Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Homosexual-Abortionist Symbiosis

The Homosexual-Abortionist Symbiosis

Symbiosis or symbiotic behavior is usually regarded as relationships confined to the animal, insect, and plant worlds such as is seen with suckerfish attached to sharks, plovers feeding on leeches embedded in crocodile gums, pea aphids draining the juices from a host plant.

However, symbiotic behavior also exists in the human species as, for example, in mother-infant interaction and other relationships in which two fundamentally dissimilar organisms or groups exist together to their mutual benefit although symbiosis most often benefits one more than the other. In psychiatry, two people dependent on and reinforced by one another, for better or worse, are said to be symbiotic.

I’m not qualified to speculate on the specific nature of the symbiosis that exists between the homosexual community and the Abortion Lobby but I can definitely say that both groups feed off one another. Which benefits most is difficult to say. I’d call it a dead heat.

Symbiosis, loosely defined as close and often long-term interactions between different biological species, seems to advantage both gays and abortionists in that both thrive by being linked by their abnormal behavior and, with strength in greater numbers, are therefore able to suffer the slings and arrows of societal disapprobation.

Admittedly, those slings and arrows are becoming more and more rare, which fact can be credited to their union, their promotion by the entertainment and mass media, and inroads being made into their route to eventual, universal acceptance as normal, through America’s youth and in our schools.

A recent, loud, demonstration on the streets of Chicago strongly reinforces the contention that gays and abortionists, though of different genders, transgenders, and appearances, are one and the same. Gays are dedicated to the natural sterility of the homosexual lifestyle, abortionists committed to unnaturally aborting pre-born life.

In a sense. it’s reasonable that gays and pro-abortionists form an alliance: Homosexuals can’t procreate, abortionists may or may not be able to procreate but advocate the killing of an already-created human being. Both groups . . .

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