Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tidbits of Good News

Tidbits of Good News

November has seen its usual share of bad news, from the elections which were very bad news for Democrats, to the president’s disastrous and fruitless diplomatic overtures in Asia, to his obscenely expensive per-diem waste of $200 million of taxpayers’ scant resources for his Asian junket, to his shameless failure to commemorate the tragic Fort Hood terrorist massacre.

However, there’s also some good news to report which helps balance the bad even if it doesn’t make it go away.

First and foremost, from the black community comes word that a societal bane for decades might be coming to an end and that a good portion of the national deficit in the form of welfare payments and other government giveaways–wealth re-distribution, or sharing the wealth, as candidate Obama called it–may soon be gone if, that is, “Operation Black Storm” gets its way.

Robert Broadus of “Operation Black Storm,” a coalition that promotes conservative African American congressional candidates, claims the Democratic Party has done a “wonderful job” marketing itself to minority groups, but members of the black community do not need government hand-outs and must learn to stand on their own.”

Broadus added that the Democrat Party has long and successfully played ”the identity politics angle,” . . .

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