Sunday, July 12, 2009

Paving the Rocky Road to Armageddon

Paving the Rocky Road to Armageddon

Hiroshima, Mon Amour was a tame film compared to Armageddon, Mon Amour which hasn’t been filmed as yet and probably never will be.

Armageddon, a truly stupid 1998 film featuring Bruce Willis, unfortunately was filmed and featured an asteroid hurtling our way which Bruce re-directs with a nuke. One trouble is that Armageddon the movie sucked as a film, despite Willis. Another is that it had no relevance to Armageddon.

It seems someone is always fretting that the end is near, that the Messiah will make His Second Coming to confront and destroy evil incarnate, the Anti-Christ

The precise time is uncertain for that Final Battle but the location has been pinpointed: The Battle of Armageddon is set for Megiddo, a little lump of a place, a hill situated near an Israeli kibbutz, a tiny spot on the globe that just happens to have monumental biblical and modern relevance as foretold in the Book of Revelations.

Revelations didn’t schedule a date. The paving of the rocky road to the Apocalypse may be in process, however. Practically speaking, any future generations could refer to it as World War III.

Many believe the Armageddon is imminent, a belief that tends to gain more credence and adherents at epochal moments in history, such as the years 1000 A.D. and 2000 A.D., and during stressful times such as ours.

Just as the First World War was precipitated by a single event in Sarajevo, the fear today is that the actions of one or both of the planet’s chief lunatics will lead to Armageddon.

Those two crazies in our midst, the pot-bellied North Korean fruitcake, Kim Jong-il, and the ascetic-looking Iranian nutcase, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, are the most unlikely characters on the world stage to be able to change history except for one distinction: Both are on the verge of nuclear and nuclear-delivery capabilities.

As always, the ever-watchful and ever-impotent United Nations is on the case, wringing its collective, angst-ridden hands and issuing resolution after resolution warning North Korea and Iran not to continue on their respective nuclear courses.

U.N. resolutions are customarily followed by studied inaction during which the delegates settle back and retreat into their comfortable cocoons.

Resolutions are the U.N.’s method of making itself appear useful and its modus operandi for absolving itself of responsibility in the face of potential world dangers should they erupt into full-scale, catastrophic disasters.

Well, we tried, the United Nations can always say even when those attempts have the practical utility of teats on bulls or wings stapled on pigs.

The blustering, self-indulgent despot, Kim Jong-il, represents no Earth-altering geo-political threat, which is not to minimize his insanity and inanity.

He could unilaterally bring about massive devastation in a relatively concentrated area of the planet and the probable retaliation would effectively return his nation to the Bronze Age. That status wouldn’t change much in the daily lives of most North Korean survivors.

On the other hand, Ahmadinejad has the capacity to wreak unspeakable horrors, including beginning that battle in Megiddo, something the maniacal tyrant devoutly wishes.

For a transcript of a lengthy panel discussion featuring various Islamic scholars . . .

(Read the rest at

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