Wednesday, July 29, 2009

"My Mother Hated White People"

“My Mother Hated White People” and Other Revelations about Professor Skippy Gates

It’s said that the nut doesn’t fall far from the tree, meaning the obvious that lots of walnuts and pecans end up on the ground, and sometimes meaning the less obvious about people.

In a 1994 interview about his book, Colored People, Professor Henry Louis Gates freely conceded that “My mother hated white people.”

That’s not to suggest, necessarily, that she passed down those feelings to her sons. Then, again, he was devoted to his mom, who also was a big fan of Black supremicist/White-hater, Malcolm X:

Gates also mentions in that interview that his nickname was Skip, that he and his family just loved the old Amos and Andy television series despite its Black stereotypes, and that his first wife was a white girl, Sharon Lynn Adams, which relationship all but brought about WWIII in the Gates’ household.

Now, what conclusions can we reasonably draw from those tidbits about Prof. Gates as they relate to his contretemps 15 years later with Sgt. James Crowley?

We can draw absolutely no conclusions, or we can conclude quite a number of things depending on our capacity for tidbit interpretation.

If Prof. Gates has learned anything in his nearly 59 years, from his mammy or from reality, it has been to keep his mouth shut when to open it would display his true, bigoted racial attitudes. Some have termed such attitudes, “blackitude,” referring to the ‘tude shown when blacks are feeling most repressed.

Prof. Gates vividly demonstrated his blackitude when a protective but white, Cambridge cop tried to do his duty after a report of possible burglary at Gates’ home. His charges of racism and racial profiling were both unfounded and reactionary, very possibly a reaction based on his mom’s detestation of all things white.

None of this is new news among dedicated and professionally “repressed” minorities in America.

What those professionals will think of the now-confirmed Obama scheme to turn down the volume of the racial uproar he pumped up with his infamous “stupidly” remark by staging a White House Obama-Gates-Crowley beer detente is unknown.

Another unknown is their reaction to the most recent revelation that Crowley and Gates are “cousins.”

Yep, it’s true, according to Gates. He discovered his personal Kunta Kinte of Roots fame in, of all places, the wee country, the Olde Sod, Ireland:

If true, since he doesn’t look very Irish, it’s apropos that the erudite, nutty professor found his roots in the Land of Saints and Scholars. Now he and Sgt. Crowley, who does look Irish, will have something to gab about over that beer with their fellow part-Irishman, Barack Obama.

Gates’ late mom must be rolling over in her grave . . .

(Read the rest at

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