Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Plame Truth vs, "Fair Game"

The Plame Truth vs. "Fair Game"

Valerie Elise Plame Wilson, the multi-lingual, twice-married Penn State grad and holder of 2 graduate degrees, long-time CIA NOC, (non-official cover, deep-cover officer), central figure in the 2003-2005 Washington ”Plamegate” controversy, can now add “movie consultant” to her already chock-full résumé.

She and husband, former abmbassador Joseph P. (Joe) Wilson IV, consulted on director Doug Liman’s new movie, Fair Game, featuring Naomi Watts as Valerie and Sean Penn as Joe. Fair Game is Hollywood’s latest attempt to re-write history.

I know nothing of the political leanings of Naomi but the presence of Penn in the cast is a dead giveaway that this is another in the long line of Oliver Stone-type films that are based on Hollywood revisionism: If you don’t like history then just change it.

If wife Valerie was the central figure in Plamegate, hubby Joe Wilson, thrice-wed career civil servant, diplomat and ambassador for four years to inconsequential African states with a flair for the dramatic–he once wore a noose around his neck in defiance of Saddam Hussein–was the catalyst.

Without going into depth on Plamegate, suffice to say it was far more a political stunt meant to undermine President George W. Bush’s presidency and the American invasion of Iraq than a scandal.

Briefly: . . .

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