Tuesday, April 26, 2011

When Islamic and Christian Worlds Collide

When Islamic and Christian Worlds Collide

A good, general blogging rule of thumb is that when two sides of a controversial issue criticize you, it’s fairly certain an article was reasonable and objective.

I’ve had more than my share of brickbats and worse hurled my way by the Jewish community for commentary on such issues as the 1967 USS Liberty “incident” and, more recently, for articles on Judge Richard Goldstone’s U.N. Report on Israel’s actions in the Gaza War of 2008-2009. Therefore, I consider it a compliment when a Muslim sympathizer also attacks my objectivity.

A reader of my article, “Islam, the U.N., and 9/11,” http://bit.ly/gVLLxL, responded to my re-posting of that piece on CNSNews.com and “ithinkrevolution” was positively vitriolic. His screenname says a great deal about “ithinkrevolution’s” mindset and his comments says a great deal about his biases and skewed interpretation of history.

I wasn’t perturbed by his condescension, (“Before you make such a comment though you should read a bit more”) and his defense of the United Nations, (“The UN is not authorized to investigate such a matter”), as much as by “ithinkrevolution’s” free and breezy willingness to engage in Islamic revisionism.

The premises of “Islam, the U.N., and 9/11″ were the stultification of the United Nations, which has been evidenced so often it barely needs repetition, but primarily the effects of that uselessness and ineptitude on the U.N.’s ability to condemn Islamic terrorism or even to define terrorism almost 10 years after September 11th, 2001. The 57 members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the OIC, compounded by the sympathies and fear of other U.N. member states have seen to that.

“Ithinkrevolution” took issue with that contention but was particularly incensed over a critique of Islam’s violence and went on a roll: ”And as far as your ‘Islamic nations are historically accustomed to mass murder, religious mayhem, unimaginable bloody atrocities’, I hope your [sic] not a Christian who has the balls [sic] to make such a statement.” [Editor's note, I am and I do.] The history of Christianity is much more bloody and horrible than Islam is. The deaths in the Middle East since the creation of Israel. [sic] Until the Allies rolled in and forced tens of thousands of people out of homes their people| had lived in for nearly 2000 years. [sic]“

As rebuttal, I would point to the facts that Islam was born in violence replete with murders and bloody massacres, grew into invasions and pillaging, and reached its Golden Age through inflicting systematic devastation on the regions and nations it conquered. And, yes, it’s true that Christian armies in the Crusades . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=4235)

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