Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Dirty Dave and Liberal Hypocrisy

Dirty Dave and the Kingdom of Liberal Hypocrisy

DISCLAIMER: Okay, I admit I personally didn’t hear this on Fox News Monday morning but this report comes directly from an authoritative source, the bride. So I think it must be pretty accurate, even if I couldn’t verify it on politically correct Google.

Bob Beckel, he of the snide comment and overflowing paunch, said that had Dave Letterman made comments about a Democratic woman comparable to what he said a few weeks ago about Sarah Palin and her family, he’d be off the air by now.

Somehow, there has been no righteous indignation over that misogynistic funny from Letterman.

Well, Duh! Any conscious or semi-conscious American should know by now that the New York Times prints all the news that fits and the rest of the liberal, lapdog mainstream media follow suit.

It’s baffling that the lib press and the TV networks can’t figure out why Americans have had it up to their earlobes with twisted, biased and censored ”reporting” and have tuned them out.

That’s not really news to conservatives and Republicans but it’s always good to know that the sweet breath of truth occasionally emanates from the mouths of Democratic hacks. Apparently, Beckel immediately realized he had committed a Dem mortal sin by voicing truth and he vainly tried to temper his remarks.

To review: Much has been made of slimy Dave’s risque “joke” about the Palins’ daughter, 14 year old Willow being “knocked up” out in right field during a game at Yankee Stadium. Ol’ Dave tried to defend his pedophiliac remark by saying, after it all hit the fan, that he meant 18 year old Bristol Palin and not Willow.

His reflective thinking was that maligning an 18 year old girl by suggesting she was screwing A-Rod out in right field was fine but that he would never, never I tell you, toss salacious barbs at Willow, despite the fact it was Willow, not Bristol, who had accompanied her mother to the Yankee game on the day in question.

Bristol, well, she’s another matter. She was fair game since she had conceived a child out of wedlock–and gave birth to Brig, rather than aborting him in the liberal fashion. A major plus, indeed the overriding factor for her to be attacked by Dave, she was the child of a Republican conservative.

Such hilarity could never, would never, be directed at Chelsea . . .

(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)

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