Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas: Billboards, Atheists, and Public Schools

Christmas: Billboards, Atheists, and Public Schools

They’re baaack! No, not the seventeen year locusts but a worse blight, the blight of the anti-Christians which at this time of year takes the form of the annual assault on Christmas. And they are far more destructive than any locusts.

The first nationally-known emergence of the annual event was detected at the New Jersey end of the Lincoln Tunnel.

The obviously well-heeled if not even moderately-healed group, American Atheists, got together some big bucks to erect a billboard on US495 announcing in bold letters that any first grader could read just before Christmas that, “You KNOW It’s a Myth,” and suggesting to first graders and anyone else in the New York vicinity who could read basic English that, “This Season, Celebrate Reason!” in lieu of the Christmas season.

I have to say that the billboard represented very effective advertising for the American Atheists’ point of view. It is especially effective since the wording was supplemented by artwork depicting three camel-riding Wise Men approaching a brilliant star poised above a simple stable featuring a donkey and a lone, female figure: http://tiny.cc/bwco1

Masterful work, American Atheists, even if it is indicative of an odd mentality that gets off by destroying childhood innocence and delight.

Was that kneeling female, alone in the night, meant to suggest that her hubby had run off and left her to fend for herself, a scenario with which many New York area kids exiting the Lincoln Tunnel, could relate? Either way, the billboard was masterful–depending on one’s definition of mastery.

Those proud American Atheists may very well persuade some kids who view their billboard to ask their parents, “What does that sign mean?” and maybe convince a few others to start to think that their churches are liars, that their parents have been treating them as little fools for lo these many years, and that the light of truth really does reside in their public schools.

Teachers and administrators in America’s public schools, under the notoriously-godless guidance of the NEA and their local unions, whom they dare not defy, have long been in the vanguard of those who are trying to either eliminate the archaic tradition of Christmas from student lexicons or to reduce the “holiday” to the equivalent of Halloween or Arbor Day.

The witless educators in Heathrow Elementary School in Florida . . .
(Read more at They’re baaack! No, not the seventeen year locusts but a worse blight, the blight of the anti-Christians which at this time of year takes the form of the annual assault on Christmas. And they are far more destructive than any locusts.

The first nationally-known emergence of the annual event was detected at the New Jersey end of the Lincoln Tunnel.

The obviously well-heeled if not even moderately-healed group, American Atheists, got together some big bucks to erect a billboard on US495 announcing in bold letters that any first grader could read just before Christmas that, “You KNOW It’s a Myth,” and suggesting to first graders and anyone else in the New York vicinity who could read basic English that, “This Season, Celebrate Reason!” in lieu of the Christmas season.

I have to say that the billboard represented very effective advertising for the American Atheists’ point of view. It is especially effective since the wording was supplemented by artwork depicting three camel-riding Wise Men approaching a brilliant star poised above a simple stable featuring a donkey and a lone, female figure: http://tiny.cc/bwco1

Masterful work, American Atheists, even if it is indicative of an odd mentality that gets off by destroying childhood innocence and delight.

Was that kneeling female, alone in the night, meant to suggest that her hubby had run off and left her to fend for herself, a scenario with which many New York area kids exiting the Lincoln Tunnel, could relate? Either way, the billboard was masterful–depending on one’s definition of mastery.

Those proud American Atheists may very well persuade some kids who view their billboard to ask their parents, “What does that sign mean?” and maybe convince a few others to start to think that their churches are liars, that their parents have been treating them as little fools for lo these many years, and that the light of truth really does reside in their public schools.

Teachers and administrators in America’s public schools, under the notoriously-godless guidance of the NEA and their local unions, whom they dare not defy, have long been in the vanguard of those who are trying to either eliminate the archaic tradition of Christmas from student lexicons or to reduce the “holiday” to the equivalent of Halloween or Arbor Day.

The witless educators in Heathrow Elementary School in Florida . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=2868)

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