Tuesday, August 7, 2012

America's Boy Scouts and the Liberals Who Hate Them

America's Boy Scouts and the Liberals Who Hate Them

On the surface, the Boy Scouts of America oath, “On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law, to help other people at all times, and to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight,” seems an admirable, innocuous, inoffensive promise.

The Scouts are simply pledging to abide by God’s Commandments, the laws of the United States of America and of their organization, to be of assistance when needed, to stay fit, be on their toes, and be decent human beings, all of which vows are commendable to normal people.

Nevertheless, the Boy Scouts oath and everything the 102 year old, 2.7 million member BSA represents are abhorrent to leftists and homosexuals. As for leftist homosexuals, which is pretty much a redundancy, the BSA is considered the equivalent of the KKK, the American Nazi Party, or worse and all because they stand for honor, morality, and common decency.

And, liberals don’t only detest the Boy Scout principles, they are as committed to destroying the BSA as they are to bankrupting Chick-fil-A for its grave offense of publicly announcing a belief in traditional marriage. Americans proclaimed their agreement by flooding Chick-fil-A with business.

The sad reality that the liberal wing of the Democrat Party, another redundancy, opposes both freedom of speech and fundamental Christian beliefs was evidenced twice on CNN, “the most trusted name in news,” first when a gay-skewed panel on Soledad O’Brien’s July 18th “Starting Point” encouraged homosexuals to attack the Boy Scouts, an invitation which was followed by Don Lemon’s guest, ousted Cub Scout leader Jennifer Tyrrell, presenting her case for a lesbian to guide young boys through the treacherous shoals of childhood.

After a two year review, the Boy Scouts of America reaffirmed its ban on gay members, a position supported by the United States Supreme Court more than a decade ago and endorsed by most parents of Scouts.

That BSA decision was immediately attacked by homosexuals as being out of touch with the times and “on the wrong side of history” or, as one gay activist said, “Just because the Supreme Court has said the Boy Scouts are allowed to have this policy does not mean that it is just or that it is consistent with basic human compassion.”

I guess that view would depend . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=27348.)

Monday, July 30, 2012

Post-Racialism, the Rise in Black Crime, and Election 2012

Post-Racialism, the Rise in Black Crime, and Election 2012

There is a sinister racial campaign in progress in our country today. As per usual, just discussing that effort will be deemed racist by black agitators who have successfully created an atmosphere of fear of being accused of racism in white America.

C’est la vie. Always consider the source.

Though they’re closely related, I’m not directly referring to Barack Hussein Obama’s campaign for re-election to the presidency nor to Democrat campaigns for various local and national offices but to their combined efforts to cover up the extent of black crime in the United States and to conceal their concerted attempts to persuade the majority of Americans that a minority is better equiped to deal with America’s problems.

Barack Hussein Obama won the highest office in the land by appealing to white voters largely on the basis that he would effect change in America’s often-strained race relations with the hope that, combined with a lock on the African-American, homosexual, Hispanic, and labor union constituencies, he could gain sufficient support from whites to defeat the lackluster John McCain.

Integral to his appeal were Obama’s calculated suggestions that his election would herald a post-racial nation, a theme he often repeated and which was frequently touted by his mainstream media. For example, the day after he and Joe Biden received 52.87% of the total popular vote, the LA Times featured an article by Daniel Schorr titled, “A New ‘Post-Racial’ Political Era in America.”

Obama had obviously succeeded in convincing some naive whites that racial strife would soon be an ugly memory. He garnered 43% of white ballots–the same percentage Bill Clinton won in the 3-man 1996 race–and the nation had its first (semi) black president.

Recently, Obama lied and hypocritically stated in a Rolling Stone interview, “I never bought into the notion that by electing me, somehow we were entering into a postracial period,” a retrospective that contradicted his previous observations.

Although there are powerful arguments to the contrary, the theory that white guilt played a major role in Obama’s 43% is widely dismissed.

Indeed, whites feeling guilt over slavery is as irrational as their experiencing guilt because of black poverty. Unless their forbears were slaveholders a century and a half ago or they had personally caused blacks to be poor today, no American should have voted for Obama in 2008 for any reason other than that they believed him better qualified to lead the country than McCain.

However, that presumption was skewed by the unprecedented 93% of African-Americans who voted for Obama four years ago, a percentage proving either that those African-Americans thought Obama was their savior or that he had bamboozled them into voting for him strictly due to his race.

A sense that American blacks would be somewhat placated by Obama’s election and that black violence, murder, and general mayhem would be curtailed as a result was implicit in his “post-racial” propaganda but the precise opposite is the case and that could be Obama’s undoing in 98 days.

His first election actually coincided with a massive increase in black violence, etc. The question is, Will 43% of whites still be supportive and will white guilt still be a factor in 2012 in view of that increased violence?

Furthermore, if Obama and his administration are perceived as encouraging racial divisiveness and engaging in tactics and instituting policies which are clearly designed to favor blacks and to discriminate against whites, will the president get any white votes in November?

Of course, he will. Remember those gays, Hispanics, and labor unionists who think and vote solely on self-serving interests. But, 43%? Highly unlikely.

Except in the reporting by Obama’s MSM, which are far more interested in Obama’s re-election than in honest journalism, black crime in America has increased exponentially since 2009. Mobs of blacks have been recorded but mostly-unreported rampaging in Chicago, Baltimore, Ames, Iowa, Peoria, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Seattle, and Portland, and numerous other cities. (http://tinyurl.com/d8benxc)

Despite that rampant mayhem, the MSM has failed to take notice or, when they do, they fail to identify the racial makeup of the rioters. Providing a detailed description of the rampagers, including the color of their skin, would greatly assist in their apprehension but the mainstreamers have little concern for catching them. On the other hand, they do tend to find a great deal of time and space to devote to relatively rare, alleged white violence against blacks as in the George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin case.

Compounding journalistic malpractice and as previously noted here, editors have admitted they censor the news to preserve racial peace.

All the mainstream media are doing, however, is maliciously cloaking the truth about black crime and preserving the myth that Obama’s election led to a post-racial America. . . (Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=27327.)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Olympics--A Dream Come and Gone

The Olympics--A Dream Come and Gone

The games have begun! Now, let’s call them a wrap!

The Olympics have devolved into a cesspool of international propaganda, intrigue, and cheating–not to mention a subsidized bacchanalian venue for young athletes who could just as well fornicate on their own dime rather than using the 150,000 condoms (15 per athlete) distributed by the United States Olympic Committee.

Sandra Fluke would be appreciative of the USOC condom largesse but are contributors to the USOC aware their dollars are helping pay America’s Olympians to safely do what they would do even without free prophylactics?

The inspiration for the modern Olympics, the ancient Greek religious/athletics festival dating to 776 B.C., was beset with corruption and so, too, is the modern Olympiad. The chief difference is that today we spend billions staging the events whereas the wiser Greeks back then spent little and benefitted from a suspension of city-state wars, conflicts they resumed soon after the games.

Our conflicts continue during the games.

As for contraception, the naked Greek athletes were on their own but, since they were all male, the chance of procreating with their fellow athletes was less than minimal.

Aside from publicity for the host nation, there are few perks derived from hosting the modern Olympics and the potential financial liabilities far outweigh any benefits, a reality which could reach astronomical proportions should Israeli suggestions of terrorist attacks at the 2012 London Summer Olympics come to fruition and Mitt Romney’s negative critique of security preparedness turns out to be accurate.

The admirable goals of the modern Olympiad, of buff, young athletes promoting brotherhood and equanimity, of demonstrating to the world that nations could compete peacefully without destroying one another, were exploded in 1972 when Muslim terrorists murdered 11 Israeli athletes and coaches at the Munich massacre.

Those unprovoked attacks were neither unprecedented nor the last instances of un-brotherly Olympic behavior. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=27198.)

Chick-fil-A Versus the Loonie Left

Chick-fil-A Versus the Loonie Left

What is it about free speech that the Left doesn’t get?

Do they have a problem about our First Amendment rights to freedom of speech because they take issue with those fundamental freedoms or do they only have selective objections to what people say and believe?

They certainly have no problem with fellow Leftists such as those in the Occupy movement spouting anti-Semitic, anti-capitalism, anti-Americanism, anti-civilized society sentiments but when it comes to expressions of Christian conservative beliefs in normality they always seem to get their panties in a wad.

The latest target of Leftist venom is Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy, son of the fast-chicken-food company’s founder, S. Truett Cathy.

The Leftist homosexual lobby is incensed with Cathy due to his “support of the traditional family” and his disagreement with President Barack Hussein Obama’s recent “evolution” on same-sex marriage.

Cathy merely gave his opinion that, ”We are very much supportive of the family–the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that. . . we know that it might not be popular with everyone, but thank the Lord, we live in a country where we can share our values and operate on biblical principles.”

Good grief! In a single sentence, Cathy invoked God, the Lord, and the Bible, all terms anathema to the Left!

Well, Mr. Cathy, you can share your values and operate on all the biblical principles you want but when those Leftist panties get wadded, watch out! The purveyors of negativism lose what remains of their minds!

For example, former Obama Chief of Staff and current Chicago mayor Rahm “Dead Fish” Emanuel presides over a city where murder is a favorite outdoor and indoor sport and unemployment is rampant. Yet he felt compelled to inveigh against Chick-fil-A’s plans to build two more stores in Chicago because of Dan Cathy’s pro-family remarks.

As the Windy City’s first Jewish mayor ranted, “Chick-fil-A’s values are not Chicago values. They’re not respectful of our residents, our neighbors and our family members . . . What the CEO has said as it relates to gay marriage and gay couples is not what I believe, but more importantly, it’s not what the people of Chicago believe. . . who we are as a city.” (http://tinyurl.com/d5te5dz)

Chicago is pretty far gone but to my knowledge Chicagoans haven’t passed a referendum confirming what they believe or whether they prefer political correctness over a delicious spicy chicken sandwich deluxe.

Much like another Jewish mayor, New York City’s Mike Bloomberg, who dictates how many ounces of soda and how much sodium and how mny trans-fats New Yorkers can consume, Emanuel wants to mandate how much Chick-fil-A chicken is consumed, if any.

Apparently, Emanuel thinks murder, unemployment, and black racist Louis Farrakhan are more in line with what Chicagoans want since he has done nothing to stem the 40% surge in homicides or create jobs and has welcomed Farrakhan to his fair city to help keep the peace.

Boston’s Democrat Mayor Thomas Mannino also attacked Cathy in a letter last week (Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=27284.)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

More Emails from My Obama Buddies

More Emails from My Obama Buddies

President Barack Hussein Obama’s critics say he has reduced the country to a virtual economic basket case and that he and his re-election team are in process of reducing the presidency of the United States to the level of a carnival side-show with phony come-ons replete with hawking t-shirts and mugs and games of chance.

Well, they may be doing all that but it’s in a good cause–saving the nation from an evil Republican!

I know this because I’m the very proud recipient of personalized emails from various members of the Obama-Biden campaign committee and even some from Barack and Michelle and the vice president! At first, they arrived once or so a week but lately they’ve been filling up my in-box at an amazing rate, clear evidence that my buddies are working really hard.

A cynic might think the email flurry is only designed to raise $$$ for the cash-starved Obama-Biden campaign but I know better. Mostly, they’re intended to demonstrate a friendly effort to keep in touch with their supporters.

What follows are slightly-edited emails I’ve received in the last week, edited because some were very wordy despite how busy, busy, busy Obama and his team are down in D.C. and across the fruited plain. ,

The latest came from the president just today and the poor guy is sounding desperate. He mustn’t have much time to write because he was pretty brief. He asks for $3, of course, to enter his birthday sweepstakes and says, “My upcoming birthday next week could be the last one I celebrate as President of the United States, but that’s not up to me–it’s up to you.”

Yesterday, Juliana Smoot, Deputy Obama-Biden Campaign Manager, said a lot more.

She wrote, ”I’m no good at singing ‘Happy Birthday.’ I hope you’re better, because the President’s inviting two grassroots donors and their guests to celebrate his birthday with him at his home in Chicago on August 12th. Just pitch in $3 or whatever you can to support this campaign, and you’ll be automatically entered for the chance to be there. . . We’ve got a nice spot picked out for the event at the President’s family home in their beautiful South Side neighborhood.”

I thought that was sweet of Juliana but wondered whether the guy who finagled that family home for the Obamas, Tony Rezko, would be there until I remembered Rezko is in prison.

In any event, as always, . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=27255.)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

In Defense of Joe Paterno

In Defense of Joe Paterno

No one would or should dispute the reputability of former FBI Director Louis Freeh, which is not to say all of Freeh’s conclusions in his investigation of the Penn State pedophile scandal are indisputable.

This defense of Joe Paterno in no way intends to mitigate the physical, emotional, and spiritual suffering sustained by the young boys who were molested, raped, violated at the hands of serial homosexual pedophile Jerry Sandusky but is rather intended to provide some perspective on another Sandusky victim.

It must first be said that Joe Paterno was wrong.

It must also be said that Joe Paterno represented all that was good in collegiate athletics today not only because of his 409 victories while he was coaching the Nittany Lions, his 18 bowl victories, his record 37 bowl appearances, his two national championships, his five undefeated, untied seasons, his induction into the College Football Hall of Fame, or the other awards he received.

His greatest contribution to college athletics was his insistence that his players lead decent lives and actually attend and pass their courses, requisites sorely missing in too many university sport programs.

However, all that went for nought after the Sandusky scandal.

Paterno was wrong in foolishly following established PSU protocol of reporting to his superiors Sandusky’s child abuse but not notifying police. He was wrong in naively trusting that Penn State officials would do the right thing and alert local police of the child rape witnessed by Assistant Coach Mike McQueary. If true, he was very wrong in persuading those PSU officials in 2001 not to notify authorities about Sandusky’s aberrant behavior but Mr. Freeh seemed to draw that damning conclusion based more on supposition than factual evidence.

It was not Joe Pa’s legal responsibility to take further action although it was his moral and ethical duty to insure the officials performed theirs.

That said, his negligence cost Paterno dearly.

At the age of 85, JoePa died of cancer on January 22nd, 2012 just two months after being fired as head coach at the school he deeply loved and which loved him for his character and for 62 years service. People who knew Paterno best believe he died of a broken heart. His family contends Mr. Freeh’s report grossly misrepresented his responsibility in the Sandusky horror.

Fortunately, Paterno didn’t live to see his reputation, his legacy, his life completely trashed by Mr. Freeh’s report nor did he witness the senseless removal of his statue from the front of Beaver Stadium where it had stood for eleven years, a removal completed even before the NCAA announced the draconian punishments to be imposed on Penn State and its football program.

The seven foot high monument erected in 2001 to honor Paterno’s record 324th Division I coaching victory and his “contributions to the university” . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=26920.)

Monday, July 23, 2012

Rancid Muslim Odors Permeate the Case of Major Malik Nidal Hasan

Rancid Muslim Odors Permeate the Case of Major Malik Nidal Hasan

Many things stink in President Barack Hussein Obama’s administration and some of them stink to high heaven.

The major stinkers include the sneaky passage of Obamacare under a Democrat cloak of secrecy and everything associated with that socialistic monstrosity, the blatant black racism in the Department of Justice, the stonewalling on the Fast and Furious debacle, and the president’s abject failure to lead us out of an endless recession in lieu of which he speechifies us into numbness.

Obama’s misbegotten “cash for clunkers” scheme which cost taxpayers $24,000 per clunker qualifies as a relatively minor stinker but the matter of Nidal Malik Hasan has to be up there in the stinks to high heaven category and may yet evolve into the most obscene of all obscene Obamian travesties.

Without mitigating the seriousness of the other political stinkers, an odoriferous smell permeates the case of US Major Nidal Malik Hasan, soldier, psychiatrist, Muslim–and alleged mass murderer who slaughtered more men and women at Fort Hood on November 9th, 2009 than James Holmes did in Aurora, Colorado on July 20th, 2012.

Major Hasan must be referred to as an “alleged mass murderer” under the American military justice system despite dozens of witnesses to his summary execution of 13 innocent victims, 14 if we include a pre-born baby, and wounding of 29 others at Fort Hood, Texas.

Had Hasan been charged, tried, and convicted of such horrific crimes in a kangaroo Islamic court, he would have long since been beheaded, hanged by his privates, then disemboweled with his carcass tossed into pit filled with ravenous, rabid wolves.

However, this is America.

With the aid and comfort of the Obama administration which cowed Hasan’s superior officers into turning deaf ears and blind eyes toward their underling’s terrorist ties for fear of being accused of anti-Islamic bias, Hasan has been milking our justice system for all it’s worth.

At the same time, he and his free, government-appointed lawyers supplemented by volunteer Muslim sympathizers have been delaying justice as well as affording an alleged mass murderer extended time to plead an indefensible case.

The Hasan fix is in and it stinks to high heaven.

Our president laid the foundation for Hasan’s defense with his adamant refusal to admit that America is enmeshed in a decades-old war with Islamic terrorists as shown in his memorial speech following the Fort Hood massacre. He attributed the shootings to wartime stress even though Hasan had never served a day in armed battle.

Besides, since a war against Muslim terrorists doesn’t exist, how could Hasan be a Muslim terrorist?

Subsequently, Obama’s Department of Justice, America’s Department of Justice, provided Hasan with another out when it chose to describe his unprovoked mayhem at Fort Hood not as a clear instance of domestic Islamic terrorism but as an example of “workplace violence,” the equivalent of an overpaid USPS letter carrier going postal because his route was changed and he now had to deliver mail from a satchel instead of a truck.

Echoing Mohammad Atta’s war cry “Alahu Akbar” (Allah is great) as he crashed American Airlines Flight 11 into the World Trade Center’s North Tower on September 11th, 2001, Hasan, whose business card identified him as “a soldier of Allah,” delivered murderous mayhem upon his victims in that “workplace violence.” . . . (Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=27147.)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Obama's United Nations Is Gutting Our United States

Obama's United Nations Is Gutting Our United States

Bar none–Jimmy Carter, Warren Harding and Millard Fillmore not excluded–Barack Hussein Obama is clearly the worst president in the history of the republic.

Repeatedly exposed as an overachieving fraud, a liar, a Chicago-style thug with established ties to terrorists and other reprobates, none of which ties have been investigated by the mainstream media, Mr. Obama incredibly still expects to win re-election in November.

Just as obvious, it’s evident that our 44th commander in chief has one sincere commitment.

He may have no respect for America’s Constitution, no interest in the future of the United States, and is a proven, gaffe-plagued incompetent but Obama does have a deep and abiding love–an affection not for his lovely wife but for the institution that promises to serve as one of his primary vehicles for accomplishing his ultimate goal of destroying America as we know and love it: the United Nations.

And the slew of socialistic, dictatorial Third World members of the U.N.–the majority membership–are busily, shamelessly working to achieve Obama’s aim.

The United Nations, that last, best hope of mankind has evolved into a power-hungry, anti-Western, anti-American blot on humanity and has long been out of touch with American interests.

The UN now wants to “find resources to finance development needs and address growing global [Third World] challenges, such as combating climate change and is “suggesting various ways to tap resources through international mechanisms, such as coordinated taxes on carbon emissions, air traffic, and financial and currency transactions.”

In other words, just like Obama, the UN wants to tax the bejesus out of those evil rich bastards who create jobs and prosperity to artificially lift third-worlders out of the eighteenth century.

Why bother struggling as Americans did to accomplish what we have when you can legally steal what you need via international taxes on the world’s successful, entreprenurial, capitalist pigs?

And those taxes are just the beginning. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=27086.)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Gay "Existential Emptiness"

Lesbian "Existential Emptiness"

Some homosexuals can be publicly amusing, shocking, pathetic, and sometimes all three at the same time. Others are only able to strut their proclivities in private settings and, lately, still others like to loudly proclaim their aberrant lifestyle as if it were normal.

Retiring 72 year old Democrat Congressman Barney Frank who proudly showed off his man boobs on the floor of the House of Representatives and recently “married” his long-term 42 year old “partner,” Jim Ready, consistently won the trifecta prize of being concurrently amusing, shocking, and pathetic.

Capturing the shock award, Maurice Sendak, acclaimed author of the childrens’ favorite Where the Wild Things Are, may have thought he was making peace with his Maker, if he believed in a Maker, when he confessed in one of his last interviews that he fantasized about murdering George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, their wives, and everyone around them.

Male homosexuals clearly have the corner on gay amusement and revulsion but lesbians are almost always the pathos winners.

Country singer Chely Wright could be an exception to that general rule since she firmly believes Jesus Christ condones her “Christian lesbianism” because He hasn’t struck her dead. Then, again, Christ didn’t strike Adolph Hitler dead and hasn’t struck Perez or Paris Hilton dead, either.

The perfect exemplar of gay pathos is MSNBC’s chief resident lesbian, Rachel Maddow.

By her own admission, MSNBC’s extreme leftist, atheistic, lesbian Maddow isn’t a happy camper, not an unusual state of mind for extreme leftist, atheistic lesbians. As Maddow confessed to Rolling Stone last month, she has long suffered from a “cyclical depression,” from an “existential emptiness” that often causes her to lose focus resulting in repetitive failure.

As she put it, “I see my job as making a TV show. I fail at it–constantly.”

Anyone who has witnessed . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=26719.)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Obama and His Fellow Hypocrites, Masterful Poseurs

Obama and His Fellow Hypocrites, Masterful Poseurs

The following recent news stories have been covered on CNS.com but may or may not have been reported by President Barack Hussein Obama’s mainstream media. Probably not since, after all, they are Obama’s MSM.

1. Bill Clinton’s former pollster Stanley Greenberg commented on the possibility of Gov. Mitt Romney picking Condoleeza Rice for his vice presidential running mate.

Greenberg fulfilled his role as an Obamian poseur by comparing the prospect of a Republican choosing a pro-choice VP candidate to the Democrats choosing a segregationist.

Greenberg’s obvious racial/racist reference to Ms. Rice’s African-American heritage betrayed either his gross historical ignorance or his intentional effort to adhere to the Obama’s campaign’s strategy of distorting realities.

The Republican Party was the party of blacks in America from the time Republican Abe Lincoln freed the slaves up until FDR convinced them his raw deal was in their best interests and it was the GOP that stood up against segregationist Democrats such as KKK Grand Kliegel Robert Byrd and Al Gore’s daddy to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

LBJ’s Great Society, which virtually obliterated millions of black family units and rendered more millions of blacks as economic slaves dependent on the government for survival, may have solidified the African-American bloc for Democrats. However, for Greenberg to suggest the Democrat Party is not the Segregation Party is as ludicrous as suggesting Democrats give a damn about the welfare of African-Americans.

2. Clueless and devious White House Press Secretary Jay Carney made the outlandish observation last week that his boss’s 2009 $831 billion economic stimulus package is “widely recognized to have broken the back of the recession.” . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=26959.)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Politics and Profits in the Trayvon Martin Farce

Politics and Profits in the Trayvon Martin Farce

NBC’s Miami affiliate reported last week that “The FBI found no racial bias behind George Zimmerman’s shooting of Miami Gardens teen Trayvon Martin, according to dozens of documents related to the case released Thursday.”

That conclusion and those documents should put an end to an already discredited, central theory in the prosecution of George Zimmerman for the shooting of Trayvon Martin, namely that the 28 year old, mixed-race Zimmerman was motivated to murder Martin on February 26th, 2012 out of racial hatred.

It must have been difficult for Sanford PD lead investigator Chris Serino to make that blockbuster announcement since he had precipitously implied four months ago that Zimmerman was a liar in claiming self-defense in the shooting and had wanted the neighborhood watchman thrown in jail posthaste.

Now, based on his investigation and statements of character witnesses, Serino thinks Zimmerman wasn’t a racist at all but rather an “overzealous” watchman with a “little hero complex.” Again, since we don’t customarily hang people because they are overzealous little heroes, the persistent, highly-political allegations that what happened in February was a hate crime should be put to rest.

Not on your life! There’s too much else at stake, like a national election, placating blacks, and making money!

President Barack Hussein Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder’s Department of Justice, literally or figuratively intent on hanging Zimmerman as a sop to the black community and racial agitators, will continue its investigation as if Martin’s killing was a hate crime. (http://tinyurl.com/8a8bl34)

When you’re waging a racial vendetta stoked by the mainstream media, why let the truth get in your way!

From the outset and regardless of the facts, George Zimmerman was portrayed by the mainstreamers as a bloodthirsty murderer and when evidence contradictory to that portrayal surfaced it was either ignored or, as in the case of recorded 911 calls, doctored to make him appear a mad racist intent on stalking and killing Trayvon Martin because he was black.

To supplement its Zimmerman distortions, the MSM invariably depicted Martin as an innocent, unarmed, defenseless African-American youth, a fine young man merely strolling at night through the middle class streets of Twin Lakes with a bag of Skittles when he was savagely set upon and brutally attacked.

If you’re gullible . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=26917.)

When Is a Baby Not a Baby? Never!

When Is a Baby Not a Baby?  Never!

Some newborns emerge from their mother’s womb all scrunched-up, some scratched by forceps or by their own, delicate fingernails, all covered in amniotic goo, most with a cry, a rare few looking as if they were ready, willing, and able to take on the world.

However they make their grand entrance, their moment of birth, all babies have one important feature in common: They have been babies for about 280 days, from the moment of conception, a fact abortionists choose to ignore in the interests of maintaining the illusion that they aren’t baby murderers.

Among many other pro-abort liberals, DNC chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) has said that contending human life begins at conception is “extreme and radical,” an opinion now vividly shown to be extreme and radical, assuming human appearances are not de-facto proof of humanity.

The truth that libs are terminating a human life has been confirmed once again in a BBC first, amazing time-lapse evidence of the development of the human face.

See first ever still pictures and a 43 second video, as well as the first ever MRI footage of twins’ activity in the womb and another of an actual birth at http://tinyurl.com/7658l87.

Notably but not at all surprisingly, the BBC narrator refers only to the face of an “embryo,” not to the visage of a human baby. Too much reality would probably upset the BBC audience if they came to understand abortion doesn’t simply involve the removal of a blob of tissue.

Some blob!

Something else neither the BBC nor the American mainstream media never feature are reports that abortionists, as liberal as they are, often engage in markedly illiberal violent assaults on pro-lifers as sick complements to their violent assaults on the pre-born.

For example, soon after Newsweek and The Daily Beast profiled Personhood USA leaders Keith and Jennifer Mason and a Beast commenter posted . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=26887.)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Obama's "Problem" with Romney's Mormon Religion

Obama's "Problem" with Romney's Mormon Religion

The desperate Obama Slime Machine has been getting nowhere with its character assassinations of Mitt Romney, except maybe in the mainstream media.

Attacking Romney’s success at Bain Capital, shamelessly abusing Ann Romney, libelously alleging Romney is a felon, rudely calling him a liar, and falsely accusing him of everything just shy of committing crimes against humanity and nature, all in a vain attempt to deflect public attention from the real issues in this campaign, have failed miserably.

At all costs, the president and his blindly-dedicated slimers don’t want the electorate focusing on the moribund economy, the Fast and Furious debacle, and all the other Barack Hussein Obama’s failures, screw-ups, and gaffes.

Therefore, true to form, more and more of Obama’s faithful acolytes are resorting to suggesting the presumptive Republican candidate’s Mormon faith is a sinister religion and that Romney is unfit for the presidency because of his religious “problem.”

In May, Obama senior advisor David Axelrod dutifully indicated that Romney’s Mormonism would be “off-limits” in the campaign, a lie quickly buttressed by Dem spokesman Ben Labolt who said, “Attacking a candidate’s religion is out of bounds, and our campaign will not engage in it.”

“Off limits” and “out of bounds” apparently were secret code words sent to Obama lackeys instructing them to hammer both Romney and his Christianity.

Democrats, of course, are deeply committed to defending religion as we know from the fact that they have often praised Obama’s 20 year membership in Rev. Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright’s church.

Axelrod’s and Labolt’s sly calls to religious bigotry weren’t necessary anyway. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=26859.)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Where Is the Heterosexual Outrage Over Benjamin Balter's Suicide?

Where Is the Heterosexual Outrage Over Benjamin Balter's Suicide?

When 18 year old, aspiring violinist Tyler Clementi committed suicide by jumping off the George Washington Bridge into the Hudson River on September 10th, 2010 after discovering his roommate had videotaped and publicized his homosexual liaisons, Clementi’s death inspired widespread sincere tributes and outraged condemnation.

The outrage came from those who had known and from those who hadn’t known the Rutgers University freshman as well as from non-Rutgers students nationwide, from an empathetic mass media and, mainly, from the homosexual community.

The condemnation–of Clementi’s alleged murderers Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei–emanated from the same sources whose fury intensified when a New Jersey judge gave Ravi a slap-on-the wrist jail sentence of 30 days and Wei copped a plea.

Regardless of the merits of the Ravi-Wei case, the question has now arisen as to why college students, the mass media, and gays aren’t outraged by the 2009 suicide of Benjamin Balter who was driven to that ultimate resolution of his personal angst because of homosexual molestation at the elite, private Horace Mann School in Riverdale, the Bronx.

Horace Mann’s school anthem, “Great is the truth and it prevails; mighty the youth the morrow hails. Lives come and go; stars cease to glow; but great is the truth and it prevails”, is as much a joke as the idea the school is “prestigious.” Truth is a foreign concept at Mann especially when it’s ugly truth.

Last Wednesday, Ben Balter’s mother, Kathy Howard, currently a teacher at Horace Mann and now in fear of losing her position, finally went public with a letter written by her son 19 years ago.

In his 1993 letter, then 16 year old Ben wrote, “I am writing concerning the faculty member Johannes Somary, chairman of the arts department. Recently, Mr. Somary has made grossly inappropriate sexual advances towards me,” once on a school trip and also during music lessons. Ben added that Somary had “kissed him, French kissed him, put his tongue in his mouth and that he put his hands down his pants.”

After receiving her son’s claim of clearly homosexual child sexual abuse, Howard confronted Somary, indignantly demanding, “How dare you put your tongue in my son’s mouth!” to which the gay pedophile blithely responded, ”That’s how we Swiss kiss.”

Subsequently, Howard met with Horace Mann trustees who bullied her and told her “to forget it, that I would not have a case because it would always be Ben’s word against Somary’s word and I would’ve had to have had the abuse on tape.” (

Had Ben Balter’s experiences at Mann been exceptional or unusual we could dismiss his allegations . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=26784.)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Kofi Annan and the United Nations: Two Abject Failures

Kofi Annan and the United Nations: Two Abject Failures

Question: What’s the chief difference between a losing Major League Baseball manager and the United Nations’ Special Envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan?

Answer: The MLB manager wears a uniform and Annan doesn’t. Otherwise, they’re all but indistinguishable.

No matter how often the manager is canned because his team or teams lose or fail to make the playoffs, some other team in the good, old boy MLB network invariably hires him, fires him when he fails again, and another team then signs him.

In Annan’s case, he fails, screws up, and covers up over and over but never gets cashiered or goes jobless no matter how many people die or starve due to his failures.

It’s good to have powerful friends in high places, buddies such as the left wingers on the Nobel Peace Prize Committee who turn a blind eye to brazen ineptitude when they like your ethnic background and when your political views mesh with theirs.

The 74 year old Kofi Atta Annan, a native Ghanaian and career U.N. diplomat, was awarded that prestigious prize in 2001 jointly with the United Nations “for their work for a better organized and more peaceful world.”

That honor was almost as incongruous as conferring the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize on Barack Hussein Obama for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.” Obama had been president for less than a year and, like Annan, had accomplished absolutely nothing for world peace and has been engaged in numerous, non-peaceful wars ever since.

But, he fit the Nobel preferred profile. As I said, as long as the Nobel Committee likes your ethnicity and is in sync with your politics, you qualify. Despite many reasons to admit its mistakes and revoke its prizes to Obama, the U.N., or Annan, that revocation will never happen.

Annan’s coveted award should be declared a grievous error for a multitude of reasons:

. Prior to making it big time, Annan served as director of U.N. Peacekeeping Operations during the 1994 Rwanda genocide. According to various reports, Director Annan stood by passively while up to a million Tutsis were slaughtered by bloodthirsty Hutus.

He was rewarded by the U.N. for being a genocide enabler with his election as Secretary General by the General Assembly in 1996 and that absurdity was accented by his re-election in 2001. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=26592.)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Jane Pitt, Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, and Gays

Jane Pitt, Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, and Gays

Strangely, WND.com seemed shocked at the expected, disgusting reactions of homosexuals to actor Brad Pitt’s mother’s recent letter to the editor of her local newspaper criticizing Democrat President Barack Hussein Obama and endorsing the candidacy of Republican Mitt Romney for the presidency.

Those reactions have served gays’ purposes of intimidating an elderly woman into fearful silence for daring to exercise her constitutional right to free speech at the same time they reflect the depth of the depravity of the homosexual community. They should, but probably won’t, wake up normal Americans as to how far gays will go to accomplish their ultimate goal of destroying what’s left of our moral values.

They included: the New York Daily News contending, “Brad Pitt’s mom unleashes anti-gay, anti-Obama fury,” a “She Knows Entertainment” report that Mrs. Pitt “hates Obama, ‘gay’ people,” and vile Twitter comments such as, “Brad Pitt’s mom, die” (by Sandy Kownacka), “Brad Pitt’s mom wrote an anti-gay pro-Romney editorial. Kill the b—” (by I Bleed Gaga), “F— you, brad pitt’s mom, the gay community made your kid a star, you whacko,” “Brad Pitt’s mom is a dumb c—,” and many suggesting Mrs. Pitt ”commit vulgar sexual acts with the commenter.” 

Read Mrs. Jane Pitt’s “furious, hateful, bitchy” letter in its entirety:

“I have given much thought to Richard Stoecker’s letter (“Vote for Mormon against beliefs,” June 15). I am also a Christian and differ with the Mormon religion.

But I think any Christian should spend much time in prayer before refusing to vote for . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=26696.)

Scientology Exposed--Again!

Scientology Exposed--Again!

When W magazine interviewed Katie Holmes back in 2005 though the 26 year old didn’t jump on a couch, she was close to giddy over both her famous new beau, Tom Cruise, and her controversial new “religion,” Scientology.

US magazine has referred to that interview as “infamous [and] creepy” and posted before-and-after photos of the actress which it described as “Katie’s shocking transformation during her marriage to Tom.”

Personally, I don’t regard the pictures as “shocking” at all, other than reflecting seven years of gentle maturation.

However, what was creepily shocking was the fact Ms. Holmes was accompanied to the 2005 W sit-down by a “Scientologist chaperone” with long-standing ties to Scientology, Jessica Rodriquez. Ms. Rodirquez was not only present throughout the interview but at times audibly told the star what to say, such as prompting her to effuse about Cruise,”You adore him.”

Holmes was also allowed to say, “You know, it’s really exciting. I just started auditing [Scientology] . . . and I’m taking some courses, and I really like it. I feel it’s really helping. What I like about it is that, you know, I was raised Catholic, and you can be a Catholic and a Scientologist, Jewish and a Scientologist.”

And maybe a Buddhist, Zoroastrian, and Muslim as well?

That odd interview and Holmes’ confusion as to what religion actually involves are testimony to the success of the “auditing process,” the lofty, esoteric goal of which, according to Scientology’s website, is ”to restore beingness and ability. . . accomplished by: (1) helping individuals rid themselves of any spiritual disabilities; (2) increasing spiritual abilities.”

Auditing also serves to elicit every possible dirty and clean little secret from the audited victim, secrets, it has been alleged, that have often been used to attack apostates.

All in all, there is sufficient evidence that Scientology is much more a twisted, sinister cult than a bonafide religion. It evokes comparisons to the Stepford Wives, visions of Jim Jones’ Kool-Aid, and the terror of Orwell’s Big Brother rather than to religion.

Another woman, Kerry Hiatt, far less famous than Katie Holmes yet clearly more intelligent, recently substantiated that conclusion. . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=26633.)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Hot Enough for Ya?

Hot Enough for Ya?

Everyone talks about the hellish hot weather but only liberals know what ‘s causing it: climate change, aka global warming, of course!

The 3,215 record daily high temps set in the month of June and 4,500 new heat records during the last 30 days must incontrovertibly prove Planet Earth is roasting almost to the boiling point.

And, maybe not.

The fact is, those record highs were all set in the U.S. while the rest of the northern hemisphere is just experiencing summertime. It would seem Mother Nature has it in for America since she is wreaking heat havoc only on us.

In almost unprecedented numbers, Mom Nature has caused wildfires, droughts, tornados, and floods, everything but hordes of locusts in the United States–and she has yet to unleash the brunt of her hurricane season!

As Jonathan Overpeck gloated, “This is what global warming looks like at the regional or personal level.”

That professor of geosciences and atmospheric sciences at the University of Arizona breathlessly elaborated, ”The extra heat increases the odds of worse heat waves, droughts, storms and wildfire. This is certainly what I and many other climate scientists have been warning about” and the head honcho of climate analysis at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado, Kevin Trenberth, dutifully chimed in by claiming he had predicted the same disasters. (http://tinyurl.com/7by6z7c)

So there, you climate-change-naysaying nitwits!

The chief problem with Overpeck’s, Trenberth’s and all the other “expert” observations that Earthlings are doomed to being toasted, fried, and fricaseed is that they are as wrong in their doomsaying assessments as their fellow phonies who believed a mere few decades ago that we would soon be encased in blocks of ice when global cooling and a new Ice Age enveloped the planet.

Science magazine, Science Digest and a host of other seemingly-reputable publications and scientists were then warning of ”extensive Northern Hemisphere glaciation,” shorter growing seasons, cooling oceans and similar catastrophic events.

It never happened, anymore than polar bears starving and stop making baby polar bears, anymore than melting glaciers will end the Alaskan tourist trade, anymore than rising seas will flood our front yards, etc. will come to pass in the near future.

Those apocalyptic visions could be realized down the road as the Earth and our sun do what they’ve been doing for eons but they won’t be the fault of mankind’s activities–unless we assume cave people built filthy, carbon dioxide-spewing, coal-fired power plants we don’t know about and accept the hypothesis that dinosaur farts polluted the atmosphere.

Times, and weather, have changed radically as they always do and ultra-resilient climatologists have shown they can switch sides faster than Chief Justice John Roberts.

Fast forward to the eighties and beyond. Now, due to historically-normal, cyclical climate changes, the fear-mongerers have amazingly converted their baseless freezing scam into a preposterous warming hoax.

Gone are the days when Hollywood cashed in on the orchestrated freezing panic and politicians were elected based on pledges to save their constituents from wearing overcoats in August.

Those days have been supplanted by Tinseltown producing ridiculous movies such as “The Day After Tomorrow” which senselessly theorized that global warming will result in global freezing and Democrat pols warning that North American women had better vote for Obama or be prepared to wear bikinis in January. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=26520.)

Friday, July 6, 2012

Latest Email from the Obama-Biden Campaign

Latest Email from the Obama-Biden Campaign

In view of the facts Barack Hussein Obama hypocritically reneged on his pledge to accept public funding of his 2008 campaign after private donations came pouring in by the hundreds of millions and has now lied about being outspent in both that campaign as well as his successful 2004 run to represent Illinois in the United States Senate and, in general, tends to dissemble quite a bit, the following should be taken with a few grains of salt.

There’s no doubt much of the love, adulation, and money has dried up for Obama this time around as his idolators have come to realize his hopey-changey pitch of four years ago was huge on unwanted change but devoid of any real hope and that Mitt Romney has been raking in the cash lately. Still, the following verbatim email from my good buddy, Jim Messina, Campaign Manager for the president’s re-election, could very well be another crock but I thought I would share it anyway.

FROM Jim Messina, BarackObama.com info@barackobama.com 2:44 PM (2 hours ago)

"Romney and the Republicans announced yesterday that they brought in more than $100 million in June.

For context, that’s about what we raised in April and May combined.

We’re still tallying our own numbers, but this means their gap is getting wider, and if it continues at this pace, it could cost us the election.

If everyone who’s been waiting to give pitches in $3 or more today, we can start reversing this trend in just a few hours.

One hundred million is alarming enough, . . ."

(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=26528.)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Independence Day Reflections

Independence Day Reflections

America’s Founding Fathers were well aware that simply declaring our independence from the most powerful empire on the planet in 1776 was relatively easy.

They also knew that accomplishing that resolve could result in the loss of their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor and that it definitely would involve shedding a great deal of American blood, sweat, and tears, which the Revolutionary War proved all too correct.

How far we’ve fallen from that initial dedication to freedom at all costs, that commitment to independence from an oppressive government, that refusal to allow alien oppression to subvert our most fundamental, unalienable, human rights!

Today, the United States of America is confronted by threats of Islamic terrorist assaults on our soil during an ongoing war our commander in chief refuses to admit even exists. With the blessings of God, not Allah, we can and will defeat our enemy and then feel free to cringe and smirk at a religion that beheads anyone who doesn’t worship Allah and which believes women should be forbidden to be near bananas, cucumbers, carrots, and zucchinis to avoid sexual arousal.

We are also beset by nominal Americans who pose far worse threats to our survival than berserk Muslims insanely obsessed with vengeance for the Crusades, terminally distressed over Islam’s inability to evolve and so sexually and developmentally-arrested that it fears fruits and vegetables.

Nominal Americans represent the antithesis of the Founders.

Instead of uniting the nation, they are dedicated to divisiveness. Instead of praising our country, they demean it. Instead of defending and working to perfect America, they attack and ridicule it at every turn. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=26457.)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Politics, Religion, and Pseudo-Religious Politics

Politics, Religion, and Pseudo-Religious Politics

Along with politics, we speak and write about religion at our peril even though American politics and America’s religions are often inextricably intertwined, and they happen to be two of the most interesting subjects to argue about.

Constitutionally a secular nation, the United States nevertheless was founded on indisputable Judeo-Christian principles, principles rapidly eroding under the current administration.

Religion has been in the news a great deal during this general election year and not only in relation to Mitt Romney’s Mormon faith which has spawned vile, illiberal passions and attacks not seen since Roman Catholic Jack Kennedy ran for the presidency more than half a century ago.

For what they’re worth, celebrity religious conflicts have also been in the news recently.

Acting as if movie star divorces were unusual events, celeb-crazed media types have been all exercised over Katie Holmes startling announcement that she is dumping her hubby of 5 1/2 years, Tom Cruise, and taking their six year old daughter Suri with her.

Of course, there’s more to that story than just another Hollywood split.

Some mean-spirited people have hinted that Katie is divorcing Tommy because, as long rumored, the actor is a closet homosexual, a sexual aberration the actress should have noticed long before now–and before Suri.

Many others are pointing to Cruise’s membership in the quasi-religious, ultra-mysterious Church of Scientology and his Scientologist indoctination of Suri as the cause.

Like the late comedian Jimmy Durante used to say, ”Everyone wants to get into the act!” especially when the act involves religion.

Even eighty-five year old media mogul Rupert Murdoch weighed in on the breakup–on Twitter no less!

The multi-billionaire tweeted, “Watch Katie Holmes and Scientology story develop. Something creepy, maybe even evil, about these people” and Britain’s The Telegraph reported that Ms. Holmes is fearful of Scientologist spies stalking her since her announcement that she is divorcing her couch-jumping hubby. (http://tinyurl.com/72o73sn)

It all makes for great publicity, Hollywood’s life blood.

Publicity is also the life blood of politicians, some of whom resort to extremes when they’re running scared.

Desperate for campaign money to defeat Governor Romney, President Barack Obama has been running very scared and has set records for fund raisers and for shameless pleas for donor cash.

Apparently, that abject begging–plus acting like a carnival shill by selling overpriced mugs and tee shirts and $3. chances to dine with the First Couple at “his” White House–aren’t coming close to filling Obama’s campaign coffers so he has once again dispatched his lovely bride on the funding trail.

No slouch when it comes to begging or spouting off, the FLOTUS is evidently as desperate as the POTUS as she envisions life without extravagant vacations and being treated like an empress.

(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=26204.)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy Birthday, America!

Happy Birthday, America!

There have been few times in America’s history more profoundly momentous and more potentially hazardous than the election of 2012 when we choose the man who will lead our great country into 2017.

Actually, that choice is relatively simple.

Do we as a nation decide on November 6th to re-elect Barack Hussein Obama and suffer through four more years of a left wing extremist who has proven himself to be a dangerously incompetent head of state devoid of leadership abilities and love for the United States and our values, a president who has undermined America’s national security and national pride and confidence?

Or do we put aside petty misgivings and differences and elect Governor Mitt Romney, a man who has proven he can lead, who has shown he is much better qualified to guide us out of Obama’s economic cesspool and international quagmires and, perhaps most importantly, believes in his country and our future.

For now, though, we should put politics aside and celebrate America’s birthday! . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=26278.)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Monumental Frauds Part Two: Facebook

Monumental Frauds Part Two: Facebook

(Second of five articles on monumental frauds. The first dealt with what is probably the most fraudulent piece of legislation in American history, the Affordable Care Act, better known as the Obamacare abomination. [http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=26099] Parts Two though Five deal with lesser but no less fraudulent enterprises, Facebook, Google, the Washington Post, and the United Nations.)

FACEBOOK. I’m not the first to refer to Facebook.com as a fraud.

The authoritative Tech News World said it and substantiated the charge in May, based on the company’s deceptive revenue, profit, advertising, and user reports. Rob Enderle concluded his “Facebook Is a Fraud” piece by writing, “I think (Mark) Zuckerberg’s going to learn the Bernie Madoff lesson–that taking advantage of trust has a very high cost at the CEO level.”

However, that betrayal of trust goes far beyond manipulating numbers.

Originally planned by Zuckerberg and three fellow Harvard students as a website designed to identify college hotties for horny, Ivy League lechers, Facebook has been in business for some eight years. During that brief time it has been beset by various lawsuits, minor and major scandals, yet now claims almost a billion members worldwide.

Thanks to its recent Initial Public Offering, Facebook has made Zuckerberg a multi-billionaire and dozens of his faithful employees multi-millionaires, which is a good thing, a classic American success story.

A success story with noticeable warts.

In May 2012, 28 year old Zuckerberg finally decided to take his (allegedly) stolen enterprise public with an IPO offering price of $38. and valued Facebook at an historically high $104 billion. (Eberly suggests its actual value is closer to .0001 of that figure.)

Greedily dreaming of getting in on the ground floor of an anticipated twenty-first century version of Microsoft and Apple, tens of thousands of investors and speculators bit on the over-priced, over-valued Facebook at $42.

Most were bitten on their financial asses by the realities of how things really work in the cut-throat financial world.

Except for favored banks and Wall Street insiders which were able to buy in at the IPO asking price, average investors and speculators lost money big and small time depending on their level of trust when FB stock went nowhere and, two months after its initial offering, was selling on NASDAQ for $31.10 a share.

So much for hype and overvaluation, so much for trust.

Katherine Losse served five, early years at Facebook and told all in her book, “The Boy Kings: A Journey into the Heart of the Social Network.“
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=26135.)

Obamacare, an Absolutely Monumental Fraud

Obamacare, an Absolutely Monumental Fraud

Fraudulent governmental initiatives and fraudulent private organizations all have one thing in common: They want the public to believe they are something they are not.

Case in point: Obamacare.

(The monumental frauds Facebook.com, Google.com, the Washington Post, and the United Nations, all of which are great fans of our president and all of which adhere to the misguided liberal principles of deception and distortion, will follow.)

Above all else, President Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrat Party hoped Americans would fall for the lies and hype and believe the Affordable Care Act was eminently affordable and that people who already had medical insurance and who were averse to socialistic medicine would be “permitted” by their government to keep their coverage and their doctors.

As when Obama “absolutely” pledged that Obamacare would not impose any new taxes, both claims have proven to be frauds.

By the time Obamacare is fully implemented in 2018, it not only will be unaffordable to many people but 20 new or greatly-increased taxes will have been levied on Americans and millions of the currently-insured would be able, “permitted,” to retain their doctors only if government bureaucrats approve of their physicians and their course of treatment.

Of course, none of that applies to those bureaucrats, or congressmen, or other federal employees since the ACA exempts them–and millions of workers in protected unions and industries–from Obamacare’s onerous and largely unknown provisions.

When the United States Supreme Court unexpectedly ruled last week that Obama’s legacy issue was constitutional and is now indisputably the law of the land, SCOTUS neglected to incorporate very relevant Obamacare details in its controversial decision.

Never mind that passage of Obamacare had so consumed the president and the Democrat Party for almost two years while they controlled the presidency and both houses of Congress that they were forced to pass the ACA by bribing and intimidating opponents.

Never mind that Obama and his Democrat Party ignored far more critical problems . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=26099.)

Friday, June 29, 2012

Considering Islam, Obamacare Ruling Is the Least of Our Problems

Considering Islam, Obamacare Ruling Is the Least of Our Problems

Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts’ defection to the dark side on the issue of Obamacare was startling and incredibly disappointing.

Nevertheless, there are noteworthy positives associated with his decision to join the ranks of extreme Leftists on SCOTUS, one of whom should have recused herself had she possessed a shred of integrity, and opt to support a law that was foisted on the American people by the Democrat Party.

For one, Roberts’ vote demonstrated that an ardent conservative can sometimes stray from the consevative path, unlike liberals on the Court and elsewhere who would rather swallow their shoes than voice disagreements with leftist ideology.

For another, declaring Obamacare constitutional offered Mitt Romney the opportunity to gain millions of votes from the majority of Americans who believe the concept of British-style socialized medicine stinks.

For yet another, mandating Obamacare once again outed President Barack Hussein Obama as a liar since the 5-4 split decesion essentially imposes a huge tax increase, a tax the president has repeatedly and emphatically vowed would never happen.

In any event, when Obama is thrown out of office in November and Republicans sweep House and Senate races, Obamacare will be methodically dismantled. Only the good features of the Unaffordable Care Act, such as elimination of lifetime dollar limits on policies and elimination of co-pays for preventive care, will be retained.

More importantly, the entire brouhaha over Obamacare and unduly stressing over a SCOTUS ruling may be moot and a foolish disregard for geopolitical realities–the dire threat to the nation posed by Islam and Muslim extremists intent not on merely destroying America’s health care system but on destroying America itself.

Among the president’s many other flaws is his ignorant obliviousness of the fundamental evil that is Islam. And that evil is not confined to Muslim countries. It is speading rapidly to the West, to America’s shores, and even to our military.

Read the story of British journalist Natasha Smith who, last year, was ecstatic over the glorious, popular upheaval of the Arab Spring. This spring Ms. Smith came face to face with the true nature of Islam in Cairo’s Tahir Square.

She described her not unprecedented experience (remember CBS New’s Lara Logan?) after the Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohammed Corsi’s visit to Obama’s White House and his victory in Egypt’s presidential election.

Smith graphically wrote on her blog: “Men began to rip off my clothes. I was stripped naked. Their insatiable appetite to hurt me heightened. These men, hundreds of them, had turned from humans to animals.

“Hundreds of men pulled my limbs apart and threw me around. They were scratching and clenching my breasts and forcing their fingers inside me in every possible way. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=26055.)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Updates: Romney, Racism, and Gays

Updates: Romney, Racism, and Gays

News happens fast and furiously in our high-speed internet age. A few updates on recent stories posted in this space which, by curious happenstance, get little to no coverage from President Barack Hussein Obama’s mainstream media.

MITT ROMNEY. In “Politics, Presidents, and Polygamy,” I cited the marked spike in liberal antipathy toward the presumptive Republican candidate for the presidency, dislike solely predicated on religious bias because Mitt Romney is a Mormon.

That spike is rapidly becoming rabid as seen in the following unedited tweets collected by WeaselZipperscom. (Language caution!)

James Dudley @MrJamesDudley: “#RomneyInTwoWords Fucking Mormon…..do you need any more words than that?”

WarLord @WarLord: “#RomneyInTwoWords Mormon Cultist”

Chocolate Thunder@ChocolateThund9 #RomneyinTwoWords: “Mormon faggot”:

Matthew Deski @minimack722: “#RomneyInTwoWords: Theological Bigot. “Mormon’s Believe that Black skin is a Curse from God. // Let’s keep that quiet right Mitt & Media?” (http://tinyurl.com/87ef2oo)

Nothing better defines Obama’s liberals than their bigotry and profanity.

RACISM. As frequently noted here, one of the best-kept secrets of the non-transparent Obama administration is the explosion of black crime and anti-white racism in the United States over the past few years which, just coincidentally, followed a semi-black taking the presidential oath of office.

That explosion also followed a New Black Panther Party member wielding a billy club and declaring outside a Philadelphia polling place on Election Day 2008, “This is what you get with a black man in charge.”

To a cynic, the increase in racial violence and the NBPP warning are suggestive of an implied carte blanche permission to wreak havoc, a permission since reinforced by Obama’s Justice Department.

Too busy trying to hang George Zimmerman for shooting Trayvon Martin in self-defense, and to defend himself from contempt of Congress charges, and persecuting the state of Arizona, Attorney General Eric Holder purposefully and admittedly ignores black racist crimes committed against whites.

This is by no means an attempt to detail the full extent of such crime but rather to acquaint those oblivious of its existence that a one-sided, bloody race war is in progress throughout the nation.

Two recent examples:

CrimeTrackers.com reports that in Louisiana, three black youths invaded the home of an elderly Mansfield woman and bound, robbed, and gang-raped her before fleeing.  (Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=25971.)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Latino Vote and La Raza

The Latino Vote and La Raza

Following President Barack Hussein Obama’s cynical, election year, unconstitutional exercise of executive fiat to grant virtual amnesty to illegal aliens, his popularity with Latinos soared.

Now that the Supreme Court of the United States has thrown out large portions of Arizona’s SB1070, many Latinos are ready to declare Obama emperor for life.

No doubt heartened by the Homeland Security Agency’s unheralded decision to suspend agreements with police in Arizona to enforce national immigration laws and direct federal authorities not to respond to police reports of illegal immigrants, the hispanic community may now push for the president’s canonization.

However, Latinos shouldn’t count their quesadillas before they’re baked or cast their ballots for Señor Obama before they understand that this constitutional scholar presidente’ has a penchant for ignoring the Constitution and for not enforcing laws he doesn’t like, inclinations likely to be overturned by SCOTUS. Latinos should also be aware that the Supreme Court upheld Arizona’s police right to ask “Papers, please” of anyone reasonably believed to be squatting is in our country.

Obama’s immigration policies pretend to secure our border but in actuality represent a license for Mexican reprobates to rape, murder, and pillage in Arizona and other border states.

With Allah’s blessing, in November Obama will be re-assigned to his old job of rabble-rousing on Chicago’s mean streets and government harassment of Arizona will cease.

The best bet for Latinos intent on rendering our southern border completely farcical and dividing America is not to count on Obama or the Supremes but instead to cast their lot with La Raza and hope that organization succeeds in re-instituting the siesta tradition so they don’t have to witness the drug cartels murdering everyone in sight.

Outside America’s West and Southwest, La Raza, (“the race” in Spanish), and its goals aren’t very well known. “La Raza” doesn’t refer to a marathon or a sprint but to the subversive National Council of La Raza, (the NCLR), the Movemiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan, MEChA.

Dedicated to re-establishing the mythical Mexican kingdom of Aztlan in lands allegedly stolen from Mexico by the United States, La Raza is easily the most powerful, most influential, and most dangerously insurrectionist-minded movement in the country. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=25975.)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Obama-buddy, Can You Spare a Dime?

Obama-buddy, Can You Spare a Dime?

During the Great Depression, “Brother [Buddy] Can You Spare a Dime” could have been the theme song for that miserable era in American history. It could also serve as the theme of Obama’s endless Great Recession, which is not to suggest I worry about the future.

You see, I’m a member of the president’s in-crowd and I’m convinced they’ll take care of me no matter what, if you know what I mean.

My buddy, Barack Hussein Obama, and my other buds on the Obama-Biden re-election team such as campaign manager Jim Messina and deputy campaign manager Jennifer O’Malley Dillon email me regularly, usually asking for donations, although not in dimes. Sometimes they email just to fill me in on how things are going.

I think that’s very nice of them. I know they consider themselves my buddies since their emails are so darn friendly and they always address me by my first name, which I think is an extra-special touch that enables me to refer to Barack by the first name he used when he was a pothead, Barry.

The president himself contacted me on May 31st all but begging me to help him out. As Barry wrote,

“Gene — Think about this: Today, our opponent is facing the same fundraising deadline we are. But the people I’m counting on at this crucial moment could not be more different. He’s relying on high-powered special-interest groups and a TV personality who’s spent the last week questioning where I was born. Our campaign is built by millions of ordinary Americans chipping in what they can, when they can. Will you help out before midnight? Make a donation of $3 or more right now.”

As requested, I thought about his plaintive request–for almost a millisecond.

I thought much longer about why Barry presumptuously referred to Mitt Romney as “our opponent,” I wondered where Barry was really born, and why he considers multi-billionaire George Soros, wealthy labor union goons, and virtually all of Hollywood’s elite as “ordinary Americans.”

Now, I fully understand that my boy Barry is in desperate straits, what with so many 2008 financial backers backing out and with young people and his African-American constituencies less than enthused over almost four years of hopey-changey which have resulted in more despair than hope and changes that most never wanted.

His campaign is so strapped for cash . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=25909.)

Politics, Presidents, and Polygamy

As I’ve written before, why any sane man would would want to be married to more than woman at the same time is beyond me.

Aside from the fleeting allure of sexual variety, “Sister Wives” notwithstanding, the practice of a man wedding and bedding multiple wives simultaneously strikes me as perverted, as well as extremely stressful on the male’s energies and equanimity.

It’s almost as antithetical to normality as homosexuals engaging in sex with “partners” of the same gender, or marrying them, despite President Barack Hussein Obama’s sudden evolution on the subject of same-sex marriage and even though political correctness now dictates that gay relationships must somehow be considered acceptable “variations” on normality.

Having exhausted most of the Democrat talking points on President Barack Hussein Obama’s agenda to discredit and marginalize Mitt Romney as being out of touch with average Americans because he and his father made a success of their lives, Obama’s faithful have lately been calling Romney’s Mormon religion into question.

In America, religion is supposed to be off limits in elections but liberals, who don’t much respect religion to start with, don’t respect any limits when those limits are at variance with their extremist philosophy.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and the other 14 Mormons in Congress–13 of whom are Republicans–are generally exempted from such criticism but none of those senators and congressmen are running for the presidency of the United States.

Not surprisingly, liberal aversion to the possibility of electing a Mormon to the presidency has been spiking.

That reality isn’t surprising since libs are anything but liberal when it comes to anyone or anything seen as illiberal and Latter-Day Saints are strongly opposed to the liberal sacrosanct sacrament of abortion, to the practice of homosexuality, and to the legalization of same-sex marriages, among other cherished liberal rights.

According to an analysis conducted by American National Election Studies, . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=22135.)

Friday, June 22, 2012

Alec Baldwin: Closet Homophobe, Classic Liberal

Alec Baldwin: Closet Homophobe, Classic Liberal

Born and reared in what was then the mostly-Republican Long Island suburb of Massapequa, affectionately-known as “Matzohpizza” due to its ethnic makeup, Alec Baldwin went on to Tinseltown and television stardom, and to become one of the most repulsive Leftists in the entertainment world.

That takes some doing considering all the competition!

Most recently in the news for, allegedly, assaulting a paparazzo in New York City, Baldwin has a long history of anti-social, anti-American, anti-family conduct which is not to say his behavior has negatively impacted his popularity among starstruck nitwits who tend to make allowances for their liberal heroes’ idiocies.

Known as one of the most outspoken of Hollywood libs, the 54 year old former husband of actress Kim Basinger, Alec Baldwin also seems to be a hateful, closet homophobe. For an iconic Democrat activist and a stalwart Obamian, that should be the kiss of liberal death.

Or, it may not.

A staunch supporter of Barack Hussein Obama and the animal-loving, people-hating PETA, back in 1992, Baldwin was incensed over what he thought was mistreatment of the horses that tow hansom cabs in and around New York’s Central Park.

Having often seen those animals, I can attest to their fine, healthy, well-fed condition, a requisite for the economic survival of their owners.

Not only was Baldwin a horse’s ass in that assessment but his characterization of the hansom drivers as “faggots” was certainly not PC, especially in view of his status as a darling of gay Hollywood.

However, no serious repercussions ensued over his “faggots” remark because, well, because it was uttered by Alec Baldwin and the incident is now two decades old, anyway.

Closer in time was the paparazzo tussle that occurred just last week outside the NYC Marriage License Bureau. Presumably, the actor had gone there to secure a license to marry his newest heartthrob, 28 year old Yoga instructor Hilaria Thomas.

Daily News photographer Marcus Santos contends Baldwin assaulted him for no reason; the actor countercharges that Santos instigated the confrontation. On Wednesday, Baldwin told a national audience on Letterman he believed beating on a paparazzo was funny.

It doesn’t appear Baldwin was joking when he reverted to homophobic form by referring to the Daily News‘ Editor in Chief, Colin Myler, as a “faggot.”

Aside from the fact . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=25846.)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Many Lies in Obama's "Dreams"

The Many Lies in Obama's "Dreams"

Most people don’t care how many angels can dance on the head of a pin since the question is pinheaded and the answer almost as incalculable as the number of lies in Barack Hussein Obama’s Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance.

Obama’s “memoir,” first published in 1995 when the future president was all of 34 years of age and while he was still slaving away as a Chicago civil rights attorney, soared into the best-seller list after he addressed the 2004 Democrat Convention and rocketed following his election to the United States Senate in 2006 and began to make noises about running for the presidency.

Revised and re-issued in 2004 after those noises became thunderous and Obama came to believe his wild ambitions thanks to aid, encouragement, and financial support from mysterious, unidentified “friends,” Dreams became a publishing phenomenon and helped make Obama a millionaire “one-percenter.”

Barack Obama’s childhood dream of leading the Free World his Marxist father so detested was on the near horizon; America’s Left and America’s book-sellers welcomed him with open arms, open wallets, and open adulation.

Gushing acclaim followed. The book was variously praised as “extraordinary,” “daring,” “evocative,” “honest,” “lyrical,” and “candid” and was dutifully awarded a place on Time magazine’s list of the top 100 English non-fiction books written since 1923.

Heady accolades, indeed!

The chief problem with Dreams from My Father is that the book is largely fiction in the guise of a memoir. Overflowing with lies and misrepresentations, Dreams went unvetted by the mainstream media most of whom obviously never read it before virtually proclaiming it the greatest autobiography penned since Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in A.D. 1440.

Why vet a book when you don’t bother to vet its alleged author?

Dreams from My Father has evolved into a transparent nightmare for our misbegotten president as his prevarications have become public knowledge.

LIE NUMBER ONE. First came the suspicions of people who did read Dreams and noticed distinct stylistic and ideological similarities with the writings and thinking of the confessed, unrepentant domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers.

To this day, Obama contends he barely knew Ayers, who lived in his neighborhood and with whom he served on the 9-member Woods Fund of Chicago and whose family reputedly financed his Harvard Law School education.

When Google recognized Ayers as the ghost writer of Dreams and Ayers confirmed writing the book last year, the matter of the authorship of the “autobiography” should have been closed.

It wasn’t. Obama’s acolytes wouldn’t allow their hero to be tarred with truth no matter how extensive that truth.

LIE NUMBER TWO. As with many African-Americans, including semi-African-Americans, the young, mixed-race Barack evidently preferred dating white girls.

In Dreams, Ayers wrote of Obama’s “New York girlfriend,” another mystery, “Genevieve Cook,” who never existed as an individual, yet he was able to clearly describe her looks, voice, and mannerisms.

David Maraniss’ recently-published biography, Barack Obama: The Story, has been characterized by the Huffington Post as questioning “the accuracy of the president’s memoir.” In fact, Maraniss did nothing of the sort. He didn’t question the accuracy of Dreams. More precisely, he. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=25797.)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Homosexual Censorship

Homosexual Censorship

“I’m good enough. I’m smart enough. And doggone it, people like me.” Al Franken’s effeminate Stuart Smalley character repeatedly recited that line on ”Saturday Night Live” as a daily affirmation, trying to convince himself of his worth as a human being.

“I’m good enough. I’m smart enough. And doggone it, people like me” could serve as the mantra of the gay pride movement which is equally insecure and unsure of their worth yet determined to prove to itself and to the straight world that homosexuals are good, smart, likable people who just happen to vary just a tad from the norm.

Goodness is very much a value judgment and intelligence can easily be determined via IQ tests but whether all gays are liked by all people is doubtful. It’s difficult to like anyone who foists his or her beliefs on others, who demand their lifestyle be approved and accepted by everyone and, especially, when they engage in vicious tactics in order to muzzle those who disagree with them.

For seventeen years, MassResistance (http://massresistance.org/) has tirelessly campaigned on behalf of the American family, traditional values, and the normal concept of marriage.

Those goals pitted them against gays who take advantage of the Massachusetts legal and public education systems to disseminate homosexual propaganda and recruit young people to the sick homosexual lifestyle.

Labeled an anti-gay “Active U.S. Hate Group” by the extreme leftist Southern Poverty Law Center, a badge of honor, Mass Resistance has had an uphill battle in the most liberal state in the union as it tries to keep tabs on what the Bay State’s large homosexual contingent is up to and how their activities affect the vast majority of citizens.

None of what gays are up to is very “likable” to conservatives although Massachusetts’ gay-friendly governor, courts and public schools seem to love whatever they do and say.

Not content with complaining about Mass Resistance, convicted homosexual child molester and registered sex offender Adam Flanders . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=25756.)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Obama's One-Sided Race War, Part Two

Obama's One-Sided Race War, Part Two

(Part One, http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=25640, dealt mainly with President Barack Hussein Obama’s and Attorney General Eric Holder’s efforts to wage a race war in America. Part Two focuses on the latest instance of race-baiting in that war.)

Whether Donald Trump is correct in speculating that President Obama cut a deal with his buddies in Saudi Arabia to pump more crude in order to keep gas prices down in the US until Election Day, whether it’s true that Israel will soon launch a pre-emptive attack on Iran, or whether Lindsay Lohan will be dead from an overdose before her 27th birthday are inconsequential worries as contrasted with the reality that America is engaged in a race war.

That war in progress would make all other concerns irrelevant. More evidence of that war between blacks and whites emerged in the White House Rose Garden last Friday.

Last week, Obama proved once again that he would brook no opposition to his autocratic rule. His overreaction to questions was immediately followed by a slew of Obamians on cue charging that Neil Munro’s alleged interruption of the president’s scheme to override the Constitution was predicated on white racism.

We all know that constantly stirring the racist pot is an absolute necessity in order to win a race war.

A cacophony of voices quickly emanated from the mainstream media and from congressional African-Americans in reaction to the temerity of DailyCaller.com’s White House correspondent Munro asking, “Mr. President, why do you favor foreign workers over Americans?”

Munro reasonably felt a president should respond to a few queries after unilaterally reversing long-standing federal policy on immigration, an extremely controversial and possibly illegal decision designed to bolster Obama’s support among Latinos. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=25694.)

Monday, June 18, 2012

Obama's One-Sided Race War, Part One

Obama's One-Sided Race War, Part One

“We know your origin in the world. We know how long you were set to live. And unless you change, your end has come.” (Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan)

“You want freedom? You’re gonna have to kill some crackers! You’re gonna have to kill some of their babies!” (New Black Panther Party Minister King Shamir Ahabaz)

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.” (Candidate Barack Hussein Obama)

In America’s racially-charged society, anyone with half a brain could have guessed in 2008 that any criticism of semi-black President Barack Hussein Obama would be met with allegations of racism–and anyone with a complete brain would have been positive of that eventuality.

Many of us also anticipated that Obama would instigate racial dissension in the United States aimed at achieving his Saul Alinsky-ite goals of destroying this nation.

None of us have been disappointed in our expectations, the upshot of which is an ongoing, one-sided race war, a war which most white people refuse to acknowledge exists either because they prefer to ignore reality or because they are ignorant of the consequences of a majority population trying to survive under the yoke of a militant minority bent on violence.

I know how those views will be received–as the rantings of a confirmed bigot intent on disparaging African-Americans, as vicious invective from someone dedicated to stirring up racial division, as the wild accusations of a white supremacist who harbors a deep animosity toward blacks, none of which are true.

Please read on.

Last Friday’s Rose Garden confrontation between the president and an inquisitive reporter served not only to infuriate the commander-in-chief but to ignite new battles in America’s race war. I’m fully aware we’re not supposed to say things like that, talk about race wars; they strike uncomfortably close to denied truth and are extremely politically incorrect.

On the other hand, it’s acceptable nowadays for black race baiters to make far more incendiary pronouncements, as when Farrakhan threatened the extinction of the white race and the New Black Panther Party issued a call to arms and murder.

Something, many things, are amok in America.

From the outset of his administration, despite his public declarations of the dawning of a new era of racial harmony, President Obama embarked on a concerted effort to divide Americans along class, cultural, and racial lines. November 6th, 2012 will determine the political effectiveness of his class and cultural wars; the race war is already in progress. . .

(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=25640.)

Friday, June 15, 2012

Unfortunate Updates on Civility, Homosexuality, and Education

Unfortunate Updates on Civility, Homosexuality, and Education

The following are selected updates on the sad states of civility, homosexuality, and education in America:

CIVILITY. Last year, when President Barack Hussein Obama issued his plea for greater civility in America in the wake of the Tucson shootings, there was a naive hope that liberals–to whom civility is a foreign concept–would heed his impassioned request.

That was not to be, as amply illustrated over the past year by such foul-mouthed reprobates as Bill Maher, Ed Schultz, Chris Matthews, and their ilk.

Now, it’s been revealed that HBO still harbors such an irrational, uncivil hatred toward a former president of the United States that it featured George W. Bush’s head impaled on a stake in “Game of Thrones.”

Said an HBO writer, banking on the usual liberal contempt for American intelligence, “It’s not a choice, not a political statement!” Yet, when caught in its political viciousness, HBO apologized profusely. (http://tinyurl.com/6mu87qb)

Liberal darling, Joy Behar, never apologizes for anything, least of all when she engages in one of her snarky attacks on conservatives. However, she out-Behared herself Tuesday when she erupted with a show of uncivilized contempt for Mitt Romney and his religion.

Newly chosen as a commentator on Al Gore’s un-watched Current TV, Behar sputtered in a Mediaite interview, ”I’d like to see his [Romney's] house burn, one of his millions of houses burning down,” adding, “Who’s he going to call, the Mormon fire patrol?”

Then, as if that remark didn’t adequately prove she weren’t a nasty bitch, in her usual classy fashion and in a desperate quest for an audience, Behar hurled a challenge to conservatives to come on her show, “If they have the balls.” 

Aside from the fact her gracious invite would exclude dozens of beautiful, conservative women like Sarah Palin, S.E. Culp, Michelle Malkin, et al., her remarks were just a tad extreme even for Joyless Bahar.

HOMOSEXUALITY. Gay people generally seem like joyless people, stuck as they are between normality and abnormality and unable to establish a viable connection with the former.

James Clementi, the gay brother of gay teen Tyler Clementi who leaped off the George Washington Bridge after he was videotaped at Rutgers University engaging in flagrante delicto activities with a homosexual paramour, thinks society failed Tyler.

In a whining critique of bullies and bullying on HuffingtonPost.com, Clementi conceded he himself went along with bullying in order to get along but nevertheless concluded, “The responsibility is on each of us to make it clear that bullying is not acceptable in our schools, our workplaces, our homes, or anywhere else that human beings might find themselves.”

Nice lecture but had James Clementi practiced what he now preaches, Tyler might still be alive.

Over a decade ago, the Supreme Court decided the Boy Scouts of America acted within their First Amendment constitutional right when they restricted membership as scouts or scout leaders to people who abided by the BSA moral code. That code meant that openly-homosexual individuals were not permitted to join in any capacity.

A 20 year old (?) Eagle Scout with two lesbian mothers, Zach Wahls, . . .

(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=25595.)