Thursday, July 26, 2012

More Emails from My Obama Buddies

More Emails from My Obama Buddies

President Barack Hussein Obama’s critics say he has reduced the country to a virtual economic basket case and that he and his re-election team are in process of reducing the presidency of the United States to the level of a carnival side-show with phony come-ons replete with hawking t-shirts and mugs and games of chance.

Well, they may be doing all that but it’s in a good cause–saving the nation from an evil Republican!

I know this because I’m the very proud recipient of personalized emails from various members of the Obama-Biden campaign committee and even some from Barack and Michelle and the vice president! At first, they arrived once or so a week but lately they’ve been filling up my in-box at an amazing rate, clear evidence that my buddies are working really hard.

A cynic might think the email flurry is only designed to raise $$$ for the cash-starved Obama-Biden campaign but I know better. Mostly, they’re intended to demonstrate a friendly effort to keep in touch with their supporters.

What follows are slightly-edited emails I’ve received in the last week, edited because some were very wordy despite how busy, busy, busy Obama and his team are down in D.C. and across the fruited plain. ,

The latest came from the president just today and the poor guy is sounding desperate. He mustn’t have much time to write because he was pretty brief. He asks for $3, of course, to enter his birthday sweepstakes and says, “My upcoming birthday next week could be the last one I celebrate as President of the United States, but that’s not up to me–it’s up to you.”

Yesterday, Juliana Smoot, Deputy Obama-Biden Campaign Manager, said a lot more.

She wrote, ”I’m no good at singing ‘Happy Birthday.’ I hope you’re better, because the President’s inviting two grassroots donors and their guests to celebrate his birthday with him at his home in Chicago on August 12th. Just pitch in $3 or whatever you can to support this campaign, and you’ll be automatically entered for the chance to be there. . . We’ve got a nice spot picked out for the event at the President’s family home in their beautiful South Side neighborhood.”

I thought that was sweet of Juliana but wondered whether the guy who finagled that family home for the Obamas, Tony Rezko, would be there until I remembered Rezko is in prison.

In any event, as always, . . .

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