Thursday, July 9, 2009

Abortion, the NEA, and the Moribund First Amendment

Abortion, the NEA, and the Moribund First Amendment

Speech is Free, If You Agree

Public school teachers are notoriously liberal as are former school teachers who move on up the career ladder to become adminstrators. Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach; those who can’t teach become administrators.

I knew one guy who went to the principal to beg to get out of the classroom before he killed some of the kids. They created an administrative post for him, Liaison to Cafeteria Staff. Seriously!

Teacher liberalism comes from the top down, starting with the educational arm of the Democratic Party, the ultra-leftist National Education Association.

As with states and municipalities controlled by liberals which are rapidly going bankrupt, under NEA guidance, our schools have been morally bankrupt for generations, in part due to the NEA abortion stance.

Pedagogy has been sent to the back of the room and indoctrination has become the primary focus of our educational system, and our kids show it.

The NEA euphemistically calls abortion a ”reproductive right” although how advocating the killing of pre-born infants in any way relates to reproduction baffles me.

Please see an Eagle Forum report regarding the NEA’s associations with Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, NARAL, NOW, et al.:

One revelation in that report: The NEA has established “an annual fund of $50,000 in grants to pro-abortion advocates across the nation. The NEA promised to award this amount in grants every year until passage of the Freedom of Choice Act.” That funding began 17 years ago. I’m guessing it has grown tenfold in the interim.

To buck the NEA, liberal party line on any issue could bring on the wrath of superiors or, at the minimum, disdain and shunning; to endorse the pro-life position in schools is tantamount to heresy. Still, some “educators” go overboard.

Such was the case of a 7th grader at McSwain Elementary School in Merced, California who had the audacity to assert her First Amendment rights to free speech by wearing a pro-life T-shirt in a pro-abortion venue, namely a public school.

The shirt depicted the 3 stages of an aborted infant’s abbreviated life in utero with the words, “Going, Growing, Gone.” There was no blood, gore, or violence pictured, . . .

(Read the rest at

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