Sunday, April 24, 2011

Abortion on the QT and on College Campus

Abortion on the QT and on College Campus

The state of Massachusetts, always on the cusp of societal change for the worst, is now in the teenage sex and abortion advice business and shilling for Planned Parenthood. Some of the advice offered by the state-sponsored website,, includes presenting abortion as a piece of cake and advising teens on how to get one on the sneak.

A teens “sex hotline” is also available.

The Bay State’s Department of Public Health has been funding to the tune of $100,000 a year since 2008 and has finally been called on it by an anti-abortion group, the Massachusetts Citizens for Life. That organization’s VP for educational affairs, Linda Thayer, says, “The commonwealth is using taxpayer money to tell kids how to get a secret abortion, and that’s wrong.”

No kidding.

The site, produced by the AIDS Action Committee. contends abortion is “more common than you might think” as well as “safe and effective, though some people may experience temporary discomfort.” It minimizes the risks while adding, “The reality of getting an abortion is much easier than it seems here” and oversimplifies the procedure as, “when the contents of the womb (uterus) are removed,” sort of like an abscessed tooth.

“Maria’s” most insidious advice to teens goes beyond what even Planned Parenthood, publicly, advises. Maria counsels kids, “It may be really hard for you to imagine talking to either your parents or a judge about getting an abortion, but there are people who can help you through it.” Then “Maria,” who doesn’t really exist, advises there are ways to get around state law and shuffles them off to PP.

Lest anyone thinks this is a pro-abortion scam, Maria also gives her advice in Massachusetts high schools. As Charles Skidmore, principal of Arlington High School, says, “I’m assuming because it’s from the Department of Public Health, it’s balanced information. . .

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