Friday, July 31, 2009
Seniors, Shoes, Panthers, and Clunkers
News Tidbits: Seniors, Shoes, Panthers, and Clunkers
Little did we know when Barack Obama promised change we could believe in that the changes he envisioned would lead to fewer senior citizens, more freedom for convicted terrorists, Black Panthers protecting voters, and vehicular Nirvana.
Government Speak: Some cynics believe governments regularly either lie to the citizenry or so shade the truth that we have no idea what the hell they’re talking about. Then the hoi polloi usually give up trying to understand what the hell they’re talking about. Mission accomplished.
With the present administration, most thinking people have arrived at the conclusion that virtually everything spouted by the Obamanians has as much relevance to actual truth as calling cops stupid.
Such is the case with “health care reform,” which is Orwellian in an of itself but now they’ve thrown in a sweetener– or sour-er, depending on your point of view.
When we age, as lucky people do, Americans tend to need more medical care, and more medical-specialist care, care for which we pay insurers for years when we’re younger and most of us rarely use. Obama’s med scheme is proposing a great leap forward to deal with the older folk.
Rather than elders cluttering up hospitals and nursing homes or falling dead on the streets, they’ll be shipped off to warehouses where the order of the day will be that verbotten word, rationing.
Oh, they won’t call them warehouses and they certainly won’t call it rationing. Such nomenclature would be far too close to the truth. They’re calling the warehouses ”medical homes” for the elderly and disabled and rationing health care will more properly be termed cancelling health care.
The medicine will be government-allotted, or denied, in these warehouses medical homes and there won’t be a doctor in sight. As for medical specialists, don’t be absurd! (
Nurses and physician assistants will be on hand, however, most of whom probably flunked out of nursing or P.A. schools but that doesn’t matter. Their principal duty will be tying those toe tags on bodies.
Complementing the warehouse scheme, seniors are not included on the priority list for swine flu innoculations, which will save even more money by necessitating fewer warehouses when they bite the dust next flu season.
I have a far more effective plan: When someone hits 70 or so or breaks a hip or suffers dementia, why not have a government functionary take us out in a field or a Jersey swamp and shoot us?
Hey, it worked for Tony Soprano when he needed to whack an inconvenient associate!
. Shoe Bomber’s Prison Jihad: You may recall the Brit Richard Reid, aka Abdul Raheem, who had to be the dumbest and most inept terrorist in history. He looked every bit the moron that he was He was the nut who tried to blow up himself and American Airlines flight 63 on December 22, 2001 with a detonator in his shoe.
He had trouble lighting a match.
Reid/Raheem was a failed 9/11 terrorist as well and is now serving a life sentence in the max-security federal facility in Florence, Colorado where he feels neglected.
Thanks to his American jihadist lawyers and the complicit Obama administration, and following an unfortunately-unsuccessful hunger strike, he is demanding his “rights” to hang with his jihadist buddies and practice his religion:
What rights a murderous animal deserves eludes me but it does not elude sensitive Obamanians.
The Bush Justice Department advised Reid that he could stick his complaints where the sun don’t shine. The much more merciful and indulgent Obama administration in essence felt Reid’s pain and granted his request.
Now, much to their delight, shoe-bomber Reid will be able to continue jihading with other terrorist reprobates in prison. With any luck for him, they will be smarter than he is.
Is life good for Barack Hussein Obama jihadists or what?
Black Panther Election: . . .
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Thursday, July 30, 2009
Kopechne Remembered, Kennedy Awarded
Kopechne Remembered, Kennedy Awarded
Damn! I missed another significant anniversary, an anniversary that should not have been missed.
With all the hulabaloo over the 41st anniversary of America’s moon landing and Obama’s “stupidly” comment coming home to roost in the White House attic, I forgot about the drowning death of a beautiful, young girl, Mary Jo Kopechne on the night of July 18th, 1969.
Senator Teddy Kennedy in the intervening years after her death rose to the status of revered senior statesman, despite the established facts that he left Mary Jo to drown in the murky waters off Chappaquiddick Island.
He allegedly made a wrong turn, his ’67 Oldsmobile ended up upside down in a canal, and he either swam home in the darkness or went back to the party to seek help.
That last detail is one of many that is disputable. In any event, he didn’t report the accident until the next morning, apparently not feeling it was of sufficient import to report sooner. He had to get his story straight with his aides who would sooner detach a testicle than see a Kennedy get busted.
Ted probably swam away from the scene to save his career. Whether he ever looked back and saw the desparate Mary Jo clawing at the windows of the sinking car is a question that only Ted can ever answer.
He need not have feared his future or for any retribution. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts effectively whitewashed the “incident,” valuing a Kennedy and his influence far more than it did the life of a 28 year old, very expendable Kennedy campaign worker.
His constituents accepted his staged televised show in which he showed no guilt but rather asked voters if he should resign. They have re-elected him time and again as if his joyride with Mary Jo had never happened.
Some things are more important in the most liberal state in the nation, things such as influence in Washington and a Kennedy in the U.S. Senate, than honor, moral rectitude, and murder.
After all, would Boston have gotten billions of federal dollars to dig its Big Dig without Uncle Teddy, even though the boondoggle was racked with scandals and thousands of leaks?
Whether Mary Jo had had a few too many adult beverages at the party on Martha’s Vineyard is irrelevant. Whether Teddy had had a snootful which, based on his history and inclinations, is probable and very relevant as is his insistence on driving Mary Jo to the mainland. . . .
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Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Josef Mengele, White House Science Advisor
“The fetus, given the opportunity to develop properly before birth, and given the essential early socializing experiences and sufficient nourishing food during the crucial early years after birth, [emphasis added] will ultimately develop into a human being. Where any of these essential elements is lacking, the resultant individual will be deficient in some respect.”
Paraphrased, neither a fetus nor a baby in its first few years of life is a human being according to the authors of those words until the baby is “socialized” and fed “sufficiently.” That process, according to the authors, takes years.
So wrote John P. Holdren, director of Obama’s White House Office of Science and Technology Policy in Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions.” (Technically, he was the co-author of that 1973 tome.)
It’s been quite a while since I was a baby but I have helped raise three babies to adulthood, I have often played with 3 former babies–my grandchildren–and I’m anxiously awaiting my fourth who is currently in utero and due in 5 weeks. I think I’m pretty familiar with the age group.
Personally, I think they’ve been human from the moment they were conceived, in fact more human and humane than the authors of Human Ecology will ever be.
Based on the absurdity of the above quotation, Mr. Holdren and his co-authors make me wonder why God created so many more horses’ asses than He did horses, although that is an insult to equine posteriors. . . .
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Paraphrased, neither a fetus nor a baby in its first few years of life is a human being according to the authors of those words until the baby is “socialized” and fed “sufficiently.” That process, according to the authors, takes years.
So wrote John P. Holdren, director of Obama’s White House Office of Science and Technology Policy in Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions.” (Technically, he was the co-author of that 1973 tome.)
It’s been quite a while since I was a baby but I have helped raise three babies to adulthood, I have often played with 3 former babies–my grandchildren–and I’m anxiously awaiting my fourth who is currently in utero and due in 5 weeks. I think I’m pretty familiar with the age group.
Personally, I think they’ve been human from the moment they were conceived, in fact more human and humane than the authors of Human Ecology will ever be.
Based on the absurdity of the above quotation, Mr. Holdren and his co-authors make me wonder why God created so many more horses’ asses than He did horses, although that is an insult to equine posteriors. . . .
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"My Mother Hated White People"
“My Mother Hated White People” and Other Revelations about Professor Skippy Gates
It’s said that the nut doesn’t fall far from the tree, meaning the obvious that lots of walnuts and pecans end up on the ground, and sometimes meaning the less obvious about people.
In a 1994 interview about his book, Colored People, Professor Henry Louis Gates freely conceded that “My mother hated white people.”
That’s not to suggest, necessarily, that she passed down those feelings to her sons. Then, again, he was devoted to his mom, who also was a big fan of Black supremicist/White-hater, Malcolm X:
Gates also mentions in that interview that his nickname was Skip, that he and his family just loved the old Amos and Andy television series despite its Black stereotypes, and that his first wife was a white girl, Sharon Lynn Adams, which relationship all but brought about WWIII in the Gates’ household.
Now, what conclusions can we reasonably draw from those tidbits about Prof. Gates as they relate to his contretemps 15 years later with Sgt. James Crowley?
We can draw absolutely no conclusions, or we can conclude quite a number of things depending on our capacity for tidbit interpretation.
If Prof. Gates has learned anything in his nearly 59 years, from his mammy or from reality, it has been to keep his mouth shut when to open it would display his true, bigoted racial attitudes. Some have termed such attitudes, “blackitude,” referring to the ‘tude shown when blacks are feeling most repressed.
Prof. Gates vividly demonstrated his blackitude when a protective but white, Cambridge cop tried to do his duty after a report of possible burglary at Gates’ home. His charges of racism and racial profiling were both unfounded and reactionary, very possibly a reaction based on his mom’s detestation of all things white.
None of this is new news among dedicated and professionally “repressed” minorities in America.
What those professionals will think of the now-confirmed Obama scheme to turn down the volume of the racial uproar he pumped up with his infamous “stupidly” remark by staging a White House Obama-Gates-Crowley beer detente is unknown.
Another unknown is their reaction to the most recent revelation that Crowley and Gates are “cousins.”
Yep, it’s true, according to Gates. He discovered his personal Kunta Kinte of Roots fame in, of all places, the wee country, the Olde Sod, Ireland:
If true, since he doesn’t look very Irish, it’s apropos that the erudite, nutty professor found his roots in the Land of Saints and Scholars. Now he and Sgt. Crowley, who does look Irish, will have something to gab about over that beer with their fellow part-Irishman, Barack Obama.
Gates’ late mom must be rolling over in her grave . . .
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Monday, July 27, 2009
White in America!
“White in America” vs CNN’s “Black in America”
I’m White in America, and proud of it.
This past weekend, CNN’s Soledad O’Brien followed her very successful 2008 report, “Black in America,” with a new mini series, “Black in America 2,”
I have to admit that, aside from a few minutes here and there, I didn’t watch either one.
The first special aired, just coincidentally, in the midst of Barack Obama’s campaign for the Democratic nomination for president.
It was touted by CNN as an exploration of ”the varied experiences of black women and families and investigated the disturbing statistics of single parenthood, racial disparities between students and the devastating toll of HIV/AIDS. O’Brien reported on the progress of black women in the workplace and the status of the black middle class.”
It’s difficult to critique something I haven’t seen but, based on that blurb alone, I’d have to say it must have focused on how blacks in America have largely caused their own problems.
I did admire the subterfuge of the accent on black women, which diverted attention away from the idea that it was a free advertisement for the first black man to run for president.
CNN’s/Soledad’s sequel had a much different blurb: ”This July, CNN continues its investigation of the most challenging issues facing African-Americans with ‘Black in America 2.’ Soledad O’Brien reports on people who are using ground-breaking solutions to transform the black experience.”
Based on the touts, it seemed BIA1 emphasized black problems and BIA2 emphasized solutions, which is admirable. It also seems that both specials served to divide rather than unite the races in America by showing their differences and dissimilarities rather than seeking racial unity.
I’m well aware that many if not most African-Americans feel, even in 2009, even after electing a black president, that they are still victimimized in our country whereas the reverse is much more true. Harvard’s Professor Louis Gates is an excellent case in point, a man who has gained it all in America yet smells racism at every opportunity.
Suffice to say, in twenty-first century America, I believe any black in America who sees white racism lurking everywhere or who blames bigotry as the cause of his or her failures in life is delusional. Continued harping on a dead issue only leads to more frustration and less self-application.
I’ve never felt like a minority citizen of the United States of America although I am. I imagine my forebears and fellow Irish Americans’ predecessors more than once felt that way as immigrants on the infamous nineteenth century coffin ships that carried the Irish to this country.. . .
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Sunday, July 26, 2009
Sex in America
Sex in America, Sick and Sicker
Liberia: Land of Condoned Rape: Most American parents would break out their shotguns and meat cleavers to deal with an attack on their eight year old daughter. Not in Arizona in the case of relatively new refugees from Liberia.
Her family assigns blame for the brutal gang rape of their child to their child. As for punishment for the four African boys, aged 9 to 14, the child’s father contends that “nothing” should be done to them.
“The father also said the family moved to the United States five years ago from West Africa and they don’t understand the United States’ criminal system.” Apparently, in their former culture, such a crime brings shame upon the victim’s family.
Here’s a clue, Pop: You’re in America now and after 5 years here, it’s time to adapt to American culture which sternly frowns on sexual abuse and when that abuse involves an 8 year old girl we consider it an horrendous crime. It should be punishable by castration so the assailants will never do it again.
Regrettably, we’re too civilized to do that so the child’s attackers will soon be out on the streets of Phoenix ready willing and able to continue to exercise what they consider is their Liberian privilege.
The president of Liberia even chimed in on the case saying, ”Clearly, [the boys] are doing something that’s no longer acceptable in our society” (emphasis added). She didn’t say whether it became unacceptable before or after the four rapists emigrated.
See the whole story, including police crime scene pictures and a video here
Anyone else thinking deportation?
The Arkansas Wacko: In yet another instance of hypocritical cult leaders run amok, in Arkansas, 74 year old “Tony Alamo,” a self-proclaimed prophet, will finally be paying his dues to society.
Alamo, real name Bernie Lazar Hoffman, described as “a Christian evangelist” and “outfitter to the stars,” may be spending more hard time in jail than his fellow Bernie, Madoff. The latter was sent up for 150 years for bilking billions from greedy investors. Hoffman could get up to 175 years for convincing gullible believers that he was a prophet, then seducing their children.
With his now-grown victims in attendance at his sentencing for transporting girls across state lines for sex, Hoffman could have gotten his ideas from the Waco Wacko, David Koresh of Branch Davidian fame. He too brainwashed his adherents and banished males from his compound so he could beat and starve their wives into submission.
It was his pedophiliac inclinations that eventually hung Hoffman. Some of his “brides” were as young as eight. Ever the romantic, he would even give them wedding rings, to demonstrate commitment, I guess. Meanwhile, his followers were working at various enterprises to fund his glitzy lifestyle.
One can only wish that Alamo/Hoffman lives a very long prison life. It shouldn’t be much fun for Bernie since fellow prisoners don’t often take kindly to child rapists.
Maybe it could be arranged that Madoff and Hoffman become cell-mates?
Teenie Strippers in Tiny Rhode Island: Up in Rhode Island, politicians have learned the hard way that even high school girls can legally become strippers due to a legal loophole in R.I. law.
The Cheaters Gentlemen’s Club in Providence featured one such 16 year old runaway doing . . .
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Liberia: Land of Condoned Rape: Most American parents would break out their shotguns and meat cleavers to deal with an attack on their eight year old daughter. Not in Arizona in the case of relatively new refugees from Liberia.
Her family assigns blame for the brutal gang rape of their child to their child. As for punishment for the four African boys, aged 9 to 14, the child’s father contends that “nothing” should be done to them.
“The father also said the family moved to the United States five years ago from West Africa and they don’t understand the United States’ criminal system.” Apparently, in their former culture, such a crime brings shame upon the victim’s family.
Here’s a clue, Pop: You’re in America now and after 5 years here, it’s time to adapt to American culture which sternly frowns on sexual abuse and when that abuse involves an 8 year old girl we consider it an horrendous crime. It should be punishable by castration so the assailants will never do it again.
Regrettably, we’re too civilized to do that so the child’s attackers will soon be out on the streets of Phoenix ready willing and able to continue to exercise what they consider is their Liberian privilege.
The president of Liberia even chimed in on the case saying, ”Clearly, [the boys] are doing something that’s no longer acceptable in our society” (emphasis added). She didn’t say whether it became unacceptable before or after the four rapists emigrated.
See the whole story, including police crime scene pictures and a video here
Anyone else thinking deportation?
The Arkansas Wacko: In yet another instance of hypocritical cult leaders run amok, in Arkansas, 74 year old “Tony Alamo,” a self-proclaimed prophet, will finally be paying his dues to society.
Alamo, real name Bernie Lazar Hoffman, described as “a Christian evangelist” and “outfitter to the stars,” may be spending more hard time in jail than his fellow Bernie, Madoff. The latter was sent up for 150 years for bilking billions from greedy investors. Hoffman could get up to 175 years for convincing gullible believers that he was a prophet, then seducing their children.
With his now-grown victims in attendance at his sentencing for transporting girls across state lines for sex, Hoffman could have gotten his ideas from the Waco Wacko, David Koresh of Branch Davidian fame. He too brainwashed his adherents and banished males from his compound so he could beat and starve their wives into submission.
It was his pedophiliac inclinations that eventually hung Hoffman. Some of his “brides” were as young as eight. Ever the romantic, he would even give them wedding rings, to demonstrate commitment, I guess. Meanwhile, his followers were working at various enterprises to fund his glitzy lifestyle.
One can only wish that Alamo/Hoffman lives a very long prison life. It shouldn’t be much fun for Bernie since fellow prisoners don’t often take kindly to child rapists.
Maybe it could be arranged that Madoff and Hoffman become cell-mates?
Teenie Strippers in Tiny Rhode Island: Up in Rhode Island, politicians have learned the hard way that even high school girls can legally become strippers due to a legal loophole in R.I. law.
The Cheaters Gentlemen’s Club in Providence featured one such 16 year old runaway doing . . .
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Saturday, July 25, 2009
The Prez Calls the Sarge
Obama Calls Crowley. Freddy the Fly on the Wall’s Perspective
(The following is not substantiated. It is simply the as yet unverified report of Freddy, a fly on the wall in the Oval Office who has not yet been swatted and smushed by Obama. Freddy, fortunately, kept detailed notes on the president’s phone call to Sgt. James Crowley of the Cambridge, MA police force. BHO=Obama, SGT=Crowley.)
BHO: Hey, Jimmy-boy. How ya doin’?
SGT: Who is this?
BHO: It’s your president, stu . . . umm, Sergeant!
SGT: The PBA president? You don’t sound like him.
BHO: No, no, no, it’s Barack Obama!
SGT: Oh. Who put you through to me and how did you get my number, anyway? It’s unlisted.
BHO: (Laughs) We have our ways, Jim. We have our ways. (Laughs again)
SGT: Whatever. What’s on your mind, Mr. President, why are you calling me?
BHO: Well, to explain things, Jimbo. I didn’t want you to get the wrong impression from what I said the other night . . . I didn’t want you to think I was calling you stupid. . . .
SGT: First, sir, please don’t call me Jimbo. Even my mom doesn’t call me Jimbo. But who then were you calling stupid? The whole Cambridge police force? And in front of a national audience on tv?
BHO: No problemo, Jim, don’t be so hot-headed . . .
SGT: Please call me sergeant, Mr. President. I worked hard to get this rank.
BHO: Umm, yeah, right, Senator Boxer said something like that to a general a while back.
SGT: I wouldn’t know. I don’t follow politics much.
BHO: Okay, I hear ya sergeant. I guess ya didn’t vote for me either? (Laughs)
SGT: Why would you say that, sir?
BHO: Well, as I said, we have our ways . . . of finding out stuff. Gibbsie told me most cops didn’t, that is, except for black cops. And you’re not black, right?
SGT: No sir.
BHO: Well, I guess you didn’t vote for me.
SGT: No comment. But, Mr. President, I’m sure you’re a busy man and I have a tee time in an hour. I hate to rush you . . .
BHO: Gotcha, sergeant, I won’t keep you long but I’m not really very busy.
SGT: Thank you, sir.
(Long pause)
SGT: Sir?
BHO: Yup?
SGT: Why did you call me? I think I heard you loud and clear on national television.
BHO: Well, we can’t always believe what we hear, sarge . . .
SGT: Please call me sergeant.
BHO: Yeah, right . . . Well, I called to set things straight. You do know the Black Congressional Caucus is supporting me and what I said at the health care news conference?
SGT: Yes, and so is Al Sharpton. So?
BHO: Well, I was just trying to show you that things aren’t always so black and white, ya know? I wanna be the president of all the people and I don’t want any hard feelings over all this. You know what I’m saying?
SGT: I do, sir. I’m not that stupid. May I speak frankly?
BHO: Sure, sergeant! I always want transparency and frank talk gets that done.
SGT: Thank you. Well, I just don’t understand you. Leon, that’s Sgt. Leon Lashley, a black guy, by the way, was on the scene when this thing with Professor Gates occurred and he fully corroborates my account of what happened. I just don’t get why you jumped the gun and ripped me and my department when you admitted you didn’t know all the facts and furthermore what you said seemed to have racial overtones since I’m white and the professor is black. It made it seem that it was racial for me to enforce the law . . .
BHO: Whoa! Now you sound like one angry man, sergeant!
SGT: No, I’m not angry. I’m pissed that the president of the United States would go off half-cocked on a local matter you knew nothing about! After all, is that presidential?
BHO: Now, you excuse me, sergeant, please don’t question my presidentiality. Professor Gates is a friend of mine . . .
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(The following is not substantiated. It is simply the as yet unverified report of Freddy, a fly on the wall in the Oval Office who has not yet been swatted and smushed by Obama. Freddy, fortunately, kept detailed notes on the president’s phone call to Sgt. James Crowley of the Cambridge, MA police force. BHO=Obama, SGT=Crowley.)
BHO: Hey, Jimmy-boy. How ya doin’?
SGT: Who is this?
BHO: It’s your president, stu . . . umm, Sergeant!
SGT: The PBA president? You don’t sound like him.
BHO: No, no, no, it’s Barack Obama!
SGT: Oh. Who put you through to me and how did you get my number, anyway? It’s unlisted.
BHO: (Laughs) We have our ways, Jim. We have our ways. (Laughs again)
SGT: Whatever. What’s on your mind, Mr. President, why are you calling me?
BHO: Well, to explain things, Jimbo. I didn’t want you to get the wrong impression from what I said the other night . . . I didn’t want you to think I was calling you stupid. . . .
SGT: First, sir, please don’t call me Jimbo. Even my mom doesn’t call me Jimbo. But who then were you calling stupid? The whole Cambridge police force? And in front of a national audience on tv?
BHO: No problemo, Jim, don’t be so hot-headed . . .
SGT: Please call me sergeant, Mr. President. I worked hard to get this rank.
BHO: Umm, yeah, right, Senator Boxer said something like that to a general a while back.
SGT: I wouldn’t know. I don’t follow politics much.
BHO: Okay, I hear ya sergeant. I guess ya didn’t vote for me either? (Laughs)
SGT: Why would you say that, sir?
BHO: Well, as I said, we have our ways . . . of finding out stuff. Gibbsie told me most cops didn’t, that is, except for black cops. And you’re not black, right?
SGT: No sir.
BHO: Well, I guess you didn’t vote for me.
SGT: No comment. But, Mr. President, I’m sure you’re a busy man and I have a tee time in an hour. I hate to rush you . . .
BHO: Gotcha, sergeant, I won’t keep you long but I’m not really very busy.
SGT: Thank you, sir.
(Long pause)
SGT: Sir?
BHO: Yup?
SGT: Why did you call me? I think I heard you loud and clear on national television.
BHO: Well, we can’t always believe what we hear, sarge . . .
SGT: Please call me sergeant.
BHO: Yeah, right . . . Well, I called to set things straight. You do know the Black Congressional Caucus is supporting me and what I said at the health care news conference?
SGT: Yes, and so is Al Sharpton. So?
BHO: Well, I was just trying to show you that things aren’t always so black and white, ya know? I wanna be the president of all the people and I don’t want any hard feelings over all this. You know what I’m saying?
SGT: I do, sir. I’m not that stupid. May I speak frankly?
BHO: Sure, sergeant! I always want transparency and frank talk gets that done.
SGT: Thank you. Well, I just don’t understand you. Leon, that’s Sgt. Leon Lashley, a black guy, by the way, was on the scene when this thing with Professor Gates occurred and he fully corroborates my account of what happened. I just don’t get why you jumped the gun and ripped me and my department when you admitted you didn’t know all the facts and furthermore what you said seemed to have racial overtones since I’m white and the professor is black. It made it seem that it was racial for me to enforce the law . . .
BHO: Whoa! Now you sound like one angry man, sergeant!
SGT: No, I’m not angry. I’m pissed that the president of the United States would go off half-cocked on a local matter you knew nothing about! After all, is that presidential?
BHO: Now, you excuse me, sergeant, please don’t question my presidentiality. Professor Gates is a friend of mine . . .
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Friday, July 24, 2009
Black Wilding in Akron
Why-Oh, Why-Oh, Why-Oh Did Blacks Attack in Ohio?
(Please see “Sergeant Crowley Does His Job and Is Vilified for It!”, a companion piece to the current article.
The former article relates to the virtual crucifixion of Sgt. James Crowley, a Cambridge, MA cop who acted altogether properly in investigating a suspected break-in and was roundly castigated as a racist for doing his job. The present piece relates to a racist incident in Akron, Ohio and the failure of the Akron P.D. to do its job.)
It had been a fun evening for Marty Marshall, his family, and two friends and they were now hanging out, just shooting the breeze in South Akron. That’s in Ohio, for the geographically-challenged.
Marty, his wife, two kids and their buddies had just enjoyed the fireworks at Firestone Stadium and were extending the great evening. Then, ”Out of nowhere, the six were attacked by dozens of teenage boys, who shouted ‘This is our world’ and ‘This is a black world’ as they confronted Marshall and his family.”
Without any provocation, the group of about 50 black teens then viciously and mindlessly assaulted Marshall and his buddy.
This whole story is reminiscent of another recent incident in the unlikely-named, tiny and forlorn town of Alligator, Mississippi. There, it was much less violent, if equally disquieting.
After the town’s blacks, emboldened and energized by the election of America’s first black president, elected Alligator’s first black mayor, a group of black teens descended on the former mayor, Robert Fava’s, general store.
The new black mayor, Tommie Brown, had set the new tone for Alligator with his T-shirt which read, “Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid!” Some black teens picked up on that ominous warning and charged into the store.
According to a black witness, “They was pulling down their pants, shouting, ‘Kiss my black ass, because we got a black mayor:’ “
I think it’s great that America’s black minority feels that the election of the semi-black Barack Hussein Obama as president of the United States has somehow empowered them and has somehow validated their citizenship and existence. However, as pendula are wont to do, America’s pendulum seems to have swung wildly to the black extreme.
Take Akron Marty’s experience. After his friend was attacked for no reason by the black mob of teens, he jumped in to defend his friends and family. He suffered a concussion and other serious injuries which landed him in the ICU unit of Akron General Medical Center for 5 days.
In classic Mid West understatement, the uninsured Marty Marshall, who believes he can identify some of the attackers, later said, “To me, it seems to be racist:”
Gee, ya think, Marty? That assault was either racially inspired or else the black teens merely craved exercise by pummeling white people.
What’s most disconcerting . . .
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Thursday, July 23, 2009
Sgt. Crowley's Unhappy Learning Experience
Sergeant Crowley Does His Job and Is Vilified for It!
A policeman’s lot is not a happy one.
Sergeant & Police.
When constabulary duty’s to be done, to be done,
A policeman’s lot is not a happy one, happy one.
Pirates of Penzance
Gilbert and Sullivan could have told Sgt. James Crowley of the Cambridge, MA, Police Department that his “lot is not a happy one,” but Crowley probably already knew that. He certainly knew it after properly investigating a suspected burglary on the afternoon of July 16th.
Acting on a report of a witness who saw ”two black males with backpacks” apparently breaking and entering a private home on Ware Street, Crowley did his assigned duty and sought to question one of the men. It ended up with his arresting the suspect for disorderly conduct.
The rest, as they say, is history, one more incident involving a black man, a white cop, and charges of racism against the cop for simply doing what he gets paid to do. This particular incident has taken on the trappings of a major brouhaha since the suspect turned out to be “renowned black scholar,” Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates.
Adding to the farce, black comedian Bill Cosby felt it incumbent to throw in his two cents, at first expressing his shock that the black president of the United States saw fit to jump into the fray during a health care news conference. (Cosby later retracted his shock.)
One must assume the matter somehow qualified as a health care issue.
The president admitted he didn’t know all the facts yet nevertheless saw fit to condemn the Cambridge P.D. and, by inference, Sgt. Crowley, for acting “stupidly” in performing their duty.
He then launched into a mini-diatribe on race relations, saying, “There’s a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately. That’s just a fact:” (That link includes a video featuring Crowley.)
After it all hit the fan, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs semi-retracted Obama’s “stupidly” comment by saying, “Let me be clear, he was not calling the officer stupid.”
Of course not! It’s just the Cambridge P.D. he was calling stupid. That, too, is a fact.
Now, far be it from me to impugn the chief executive’s motives in calling anyone stupid. Nor would I dare question his manufacturing charges of racial profiling from a minor incident about which he knew next to nothing; he has a penchant for such things.
It struck me, though, that with all the problems on the nation’s plate right now, Obama still felt the need to stupidly and baselessly lambaste some cops.
The fact the matter involved a black may have played a part.
Anyway, the outraged Prof. Gates, who had noisily and verbally abused Sgt. Crowley and who . . .
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Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Part Two: To Nuke Or Not To Nuke
Intimations of Destiny Part Two: To Nuke Or Not To Nuke
Please see “Intimations of Destiny Part One: The Paper Tiger Surrenders in Pieces,” That article focused on America’s inexorable slide into history’s dustbin due not to any fundamental systemic flaws or weaknesses but to an absence of resolve and to a widespread gut fear of winning our wars at all costs. Our fate, our future as a nation, is inextricably joined to the question of whether we are committed to winning our wars. We cannot expect to continue as the last super power unless we do.
The “War is Hell” observation of Civil War General William Tecumseh Sherman provided no great insight into the nature of war since it merely stated the obvious. Any student of warfare and, more so, anyone who has endured the horrors of war could attest to its hellishness.
Far more hellish for nations and their inhabitants are the consequences of losing a war, especially when losing is a direct result of a failure of commitment to victory and when the opposing force has no regard for human life and the “civilities” of modern warfare.
That is precisely the road America is travelling today, with a savage foe waiting at the dead end, eager to wreak a grisly vengeance.
Gen. Douglas MacArthur said, “In war, there is no substitute for victory.” Put another way, if victory in war is not the goal, why even bother? And, if all-out, Sherman-esque scorched-Earth execution of war is considered beneath a nation’s dignity, why participate in the first place?
It would be simpler and far less bloody to surrender to an enemy at the outset of hostilities.
For America, all-out war today obviously relates to the question of using or not using the most fearsome weapons ever designed by human beings, nuclear weapons.
We employed our only two such devices in Japan to end World War Two in the Pacific. We won. We refused to use them in Korea and Viet Nam, and we lost. The idea of using nukes in the War on Terror, in the wars in Iraq and in Afghanistan, is apparently not even on the table.
We will lose those wars as well when President Obama shamelessly retreats when the going gets even tougher than it already is.
America should have learned from the 54,000 soldiers killed in Korea and from the 58,000 killed in Viet Nam. We should have learned but did not learn that when we must go to war, we should try to win. Mostly, we should have learned that when we go to war, to fight the enemy’s brand of war is foolhardy and deadly.
We may be fighting on that enemy’s turf but to play his games, as in fighting ground battles on that turf, fighting with our most potent weaponry sitting on the shelf, should be an impeachable offense for any commander in chief.
The best war, if there is such a thing, is one concluded as quickly as possible. In our case, that would mean using our weaponry to our best advantage and not being suckered into fighting the enemy’s kind of war.
We’re doing just that once again, which is the reason we will lose once again.
The question of whether or not to use tactical nuclear weapons is much less a military decision than it is a diplomatic, a humanitarian, and an emotional call.
Contemporary thought seems to be that being vaporized by a nuke is more unpleasant than other forms of warfare. Was being incinerated in the Dresden firestorm, dying slowly from an excruciating belly wound inflicted by a blast from an AK47, being ripped apart by an IED or a car bomb any less horrific than dying in a nuclear attack?
What a bunch of hogwash!
Does America, the only nation ever to use nukes, dare to detonate even tactical nukes again? We will not. Rather, our leaders are content in the notion of losing wars if the alternative is victory as the result of repeating our alleged iniquities committed over Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
At least the United Nations will smile kindly on us for accepting gracious and bitter defeat. However, losing the War on Terror would mean far more than bitter defeat. It would mean the end of the United States as we know and love it.
I humbly suggest that America cease sucking up to misguided and self-serving world opinion and opt to win our current wars, by any means possible including the use of tactical nuclear weapons.
As ugly as that option is, the alternatives for America are much uglier.
Just as today it is thought obscene and merciless to deploy nukes, centuries ago during the Crusades the medieval Church considered the crossbow . . .
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Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Part One: The Paper Tiger Surrenders in Pieces
Intimations of Destiny Part One: The Paper Tiger Surrenders in Pieces
I had the pleasure of visiting with a member of the newest generation last weekend, not with teenagers who, whether they like it or not, are really part of the present generation, but with my 2 year old grandson.
With all the upheaval going on in Washington where Obama is so obsessed with radical change for its own sake and throughout the planet where revolutionary and terrorist forces are in play to complement Obama’s radicalism in their own land and in their own ways, his future isn’t promising.
Other movements are also disquieting for him and his generation.
In a number of quarters we are witnessing efforts to unseat the formerly almighty dollar as the world’s preeminent currency of exchange. If successful as they very well may be, those efforts may not alter Americans’ day-to-day life at first but would be a clear signal that the “American Era,” our dominance over world affairs, is over.
The long-term effects of what lay ahead, perhaps the China Era, as many believe, may be conjectural but in no way suggest good tidings for the United States and its approximately 305 million citizens, or for my kids and grandkids.
More imminent than Sino supremacy over the planet and its peoples and the resultant effects on our country is the matter of wars we are about to lose, lose for the same reasons we lost the last two–the lack of a resolve to win.
One of those current wars, the most consequential by far, is the War on Terror which has unilterally been suspended by the Obama administration due to a lack of interest in favor of his naive hands across the seas policies.
As with any war, if the opponent concurred in the suspension of hostilities, we would be in a state of truce. If not, as is the case with Islamic terrorists, we would be, and are, in a seriously disadvantaged and dangerous position.
Our president is so enamored of himself that he seems to believe that if he extends his, America’s, open hand in friendship and conciliation, Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will unclench his smarmy fist. Mahmoud has already and repeatedly shown that Iran’s fist is still very much clenched, save that one middle finger salute in our direction.
I have no idea what Obama really expects from his make-nice policies toward America’s unrepentant enemies. However, you could sooner anticipate the lamb lying down with the lion at night and believing it will be grazing when the sun rises than expect Iran in 2009 to extend an unclenched fist.
It matters not that the American hand has been rebuffed and bitten by the Persian lion. Hope springs eternal for this ass of a president with whom we are burdened and who almost makes one yearn for a return of the most incompetent leader in our history, bumbling Jimmy Carter.
Barack Obama is a man-in-waiting for that mantle of most grossly, naively incompetent commander-in-chief to be conferred on him. Based on his first six months, he is clearly on target.
It won’t be conferred as a result of China’s machinations and its economic boom which will take a while. It will be rightfully awarded when Obama retreats under fire and loses the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, probably within the next two years or less but definitely after the 2010 congressional elections.
Obama will slog through at least until December, 2010 after which he can with relative safety run, hide, and surrender and keep the baying hounds of the Left at bay and stop their sniping at his heels, all the while pretending he wanted to win in the first place.
The irony is that he, we, will lose those wars not because of Obamian initiatives and lack thereof but because he will mindlessly pursue the same initiatives and lack thereof which led to our defeats in Korea and Viet Nam.
One of America’s greatest generals, Douglas MacArthur,
was eerily prescient of America’s decline and fall as a great power half a century ago when spoke the memorable line that was disregarded and forgotten by our leaders the moment it was uttered.
“In war there is no substitute for victory,” said MacArthur, a truism that speaks for itself yet has been ignored since it was spoken.
Removed from command as Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers by President Truman in 1951 for insubordination, MacArthur technically was fired for refusing to heed the president’s orders. In fact he was dismissed for failure to cease and desist in his attempts to achieve victory in Korea.
(For a concise and scholarly account of the Truman-MacArthur Korean conflict, see
Harry Truman was absolutely correct in overruling MacArthur’s impertinence. It was his right and duty as America’s civilian commander to exert his authority under the Constitution. He was absolutely wrong, however, in disregarding MacArthur’s insights and premonitions.
The consequences: . . .
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Mean-spiritedness on the UAW, Terrorists, and Walter Cronkite
Mean-spirited Views on the UAW, Terrorists, & Cronkite
If what follows seems un-Christian and unforgiving, so be it.
UAW Woes: Times are tough in Detroit and wherever else United Auto Workers live or used to work. I have great empathy for anyone, UAW member or no, who have lost their jobs and who may never regain them.
The UAW people most probably will never get another job with the pay scales and bennies they reveled in at GM, Chrysler, and Ford.
Hourly pay in excess of $70, unrivalled health care, sick days, and pensions, right of refusal to transfer, 80% salary when they so refuse, even a UAW country club to help make their cares go away, were just the tip of the iceberg of life as an autoworker who typically earned his position by graduating high school.
The UAW knowingly drove their companies into bankruptcy with their rapacious demands and even then produced vehicles notorious for shoddy workmanship that all but begged the Japanese, Germans, and South Koreans to come on over and win the allegiance of the American car-buyer.
The foreigners obliged, eventually overcame the bloated aristocracy and over-indulged peons of the UAW and captured larger and larger slices of the American car-pie market. Then GM and Chrysler went bust and Ford is now treading water.
Undismayed, the companies turned to whom else but the guy they had bought in the last election and he paid them back. Obama gave GM to the UAW and helped give Chrysler to the Italians:
Recall the days not very far back when the judicious car-buyer was warned not to buy a vehicle which rolled off assembly lines on a Monday or Friday when subs filled in for the thousands of absent UAW members? Payback can be a bitch, but not always in the USA.
Times are tough all over but the UAW and the auto narons brought on their own plight. Many workers may end up repairing fridges or servicing Fiats but all can take solace in the knowledge that the American taxpayer bailed out their profligacy.
Even temporary victory must be sweet.
Terrorist Ultimata: Last week brought some distressing news. ”The Guantanamo war court stalled again overnight when the five men accused of the Sept 11 attacks refused to leave their cells for a hearing at the remote US base in Cuba. ”
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and his trusty comrades in arms, Ramzi Binalshibh, Ali Abdul Aziz Ali, Walid bin Attash and Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi, are accused of conspiracy to murder civilians on September 11th, 2001 and have proudly admitted their responsibility. However, in a semi-final act of sheer contempt for America, they’re being un-cooperative.
Oh, really?
These (accused) dregs of humanity thought it all over and decided they will not make an appearance before an American court of justice? These (alleged) murderers of thousands of Americans chose not to attend their hearings unless they were permitted to make opening statements? These (suspected) terrorists are allowed to dictate their own terms?
Excuse me?
I don’t know who is more unbelievable in this farce. Is it the American government and prosecutors who entertained the thought of that boycott for more time than it took them to recover from guffawing or the snarling terrorists who sought to ridicule and abuse our justice system?
Since we can’t do this to those Americans, I suggest we shackle, muzzle, and drag the accused kicking and screaming beneath . . .
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Sunday, July 19, 2009
PETA: People Evolving Toward Assininity
PETA, People Evolving Toward Assininity, aka People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, has long been known for its concern that we humans wise up and smell the reality that animals are people, too!
Okay, they don’t precisely say that. In truth, they feel that the many species of beasties that inhabit the planet are not really people. They’re much better. They don’t hate, they don’t murder, they don’t backbite, they don’t hold grudges, and they don’t vote.
See “President Obamabortion . . . ” (et al.)
PETA’s Mission Statement proclaims that its alleged 2 million strong membership is dedicated to relieving the suffering of animals, which is certainly admirable. It also focuses on protecting “beavers, birds, and other ‘pests’ and the abuse of backyard dogs.”
That, I guess, is admirable as well although its inattention to frontyard and sideyard dogs is somewhat disturbing.
Its mission statement also omits all reference to that animal designed to be the ruler of the animal pack, that animal intended by God to be at the top of the food chain, the only animal infused with an immortal soul, the human animal.
“PETA people” is not intentionally synonymous with “PITA people,” which acronym has to do with what some doctors were wont to scribble on patient charts to describe those who were Pains In The Arse. Still, that designation aptly applies to PETAs.
PETA is always thirsting for publicity, whether through over-the-top, and banned ads, such as those depicting “poultry morgues” in supermarkets or bulging, impotent pizza delivery guys or singing cows or copulating cats,
More “mainstream” PETA advertisements and demonstrations, such as nude women covered in animal blood and attacking fur-wearing women, were deemed acceptable.
PETA was recently in the news in a story relating to the title of this piece. The super-sensitive organization objected to our super-sensitive president’s swatting a fly and suggested a more humane approach to dealing with such pests, namely trapping future flies and then releasing them in the great outdoors.
Criticized by Pro-Lifers for its focus on flies and ignoring people, a spokesman said employed the glib reductio ad absurdum argument that, “We don’t take a stance on that (abortion) any more than Operation Rescue would take a stance on going vegetarian:”
Well, not exactly, PETANS. Your organization’s very name indicates your interest is in ethically treating “animals,” which should reasonably incorporate the top of the food chain unless, of course, you feel humans are not atop that chain and that dogs, cats, snakes, chickens–and flies–supersede people.
PETA even offered its alternative to smushing flies, its handy-dandy “Katcha Bug Humane Bug Catcher,” available for eight bucks for fly/bug lovers.
Now, I’m sure PETA people are very intelligent folks. After all, aren’t all caring folk sensitive? However, they may not be aware of the nature of the fly.
Flies may be cute lil creatures to PETA . . .
(Read the rest at
Okay, they don’t precisely say that. In truth, they feel that the many species of beasties that inhabit the planet are not really people. They’re much better. They don’t hate, they don’t murder, they don’t backbite, they don’t hold grudges, and they don’t vote.
See “President Obamabortion . . . ” (et al.)
PETA’s Mission Statement proclaims that its alleged 2 million strong membership is dedicated to relieving the suffering of animals, which is certainly admirable. It also focuses on protecting “beavers, birds, and other ‘pests’ and the abuse of backyard dogs.”
That, I guess, is admirable as well although its inattention to frontyard and sideyard dogs is somewhat disturbing.
Its mission statement also omits all reference to that animal designed to be the ruler of the animal pack, that animal intended by God to be at the top of the food chain, the only animal infused with an immortal soul, the human animal.
“PETA people” is not intentionally synonymous with “PITA people,” which acronym has to do with what some doctors were wont to scribble on patient charts to describe those who were Pains In The Arse. Still, that designation aptly applies to PETAs.
PETA is always thirsting for publicity, whether through over-the-top, and banned ads, such as those depicting “poultry morgues” in supermarkets or bulging, impotent pizza delivery guys or singing cows or copulating cats,
More “mainstream” PETA advertisements and demonstrations, such as nude women covered in animal blood and attacking fur-wearing women, were deemed acceptable.
PETA was recently in the news in a story relating to the title of this piece. The super-sensitive organization objected to our super-sensitive president’s swatting a fly and suggested a more humane approach to dealing with such pests, namely trapping future flies and then releasing them in the great outdoors.
Criticized by Pro-Lifers for its focus on flies and ignoring people, a spokesman said employed the glib reductio ad absurdum argument that, “We don’t take a stance on that (abortion) any more than Operation Rescue would take a stance on going vegetarian:”
Well, not exactly, PETANS. Your organization’s very name indicates your interest is in ethically treating “animals,” which should reasonably incorporate the top of the food chain unless, of course, you feel humans are not atop that chain and that dogs, cats, snakes, chickens–and flies–supersede people.
PETA even offered its alternative to smushing flies, its handy-dandy “Katcha Bug Humane Bug Catcher,” available for eight bucks for fly/bug lovers.
Now, I’m sure PETA people are very intelligent folks. After all, aren’t all caring folk sensitive? However, they may not be aware of the nature of the fly.
Flies may be cute lil creatures to PETA . . .
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Normal Is As Normal Does, Except with "Hate Crimes"
Normal Is As Normal Does, Except with “Hate Crimes”
What’s normal?
It used to be that “normal” was one of those words that didn’t really need defining. The meaning was understood and had universal agreement as to its meaning.
Normal was as normal does, Forrest Gump might say, as in conforming to accepted standard, natural, usual, and conventional.
Like so many other things in our topsy-turvey, increasingly bizarre contemporary world and society, normality is now subject to debate, thanks primarily to the social ascendancy of homosexuals and the Gay Lobby.
Normal is about to become abnormal and its antithesis, the weird, twisted, and abnormal, will be decreed as the norm and may God forbid former normals contest the new norms!
Hate and hatred are two other words that used not to require definition. There were degrees of hatred but whatever the degree it still meant to dislike, scorn, or loathe.
Thus, a few generations back, if we had heard of a “Hate Crimes Bill,” we would with reasonable confidence assume it would entail penalties for commission of a hateful crime.
That was then, this is now.
In days of old, twenty years back, a proposal to penalize hatred would never have made it to the stage where it could be declared a crime.
It couldn’t logically or legislatively be deemed criminal since criminals had to DO something, commit some act which the Powers-That-Be, acting on behalf of the general public, found culpable and worthy of punishment.
That was then, this is now.
Hatred, as with love, anger, frustration, etc. are not acts. They are emotions, feelings, thoughts that should fall short of execution of a crime.
If John Doe detested his despicable boss or if Jane Doe loved her married boss and never acted on those emotions, how could they be condemned?
How would their feelings even be known unless John repeatedly flipped his employer the bird or Jane grabbed her boss’s butt at the water cooler? Those would be acts as opposed to mere thoughts and, again, back in the olden days, our thoughts were our own.
And legislation was a tad more rational.
That was then, this is now.
In the twenty-first century, emotions and thoughts are about to become federal crimes if the mind readers in Congress, under pressure from that Gay Lobby, get their way.
For background on this issue, please see “All Conservatives Will Be ‘Hate Criminals’ under H.R.1913.RFS,” Also, . . .
(For the rest, see
"Kiss My Black Ass!"
Ya Know What I’m Sayin’, Honkie? “Kiss My Black Ass!”
The idea of monopoly, exclusive control not the popular board game, is antithetical to American ideals whether monopolistic power rears its ugly head in the business or political sphere.
We are more familiar with industrial monopolies which throughout our history have been prosecuted as being in restraint of fair, even-handed trade but such control can also exist in politics when one party or individual unfairly maintains a steely grip, sometimes for decades.
Politicians recognize the inequity of such power and occasionally go through the motions of curbing it through term limits to which the monopolizers object, for obvious reasons. They enjoy their control.
We’re more tolerant of political monopolies because, after all, the party and office holders have usually been elected to their positions by the voters, and they make the laws to keep themseves there. To many people, they’re harmless, ensconced as they are in their sinecures and the electorate is equally comfy in the hope they will somehow benefit from their longevity in office.
Excessive longevity in office, however, can breed discontent, especially when combined with other factors such as race in our our ostensibly color blind society. In truth, color blindedness is more often a legal concept rather than an actual state.
In the case of tiny, run-down Alligator, Mississippi, population 220, that recently proved to be the case.
Three quarters of Alligator’s population is now Black and the White mayor had been in office for 30 years.
Time for a change, figured Alligator’s Blacks, time to emulate the amorphous, undefined change that the nation’s first Black president promised. So, Alligator sent the 71 year old White Mayor Robert Fava packing and elected a Black, the former clerk in Fava’s general store, Tommie “Tomasso” Brown, age 38, in his stead . . .
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Washingtonian Head-Scratchers and Head-Bangers
The bulk of the news that’s been coming out of D.C. lately hasn’t been very positive but some stories have the redeeming kick of being entertaining even if they are bewildering head-scratchers and/or frustrating head-bangers.
Head-Scratcher Number One:
David Brooks’ Inner Thigh: So, you’re a guy having a nice sit-down dinner in the capital, maybe a cocktail or two, or three, and another guy, an unidentified Republican Senator guy, “had his hand on [your] inner thigh the whole time.”
Such was the experience of New York Times columnist, David Brooks, as told to some television interviewers. Apparently the very liberal conservative Brooks wasn’t in the least upset or annoyed at what reported as “a sexual advance.”
As PoliticsDaily’s David Knowles opines, ”Why Brooks let the senator keep his hand there for the entire dinner is a mystery. Why he described the incident on television, but then refused to name the politician, is another.”
Good points, both.
I posit a third observation: Maybe it never happened, that it was a fantasy, and Brooks is in the closet.
Maybe not coincidentally, Knowles filed the story under “Republicans. Gay Rights.”
See the giddy video here:
And the 48 year old Brooks has the nerve to call politicians “freaks?”
Head-Scratcher Number Two:
Stuart Smalley Critiques SCOTUS History: Pretend-Senator Al Franken is such a comic! Having stolen his seat in the U.S. Senate, he made his virgin flight in that role by brilliantly observing that Sonia Sotomayor was “the most experienced Supreme Court nominee in 100 years. . . [whose] story is inspirational and one in which “all Americans should take great pride in.”
You can take the comedian out of Saturday Night Live but you can’t take SNL out of the comedian unless, that is, he was serious?
First of all, I’m not nearly as curious about a Supreme Court nominee’s “story” and life experiences as I am in her legal expertise and ability to accurately interpret the Constitution from the point of view of the Founders and not according to pressure groups, or her empathy.
Secondly, surely Smalley/Franken has heard of Judge Robert Bork, William Rehnquist, Antonin Scalia and any number of other borked and successful nominees whose experience make Sonia’s inconsequential and who believe in the sanctity of our Constitution.
No doubt he Googled Sotomayor and discovered she has served many years as an (affirmative action) Second Circuit Court Judge, in which capacity she felt she was qualified and mandated to establish public policy.
That belief in itself should be sufficient to disqualify her and reduce her very moving personal history to irrelevancy. I, too, came from a difficult South Bronx life but I believe in a strict interpetation of the Constitution so can I please be Obama’s next pick?
As for Smalley/Franken, he would love whomever Obama chose as long as he or she were a leftist and as long as he or she received the leftist imprimatur.
What a travesty.
Head-Scratcher/Head-Banger Number One:
Barbara Boxer’s Excursion into Hyperbole: She didn’t mention pestilence, incurable boils, plagues of locusts, the Black Death, Washington and New York sinking beneath the Atlantic, or China invading us, but Senator Barbara Boxer covered most other bases.
Should the Senate not pass the global warming/cooling/changing bill, she warned, we should prepare for “dire results: droughts, floods, fires, loss of species, damage to agriculture, worsening air pollution and more:”
That “more” is the really scary part. It could very well include . . .
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Head-Scratcher Number One:
David Brooks’ Inner Thigh: So, you’re a guy having a nice sit-down dinner in the capital, maybe a cocktail or two, or three, and another guy, an unidentified Republican Senator guy, “had his hand on [your] inner thigh the whole time.”
Such was the experience of New York Times columnist, David Brooks, as told to some television interviewers. Apparently the very liberal conservative Brooks wasn’t in the least upset or annoyed at what reported as “a sexual advance.”
As PoliticsDaily’s David Knowles opines, ”Why Brooks let the senator keep his hand there for the entire dinner is a mystery. Why he described the incident on television, but then refused to name the politician, is another.”
Good points, both.
I posit a third observation: Maybe it never happened, that it was a fantasy, and Brooks is in the closet.
Maybe not coincidentally, Knowles filed the story under “Republicans. Gay Rights.”
See the giddy video here:
And the 48 year old Brooks has the nerve to call politicians “freaks?”
Head-Scratcher Number Two:
Stuart Smalley Critiques SCOTUS History: Pretend-Senator Al Franken is such a comic! Having stolen his seat in the U.S. Senate, he made his virgin flight in that role by brilliantly observing that Sonia Sotomayor was “the most experienced Supreme Court nominee in 100 years. . . [whose] story is inspirational and one in which “all Americans should take great pride in.”
You can take the comedian out of Saturday Night Live but you can’t take SNL out of the comedian unless, that is, he was serious?
First of all, I’m not nearly as curious about a Supreme Court nominee’s “story” and life experiences as I am in her legal expertise and ability to accurately interpret the Constitution from the point of view of the Founders and not according to pressure groups, or her empathy.
Secondly, surely Smalley/Franken has heard of Judge Robert Bork, William Rehnquist, Antonin Scalia and any number of other borked and successful nominees whose experience make Sonia’s inconsequential and who believe in the sanctity of our Constitution.
No doubt he Googled Sotomayor and discovered she has served many years as an (affirmative action) Second Circuit Court Judge, in which capacity she felt she was qualified and mandated to establish public policy.
That belief in itself should be sufficient to disqualify her and reduce her very moving personal history to irrelevancy. I, too, came from a difficult South Bronx life but I believe in a strict interpetation of the Constitution so can I please be Obama’s next pick?
As for Smalley/Franken, he would love whomever Obama chose as long as he or she were a leftist and as long as he or she received the leftist imprimatur.
What a travesty.
Head-Scratcher/Head-Banger Number One:
Barbara Boxer’s Excursion into Hyperbole: She didn’t mention pestilence, incurable boils, plagues of locusts, the Black Death, Washington and New York sinking beneath the Atlantic, or China invading us, but Senator Barbara Boxer covered most other bases.
Should the Senate not pass the global warming/cooling/changing bill, she warned, we should prepare for “dire results: droughts, floods, fires, loss of species, damage to agriculture, worsening air pollution and more:”
That “more” is the really scary part. It could very well include . . .
(Read the rest at
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Paving the Rocky Road to Armageddon
Paving the Rocky Road to Armageddon
Hiroshima, Mon Amour was a tame film compared to Armageddon, Mon Amour which hasn’t been filmed as yet and probably never will be.
Armageddon, a truly stupid 1998 film featuring Bruce Willis, unfortunately was filmed and featured an asteroid hurtling our way which Bruce re-directs with a nuke. One trouble is that Armageddon the movie sucked as a film, despite Willis. Another is that it had no relevance to Armageddon.
It seems someone is always fretting that the end is near, that the Messiah will make His Second Coming to confront and destroy evil incarnate, the Anti-Christ
The precise time is uncertain for that Final Battle but the location has been pinpointed: The Battle of Armageddon is set for Megiddo, a little lump of a place, a hill situated near an Israeli kibbutz, a tiny spot on the globe that just happens to have monumental biblical and modern relevance as foretold in the Book of Revelations.
Revelations didn’t schedule a date. The paving of the rocky road to the Apocalypse may be in process, however. Practically speaking, any future generations could refer to it as World War III.
Many believe the Armageddon is imminent, a belief that tends to gain more credence and adherents at epochal moments in history, such as the years 1000 A.D. and 2000 A.D., and during stressful times such as ours.
Just as the First World War was precipitated by a single event in Sarajevo, the fear today is that the actions of one or both of the planet’s chief lunatics will lead to Armageddon.
Those two crazies in our midst, the pot-bellied North Korean fruitcake, Kim Jong-il, and the ascetic-looking Iranian nutcase, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, are the most unlikely characters on the world stage to be able to change history except for one distinction: Both are on the verge of nuclear and nuclear-delivery capabilities.
As always, the ever-watchful and ever-impotent United Nations is on the case, wringing its collective, angst-ridden hands and issuing resolution after resolution warning North Korea and Iran not to continue on their respective nuclear courses.
U.N. resolutions are customarily followed by studied inaction during which the delegates settle back and retreat into their comfortable cocoons.
Resolutions are the U.N.’s method of making itself appear useful and its modus operandi for absolving itself of responsibility in the face of potential world dangers should they erupt into full-scale, catastrophic disasters.
Well, we tried, the United Nations can always say even when those attempts have the practical utility of teats on bulls or wings stapled on pigs.
The blustering, self-indulgent despot, Kim Jong-il, represents no Earth-altering geo-political threat, which is not to minimize his insanity and inanity.
He could unilaterally bring about massive devastation in a relatively concentrated area of the planet and the probable retaliation would effectively return his nation to the Bronze Age. That status wouldn’t change much in the daily lives of most North Korean survivors.
On the other hand, Ahmadinejad has the capacity to wreak unspeakable horrors, including beginning that battle in Megiddo, something the maniacal tyrant devoutly wishes.
For a transcript of a lengthy panel discussion featuring various Islamic scholars . . .
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Saturday, July 11, 2009
Log Cabin "Republicans?"
Log Cabin “Republicans?”
Log Cabin Republicans, a splinter group of homosexual alleged Republicans, remind me of minorities who moved into an exclusively majority neighborhood not because they liked the area or a particular house but for the express purpose of causing a ruckus and gaining publicity for their cause.
It was a tactic used by civil rights activists as well as by unethical realtors who used “blockbusting” to drive prices down and drive majorities out of neighborhoods so they could make a killing.
Such agitators were fairly frequent back in the old days when racial agitation was more commonly employed to achieve the goals of the civil rights movement. In 2009, the bulk of those goals have been achieved, except in the minds of extremists and professional troublemakers who thrive on discord.
Today, except in very rare circumstances, most forms of blockbusting don’t occur. With all the laws on the books regarding racial discrimination, it’s largely unnecessary and a blockbusting realtor could find himself in the hoosegow, bunking with one of those minorities he manipulated to make his killings.
Leroy Tyrone Abdul would probably teach that realtor the meaning of Black Power.
Racial times have changed, whether for the better or worse only the future will tell, but times for the gay Log Cabineers haven’t changed an iota. I once wondered why they advertised themselves as Republicans since there is precious little in national Republican Party platforms that would attract the attention of homosexuals.
They derive their corporate name from Abe Lincoln’s log cabin roots at the same time their name is homosexually suggestive.
Okay, as their website,, states, they say they believe in “limited government, strong national defense, free markets, low taxes, personal responsibility, and individual liberty,” as traditional Republicans do. They are working to return the party to its “core principles.” However, any number of Republican principles are in direct opposition to their core.
Their site goes on to state that now the “GOP has another chance to choose fairness over discrimination, equality over bigotry, hope over fear, and freedom over oppression. . . . regardless of sexual orientation.”
All nice rhetoric, all predicated on false premises, and all concealing their true purposes, namely to subvert the Grand Old Party and enlist it on the gay side.
Fat chance, at least for true Republicans.
Indicative of how well gays have succeeded in browbeating American society, and the Republican Party, in 2009 is that a search for “gays” and “homosexuals” on,, turns up zero references for the latter and all of three for the former.
Clinton’s military’s “Don’t ask, don’t tell” dictum has become the “We dare not even mention them” Republican position for fear of attack by the forces of the powerful gay lobby.
President George W. Bush and Republican “moderates” soundly trashed the long-established limited government precept and Log Cabin Republicans clearly interpret personal responsibilities and individual liberties far differently than most Republicans. Perhaps they misinterpret avoidance of the topic of gays as agreement on gay core “principles.”
The GOP hasn’t, yet, caved to homosexual opportunings. The leadership simply hasn’t the testicular fortitude to tell them where to stick their “principles” . . .
(Read the rest at
Log Cabin Republicans, a splinter group of homosexual alleged Republicans, remind me of minorities who moved into an exclusively majority neighborhood not because they liked the area or a particular house but for the express purpose of causing a ruckus and gaining publicity for their cause.
It was a tactic used by civil rights activists as well as by unethical realtors who used “blockbusting” to drive prices down and drive majorities out of neighborhoods so they could make a killing.
Such agitators were fairly frequent back in the old days when racial agitation was more commonly employed to achieve the goals of the civil rights movement. In 2009, the bulk of those goals have been achieved, except in the minds of extremists and professional troublemakers who thrive on discord.
Today, except in very rare circumstances, most forms of blockbusting don’t occur. With all the laws on the books regarding racial discrimination, it’s largely unnecessary and a blockbusting realtor could find himself in the hoosegow, bunking with one of those minorities he manipulated to make his killings.
Leroy Tyrone Abdul would probably teach that realtor the meaning of Black Power.
Racial times have changed, whether for the better or worse only the future will tell, but times for the gay Log Cabineers haven’t changed an iota. I once wondered why they advertised themselves as Republicans since there is precious little in national Republican Party platforms that would attract the attention of homosexuals.
They derive their corporate name from Abe Lincoln’s log cabin roots at the same time their name is homosexually suggestive.
Okay, as their website,, states, they say they believe in “limited government, strong national defense, free markets, low taxes, personal responsibility, and individual liberty,” as traditional Republicans do. They are working to return the party to its “core principles.” However, any number of Republican principles are in direct opposition to their core.
Their site goes on to state that now the “GOP has another chance to choose fairness over discrimination, equality over bigotry, hope over fear, and freedom over oppression. . . . regardless of sexual orientation.”
All nice rhetoric, all predicated on false premises, and all concealing their true purposes, namely to subvert the Grand Old Party and enlist it on the gay side.
Fat chance, at least for true Republicans.
Indicative of how well gays have succeeded in browbeating American society, and the Republican Party, in 2009 is that a search for “gays” and “homosexuals” on,, turns up zero references for the latter and all of three for the former.
Clinton’s military’s “Don’t ask, don’t tell” dictum has become the “We dare not even mention them” Republican position for fear of attack by the forces of the powerful gay lobby.
President George W. Bush and Republican “moderates” soundly trashed the long-established limited government precept and Log Cabin Republicans clearly interpret personal responsibilities and individual liberties far differently than most Republicans. Perhaps they misinterpret avoidance of the topic of gays as agreement on gay core “principles.”
The GOP hasn’t, yet, caved to homosexual opportunings. The leadership simply hasn’t the testicular fortitude to tell them where to stick their “principles” . . .
(Read the rest at
Racism in America, Liberal Style
Racism in America, Liberal Style
It’s too bad and very sad that the Black power structure in this country does not have people like Walter E. Williams, Ward Connerly, Thomas Sowell, and, my personal favorite, ”the Black Avenger,” Ken Hamblin, in leadership positions and as media darlings.
Instead, much to its detriment, it has the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and various Black congressional hacks, charlatans, and crooks at the helm, all of whom wallow in and profit from racial divisiveness which keeps them in power and which keeps their pockets stuffed.
President Obama’s pockets have been sufficiently stuffed with his racially-motivated book deals as well as by his taxpayer-funded trips all over the planet for his family.
We’re told he pays for the family. We’re also told the Tooth Fairy pays a buck each nowadays for baby teeth and that Obama’s Kenyan half-brother is positively ecstatic living in his hovel in Kenya where he subsists on less than a dollar a month.
I imagine he would give an eye tooth for a tooth-dollar.
Obama’s thinking must be that his half-bro would probably stroke out if he got a generous gift from his millionaire American relative to keep him above water and above eating the bark off trees.
However, I digress.
In an article redundantly titled, “Vicious Academic Liberals,” Professor Walter E. Williams concludes with, “Hypocrisy is part and parcel of the liberal academic elite,” another obvious redundancy.
The scholarly, conservative, entertaining, Black professor of economics at George Mason University has surely been aware of that hypocrisy for many years but it was brought to mind by another article by an equally scholarly, and conservative Black, Ward Connerly
Connerly, a former University of California Regent, best known for his opposition to affirmative action, had had a conversation with an administrator at UC who told Connerly he would deny the content of their talk should Connerly ever publicize it.
He did make it public while not disclosing the identity of the official and it’s evident why the official would not want what he said made available for public consumption and consideration.
It was blatantly racist . . .
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Thursday, July 9, 2009
Abortion, the NEA, and the Moribund First Amendment
Abortion, the NEA, and the Moribund First Amendment
Speech is Free, If You Agree
Public school teachers are notoriously liberal as are former school teachers who move on up the career ladder to become adminstrators. Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach; those who can’t teach become administrators.
I knew one guy who went to the principal to beg to get out of the classroom before he killed some of the kids. They created an administrative post for him, Liaison to Cafeteria Staff. Seriously!
Teacher liberalism comes from the top down, starting with the educational arm of the Democratic Party, the ultra-leftist National Education Association.
As with states and municipalities controlled by liberals which are rapidly going bankrupt, under NEA guidance, our schools have been morally bankrupt for generations, in part due to the NEA abortion stance.
Pedagogy has been sent to the back of the room and indoctrination has become the primary focus of our educational system, and our kids show it.
The NEA euphemistically calls abortion a ”reproductive right” although how advocating the killing of pre-born infants in any way relates to reproduction baffles me.
Please see an Eagle Forum report regarding the NEA’s associations with Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, NARAL, NOW, et al.:
One revelation in that report: The NEA has established “an annual fund of $50,000 in grants to pro-abortion advocates across the nation. The NEA promised to award this amount in grants every year until passage of the Freedom of Choice Act.” That funding began 17 years ago. I’m guessing it has grown tenfold in the interim.
To buck the NEA, liberal party line on any issue could bring on the wrath of superiors or, at the minimum, disdain and shunning; to endorse the pro-life position in schools is tantamount to heresy. Still, some “educators” go overboard.
Such was the case of a 7th grader at McSwain Elementary School in Merced, California who had the audacity to assert her First Amendment rights to free speech by wearing a pro-life T-shirt in a pro-abortion venue, namely a public school.
The shirt depicted the 3 stages of an aborted infant’s abbreviated life in utero with the words, “Going, Growing, Gone.” There was no blood, gore, or violence pictured, . . .
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Speech is Free, If You Agree
Public school teachers are notoriously liberal as are former school teachers who move on up the career ladder to become adminstrators. Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach; those who can’t teach become administrators.
I knew one guy who went to the principal to beg to get out of the classroom before he killed some of the kids. They created an administrative post for him, Liaison to Cafeteria Staff. Seriously!
Teacher liberalism comes from the top down, starting with the educational arm of the Democratic Party, the ultra-leftist National Education Association.
As with states and municipalities controlled by liberals which are rapidly going bankrupt, under NEA guidance, our schools have been morally bankrupt for generations, in part due to the NEA abortion stance.
Pedagogy has been sent to the back of the room and indoctrination has become the primary focus of our educational system, and our kids show it.
The NEA euphemistically calls abortion a ”reproductive right” although how advocating the killing of pre-born infants in any way relates to reproduction baffles me.
Please see an Eagle Forum report regarding the NEA’s associations with Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, NARAL, NOW, et al.:
One revelation in that report: The NEA has established “an annual fund of $50,000 in grants to pro-abortion advocates across the nation. The NEA promised to award this amount in grants every year until passage of the Freedom of Choice Act.” That funding began 17 years ago. I’m guessing it has grown tenfold in the interim.
To buck the NEA, liberal party line on any issue could bring on the wrath of superiors or, at the minimum, disdain and shunning; to endorse the pro-life position in schools is tantamount to heresy. Still, some “educators” go overboard.
Such was the case of a 7th grader at McSwain Elementary School in Merced, California who had the audacity to assert her First Amendment rights to free speech by wearing a pro-life T-shirt in a pro-abortion venue, namely a public school.
The shirt depicted the 3 stages of an aborted infant’s abbreviated life in utero with the words, “Going, Growing, Gone.” There was no blood, gore, or violence pictured, . . .
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Homosexuality and Child Abuse at Duke University
Homosexuals on the March at Duke University
I keep trying to avoid the issue of homosexuality, I really do, but homosexuals, and Obama, keep pushing their sick agenda, so I can’t.
I know how their ilk interprets avoidance– as weakness, subservience, and acquiescence– and I refuse to feed their egos, or whatever they feed on, by ignoring or minimizing what they’re up to of late.
The hetero-homo war has been going on for decades even if the 98% of straights are oblivious of the fact and nature of the conflict and that the 2% of gays are winning.
Case in point relates to the 2006 Duke Debacle in which a bunch of rich, white college kids on the Duke University lacrosse team were accused, tried, and convicted in the mass media and in the Duke community of raping a poor, black stripper.
The sordid details of that lie are not worth repeating but can be found here, with comments, for those who tend to relegate such lies to the back burner:
Whoa! What does that have to do with “homosexuals on the march?”
Duke University prides itself on being a 171 year old outstanding institution of learning when in fact it’s a prime and twisted example of the devolution of America’s universities into a rancid, liberal, homosexual cesspool, that’s what.
Duke rushed to justice, leapt to unfounded conclusions, when it came to alleged iniquities of those perverted, rich, white lacrosse boys. When it came to a far more perverted one-of-its-own, the school closed ranks and defended its resident perv and accused pederast, Frank M. Lombard.
Lombard, Duke prof, committed “partner” of his gay lover Ken Shipp, another Duke staff member, “loving” dad of two adopted young, African-American boys, lived in an advertised, “paradise for children.”
A paradise must be a subjective concept since Lombard seems to have made it a hell for “his” child. . . .
(Read the rest at
I keep trying to avoid the issue of homosexuality, I really do, but homosexuals, and Obama, keep pushing their sick agenda, so I can’t.
I know how their ilk interprets avoidance– as weakness, subservience, and acquiescence– and I refuse to feed their egos, or whatever they feed on, by ignoring or minimizing what they’re up to of late.
The hetero-homo war has been going on for decades even if the 98% of straights are oblivious of the fact and nature of the conflict and that the 2% of gays are winning.
Case in point relates to the 2006 Duke Debacle in which a bunch of rich, white college kids on the Duke University lacrosse team were accused, tried, and convicted in the mass media and in the Duke community of raping a poor, black stripper.
The sordid details of that lie are not worth repeating but can be found here, with comments, for those who tend to relegate such lies to the back burner:
Whoa! What does that have to do with “homosexuals on the march?”
Duke University prides itself on being a 171 year old outstanding institution of learning when in fact it’s a prime and twisted example of the devolution of America’s universities into a rancid, liberal, homosexual cesspool, that’s what.
Duke rushed to justice, leapt to unfounded conclusions, when it came to alleged iniquities of those perverted, rich, white lacrosse boys. When it came to a far more perverted one-of-its-own, the school closed ranks and defended its resident perv and accused pederast, Frank M. Lombard.
Lombard, Duke prof, committed “partner” of his gay lover Ken Shipp, another Duke staff member, “loving” dad of two adopted young, African-American boys, lived in an advertised, “paradise for children.”
A paradise must be a subjective concept since Lombard seems to have made it a hell for “his” child. . . .
(Read the rest at
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
MJ, the Memorial and the Aftermath
Michael Jackson, the Memorial and the Aftermath
Well, it’s over, I think. I hope. Sort of. The memorial for Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, the man who beat a pedophilia rap, the androgynous Michael, is finally concluded as most of his body should be laid to rest at Forest Lawn Cemetery.
As grotesque as it sounds, MJ’s brain will not yet be interred pending further examination by the L.A. coroner to determine the cause of death. Adding to the strangeness, there’s a report as of this writing that the whereabouts of the rest of his body is unknown.
You couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried.
I caught a bit of Tuesday’s festivities on the news since they were impossible to avoid. And it really did seem more a festival than a wake, except for the very touching, tearful remarks of his young daughter, Paris Michael Jackson.
The eleven year old was evidently heartbroken at her loss, yet braved the thousands at the Staples Center to express her sorrow. Some believe she was forced to speak at the end of the services, exploited as one more element of “a macabre circus:”
That British observation went on to add that the glitzy superficiality was all “a reminder of why Michael Jackson became [and died] a deeply unhappy, lonely man living an utterly bizarre existence,” a comment few American media would dare make.
It also established a “world record . . . for the most people wearing sunglasses indoors.”
Nevertheless, coerced or not, anyone not moved by the child’s few words and sincere grief either has no soul or has no heart.
Neither Jackson’s son, nor his dad or mom, spoke although a host of others–family, friends, and sycophantic, parasitic hangers on–did step to the stage to voice their feelings in speeches and songs over the passing of the King.
Included were, of all people, Al Sharpton, Magic Johnson, and one of the few Whites granted stage time, Jacko’s former girl buddy, Brooke Shields.
It’s a fine line treaded at times such as these when to criticize any newly deceased is deemed beneath low and rotten. However, to heap praise on a failed human being and pretend he was not deeply flawed is patently hypocritical and false.
Obviously, not all concur on that failure or his flaws and it was a memorial, after all, an occasion to laud the dead although some of the praise seemed just a tad excessive.
One of the bereaved toasted Wacko Jacko as “the greatest entertainer of all time,” apparently forgetting Elvis, Sinatra, and the Beatles as well as what must have been awesome stars in ancient Babylonia and Sumeria.
However, that’s quibbling for Michael Jackson was definitely the greatest entertainer of the last generation even if some would argue for Bart Simpson.
All that aside, . . . (Read the rest at
Well, it’s over, I think. I hope. Sort of. The memorial for Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, the man who beat a pedophilia rap, the androgynous Michael, is finally concluded as most of his body should be laid to rest at Forest Lawn Cemetery.
As grotesque as it sounds, MJ’s brain will not yet be interred pending further examination by the L.A. coroner to determine the cause of death. Adding to the strangeness, there’s a report as of this writing that the whereabouts of the rest of his body is unknown.
You couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried.
I caught a bit of Tuesday’s festivities on the news since they were impossible to avoid. And it really did seem more a festival than a wake, except for the very touching, tearful remarks of his young daughter, Paris Michael Jackson.
The eleven year old was evidently heartbroken at her loss, yet braved the thousands at the Staples Center to express her sorrow. Some believe she was forced to speak at the end of the services, exploited as one more element of “a macabre circus:”
That British observation went on to add that the glitzy superficiality was all “a reminder of why Michael Jackson became [and died] a deeply unhappy, lonely man living an utterly bizarre existence,” a comment few American media would dare make.
It also established a “world record . . . for the most people wearing sunglasses indoors.”
Nevertheless, coerced or not, anyone not moved by the child’s few words and sincere grief either has no soul or has no heart.
Neither Jackson’s son, nor his dad or mom, spoke although a host of others–family, friends, and sycophantic, parasitic hangers on–did step to the stage to voice their feelings in speeches and songs over the passing of the King.
Included were, of all people, Al Sharpton, Magic Johnson, and one of the few Whites granted stage time, Jacko’s former girl buddy, Brooke Shields.
It’s a fine line treaded at times such as these when to criticize any newly deceased is deemed beneath low and rotten. However, to heap praise on a failed human being and pretend he was not deeply flawed is patently hypocritical and false.
Obviously, not all concur on that failure or his flaws and it was a memorial, after all, an occasion to laud the dead although some of the praise seemed just a tad excessive.
One of the bereaved toasted Wacko Jacko as “the greatest entertainer of all time,” apparently forgetting Elvis, Sinatra, and the Beatles as well as what must have been awesome stars in ancient Babylonia and Sumeria.
However, that’s quibbling for Michael Jackson was definitely the greatest entertainer of the last generation even if some would argue for Bart Simpson.
All that aside, . . . (Read the rest at
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
President Obamabortion
President Obamabortion: Turn in Your Consciences!
America’s president breaks new ground virtually every day. Now, his shovel is digging away, chipping away in the ground of that quality which distinguishes people from all other species on the planet, humankind’s sense of conscience.
Many beasts of the Earth are more powerful than humans, many are faster, more ravenous. To PETA people, denizens of the animal world are better than we and maybe more attractive and intelligent than we are. However, as far as I know, even PETA does not attribute to animals the element of conscience.
Merriam-Webster defines the word as “the sense or consciousness of the moral goodness or blameworthiness of one’s own conduct, intentions, or character together with a feeling of obligation to do right or be good.”
In his effort to abort as many pre-born babies as possible, the most avidly pro-abortion president in America’s history is in process of amending that definition. In effect, he is adding to that sense of “moral goodness” and “obligation to do right or be good” the limitation, “except when Mr. Obamabortion dictates otherwise.
Personally, I don’t like “holier than thou” types, professional do-gooders who seek self-agrandizement more than true goodness and I certainly don’t hold myself out as an exemplar of a perfect morality. However, what I truly detest is anyone who seeks to impose no options but evil options on decent people.
Such is the aim of the abortion lobby, Department of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, and President Obamabortion.
As with most political activists and politicians, they try to cloak their actual intent with ambiguity and obfuscate that intent with misleading rhetoric and false promises.
Thus, when Sec. Sebelius says that the president “supports existing federal laws that prevent federally funded health care providers from forcing doctors and pharmacists who morally oppose abortion from either performing the procedure or providing abortion-inducing medication,” she is out and out lying. . . .
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Dirty Dave and Liberal Hypocrisy
Dirty Dave and the Kingdom of Liberal Hypocrisy
DISCLAIMER: Okay, I admit I personally didn’t hear this on Fox News Monday morning but this report comes directly from an authoritative source, the bride. So I think it must be pretty accurate, even if I couldn’t verify it on politically correct Google.
Bob Beckel, he of the snide comment and overflowing paunch, said that had Dave Letterman made comments about a Democratic woman comparable to what he said a few weeks ago about Sarah Palin and her family, he’d be off the air by now.
Somehow, there has been no righteous indignation over that misogynistic funny from Letterman.
Well, Duh! Any conscious or semi-conscious American should know by now that the New York Times prints all the news that fits and the rest of the liberal, lapdog mainstream media follow suit.
It’s baffling that the lib press and the TV networks can’t figure out why Americans have had it up to their earlobes with twisted, biased and censored ”reporting” and have tuned them out.
That’s not really news to conservatives and Republicans but it’s always good to know that the sweet breath of truth occasionally emanates from the mouths of Democratic hacks. Apparently, Beckel immediately realized he had committed a Dem mortal sin by voicing truth and he vainly tried to temper his remarks.
To review: Much has been made of slimy Dave’s risque “joke” about the Palins’ daughter, 14 year old Willow being “knocked up” out in right field during a game at Yankee Stadium. Ol’ Dave tried to defend his pedophiliac remark by saying, after it all hit the fan, that he meant 18 year old Bristol Palin and not Willow.
His reflective thinking was that maligning an 18 year old girl by suggesting she was screwing A-Rod out in right field was fine but that he would never, never I tell you, toss salacious barbs at Willow, despite the fact it was Willow, not Bristol, who had accompanied her mother to the Yankee game on the day in question.
Bristol, well, she’s another matter. She was fair game since she had conceived a child out of wedlock–and gave birth to Brig, rather than aborting him in the liberal fashion. A major plus, indeed the overriding factor for her to be attacked by Dave, she was the child of a Republican conservative.
Such hilarity could never, would never, be directed at Chelsea . . .
(Read the rest at
DISCLAIMER: Okay, I admit I personally didn’t hear this on Fox News Monday morning but this report comes directly from an authoritative source, the bride. So I think it must be pretty accurate, even if I couldn’t verify it on politically correct Google.
Bob Beckel, he of the snide comment and overflowing paunch, said that had Dave Letterman made comments about a Democratic woman comparable to what he said a few weeks ago about Sarah Palin and her family, he’d be off the air by now.
Somehow, there has been no righteous indignation over that misogynistic funny from Letterman.
Well, Duh! Any conscious or semi-conscious American should know by now that the New York Times prints all the news that fits and the rest of the liberal, lapdog mainstream media follow suit.
It’s baffling that the lib press and the TV networks can’t figure out why Americans have had it up to their earlobes with twisted, biased and censored ”reporting” and have tuned them out.
That’s not really news to conservatives and Republicans but it’s always good to know that the sweet breath of truth occasionally emanates from the mouths of Democratic hacks. Apparently, Beckel immediately realized he had committed a Dem mortal sin by voicing truth and he vainly tried to temper his remarks.
To review: Much has been made of slimy Dave’s risque “joke” about the Palins’ daughter, 14 year old Willow being “knocked up” out in right field during a game at Yankee Stadium. Ol’ Dave tried to defend his pedophiliac remark by saying, after it all hit the fan, that he meant 18 year old Bristol Palin and not Willow.
His reflective thinking was that maligning an 18 year old girl by suggesting she was screwing A-Rod out in right field was fine but that he would never, never I tell you, toss salacious barbs at Willow, despite the fact it was Willow, not Bristol, who had accompanied her mother to the Yankee game on the day in question.
Bristol, well, she’s another matter. She was fair game since she had conceived a child out of wedlock–and gave birth to Brig, rather than aborting him in the liberal fashion. A major plus, indeed the overriding factor for her to be attacked by Dave, she was the child of a Republican conservative.
Such hilarity could never, would never, be directed at Chelsea . . .
(Read the rest at
Monday, July 6, 2009
Taxes, Taxes, Lots and Lots of Taxes
Taxes, Taxes, Lots and Lots of Taxes
It’s bad enough VP Joe Biden suffers from foot-in-mouth disease. Now it turns out he also is reading-challenged.
The clown prince of the Obama administration almost daily reminds the electorate of how much better prepared and how much more articulate Sarah Palin would have been in the vice-presidency.
Still, he’s doing his assigned job for Obama by setting the stage for what most of us who voted McCain/Palin were anticipating from the get-go, namely an enormous increase in taxes and the breaking of yet another Obama vow not to increase taxes on anyone earning less than $250,000.
This president brags about how much he has accomplished in less than half a year but says little about his broken promises to the American people in that time.
Remember no jobs for lobbyists? Promise broken. Recall no earmarks? Promise broken. How about giving the citizenry a week to read legislation? Promise broken. Then there were ending politics as usual, bi-partisanship, transparency? All promises broken with nary a word of apology from the Obamassiah.
Biden was setting us up for the most humungous tax increase in the history of the republic when he babbled that Washington’s new geniuses “misread the economy.” Don’t blame us, dammit, everyone else did too! It’s all Bush’s fault.
The Heritage Foundation wonders whether they “misread” those 150,000 jobs last month as well since no one has seen hide nor hair of them:
The truth of the matter is that the boy wonder, Treasury Secretary Geithner, and Obama knew all along their economic model could not sustain itself. With apologies to the late Senator Everitt Dirksen, when you spend a trillion here, a trillion there, pretty soon it adds up to big money.
And BIG Money, taxpayer money, is what this administration is all about. To get the vote of the downtrodden and the stupid, Obama vowed to soak the rich and let the poor skate. Well, the poor will continue to skate; most of them don’t pay taxes anyway and the recently-finagled Cap and Trade farce will distribute more of America’s wealth to them.
The trouble is, one trouble, anyway, is that there aren’t 100 million “rich” to soak. ...
(Read the rest at
It’s bad enough VP Joe Biden suffers from foot-in-mouth disease. Now it turns out he also is reading-challenged.
The clown prince of the Obama administration almost daily reminds the electorate of how much better prepared and how much more articulate Sarah Palin would have been in the vice-presidency.
Still, he’s doing his assigned job for Obama by setting the stage for what most of us who voted McCain/Palin were anticipating from the get-go, namely an enormous increase in taxes and the breaking of yet another Obama vow not to increase taxes on anyone earning less than $250,000.
This president brags about how much he has accomplished in less than half a year but says little about his broken promises to the American people in that time.
Remember no jobs for lobbyists? Promise broken. Recall no earmarks? Promise broken. How about giving the citizenry a week to read legislation? Promise broken. Then there were ending politics as usual, bi-partisanship, transparency? All promises broken with nary a word of apology from the Obamassiah.
Biden was setting us up for the most humungous tax increase in the history of the republic when he babbled that Washington’s new geniuses “misread the economy.” Don’t blame us, dammit, everyone else did too! It’s all Bush’s fault.
The Heritage Foundation wonders whether they “misread” those 150,000 jobs last month as well since no one has seen hide nor hair of them:
The truth of the matter is that the boy wonder, Treasury Secretary Geithner, and Obama knew all along their economic model could not sustain itself. With apologies to the late Senator Everitt Dirksen, when you spend a trillion here, a trillion there, pretty soon it adds up to big money.
And BIG Money, taxpayer money, is what this administration is all about. To get the vote of the downtrodden and the stupid, Obama vowed to soak the rich and let the poor skate. Well, the poor will continue to skate; most of them don’t pay taxes anyway and the recently-finagled Cap and Trade farce will distribute more of America’s wealth to them.
The trouble is, one trouble, anyway, is that there aren’t 100 million “rich” to soak. ...
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Outercourse and Other Obamian Initiatives
Outercourse Vs Abstinence Vs Lesbians Vs Teacher Sex Tapes
It’s taken for granted by most thinking people that when oddballs are given license to be odd, they tend to get odder.
That license was given by our president in his “gay pride speech” when he demeaned normality and normal Americans who in huge numbers oppose the freakish idea of “gay marriage” by ridiculing such beliefs as “worn arguments, old attitudes.”
(He recently employed similar rhetoric in attacking Russia’s Vlad Putin. Barack really should look into getting better handlers and more original speech writers.)
That June gay pride month speech, links for which can be accessed here,, represented not only an insult hurled at heterosexuals and a boost for homosexuals. It represented a challenge to America’s normal citizens to resist Obama’s efforts to “abnormalize” the country.
It also constituted an endorsement for repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act and an appeal to his gay constituency to hang in there on the Obama bandwagon until he can accomplish all their goals to meet with their satisfaction.
Another issue with Obama’s “worn arguments, old attitudes” announcement is that it encouraged aberrants and aberrant behavior of all kinds. They range from instutionalized pervs expanding their modes of seduction to inebriated lesbians rioting to teachers inadvertantly advertising their down-time sources of amusement.
As my late mother-in-law used to say, It’s a great world–if you don’t weaken.
Planned Parenthood Gone Wilder: The sickos at Planned Parenthood, PPOA, don’t need much encouragement to carry on their campaign to corrupt America’s youth and their latest contribution to that cause is just one more step in that direction.
If you don’t think your teens should be engaging in sex with their bf’s, or bff’s, or friends with benefits, fear not. Just show them the new film being promoted by PPOA.
Please don’t teach them the absurdity of abstinence, just show them the animated, cartoon video, “Sexually Transmitted Infections Petting Zoo.” There, Farmer Tina takes them by their little hands through the minefields of STI’s, (no longer termed STD’s), to sexual fulfillment through “outercourse.”
Why remain abstinent and virginal? That’s so worn and old! Farmer Tina has oh, so many viable alternatives? I’ll leave those alternatives to the imaginations of the reader who, if prurient, can view the R-rated video here:
Let’s just say that PPOA and Tina’s alternatives may remove some sex risks from teen lives but hardly all. They don’t foster sports, clubs, or church activities to relieve the aching pain of raging hormones, either.
PPOA’s bottom line: Let your kids do anything but the ultimate nasty but if they still want to do that nasty, make sure they are protected! Good advice, if not for PPOA’s tireless efforts to get Johnny and Suzie to do it all and then turn to PPOA to abort their “mistake” with its chief moneymaker, abortion services.
Lesbians Gone Wild: Many lezzies are already worn and old but with Obama in their corner they have been infused with more vigor. That would be good news and bad news except that old lezzies, and aging gayboys, often resort to violence as their appearance, and vigor, slowly slip away.
Witness how gays reacted to California’s vote on Prop 8 last November. See “Rampaging Gays,”
Hope springs eternal in the gay psyche.
Take, for example, . . .
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Sunday, July 5, 2009
New Wacko Jacko Video
Wacko Jacko, the Saga Continues with a New Video
As the faithful flock to California from far and wide to join in the obsequies for the King of Pop by getting a free ticket to the Staples Center, L.A. prepares for chaos.
The raffle registration for the “Michael Jackson Memorial Service” on Tuesday has already ended. The 11,000 seats at Staples, 6,500 at the Nokia Theater, have already been awarded to the lucky lottery winners and the unfortunate millions of losers will be forced to watch the spectacular on the boob tube.
Popes and presidents are more easily and less visibly buried.
Two thousand five hundred of the freebies were allotted to Jacko’s family to be distributed at their discretion. Whether Daddy Joe Jackson will be invited is still up in the air.
Grieve not, losers. Word is you wouldn’t be able to catch a final glimpse of the King since his corpse will probably not be available for public viewing anyway:
I anticipate a circus atmosphere at the event, if not chaos and rioting by those denied access. If the planners had thought about it, the more proper venue would have been the far more spacious Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, home to the USC Trojans. There, however, a rainout would have produced even worse chaos.
For some reason, I’m not privy to the details of Jackson’s funeral, although I would assume film clips will be incorporated in the extravaganza.
Certain clips and videos will all but certainly not be considered for inclusion: the Bashir interview (see, and one recently outed in the UK showing Jacko squirming and evading in a 1996 chat that delved into his “nasty” sex life: . . .
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As the faithful flock to California from far and wide to join in the obsequies for the King of Pop by getting a free ticket to the Staples Center, L.A. prepares for chaos.
The raffle registration for the “Michael Jackson Memorial Service” on Tuesday has already ended. The 11,000 seats at Staples, 6,500 at the Nokia Theater, have already been awarded to the lucky lottery winners and the unfortunate millions of losers will be forced to watch the spectacular on the boob tube.
Popes and presidents are more easily and less visibly buried.
Two thousand five hundred of the freebies were allotted to Jacko’s family to be distributed at their discretion. Whether Daddy Joe Jackson will be invited is still up in the air.
Grieve not, losers. Word is you wouldn’t be able to catch a final glimpse of the King since his corpse will probably not be available for public viewing anyway:
I anticipate a circus atmosphere at the event, if not chaos and rioting by those denied access. If the planners had thought about it, the more proper venue would have been the far more spacious Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, home to the USC Trojans. There, however, a rainout would have produced even worse chaos.
For some reason, I’m not privy to the details of Jackson’s funeral, although I would assume film clips will be incorporated in the extravaganza.
Certain clips and videos will all but certainly not be considered for inclusion: the Bashir interview (see, and one recently outed in the UK showing Jacko squirming and evading in a 1996 chat that delved into his “nasty” sex life: . . .
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Friday, July 3, 2009
More on Wacko Jacko
In Response to Michael Jackson Article
The following was submitted as a comment on my July 2nd piece, “Jacko Wacko Bites the Bullet, Re-locates to a Toasty Neverland,” It is followed by my rebuttal and a brief dissenting point of view.
“In your article you repeatedly bash, berate and then label as idolaters those who hold the musical accomplishments of Michael Jackson in high esteem when for many nothing could be further from the truth.
I take offense to your generalizations and am amazed at how many of your assertions, not just those concerning the fans who you perceive have given themselves over to idolatry, are based on your feelings, personal preferences and tastes and not on fact.
It is apparent that your knowledge of music and music history is lacking, but you, instead of giving ear and some credence to the opinions of others more learned in this area of knowledge, choose to instead to throw the proverbial baby out with the bathwater and refuse to attribute any talent to the man and castigate others who don’t feel as you do.
Perhaps you’d do well to receive education on the matter of how Michael Jackson’s talent indeed played a great roll in the evolution of pop music. Your personal tastes in the arts may not be in line with what he has to offer, but that doesn’t negate the fact that he has talent. I do not like the German composer Richard Wagner’s anti-Semitic and Nazi-leanings, but I can appreciate his immense skill and ability and cannot deny that he influenced the development of European classical music.
There are actors in Hollywood who may possess a lifestyle which some fans may find abhorrent yet regardless the admirer cannot deny the veracity of the actor’s skill and that some actors have even impacted society.
Concerning the above, we can choose not to listen to the music or watch the films which display these artists whose lifestyle and political opinions we detest — we can even seek to sway others to boycott their expressions of their craft as it’s a free country, but to deny their abilities is just plain ignorant.
Don’t get me wrong, people who hold Michael in high esteem in his musicality doesn’t mean they necessarily approve of his lifestyle, choices, and yes, of course horrific acts on children (of which he was found not guilty). These are issues open for individual decisions. You cannot generalize about the group of supportive fans, as you have done. However, you must appreciate that many believe he was one solid hunk of talent, fans or no.
Please be not so quick to cast dispersions upon the masses who find that Michael’s life, for better or for worse, did greatly affect the history of music. His title The King of Pop, though perhaps disregarded by you and even by some his supporters, seems to me to be a designation which consolidates and acknowledges all that he has offered pop culture.
Some fans extract the musical contribution of Michael, while others accept the entirety of who Michael Jackson is. You can’t paint the many shadings of Jackson fans with one brush or deny the bedrock fact that Michael’s small frame housed one big talent.”
Rebuttal: I never intended in my article to detract from the talent that was Michael Jackson nor did I offer myself as a pop-music expert nor a judge of his talent which I concede was remarkable. So, too, has his influence and popularity been remarkable, comparable to Sinatra with his bobby-soxers and to Elvis with his fans of my generation and beyond.
Instead, my focus was on Jacko’s far less than admirable qualities and issues and referenced his father as quite possibly responsible for some, not all, of them. I pointedly referred to Jackson’s talent a number of times and conceded my gross lack of qualification to evaluate Jackson the Performer.
However, I still have to stick with my contention that most, not all, but too many of his devotees can fairly be described as idolators. How else do we explain their easy dismissal of such things as payoffs to victims of his pedophilia in favor of their unfailing support for him and his music?
How else do we explain their acceptance . . .
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Thursday, July 2, 2009
Jacko Wacko Bites the Bullet . . .
Jacko Wacko Bites the Bullet, Re-locates to a Toasty Neverland
I know the title and content of this piece will be interpreted as mean-spirited by some people since it reflects not even a modicum of reverence for the memory of the recently-departed Michael Jackson.
The irreverence is fully intentional.
I’m aware that it’s unkind and ungracious to speak ill of the dead and for that reason I thought I’d avoid commenting on Jackson’s untimely demise. However, I’m fed up and not going to take any more of this adulation being heaped on the undeserving, yet-unburied King of Pop.
That adulation, bordering on adoration, exemplifies both the short attention span and the inclination of his many millions of fans worldwide to overlook and discount the “man’s” perversions in favor of salivating over, listening to, and watching their king do his thing even if his thing is no longer live and in person.
If he was this generation’s king of anything, Wacko Jacko was the King of Pervs, the King of Pedophiles, the King of the Disturbed and the Absurd. Kings get away with almost anything, and so did Jacko. Furthermore, if anyone was emblematic of a disintegrating Western culture, it was Michael Joseph Jackson.
The seventh of nine children of the prolific Joe and Katherine Jackson’s Gary, Indiana clan, his childhood may best be described as unusual as well as brutal. That fact may be sad but it is no defense for the evil he inflicted on children in his later years.
I will leave to Jackson’s idolators to review his amazing career and talent and to gloss over his early years but the fact his last, or semi-last, or one of his many wills never mentions dear ol’ dad is testimony to Jacko’s negative memories of Papa Joe Jackson.
Those same idolators, when pressed, will both defend his father and family and go on to use his childhood to explain his actions.
That defense works only in our court system when attorneys seek sympathetic jury nullification to find a defendant not guilty in the face of a preponderance of evidence to the contrary. Let’s face it, Jacko was a sick, twisted individual who paid big bucks to keep himself out of jail for serial acts of pedophilia.
In the case of Michael Joseph Jackson, the scam of blaming his conduct on poor parenting wouldn’t wash with any jury that could sublimate senseless worship to objective rationality. His life would dictate a guilty verdict based alone on the damage he did to any number of kids, all boy kids.
That damage will be ignored and forgotten in the ensuing weeks and years as Jackson’s relatives battle for his presumptive millions and as the starstruck media clamor for headlines to peddle their trashy reports to gullible fans.
But, naysayers might say, he was tried and found innocent of child molestation, intoxicating a minor, abduction, and conspiracy by a jury of his peers. That’s incorrect for two reasons.
First, he was not found innocent, . . .
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I know the title and content of this piece will be interpreted as mean-spirited by some people since it reflects not even a modicum of reverence for the memory of the recently-departed Michael Jackson.
The irreverence is fully intentional.
I’m aware that it’s unkind and ungracious to speak ill of the dead and for that reason I thought I’d avoid commenting on Jackson’s untimely demise. However, I’m fed up and not going to take any more of this adulation being heaped on the undeserving, yet-unburied King of Pop.
That adulation, bordering on adoration, exemplifies both the short attention span and the inclination of his many millions of fans worldwide to overlook and discount the “man’s” perversions in favor of salivating over, listening to, and watching their king do his thing even if his thing is no longer live and in person.
If he was this generation’s king of anything, Wacko Jacko was the King of Pervs, the King of Pedophiles, the King of the Disturbed and the Absurd. Kings get away with almost anything, and so did Jacko. Furthermore, if anyone was emblematic of a disintegrating Western culture, it was Michael Joseph Jackson.
The seventh of nine children of the prolific Joe and Katherine Jackson’s Gary, Indiana clan, his childhood may best be described as unusual as well as brutal. That fact may be sad but it is no defense for the evil he inflicted on children in his later years.
I will leave to Jackson’s idolators to review his amazing career and talent and to gloss over his early years but the fact his last, or semi-last, or one of his many wills never mentions dear ol’ dad is testimony to Jacko’s negative memories of Papa Joe Jackson.
Those same idolators, when pressed, will both defend his father and family and go on to use his childhood to explain his actions.
That defense works only in our court system when attorneys seek sympathetic jury nullification to find a defendant not guilty in the face of a preponderance of evidence to the contrary. Let’s face it, Jacko was a sick, twisted individual who paid big bucks to keep himself out of jail for serial acts of pedophilia.
In the case of Michael Joseph Jackson, the scam of blaming his conduct on poor parenting wouldn’t wash with any jury that could sublimate senseless worship to objective rationality. His life would dictate a guilty verdict based alone on the damage he did to any number of kids, all boy kids.
That damage will be ignored and forgotten in the ensuing weeks and years as Jackson’s relatives battle for his presumptive millions and as the starstruck media clamor for headlines to peddle their trashy reports to gullible fans.
But, naysayers might say, he was tried and found innocent of child molestation, intoxicating a minor, abduction, and conspiracy by a jury of his peers. That’s incorrect for two reasons.
First, he was not found innocent, . . .
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Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Stuart Smalley Goes To Washington
Stuart Smalley Goes to Washington
Minnesotans, this is your new senator!
“Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.”
Truer words were never spake nor writ than that cynical observation of H.L. Mencken. The good citizens and the Supreme Court of the State of Minnesota confirmed their truth by electing and confirming Al Franken, aka Stuart Smalley, as United States Senator.
I had hoped and thought it was some judicial mistake or a reporting error but then I read it on USA Today so, regrettably, it can’t be an error even if the ruling was a gross miscarriage of justice:
He’s just what the senate and the nation need in these critical times, an unfunny clown to complement the executive branch’s entry for the nation’s most outstanding circus performer, Joe Biden.
Lackluster, talentless comic, tireless abuser of American values, failed left wing radio talk show host Franken will represent Minnesota for the next six, long years in the hallowed hall of the “world’s greatest deliberative body,” thereby proving that H.L. Mencken was indeed a prophet in his own land.
When Democrat Franken first announced he would make a run for the senate seat then held by Republican Norm Coleman, it was widely assumed to be another joke by the media-hungry Franken but it turned out he was being serious for a change.
It was in fact a joke, a bitter jest that he would think himself qualified to be a United States Senator and believe Minnesotans would elect him.
The joke appears to be on us scoffers following months of recounts, protests, and Democratic Party chicanery that would have made Chicagoans proud. Their fellow midwesterners showed that dirty politics and ballot stuffing were not exclusive to Illinois and that the ”Land of 10,000 Lakes” could be as dumb and corrupt as they.
The Minnesota fraud that blossomed and grew exponentially was detected as early as November 8th, four days after voters cast their ballots: . . .
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