Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Signs of the End of Obama's Reign?

Signs of the End of Obama's Reign?

It may be an exercise in wishful thinking, but there are clear indications that Emperor Barack Hussein Obama’s assaults on the Constitution, his wars against the wealthy and middle class, against religion, against women, against prosperity, against Israel are all taking their toll and his despotic rule may be coming to an end.

In about 146 days, to be precise.

The very welcome signs are not just the obvious ones.

Continued economic stagnation, persistently high unemployment, widespread dismay over a raft of broken promises, and public disgust over admistration scandals and the president’s gaffes, lies, vacations, and golf games certainly will play a major part in Obama’s defeat on November 6th.

However, it is the erosion of his political base that must be giving David Axelrod and Company the hebejebes, if not chronic diarrhea, and causing similar reactions for Empress Michelle. She has to be wondering who will pay for her future extravagances and whether she will remain proud of her country should her hubby lose.

Thanks to the president’s sudden evolution on same-sex marriage and his dubious success in repealing the military’s DADT policy, he still has a lock on the homosexual vote. So, too, will a large majority of Latinos, African-Americans, and Jews cast their ballots for Obama.

Blacks will again vote for him in droves primarily because he is “one of their own” and despite complaints he hasn’t done nearly enough for the black community over the past three and a half years. Latinos will again vote for him in the expectation that with more “flexibility” in a second term Obama will legalize undocumented aliens despite the fact he has failed them.

Jews will again vote for Obama mainly because they have almost always voted for Democrats and despite his well-known antagonism toward the state of Israel and its president, Benjamin Netanyahu.

However, the electoral devil is in the ethnic details.

Obama garnered an unprecedented 93% of black votes in 2008 and, assuredly, most African-Americans will follow suit in 2012 but, based on North Carolina and Spike Lee, he won’t enjoy comparable numbers this year.

According to the authoritative BusinessInsider.com, the “Democrat-leaning” Public Policy Polling has found that Republican Mitt Romney would get 20% of the African-American vote and Barack Obama 76%.

That’s a comfortable margin for the president until one considers that in 2008 he won with 95% of the N.C. tally and Romney is now beating Obama 48% to 46% in the state. (http://tinyurl.com/6tux346)

If those figures don’t cause Axelrod to head for the Kaopectate, Spike Lee’s doubts on the re-election results should. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=25503.)

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