Monday, June 18, 2012

Obama's One-Sided Race War, Part One

Obama's One-Sided Race War, Part One

“We know your origin in the world. We know how long you were set to live. And unless you change, your end has come.” (Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan)

“You want freedom? You’re gonna have to kill some crackers! You’re gonna have to kill some of their babies!” (New Black Panther Party Minister King Shamir Ahabaz)

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.” (Candidate Barack Hussein Obama)

In America’s racially-charged society, anyone with half a brain could have guessed in 2008 that any criticism of semi-black President Barack Hussein Obama would be met with allegations of racism–and anyone with a complete brain would have been positive of that eventuality.

Many of us also anticipated that Obama would instigate racial dissension in the United States aimed at achieving his Saul Alinsky-ite goals of destroying this nation.

None of us have been disappointed in our expectations, the upshot of which is an ongoing, one-sided race war, a war which most white people refuse to acknowledge exists either because they prefer to ignore reality or because they are ignorant of the consequences of a majority population trying to survive under the yoke of a militant minority bent on violence.

I know how those views will be received–as the rantings of a confirmed bigot intent on disparaging African-Americans, as vicious invective from someone dedicated to stirring up racial division, as the wild accusations of a white supremacist who harbors a deep animosity toward blacks, none of which are true.

Please read on.

Last Friday’s Rose Garden confrontation between the president and an inquisitive reporter served not only to infuriate the commander-in-chief but to ignite new battles in America’s race war. I’m fully aware we’re not supposed to say things like that, talk about race wars; they strike uncomfortably close to denied truth and are extremely politically incorrect.

On the other hand, it’s acceptable nowadays for black race baiters to make far more incendiary pronouncements, as when Farrakhan threatened the extinction of the white race and the New Black Panther Party issued a call to arms and murder.

Something, many things, are amok in America.

From the outset of his administration, despite his public declarations of the dawning of a new era of racial harmony, President Obama embarked on a concerted effort to divide Americans along class, cultural, and racial lines. November 6th, 2012 will determine the political effectiveness of his class and cultural wars; the race war is already in progress. . .


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