Wednesday, April 13, 2011

White Privilege and Black Demands

White Privilege and Black Demands

A Minnesota school district, after laying off 94 teachers due to budget cuts, paid $160 per to send a group of teachers to a 3-day “White Privilege Conference” in Minneapolis focused on the proposition that America was ”built on the premise that the U.S. was started by white people for white people.”

Conference founder Eddie Moore Jr., PhD explained the purpose of the gathering. His screed reads like something out of the New Black Panther handbook.

“White supremacy, white privilege, racism and other forms of oppression,” he says, ”are designed for your destruction, designed to kill you, so what I want this conference to help people of color to understand is how that system works. How it can create little bitty things that add up, that cause hypertension . . . that cause you to maybe eat unhealthy [sic] or not exercise.”

Niger Innis, national spokesman for the Congress of Racial Equality and Bucknell University professor James Peterson debated the fiscal propriety and rationale of the conference on FNC’s “Hannity.”

Sean Hannity called the expenditure in the face of $7 million school district cuts “outrageous.” Innis termed the misuse of taxpayer dollars for such a conference “absurd” and “disgusting” and decried the purpose of creating a sense of “victimization” among blacks. Peterson concurred with Moore’s contention that “white privilege” exists in America and that the conference represented a wise use of scarce school funds because blacks have different “concerns” than whites.

Innis stressed that Asian kids far outperform whites in schools . . .

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