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=1057, and dozens of other gay outings here.)
Those Bostonian gays actually outdid themselves with this year’s Gay Prom at City Hall when they dropped any pretense . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
We the People Are Getting Screwed! (VIDEO)
This 6+ minute YouTube video is a relative oldie–as in 2 or 3 months–but still very much a goody.
It deals with the ongoing D.C., American, Obamian fiscal disaster although, oddly, it gives Obama a free ride on our economic trainwreck. What’s most chilling is that it pre-dated some of the more recent Washington fiscal madnesses.
In other words, things are much worse in mid-June than they were 3 months ago.
Entitled, “We the People Stimulus Package,” it’s worth a look and a re-look.
Watch it, hear it, and weep. After weeping, Do Something About it!
It arrived as an email with this note:
This guy’s video on youtube has been so popular that Obama
called him personally. He said that he was very disturbed with the video and
invited him to the White House. Obama also said he wanted the White House to
handle the Press and not to talk about the video or the White House visit.
That’s interesting.
Watch it now. This may be the best six minutes invested in
your future
You may have to turn your Sound Control up some.
It deals with the ongoing D.C., American, Obamian fiscal disaster although, oddly, it gives Obama a free ride on our economic trainwreck. What’s most chilling is that it pre-dated some of the more recent Washington fiscal madnesses.
In other words, things are much worse in mid-June than they were 3 months ago.
Entitled, “We the People Stimulus Package,” it’s worth a look and a re-look.
Watch it, hear it, and weep. After weeping, Do Something About it!
It arrived as an email with this note:
This guy’s video on youtube has been so popular that Obama
called him personally. He said that he was very disturbed with the video and
invited him to the White House. Obama also said he wanted the White House to
handle the Press and not to talk about the video or the White House visit.
That’s interesting.
Watch it now. This may be the best six minutes invested in
your future
You may have to turn your Sound Control up some.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
What's It All About, Barryyy?
What’s It All About, Barryyy?
“Curiouser and curiouser,” said Alice concerning what she was witnessing in her Wonderland. Taking Alice’s linguistic lead, I would have to say I’m “confuseder and confuseder” over what’s going on in Obamaland, formerly America.
Perhaps it’s my naïveté or just my ignorance showing but I really can’t believe all that’s gone on in five short months.
Granted, I didn’t vote for the guy and I dislike his demeanor, his personality, and his arrogant obamatude, even as he bows and scrapes and apologizes for America to foreigners. I’ve had to try to re-think my feelings about my ongoing impressions of President Obama and what he’s doing to make sure I’m not reacting personally and that I’m at least trying to be objective.
After all, I didn’t vote for Carter or Clinton, either, but I never felt this gut fury that I feel toward Obama. (For the edification of the FBI, I’m not the violent type so please don’t come knocking at my door with guns blazing. I’ll probably be sleeping.)
Clinton was just a disturbed, prevaricating overachiever and Carter was patently and dangerously inept so maybe I just cut them some slack. The current guy isn’t just a disturbed, lying overachiever nor merely dangerously inept. He’s all of the above. Combined, that makes him a singular instance in the history of the presidency, and downright frightening.
Obama was already on record as The Man Who Will Go Down as the Multi-Trillion Dollar Deficit President who spread his tentacles throughout the land to socialize American industries and nationalize the banking sector unto himself.
He is the president who announced his intent to dictate pay levels for employees of American corporations and render them supplicants of Barney Frank and the tender mercies of the federal bureaucracy.
He is the president who is crusading to deprive Americans of their right to keep and bear ammunition, thereby make their constitutional right to keep and bear arms farcical.
He is the president who is in process of anointing ACORN and its Obama-worshippers/vote-fixers as American equivalents of Oliver Cromwell who will repress White American dissidents as brutally as Cromwell destroyed the Irish.
Consider a few of his most recent statements and actions and those of his minions who are nothing more than his functionaries. All are engaged in unprecedented, national power-grabbing, transparent efforts to alter our system of government and our national defense. Some things have to be transparent with this increasingly-opaque regime.
As President Obama said to his Hollywood lackeys, “You ain’t seen nothin’, yet.” I fear we haven’t.
The IG Capers: All chief executives are entitled to appoint their own people for significant and insignificant positions in their administrations.
However, Obama has gone beyond simply appointing tax cheats and other disreputables. He tipped his repressive hand by removing all semblance of checks and balances on the executive branch by firing anyone who dares to show some courage by exposing corruption. You may stay on the payroll, was the intimation, as long as you don’t out me and my comrades.
First was Gerald Walpin, the highly regarded and eminently qualified Inspector General with purview over AmeriCorps, who was dismissed for what Obama called being “confused” and “disoriented.” Coincidentally, this followed Walpin’s investigation and allegations of improprieties against an Obama supporter, Kevin Johnson: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/chi-tc-nw-inspectors-0617-0618jun18,0,5718990.story.
Not content with firing Walpin, Obama, acting in defiance of the law mandating 30 days notice of such firings, engaged in character assassination with his comments, which made no reference to Lady MacBeth’s Michelle’s interest and involvement with AmeriCorps: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/06/16/obama-accuses-fired-inspector-general-americorps-confused-disoriented/.
If nothing smelled rotten in the State of Obama at that point, subsequent developments did. The acting IG of the International Trade Commission, Judith Gwynne, was sent packing as was the vaunted watchdog of the trillion dollar bank bailout, Neil Barofsky, when he too got too nosey.
Curiouser and confuseder.
The ABC Caper: The American Broadcasting Network earlier this week announced it will be relocating on June 24th to the friendly confines of the Obama White House to stage a one-sided “news” presentation of Obama’s health plan. Better labelled the Obama News Network, it followed up that announcement, after protests that dissenting opinions were being crushed by the OBN, by obstinately refusing to air even a paid 60 second opposition viewpoint.
The group Conservatives for Patients Rights request for a one-minute spot to was rejected by ONN.
In a statement objecting to ONN’s decision, Rick Scott, chairman of the aptly acronymed CPR, said, “Health care is an issue that touches every American and all potential pieces of legislation have carried a pricetag in excess of $1 trillion of taxpayers’ money. The American people deserve a healthy, robust debate on this issue: “http://drudgereport.com/flashaot1.htm.
There shalt not be any robust debate, in fact no debate at all. The CPR request sounded very reasonable to me but when you’re hell-bent on forcing another unpalatable trillion dollar bill down America’s throat, apparently censorship takes precedence over reasonable.
Harry and Louise, we need you to help stop this Thelma and Louise suicidal ride off a cliff with the mad hatter at the wheel! . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
“Curiouser and curiouser,” said Alice concerning what she was witnessing in her Wonderland. Taking Alice’s linguistic lead, I would have to say I’m “confuseder and confuseder” over what’s going on in Obamaland, formerly America.
Perhaps it’s my naïveté or just my ignorance showing but I really can’t believe all that’s gone on in five short months.
Granted, I didn’t vote for the guy and I dislike his demeanor, his personality, and his arrogant obamatude, even as he bows and scrapes and apologizes for America to foreigners. I’ve had to try to re-think my feelings about my ongoing impressions of President Obama and what he’s doing to make sure I’m not reacting personally and that I’m at least trying to be objective.
After all, I didn’t vote for Carter or Clinton, either, but I never felt this gut fury that I feel toward Obama. (For the edification of the FBI, I’m not the violent type so please don’t come knocking at my door with guns blazing. I’ll probably be sleeping.)
Clinton was just a disturbed, prevaricating overachiever and Carter was patently and dangerously inept so maybe I just cut them some slack. The current guy isn’t just a disturbed, lying overachiever nor merely dangerously inept. He’s all of the above. Combined, that makes him a singular instance in the history of the presidency, and downright frightening.
Obama was already on record as The Man Who Will Go Down as the Multi-Trillion Dollar Deficit President who spread his tentacles throughout the land to socialize American industries and nationalize the banking sector unto himself.
He is the president who announced his intent to dictate pay levels for employees of American corporations and render them supplicants of Barney Frank and the tender mercies of the federal bureaucracy.
He is the president who is crusading to deprive Americans of their right to keep and bear ammunition, thereby make their constitutional right to keep and bear arms farcical.
He is the president who is in process of anointing ACORN and its Obama-worshippers/vote-fixers as American equivalents of Oliver Cromwell who will repress White American dissidents as brutally as Cromwell destroyed the Irish.
Consider a few of his most recent statements and actions and those of his minions who are nothing more than his functionaries. All are engaged in unprecedented, national power-grabbing, transparent efforts to alter our system of government and our national defense. Some things have to be transparent with this increasingly-opaque regime.
As President Obama said to his Hollywood lackeys, “You ain’t seen nothin’, yet.” I fear we haven’t.
The IG Capers: All chief executives are entitled to appoint their own people for significant and insignificant positions in their administrations.
However, Obama has gone beyond simply appointing tax cheats and other disreputables. He tipped his repressive hand by removing all semblance of checks and balances on the executive branch by firing anyone who dares to show some courage by exposing corruption. You may stay on the payroll, was the intimation, as long as you don’t out me and my comrades.
First was Gerald Walpin, the highly regarded and eminently qualified Inspector General with purview over AmeriCorps, who was dismissed for what Obama called being “confused” and “disoriented.” Coincidentally, this followed Walpin’s investigation and allegations of improprieties against an Obama supporter, Kevin Johnson: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/chi-tc-nw-inspectors-0617-0618jun18,0,5718990.story.
Not content with firing Walpin, Obama, acting in defiance of the law mandating 30 days notice of such firings, engaged in character assassination with his comments, which made no reference to Lady MacBeth’s Michelle’s interest and involvement with AmeriCorps: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/06/16/obama-accuses-fired-inspector-general-americorps-confused-disoriented/.
If nothing smelled rotten in the State of Obama at that point, subsequent developments did. The acting IG of the International Trade Commission, Judith Gwynne, was sent packing as was the vaunted watchdog of the trillion dollar bank bailout, Neil Barofsky, when he too got too nosey.
Curiouser and confuseder.
The ABC Caper: The American Broadcasting Network earlier this week announced it will be relocating on June 24th to the friendly confines of the Obama White House to stage a one-sided “news” presentation of Obama’s health plan. Better labelled the Obama News Network, it followed up that announcement, after protests that dissenting opinions were being crushed by the OBN, by obstinately refusing to air even a paid 60 second opposition viewpoint.
The group Conservatives for Patients Rights request for a one-minute spot to was rejected by ONN.
In a statement objecting to ONN’s decision, Rick Scott, chairman of the aptly acronymed CPR, said, “Health care is an issue that touches every American and all potential pieces of legislation have carried a pricetag in excess of $1 trillion of taxpayers’ money. The American people deserve a healthy, robust debate on this issue: “http://drudgereport.com/flashaot1.htm.
There shalt not be any robust debate, in fact no debate at all. The CPR request sounded very reasonable to me but when you’re hell-bent on forcing another unpalatable trillion dollar bill down America’s throat, apparently censorship takes precedence over reasonable.
Harry and Louise, we need you to help stop this Thelma and Louise suicidal ride off a cliff with the mad hatter at the wheel! . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Lying Words and Lying Wordmeisters
Lying Words and Lying Wordmeisters
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me. Some readers may recall that taunt from childhood days, either as the taunted or the tauntee.
While it’s definitely true that sticks and stones can do immeasurable damage to the human frame, it’s not always conversely true that words can never harm us. Words have meaning, words have impact, words can be far more damaging than sticks and stones, depending on the size of those sticks and stones.
The pen is mightier than the sword, an adage coined by Edward Bulwer-Lytton before it became an adage, had confused me as a kid when I figured the only way a pen could be a more effective weapon than a sword would be if you were in close combat and stuck the pen in your adversary’s eyeball.
I was wrong.
Pens seem headed the way of high button shoes and dodo birds anyway but words will always be mightier than mere physical weaponry whether expressed to make a salient point, to drive home an argument, or to conceal an issue and deceive the reader/listener.
The Obama administration and the master wordster himself, President Barack Hussein Obama, are extremely adept at manipulation of the English language to suit their purposes.
Hence we see and hear that the administration’s DOJ supports the Defense of Marriage Act, designed to preserve the one man-one woman institution of marriage on June 12th. That serves to placate “social conservatives” and most normal people. Less than a week later, Obama announced plans to extend health benefits to gay unions, thereby consoling one of Obama’s major constituencies, to a degree since they want much more than that: http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/article.aspx?RsrcID=49670.
However, the Master Deceiver has succeeded in keeping two large blocs relatively content for the moment with a piece of the pie and he knows most voters have this penchant for forgetting. He’s also aware that gays know that his message to them is, “Chill, people! Be patient. You’ll have the whole pie soon enough.”
Likewise, Obama must have satisfied some gun owners with his stated support, albeit less than staunch support, for the constitutional right of Americans to own guns. Yet, gun owners are finding it increasingly difficult to find and buy ammunition for those guns, rendering any weapons dust collecters or, at best, useful as clubs.
CNN attributes the ammo shortage to gun owners stocking up, a reflection of gnawing fears over this administration, substantive fears based on Obama’s history of opposing the D.C. gun-ownership law and voting against the right to keep and bear arms. That stockpiling could be part of the reason for the shortage: http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/05/04/ammo.shortage/index.html.
Another reason is more clandestine. Rumors have long been afoot that government agents have been buying up boxcar loads of ammunition in an Obama effort to say one thing, “Sure, you can own guns!” while making citizen-owned weapons as useless as teats on a bull.
As one blogger put it, ”I hate to point out the obvious, but it’s called enforced disarmament. If they can’t take your guns by law, they just take the ammo. At the end of the day it has the same outcome. Martial Law here we come!:” http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread439348/pg1.
Extreme? It sure is but it makes as much sense as believing billions of bullets and shells are being bought up by everyday gun owners. With his stimulus funds overflowing, what better way can gun-phobic Obama disarm Americans than diverting a few billion to buy ammunition?
(Not just incidentally, Boy Scouts and whittlers should be put on notice: Customs agents are now using “convoluted reasoning” to prohibit the importation of pocket knives. Knives like guns kill people too, ya know!: http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/article.aspx?RsrcID=49527)
George H. W. Bush lost the election of 1992 largely because of his foolish “Read my lips” comment on raising taxes. Obama won in 2008 largely because of his promises of change, chief among which changes was reversing the recession and getting Americans back to work.
Now don’t just read his lips but note his empty promises. The country is far worse off in June, 2009 than it was in January when he took office, . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Lying Words and Lying Wordmeisters
Lying Words and Lying Wordmeisters
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me. Some readers may recall that taunt from childhood days, either as the taunted or the tauntee.
While it’s definitely true that sticks and stones can do immeasurable damage to the human frame, it’s not always conversely true that words can never harm us. Words have meaning, words have impact, words can be far more damaging than sticks and stones, depending on the size of those sticks and stones.
The pen is mightier than the sword, an adage coined by Edward Bulwer-Lytton before it became an adage, had confused me as a kid when I figured the only way a pen could be a more effective weapon than a sword would be if you were in close combat and stuck the pen in your adversary’s eyeball.
I was wrong.
Pens seem headed the way of high button shoes and dodo birds anyway but words will always be mightier than mere physical weaponry whether expressed to make a salient point, to drive home an argument, or to conceal an issue and deceive the reader/listener.
The Obama administration and the master wordster himself, President Barack Hussein Obama, are extremely adept at manipulation of the English language to suit their purposes.
Hence we see and hear that the administration’s DOJ supports the Defense of Marriage Act, designed to preserve the one man-one woman institution of marriage on June 12th. That serves to placate “social conservatives” and most normal people. Less than a week later, Obama announced plans to extend health benefits to gay unions, thereby consoling one of Obama’s major constituencies, to a degree since they want much more than that: http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/article.aspx?RsrcID=49670.
However, the Master Deceiver has succeeded in keeping two large blocs relatively content for the moment with a piece of the pie and he knows most voters have this penchant for forgetting. He’s also aware that gays know that his message to them is, “Chill, people! Be patient. You’ll have the whole pie soon enough.”
Likewise, Obama must have satisfied some gun owners with his stated support, albeit less than staunch support, for the constitutional right of Americans to own guns. Yet, gun owners are finding it increasingly difficult to find and buy ammunition for those guns, rendering any weapons dust collecters or, at best, useful as clubs.
CNN attributes the ammo shortage to gun owners stocking up, a reflection of gnawing fears over this administration, substantive fears based on Obama’s history of opposing the D.C. gun-ownership law and voting against the right to keep and bear arms. That stockpiling could be part of the reason for the shortage: http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/05/04/ammo.shortage/index.html.
Another reason is more clandestine. Rumors have long been afoot that government agents have been buying up boxcar loads of ammunition in an Obama effort to say one thing, “Sure, you can own guns!” while making citizen-owned weapons as useless as teats on a bull.
As one blogger put it, ”I hate to point out the obvious, but it’s called enforced disarmament. If they can’t take your guns by law, they just take the ammo. At the end of the day it has the same outcome. Martial Law here we come!:” http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread439348/pg1.
Extreme? It sure is but it makes as much sense as believing billions of bullets and shells are being bought up by everyday gun owners. With his stimulus funds overflowing, what better way can gun-phobic Obama disarm Americans than diverting a few billion to buy ammunition?
(Not just incidentally, Boy Scouts and whittlers should be put on notice: Customs agents are now using “convoluted reasoning” to prohibit the importation of pocket knives. Knives like guns kill people too, ya know!: http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/article.aspx?RsrcID=49527)
George H. W. Bush lost the election of 1992 largely because of his foolish “Read my lips” comment on raising taxes. Obama won in 2008 largely because of his promises of change, chief among which changes was reversing the recession and getting Americans back to work.
Now don’t just read his lips but note his empty promises. The country is far worse off in June, 2009 than it was in January when he took office, . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Addendum to “Guns Don’t Kill People, Liberals Do!”
Please see previous article, “Guns Don’t Kill People, Liberals Do!” http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=1058.
On reconsideration, that article title is woefully incorrect due to misuse of the word, “liberals.” In point of fact, that word is really another language distortion by the Left, a distortion comparable to their calling abortion “reproductive rights.”
There’s nothing remotely reproductive about aborting a pre-born baby’s life and there’s nothing even vaguely liberal about today’s American liberals.
The first definition for “liberal” on Dictionary.com is: “favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs,” whereas those who purport to be libs in America are diametrically opposed to true progress or to anything remotely resembling reform in either politics or religion.
What they endorse and advocate is not progress and reform. It is nothing less than retrogression and deformity, destruction, dissolution, and deviance from what Americans have long held true and inviolable. And it is the responsibility of all Americans to resist any efforts to impose those deviances on the rest of us.
Take the whole issue of guns, for example. Conservatives are often accused of living in the past, thrashing about in antiquated ideas and seeking to preserve the outdated meanings and intent of our Constitution, such as Americans’ right to keep and bear arms.
(Again, to save the writer the onerous task of repetition, please see the previous article on this subject.)
The past has many enticements, aside from outdoor plumbing. However, we do seek to preserve those beliefs which are anything but antiquated and which were, and are, the foundations of the greatest nation ever created on the planet.
We do indeed believe in less government, greater individual responsibility, moral and national integrity, and we believe in the Almighty God that helped make all we are and all we have possible.
We may not always live up to our ideals but we hold dear those values of patriotism, honor, and morality without which America would long ago have ended up on the scrapheap of so many other pretenders to greatness and success.
We are accused of being flag-wavers by liberals who often seem ashamed of our flag and we are often sarcastically reminded of the definition of patriotism by the 18th century curmudgeon, Dr. Samuel Johnson.
“Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel,” but only for those who wrap themselves in a nation’s flag while living lives antithetical to that nation’s values. (Johnson also defined oats as “A grain which in England is generally given to horses, but in Scotland supports the people.”)
Aside from the incessant, discredited, blather about banning of guns in order to keep our streets safer, refuted in my original article on this subject, another distortion of intent behind that lib nostrum, is absolute gun, and ammunition, control.
Such is the dream of the pacifist minions of the Left and such is the quickest path to subjugation and tyranny by unbridled, usurping government.
Similar to the proven wisdom of the adage that, “Si vis pacem, para bellum–If you wish for peace, prepare for war,” if we wish to continue as a free, independent, and democratic republic, we must be prepared to struggle and fight for that privilege.
Before some dolt reports me to the FBI as an insurrectionist, let me clarify . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Guns Don't Kill People--Liberals Do!
Guns Don’t Kill People–Liberals Do!
A little over ten years ago, two maniacal Columbine High School students perpetrated the worst high school massacre in America’s history, executing 13 innocent victims and wounding 24 more.
That horrendous event wasn’t even the worst school horror, just the worst high school massacre. In 1927, the “Bath School [Bombing] Disaster” claimed 45 lives and injured 58, the Virginia Tech shooter killed 32 and wounded dozens two years ago, and the 1966 University of Texas rampage took 14 lives and wounded thirty-two.
In each instance, the murderous mayhem was the result of a deeply disturbed individual wreaking havoc whether he used a pistol, a rifle, or bombs. It’s trite but still true to say that guns (or bombs) don’t kill people, people kill people.
Had guns not been available to Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, Seung-Hui Cho, and Charles Whitman, their sick minds would have conjured up some other method of mass murder, as Andrew Kehoe did with his dynamite and pyrotol at the Bath, MI school.
We’re all aware that when butchers are sufficiently motivated, virtually nothing can stop them from their goals, even if they have to employ American airliners to serve as missiles to kill thousands on 9/11/2001.
Correction: Most thinking people are so aware, which excludes the liberal mentality and its hand-wringing adherents who prefer to find fault with the human psyche rather than with the human miscreants who commit such atrocities.
That said, I’m not a gun guy, a gun nut, or a member of the N.R.A. I don’t even own a gun. However, I revere the Constitution and its much-maligned Second Amendment which reads, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.”
I choose to skip the controversy over that amendment and such absurdities as arguing over where the commas should go and what the Founding Fathers’ phraseology really means since the entire hullabaloo is a political concoction designed to strip American citizens of their right to defend themselves.
The case for the Second Amendment was closed with these words of a great American: ”What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms.” –Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith, 1787. And these: It is “the right and duty [of citizens] to be at all times armed.”–Thomas Jefferson to John Cartwright, 1824.
So much for the intent of America’s Founders.
Undismayed by reality and committed to re-writing the Consitution to accomplish their own philosophical and political aims, various fatuous reasons are offered today by the Liberal Establishment, all centered on disarming Americans under the pretext of protecting us from ourselves, whereas the protection we need is from our government.
Those pretexts range from ”getting guns off the streets” to making America safer to preventing future Columbines, and all phony reasons in between.
None of those excuses make any sense since criminals will get guns whether they have to illegally import, steal or manufacture them, Americans are hardly safer when they can’t effectively deter their own and their family’s murders, and directions for building crude fertilizer explosives are readily available on the internet.
The Florida experiment of permitting a citizen’s “right to carry” a weapon is usually glossed over or the truth disputed but, as Sgt. Joe Friday used to say, “Facts are facts, ma’am.”
In the ten years after that permission was granted by law, as it is in 30 other states with almost half the country’s population, these changes occurred:
United States
homicide rate
firearm homicide rate
handgun homicide rate
That same website cites a quotation from one notable, ban all guns, liberal nitwit which reflects the level of thought common among her ilk: “At the time the law was passed, critics predicted increases in violence. The founder of the National Organization of Women, Betty Friedan stated, ‘Lethal violence, even in self-defense, only engenders more violence.’ “
Poor, Ugly Betty. She died in 2006 after a life filled with drudgery, pre-marital affairs, tranquilizers, and spousal abuse. Her feminine mystique was powerless to help her: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/05/national/05friedan.html?_r=1
It’s no wonder she wanted others to be put out of their misery by some armed intruder. That would surely engender less violence!
In 1995, almost 44,000 people were killed on our roadways, . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Sarah Palin, the Dirty Old Man, and Ugly Feminists
I’ll confess. I think Sarah Louise Heath Palin, who happens to be the first female governor of the great state of Alaska, is the foxiest politician I’ve seen in my lifetime. My wife of 41 years doesn’t even blink anymore when I mention that fact.
Would I vote for her as president of the United States because she’s attractive? Not bloody likely, even if she were a replication of Britney Spears or Carrie Prejean. If she resembled Judge Sonia Sotomayor, it would be even more bloody unlikely.
Palin’s looks are not the issue, or shouldn’t be. What is an issue in 2009–and which will be an issue in 2012– is not the reincarnation of J.D. Salinger’s dirty old man, in the person of dirty old Dave Letterman, or Palin’s looks but whether Dyke-World can overcome its revulsion over attractive women who aren’t lesbians.
It will be a challenge; most who flock to Dyke World more closely resemble Betty Friedan than Mrs. Palin. Brains and success, and Palin has both in spades, appeal to the lez set, but attractiveness seems to be a contraindicator for acceptance for most feminazis.
Make no mistake, the libs, the gays, the lesbians, and the Democrats, which is a redundancy, are terrified of Governor Sarah Palin and Letterman is nothing but a water carrier for that whole crew. Letterman’s crudities are almost irrelevant. What is worth emphasis is the atmosphere in which Dirty Dave and his writers feel free to dump on Palin.
It’s the same prevailing atmosphere which allows attacks on a beauty queen for being honest about gay marriage, which mandates the persecution of a radio shock jock for letting slip a dumb racial slur, and which hounded a sports commentator twenty or so years ago who was fired by CBS for praising Black athletes’ slave-derived athleticism.
To liberals today there are various levels of discriminatory language, acceptable, marginal, and totally objectionable, and they determine the parameters of each category. The Left, for example, has twisted words and language to such an extent that the term “reproductive rights” now has no relation to reproduction but rather to aborting life.
Letterman’s inane “jokes,” referring to the governor of Alaska as a slut and to her daughter being knocked-up way out in right field at Yankee Stadium are in a class with Wanda Sykes’ “humorous” wish that Rush Limbaugh die of kidney failure. That brand of ”humor” so tickled Obama’s funny bone that he all but peed his pants when he heard it. The rest of the lib establishment either condoned or ignored it.
Incredibly, Letterman’s entire defense of his knocked-up crack was that he was referring to Bristol Palin who, since she was 18 and, to feminist dismay, had chosen to bear her child out of wedlock instead of aborting the baby. She thereby violated the First Commandment of liberal theology, Thou shalt abort inconvenient babies. Their Second Commandment is, Thou shalt abort any baby if you don’t want it, inconvenient or no.
Never would Dirty Dave refer to 14 year old Willow Palin in such a way. Not Dave! That would be statutory rape! It was just hunky dorey, however, to make light of Bristol being raped by Alex Rodriquez. I assume, Dirty Dave considered her a fallen woman already and so, who knows, maybe it was consensual.
It was Willow Palin and not Bristol Palin who accompanied her mother and Rudy Giuliani to the Yankee game but, hey, ya seen one Palin girl, ya seen ‘em all. They all look alike, right, Mr. Letterman?
As for his “slutty flight attendant” witticism about Governor Palin, he did sort of apologize for that and will probably not joke about Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton being sluts, unless one of their daughters gets knocked-up out in left field in the Stadium.
No doubt Dirty Dave, who didn’t marry his son Harry’s mother until the boy was five, . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Gay News from NASA and Beantown
Gay News from NASA and Beantown
June is bustin’ out all overrr, and America’s space agency, NASA, is bursting with pride over homosexuality and its related perversions as seen in a notice titled, ”Message From the Acting [NASA] Administrator: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month.”
To commemorate Bill Clinton’s 1999 Presidential Proclamation 7203 and in recognition of the 40th anniversary this month of New York City’s Stonewall Riots, NASA’s acting head Christopher Scolese issued his own proclamation to the agency’s employees.
To “celebrate the diversity that has helped shape and strengthen NASA and our nation,” Scolese wrote in his message, ”I encourage you to participate in the programs and activities planned at your NASA center in your community for LGBT Pride Month. If there aren’t yet planned events at your center, I encourage you to organize one:” http://eeo.gsfc.nasa.gov/#Ann3.
Now, isn’t that just super special!
The NASA official also saw fit to malign New York’s finest via a little, distorted history lesson on the Stonewall Riots: “Patrons at the Stonewall Inn in New York City resisted police harassment that was all too common for members of the LGBT community during that era. Celebrating LGBT Pride each June commemorates this act of rejecting discrimination and standing up for the American values of fairness and equality”
Sounds much like the old Superman intro about “truth, justice, and the American way,” except that it’s really an effort to intimidate NASA workers into towing the gay line and it’s an unverifiable crock about Stonewall.
The truth about what actually occurred during the early morning hours of June 28th, 1969 at that bar which catered to queers, transvestites, cross-dressers and other such scum of the Earth may never be known due to the various obfuscations and outright lies published by the gay press and gay buddies in the mass media.
Most of those reports contend, of course, that the 200 who were inside and the thousand or so who gathered outside the Greenwich Village establishment were absolutely innocent of wrongdoing and incapable of perpetrating violence. Serious injuries to at least four cops attest to that falsehood. Personally, I opt to believe the truth of police reports over the veracity of queers, transvestites, and cross-dressers.
(For truth about homosexual designs on children, see http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=630 and for some more truth about gay violence, see http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=644.)
Closely related to what NASA is attempting to do to its employees is what happened in Beantown, USA, on May 9th, 2009. However, there is a major difference, namely that Scolese and NASA are manipulating the lives of adults and in Boston they were seducing children.
I’ve often referenced MassResistance.com, a non-profit group dedicated to resisting and reversing the homosexual pollution going on in the formerly great Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Sad to report, things are getting even worse in the Bay State.
I previously discussed that state’s endorsement and financing a “Youth Pride Parade,” which was nothing more or less than a “Young Homosexual Celebration Parade:” http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=1047.
The “Parading Perversion” section of that article ended with a reference to “A Transgender Prom” scheduled to be held the night of the parade in Boston. The results are now in on that “prom,” and they’re not pretty, although the dresses the males wore were absolutely stunning.
Ostensibly restricted to youths 22 and under, Boston’s gay prom night held in City Hall was populated by a number of “men” whose last real prom had to have been 20 or more years ago. Clad in leather, decorated with chains, dressed in dresses, those gay promsters promenaded all night long, advertising their wares and availability to kids as young as twelve: http://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen/09b/youth_pride/tranny_prom.html.
The proof is in the pudding, pictures don’t lie, and all that, and the pudding and pictures are available on that link, including this nice shot of a guy who calls himself “Mr. Boston Leather” and who graciously, without the slightest remuneration, served as official greeter for the other kids: See his “business card,” which he distributed to the minors on that website.
Be still your hearts! There’s even more available on that link, including pics of bizarre adults lurking, and lusting, all over the place and a number of shots of young boys smooching other young boys, young girls playing tonsil hockey with other young girls, all in a haze of pot smoke.
Here’s a picture taken by a young infiltrator that captures the essence of the affair and the age of the attendees:
The infiltrator’s complete first hand account can be found at MassResistance.com. Here are some excerpts: . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
June is bustin’ out all overrr, and America’s space agency, NASA, is bursting with pride over homosexuality and its related perversions as seen in a notice titled, ”Message From the Acting [NASA] Administrator: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month.”
To commemorate Bill Clinton’s 1999 Presidential Proclamation 7203 and in recognition of the 40th anniversary this month of New York City’s Stonewall Riots, NASA’s acting head Christopher Scolese issued his own proclamation to the agency’s employees.
To “celebrate the diversity that has helped shape and strengthen NASA and our nation,” Scolese wrote in his message, ”I encourage you to participate in the programs and activities planned at your NASA center in your community for LGBT Pride Month. If there aren’t yet planned events at your center, I encourage you to organize one:” http://eeo.gsfc.nasa.gov/#Ann3.
Now, isn’t that just super special!
The NASA official also saw fit to malign New York’s finest via a little, distorted history lesson on the Stonewall Riots: “Patrons at the Stonewall Inn in New York City resisted police harassment that was all too common for members of the LGBT community during that era. Celebrating LGBT Pride each June commemorates this act of rejecting discrimination and standing up for the American values of fairness and equality”
Sounds much like the old Superman intro about “truth, justice, and the American way,” except that it’s really an effort to intimidate NASA workers into towing the gay line and it’s an unverifiable crock about Stonewall.
The truth about what actually occurred during the early morning hours of June 28th, 1969 at that bar which catered to queers, transvestites, cross-dressers and other such scum of the Earth may never be known due to the various obfuscations and outright lies published by the gay press and gay buddies in the mass media.
Most of those reports contend, of course, that the 200 who were inside and the thousand or so who gathered outside the Greenwich Village establishment were absolutely innocent of wrongdoing and incapable of perpetrating violence. Serious injuries to at least four cops attest to that falsehood. Personally, I opt to believe the truth of police reports over the veracity of queers, transvestites, and cross-dressers.
(For truth about homosexual designs on children, see http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=630 and for some more truth about gay violence, see http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=644.)
Closely related to what NASA is attempting to do to its employees is what happened in Beantown, USA, on May 9th, 2009. However, there is a major difference, namely that Scolese and NASA are manipulating the lives of adults and in Boston they were seducing children.
I’ve often referenced MassResistance.com, a non-profit group dedicated to resisting and reversing the homosexual pollution going on in the formerly great Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Sad to report, things are getting even worse in the Bay State.
I previously discussed that state’s endorsement and financing a “Youth Pride Parade,” which was nothing more or less than a “Young Homosexual Celebration Parade:” http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=1047.
The “Parading Perversion” section of that article ended with a reference to “A Transgender Prom” scheduled to be held the night of the parade in Boston. The results are now in on that “prom,” and they’re not pretty, although the dresses the males wore were absolutely stunning.
Ostensibly restricted to youths 22 and under, Boston’s gay prom night held in City Hall was populated by a number of “men” whose last real prom had to have been 20 or more years ago. Clad in leather, decorated with chains, dressed in dresses, those gay promsters promenaded all night long, advertising their wares and availability to kids as young as twelve: http://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen/09b/youth_pride/tranny_prom.html.
The proof is in the pudding, pictures don’t lie, and all that, and the pudding and pictures are available on that link, including this nice shot of a guy who calls himself “Mr. Boston Leather” and who graciously, without the slightest remuneration, served as official greeter for the other kids: See his “business card,” which he distributed to the minors on that website.
Be still your hearts! There’s even more available on that link, including pics of bizarre adults lurking, and lusting, all over the place and a number of shots of young boys smooching other young boys, young girls playing tonsil hockey with other young girls, all in a haze of pot smoke.
Here’s a picture taken by a young infiltrator that captures the essence of the affair and the age of the attendees:
The infiltrator’s complete first hand account can be found at MassResistance.com. Here are some excerpts: . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Friday, June 12, 2009
The Vaccination "Conspiracy"
The Vaccination “Conspiracy”
Conspiracy theories are the stuff of dreams–and of best sellers and blockbuster movies–whether or not they have any validity or make any sense. When an alleged conspiracy touches on Big Money interests, such as pharmaceutical giants, it can be certain it will be roundly ridiculed, viciously attacked, and never make it to the silver screen.
Now, there are conspiracies and there are conspiracies. That JFK was murdered by Lee Harvey Oswald on November 23rd, 1963, that America landed on the moon on July 20, 1969, that terrorists attacked the WTC on September 11th, 2001, are all factual and verified events, notwithstanding the kooks out there who suggest otherwise and who still may get a contract to film their kookery.
Conspiracies suggesting that Marilyn Monroe was murdered by the Kennedys, that Jimmy Hoffa was buried in Giant Stadium, or that Britney Spears slept with all three of the Jonas Brothers may or may not be true but will never be proven one way or the other. At this point, who really cares?
One current, largely hushed “conspiracy,” if in fact there are conspiratorial forces behind it, relates to a matter which should concern every parent, particularly new parents. Older moms and dads need not sweat it since their kids were the lucky ones, goes this vaccination theory/conspiracy.
Not being a pharmochological expert, and as someone whose kids survived the various vaccines they were administered by pediatricians and by law, I can’t say that I have strong opinions or much knowledge on the matter. However, after reading a brief but pretty scary account of the vaccination theory/conspiracy, I must admit to serious concerns for my grandchildren.
While snooping around in my chiropractor son-in-law’s Boston office, I happened to come across a thin volume set out for patient perusal, Childhood Vaccination: Questions All Parents Should Ask, by Tedd Koren, D.C.
The effectiveness of chiropractic treatment is still dismissed by some despite being in existence for well over a hundred years. Its chief detractors are the AMA and anyone who has not had the experience of a chiropractic adjustment at the hands of a skilled practioner.
Trust me, it’s effectiveness in relieving pain caused by musculoskeletal disorders by far supasses pill-pushing AMA medicine men and women, unless the patient prefers drugs with a mind-numbing load of side effects to cloak rather than alleviate that pain.
If you haven’t had a chiropractic adjustment, just go sit in a corner, pop an oxycontin, and be patient til the next spasm occurs.
Dr. Koren maintains a website at http://www.teddkorenseminars.com/ but it’s not my intent to do his advertising. If he’s simply touting the benefits of chiropractic treatment over more traditional medicine, then I concede he does some great touting.
My intent is to outline some of his ideas as expressed in Childhood Vaccinations. Many of those well-researched ideas will be chilling to new parents.
And, lest the reader believes Koren is a lone Don Quixote . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Obama's Class and Smarts
Class and Smarts vs. Lack Thereof
Maybe it’s just moi, but despite the lionizing of the Obamas in Europe I think that adulation is colored far more by politics than it is by substantive reality. One French restaurateur actually was supposed to have said as Obama’s motorcade whizzed last week by that he had just seen God.
I don’t know what the French are smoking lately but not only isn’t our president God but he’s also not nearly as smart, classy, and attractive as he’s cracked up to be. In fact, he’s not even close in spite of our mass media’s efforts to glorify him.
It may be snarky, a Brit word of recent vintage meaning snide or irascible, for an American male of mere average and outdated appearance to critique the attractiveness of America’s First Couple. Therefore, I won’t, other than to say that Laura Bush is much foxier than Michelle Obama and that George W. Bush is a better looking guy than Barack H. Obama could ever hope to be.
And the Bushes have far better teeth.
I do feel free to evaluate what waiters in fine restaurants call “presentation.” The overall presentation of the Obamas is more reflective of smarmy Chicago politics than it is of the real stuff of first families of yore–as in 5 months ago and earlier.
I’ll save further reflections on the First Lady for another time.
Take the president’s speech patterns. Obama is widely lauded as the greatest orator in the history of orators, a guy who would put Demosthenes to shame, with or without pebbles in his mouth. Those lauders must suffer from major hearing losses or they idolize Barack to such an extent that they their auditory capabilities are temporarily crippled by their adulation.
When speaking extemporaneously, Obama is almost as inarticulate as Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg. Caroline is very fond of expressions such as, “ya know.” As pointed out by one college dean, Lee Thornton, Obama peppers his off-the-cuff remarks with other “vocal fillers” such as “umms,” “ahs,” and the conjunction, “and.” In addition, he has a noticeable over-reliance on one particular word, “notion:” http://www.entrepreneur.com/tradejournals/article/183868834.html.
The good dean only hints at the reason for the Obama-fillers, namely to collect his thoughts. I have no hesitation in saying it is more an indicator of a lack of constructive thought, a lack of surety, or a combination of both. He also likes that, “ya know,” indicating sub-consciously that he really doesn’t know.
Lapses in diction, and thought, are irrelevant to Obama-lovers, however. He did graduate Columbia and Harvard, ya know!
No media twitette has announced as yet that she wanted to award Obama with oral sex in appreciation for his stance on endorsing abortion, as Time Magazine’s classless Nina Burleigh promised Bill Clinton back in 1998, but who knows what beneficence lies down the road.
The bottomline with both Bubba and Barry is that they have as much grace as most of their voter base, meaning minimal. The chief difference is that the former was usually able to publically conceal his Arkansan roots, except on some occasions such as his infamous shorts or briefs response. The latter doesn’t bother to hide his South Side connection.
You can take the boy out of the Windy City but you can’t ever hope to take the Chicago out of the boy.
Clinton is old and bygone news but Barry is very much in the news. Take a listen and a look as to how Obama presents himself as President of the United States: http://www.swamppolitics.com/news/politics/blog/2009/05/obama_you_aint_seen_nothing_ye.html.
It’s odd to hear a president acclaimed for his professorial demeanor to let loose with the line, “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet,” even if it was spoken at a Hollywood fundraiser before an audience . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Ironies On Top of Ironies
Ironies On Top of Ironies
“The essential feature of irony is the indirect presentation of a contradiction between an action or expression and the context in which it occurs,” according to Dictionary.com. Put more simply, it’s ironic when things happen that are the precise antitheses of what we would expect or wish to happen.
The world and the nation are awash in ironies today, some salutary, most depressing. A few examples:
Wartime Irony: Our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are doing their damnedest to repel and defeat a ragtag bunch of turbaned psychopaths intent on mindless jihad and salivating for those 72 virgins promised by Allah. All they are asked to do is make the ultimate sacrifice and surrender their lives for Islam in the process of killing the infidel enemy.
Yet, though many live in the same primitive squalor in which their forebears lived hundreds of years ago, our troops have been contending with their modern weapons of limited but deadly destruction such as rpg’s, ied’s and other weapons of guerilla warfare furnished by Syria and Iran.
Now, lo and behold, they are upgrading, thanks to the United States. High-tech inclinometers, gyro chips, field-programmable gate arrays and GPS systems developed by our own military to battle their foes are being employed to more effectively cause havoc and kill our soldiers: http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/article.aspx?RsrcID=49354.
And why is that? “Technology that is legal to buy and sell within the U.S. but is illegal to export because of its potential military applications has been used to build weapons deployed against U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan because of loose export controls,” according to a GAO report.
So, because of lax enforcement of our laws and greedy exporters, the United States painstakingly and expensively develops technologies which are then illegally sent to our enemies to enable them to prolong the conflict and exact more punishment on America’s military.
Clintonesque Irony: Virginia State Senator Creigh Deeds, campaigning on a relative shoestring when contrasted with his chief opponent, Terry MacAuliffe, trounced the former Democratic National Committee Chairman and Clinton confidante in Virginia’s gubernatorial primary contest.
Despite his meager funding, a mere $3.7 million, half of fundraiser-extraordinaire McAuliffe’s haul, Deeds was able to whup the former Clintonite and an extreme leftist, Brian J. Moran. He scored almost 50% of the vote in a primary in which only 6% of registered voters bothered to make their voice heard. Deeds was so strapped for cash that he drove himself to campaign appearances in order to save money for television spots.
The wealthy late-starter McAuliffe was considered a shoo-in earlier in the race and stumped the state with his ace in the hole, former President Bill Clinton, hoping that some of Bubba’s charisma would rub off. Instead, some of Bubba’s dirt may have rubbed off as Dems showed once again that they have no loyalty to the past and especially to the Clintons and their henchmen.
Deeds, a middle of the roader, will face conservative Republican Bob McDonnell in 2010, to whom he had lost in 2005 in a run for Virginia attorney general: http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/article.aspx?RsrcID=49377.
His win over McAuliffe and Moran this time around is testimony to the fact that money and contacts count for little when it comes to Virgina voters. Those voters will have another shot at returning the state to the Republican column after 8 years of wild spending and wilder tax increases under Democrat Governors Mark Warner and Tim Kaine.
More ironically relevant, the Clintonistas have been handed their walking papers at the top of which it reads, “Your era and charisma have come and gone.”
Israeli Irony: The Jewish website Haaretz.com was almost giddy in its report on November 5th, 2008 that about 77% of American Jews had voted for Barack Obama over John McCain, according to exit polling. Alleging two years of smears, Jeremy Ben-Ami of the J Street lobby group said, “Surrogates and right-wing political operatives in our community stopped at nothing in their efforts to sway Jewish voters against Obama.” http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1034574.html
Well, obviously, any swaying was ineffective at best and Jeremy got his wish in the election of Obama with the help of a near-record number of American Jews. Jewish voters . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Katie Couric, the Nasty Cougar
Cougar Couric: Nasty Is As Nasty Does
Pretty, perky Katie Couric, a tag coined by Rush Limbaugh, can also be a nasty, nattering nabobette.
Shown in her prime here, she not only must be having issues with aging, she also seems to be having issues with honesty caused by her collapsing ratings at CBS. No worries, though. She’s compensating by prowling and hypocritically lecturing on needless, “collegial nastiness.”
I know, I know! How can anyone criticize pretty, perky Katie? Well, I can because she’s eminently deserving.
Rescued from imminent oblivion by her hatchet job on Governor Sarah Palin last summer, Katie is slip, slip, slipping away in her incongruous role as anchorwoman of the “CBS Evening News,” a position demanding gravitas rather than perkiness but accorded her because, well, she’s pretty, perky Katie Couric.
Overachieving, being a walking, talking example of The Peter Principle, must weigh on a girl.
Whoopi Goldberg would have been a better scoop for CBS. Whoopi is scary but she would have souped up CBS’ Black demographic, would have delighted our president, and was as qualified as Katie, but what do I know.
Couric did gain some traction with her blindsiding interview of Palin when the governor was anticipating getting-to-know-you type questions or at least something less than a grilling. However, popular traction is ephemeral and she and the “CBS Evening News” are now wallowing in record low viewership, the lowest in Nielsen-recorded history: http://www.mediabistro.com/tvnewser/evening_news_ratings/evening_news_ratings_week_of_june_1_118500.asp.
Helen Thomas, the D.C. dinosaur curmudgeon, felt Couric’s interview, “saved the country” but it didn’t save Katie for long. It also didn’t save the country from VP Joe-The-Mouth Biden. I’ve often wondered whether Senator John Edwards in 2004 could have answered probing questions on anything aside from his coiffure and marital fidelity or how Joe Lieberman would have responded to the query, ”Pick just one, Israel or the United States?”
Of course, Democrats never have to deal with probing questions and when they flub an answer they are granted do-overs by the mainstream media.
Invited to Princeton to address seniors at Class Day, Couric briefly, very briefly, joked about her new cougar role to the next generation of bankers, lawyers, pols, and tax cheats. She instructed the graduates to, “Rise above the collegial nastiness and instead . . . celebrate excellence,” and she trotted out the Obama mantra to give back since the Princetonians have been given so much.
I hate to hit Katie with stark reality, but her suggestion that the elite Ivy Leaguers give back in such forms of service as ”tutoring a child, working at a soup kitchen, driving an elderly neighbor to the grocery store” probably fell on ears almost as deaf as those which heard her berate acquisitiveness.
This is Obama-Nirvana time, the dawning of a new Age of Aquarius when people like Joe the Plumber will be expected to employ the unemployable and love being taxed for the privilege and stars such as Katie Couric are expected to share her reported $15 million salary with the hoi polloi.
As she said, ”Gordon Gecko from the movie ‘Wall Street’ was wrong . . . greed is not good. We can finally burn the bumper sticker that says: ‘he who dies with the most toys wins.’ “ That would depend on what kind of toys, no?
She also managed to inject her speechwriter’s snarky little nasties. She referenced Rush Limbaugh’s “prescription plan,” a dig at his oxycontin addiction, and took a shot at Miss California Carrie Prejean, to placate the ever-present gays on hand: “No one has done more to motivate gay rights activists since Anita Bryant.”
Just ask Perez Hilton who was motivated to the point of apoplexy: http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=975.
Special attention was devoted to Princeton grad and former Defense Secretary Don Rumsfeld who “has been charged with guarding the Big Cannon. I don’t want to say he’s taking his job too far, but he’s reportedly been telling President Obama there are Weapons of Mass Destruction hidden at Rutgers.” If one of those missing WMD’s ends up near her New York City office, she may re-evaluate her dissing of Rumsfeld. And, maybe not.
Though Couric exulted in the accomplishments of women lately, her only allusion to Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, the first woman on a Republican national ticket and the woman who temporarily saved Katie’s butt with her lack of preparedness last September, wasn’t at all appreciative.
Instead, Lil Miss Perky resorted to derision: . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Pretty, perky Katie Couric, a tag coined by Rush Limbaugh, can also be a nasty, nattering nabobette.
Shown in her prime here, she not only must be having issues with aging, she also seems to be having issues with honesty caused by her collapsing ratings at CBS. No worries, though. She’s compensating by prowling and hypocritically lecturing on needless, “collegial nastiness.”
I know, I know! How can anyone criticize pretty, perky Katie? Well, I can because she’s eminently deserving.
Rescued from imminent oblivion by her hatchet job on Governor Sarah Palin last summer, Katie is slip, slip, slipping away in her incongruous role as anchorwoman of the “CBS Evening News,” a position demanding gravitas rather than perkiness but accorded her because, well, she’s pretty, perky Katie Couric.
Overachieving, being a walking, talking example of The Peter Principle, must weigh on a girl.
Whoopi Goldberg would have been a better scoop for CBS. Whoopi is scary but she would have souped up CBS’ Black demographic, would have delighted our president, and was as qualified as Katie, but what do I know.
Couric did gain some traction with her blindsiding interview of Palin when the governor was anticipating getting-to-know-you type questions or at least something less than a grilling. However, popular traction is ephemeral and she and the “CBS Evening News” are now wallowing in record low viewership, the lowest in Nielsen-recorded history: http://www.mediabistro.com/tvnewser/evening_news_ratings/evening_news_ratings_week_of_june_1_118500.asp.
Helen Thomas, the D.C. dinosaur curmudgeon, felt Couric’s interview, “saved the country” but it didn’t save Katie for long. It also didn’t save the country from VP Joe-The-Mouth Biden. I’ve often wondered whether Senator John Edwards in 2004 could have answered probing questions on anything aside from his coiffure and marital fidelity or how Joe Lieberman would have responded to the query, ”Pick just one, Israel or the United States?”
Of course, Democrats never have to deal with probing questions and when they flub an answer they are granted do-overs by the mainstream media.
Invited to Princeton to address seniors at Class Day, Couric briefly, very briefly, joked about her new cougar role to the next generation of bankers, lawyers, pols, and tax cheats. She instructed the graduates to, “Rise above the collegial nastiness and instead . . . celebrate excellence,” and she trotted out the Obama mantra to give back since the Princetonians have been given so much.
I hate to hit Katie with stark reality, but her suggestion that the elite Ivy Leaguers give back in such forms of service as ”tutoring a child, working at a soup kitchen, driving an elderly neighbor to the grocery store” probably fell on ears almost as deaf as those which heard her berate acquisitiveness.
This is Obama-Nirvana time, the dawning of a new Age of Aquarius when people like Joe the Plumber will be expected to employ the unemployable and love being taxed for the privilege and stars such as Katie Couric are expected to share her reported $15 million salary with the hoi polloi.
As she said, ”Gordon Gecko from the movie ‘Wall Street’ was wrong . . . greed is not good. We can finally burn the bumper sticker that says: ‘he who dies with the most toys wins.’ “ That would depend on what kind of toys, no?
She also managed to inject her speechwriter’s snarky little nasties. She referenced Rush Limbaugh’s “prescription plan,” a dig at his oxycontin addiction, and took a shot at Miss California Carrie Prejean, to placate the ever-present gays on hand: “No one has done more to motivate gay rights activists since Anita Bryant.”
Just ask Perez Hilton who was motivated to the point of apoplexy: http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=975.
Special attention was devoted to Princeton grad and former Defense Secretary Don Rumsfeld who “has been charged with guarding the Big Cannon. I don’t want to say he’s taking his job too far, but he’s reportedly been telling President Obama there are Weapons of Mass Destruction hidden at Rutgers.” If one of those missing WMD’s ends up near her New York City office, she may re-evaluate her dissing of Rumsfeld. And, maybe not.
Though Couric exulted in the accomplishments of women lately, her only allusion to Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, the first woman on a Republican national ticket and the woman who temporarily saved Katie’s butt with her lack of preparedness last September, wasn’t at all appreciative.
Instead, Lil Miss Perky resorted to derision: . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Monday, June 8, 2009
Know Thy Liberal Source II
Part One of this very mini series dealt primarily with the necessity of verifying sources before one believes anything read on the internet. Another focus was Ms. Bonnie Erbe’s background and studied indifference as to the recent Playboy filth promoting the “hate-f***ing” of a number of prominent conservative women: http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=1048.
Erbe’ is relatively prominent herself and I was attempting to determine what makes her tick in light of the view expressed in her article, published by ScrippsNews.com, that “Abortion Is Not a Tragedy.”
Her non-reaction to the Playboy piece went a long way in clarifying her ticking.
She argued in “Abortion Is Not a Tragedy” that America’s current hard economic times are driving women to abortionists as they try to make do with less money. As with “hate-f***ing” (conservative) women, Erbe’ adopts a blase’ attitude of, “So what!” or, as she writes, “The media have also been rife with stories portraying this trend as something of a tragedy. Let me propose a counter view: it is not.”
She supports her counter-proposal by offering the example of an unwed mother of three whose live-in significant other had lost his job. The mother had weighed all her options and decided to abort her fourth child: ”It’s actually a fact-based, rational decision that in the end benefits the three children they already have and society as well. . . It’s no tragedy: it’s a good decision.”
Erbe’ is a perfect representative of a liberal moral relativist, an obtuse, ignorant relativist, suggesting as she does that since times are tough and babies are expensive, why not just kill Number Four and all will be good for that mom, her boyfriend, and their progeny? After all, then the loving couple will be better able to tend to their brood and will be less likely to have “to rely on scarce public resources to raise their children.”
What an awesome perspective!
She goes on to say, based on something or other, that, “Abortion was not viewed as a tragic event in the early days after the Supreme Court handed down its Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion on a national scale.” The tragic essence of murdering a pre-born human being only gained tragic status after “the poster child” for pro-life, and the “Roe” in Roe v. Wade, became an advocate for life.
To make things even worse, ”the media [has] become a trumpet for the pro-life message that abortion is always a tragedy.”
I understand Bonnie Erbe’ was born in New York City but on which planet she now resides is something of a mystery. I have a slew of questions for her which, depending on her responses, will help establish whether she is or ever has been a bonafide Earthling:...
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Erbe’ is relatively prominent herself and I was attempting to determine what makes her tick in light of the view expressed in her article, published by ScrippsNews.com, that “Abortion Is Not a Tragedy.”
Her non-reaction to the Playboy piece went a long way in clarifying her ticking.
She argued in “Abortion Is Not a Tragedy” that America’s current hard economic times are driving women to abortionists as they try to make do with less money. As with “hate-f***ing” (conservative) women, Erbe’ adopts a blase’ attitude of, “So what!” or, as she writes, “The media have also been rife with stories portraying this trend as something of a tragedy. Let me propose a counter view: it is not.”
She supports her counter-proposal by offering the example of an unwed mother of three whose live-in significant other had lost his job. The mother had weighed all her options and decided to abort her fourth child: ”It’s actually a fact-based, rational decision that in the end benefits the three children they already have and society as well. . . It’s no tragedy: it’s a good decision.”
Erbe’ is a perfect representative of a liberal moral relativist, an obtuse, ignorant relativist, suggesting as she does that since times are tough and babies are expensive, why not just kill Number Four and all will be good for that mom, her boyfriend, and their progeny? After all, then the loving couple will be better able to tend to their brood and will be less likely to have “to rely on scarce public resources to raise their children.”
What an awesome perspective!
She goes on to say, based on something or other, that, “Abortion was not viewed as a tragic event in the early days after the Supreme Court handed down its Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion on a national scale.” The tragic essence of murdering a pre-born human being only gained tragic status after “the poster child” for pro-life, and the “Roe” in Roe v. Wade, became an advocate for life.
To make things even worse, ”the media [has] become a trumpet for the pro-life message that abortion is always a tragedy.”
I understand Bonnie Erbe’ was born in New York City but on which planet she now resides is something of a mystery. I have a slew of questions for her which, depending on her responses, will help establish whether she is or ever has been a bonafide Earthling:...
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Know Thy Liberal Sources I
Let’s face it: Anyone with a computer can get “published” today, even the present writer. That reality of internet life makes it critical to establish the credentials of the person or persons who author articles read on the web before buying into his or her philosophies and theses.
With that in mind, I felt it judicious to delve into the world of Bonnie Erbe’ after reading her provocatively-titled piece, “Abortion Is Not a Tragedy,” http://www.scrippsnews.com/node/42197. One thing I discovered was that Ms. Bonnie is anything but “bonnie.”
For those such as I who must live sheltered existences and who are ignorant of who Ms. Erbe’ is, here’s the straight poop on her curriculum vitae: Aged 56, though her available photos such as this lop off at least 10 of her years, Erbe’ is a NYC-born graduate of Barnard College, (1974), Columbia (M.S. in journalism, 1975), and Georgetown Law (1987).
She is described by Wikipedia as “an American journalist and television host based in the Washington, D.C. area who has covered national politics since 1975,” which means, pretty impressively, that she has been so covering since she was 22.
Wikipedia goes on to say that Erbe’ is host and Chief Exec of the PBS program, “To the Contrary,” is a contributing (blog) editor at US News and World Report, and, oddly, serves as advisor to an immigration reduction organization, The Federation for American Immigration Reform.
Again, pretty impressive even if that’s the extent of Erbe’s Wikipedia entry. Further research turns up other interesting details about Erbe’, including the factoid that her PBS show is the first in the nation to exclusively feature women discussing the news: http://www.pbs.org/ttc/about_host.html.
As they say, the plot, Erbe’s pro-abortion plot, thickens. . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
With that in mind, I felt it judicious to delve into the world of Bonnie Erbe’ after reading her provocatively-titled piece, “Abortion Is Not a Tragedy,” http://www.scrippsnews.com/node/42197. One thing I discovered was that Ms. Bonnie is anything but “bonnie.”
For those such as I who must live sheltered existences and who are ignorant of who Ms. Erbe’ is, here’s the straight poop on her curriculum vitae: Aged 56, though her available photos such as this lop off at least 10 of her years, Erbe’ is a NYC-born graduate of Barnard College, (1974), Columbia (M.S. in journalism, 1975), and Georgetown Law (1987).
She is described by Wikipedia as “an American journalist and television host based in the Washington, D.C. area who has covered national politics since 1975,” which means, pretty impressively, that she has been so covering since she was 22.
Wikipedia goes on to say that Erbe’ is host and Chief Exec of the PBS program, “To the Contrary,” is a contributing (blog) editor at US News and World Report, and, oddly, serves as advisor to an immigration reduction organization, The Federation for American Immigration Reform.
Again, pretty impressive even if that’s the extent of Erbe’s Wikipedia entry. Further research turns up other interesting details about Erbe’, including the factoid that her PBS show is the first in the nation to exclusively feature women discussing the news: http://www.pbs.org/ttc/about_host.html.
As they say, the plot, Erbe’s pro-abortion plot, thickens. . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Various Perversions
Various Perversions (PG Rated)
The poor will always be with us, spoke Jesus Christ. Literally, He said, “You always have the poor with you,” (Matthew 26:11), though the meaning is the same. If Christ lived in 2009 A.D., He might add, “And perverts will always be with you, too!” The meaning and truth of that pronouncement would be evident to anyone who reads newspapers.
Perversion is defined as any sexual act considered abnormal but nowadays precisely what constitutes “abnormal” is sometimes disputed. Likewise, that definition could be stretched to incorporate any forms of depravity. Four examples of perversions follow:
Procreative Perversion: A guy who perhaps does not technically-qualify for the appellation of pervert but who has to be damned close is Desmond Hatchett. Mr. Hatchett is not shy about admitting that he has fathered some 20 or 21 kids which in itself may not be that exceptional, even if he is a gross exemplar of population pollution and more representative of Arab sheiks than his fellow lotharios in Knoxville, TN.
What distinguishes him more is his relatively brief lifespan of 29 years and the fact he boasts of impregnating at least 11 different females and of begetting 4 kids within the same year–twice: http://www.volunteertv.com/home/headlines/45871127.html.
Hatchett brings to mind the admonition of either Groucho Marx or W.C. Fields, (the ascription is debated), that, “I love my cigar too but I take it out once in a while.” It also brings to mind the thought that since Mr. Hatchett works a minimum-wage job and currently resides in jail for failure to pay child support the state of Tennessee should consider a hatchet to deal with Hatchett’s insatiable proclivities. The Volunteer State will be paying to raise his brood.
It should also be noted that none of the mothers objected to his multiple feats of propagation but some did object that they will be receiving $1.98 a month from Mr. Hatchett’s largesse.
Parading Perversion: Less ambiguously perverted is state-sponsored corruption of children. Desmond Hatchett apparently indulged his appetites with willing accomplices. The State of Massachusetts was accomplice to the corruption of kids during its annual May “Youth Pride Parade,” a euphemism for “Encouraging Children to Become Queers Parade.”
Anyone who knows teenagers and, especially those who have reared them, knows that teens are by nature a confused group. Confusion and indecision come with the teen territory. So where else can homosexuals, the GLBT bunch, find greener pastures and green recruits than among . . .
(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)
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