Monday, November 22, 2010

Muslim Contempt for America: Ana Akhannethak!

Muslim Contempt for America: Ana Akhannethak!

Like all vermin who seem to have the capacity to cause new outbreaks just when exterminators and fumigators think they’ve been eradicated, the Ground Zero Mosque vermin have reappeared and now seem intent on effecting not just insult but contempt for the survivors and families of the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks.

The Muslim developers of the Cordoba Project, re-named Park51 after their plans to build a mosque two blocks from Ground Zero encountered massive public protests, have been eerily quiet the last few months, They were clearly in the planning stages for their next attack. They have now announced their application for a $5 million federal grant to assist them in rubbing salt into the still-bleeding wounds Islamic terrorists caused nine years, two months, twelve days ago.

Apparently revelling in terrorist irony, the $5 million public gift to the Muslims would be taken from funds set aside for rebuilding Lower Manhattan as a consequence of the devastation caused by their fellow Muslims. To further emphasize the irony, they anticipate opening their monstrosity on the tenth anniversary of 9/11.

As reported by Johm Avlon of the, “While news of the application has not previously been made public, developer Sharif El-Gamal outlined it in closed-door meetings, according to two individuals he spoke with directly.”

The Beast article, “Mosque Money Shocker" . . .

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