Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Obama's One-Sided Race War, Part Two

Obama's One-Sided Race War, Part Two

(Part One, http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=25640, dealt mainly with President Barack Hussein Obama’s and Attorney General Eric Holder’s efforts to wage a race war in America. Part Two focuses on the latest instance of race-baiting in that war.)

Whether Donald Trump is correct in speculating that President Obama cut a deal with his buddies in Saudi Arabia to pump more crude in order to keep gas prices down in the US until Election Day, whether it’s true that Israel will soon launch a pre-emptive attack on Iran, or whether Lindsay Lohan will be dead from an overdose before her 27th birthday are inconsequential worries as contrasted with the reality that America is engaged in a race war.

That war in progress would make all other concerns irrelevant. More evidence of that war between blacks and whites emerged in the White House Rose Garden last Friday.

Last week, Obama proved once again that he would brook no opposition to his autocratic rule. His overreaction to questions was immediately followed by a slew of Obamians on cue charging that Neil Munro’s alleged interruption of the president’s scheme to override the Constitution was predicated on white racism.

We all know that constantly stirring the racist pot is an absolute necessity in order to win a race war.

A cacophony of voices quickly emanated from the mainstream media and from congressional African-Americans in reaction to the temerity of DailyCaller.com’s White House correspondent Munro asking, “Mr. President, why do you favor foreign workers over Americans?”

Munro reasonably felt a president should respond to a few queries after unilaterally reversing long-standing federal policy on immigration, an extremely controversial and possibly illegal decision designed to bolster Obama’s support among Latinos. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=25694.)

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