Thursday, November 4, 2010

Whatever Happened to the Golden State?

Whatever Happened to the Golden State?

One of Hollywood’s better thrillers in the 1960′s was “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?” In the sixties, despite that flick, the state of California could still lay claim to a relative degree of sanity.

Even into the mid-seventies, the Golden State elected and re-elected Ronald Reagan as its governor so it obviously was then functionally sane. Something happened in and to California after that, however and, long before 2010, California began devolving into a laid-back cesspool.

It still has plenty of nice weather but Mother Nature tends to that. Balmy weather in a broke and broken state, however, doesn’t cut it, unless you’re a nouveau hippy pothead in which case nothing much bothers you.

As for the rest of Californians, who sometimes seem straight and normal when they reject gay marriage, as they did in 2008, and reject pot for all, as they did on Election Day, 2010, they just don’t seem able to see those woods with all those damned trees and all that foul pot smoke casting a haze over the view.

California and Californians have changed significantly over the last 3 decades principally in demographics. . .

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